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Pat Ahumada |
The mayor ignored the appraisal district's $600,000 market value assessment when he pushed the building's $2,3 million purchase, ignored that the appraisal being relied on had been rejected two years prior and that it was now obsolete. He ignored that the appraisal did not rely on typical competing retail properties similar in location and size as La Casa de Nylon, which discredited the value reported and was the reason the appraisal report was rejected when I was mayor.
La Casa del Nylon |
Now compare La Casa de Nylon to the Mercantile Bank purchase with more land, parking and building space for the same price.
Now the City Commission proposes to conver La Casa de Nylon to a fire training facility in a retail district, which is not in conformity with the land use and traffic density.
The city justifies putting more money into La Casa de Nylon because it spends $130,000 to send 19 firefighter cadets to Houston for training over a two year period. The city says it can save $70,000 by training them at La Casa de Nylon site, but it will take 123 years to recoup the $4.3 million invested, which includes the $2 million to convert the building to a fire training facility and assumes 19 firefighters are needed every two years.
Does the city need to be in the real estate and fire training business?
Pat Ahumada
Estas bien Super-Pendejo, Pat. A decade from now, Casa del Nylon will be worth twice what the city paid. Real estate is long-term, you goddamned Has-Bean!
ReplyDeleteWhoever this is-if U believe Ur own comments in this post-Ur F___Up..........
DeleteNo mames anonymous, the guy is an appraiser. Real estate downtown has been depressed for decades. Hope you're not a part of the decision making process at the city. By the way I've got a George Straight ocean front property in Arizona deal you may be interested in.
ReplyDeleteI don't get it, the blogs and bloggers are always putting Ahumada down when it seems he is the only one that makes sense. What is it with McHale, Montoya and this Blog that hate Ahumada?
ReplyDeleteGot that shit right, Pat. I look for your comments so I can get in here and kick you fat Mexican ass. Keep'em coming, lambiscon!
DeleteNot so. Ahumada's comments are published on this blog because they are newsworthy and provide unique perspective.
DeleteThe question posed is based on the Anonymous posts that criticize just to critize and past Blogs as stated promote hate against Ahumada, just because I speak out. If it were anyone with any other name, nothing would be said or blasted, but if it is Ahumada everything I post gets blasted. Makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteTu eres el Town Punching bag, Pat! Aceptalo y move on, buey!
DeleteTex-Mex much? PENDEJO!
DeleteMentally speaking, Pat Ahumada has no dick. He needs an editor in his brain, ese vato loco.
ReplyDeletePat Ahumda needs to shut up. Siddown and shut up already, pat! Siempre con tu pedo, buey.
ReplyDeleteIf Pat was such an excellent appraiser, where is his multi million dollar appraisal company? If Pat was such an excellent Mayor, why isn't he still mayor? You see pat, you like to pretend to be a leader, but your dwis, check fiasco, and the way you run your meetings speaks for itself. Focus on becoming an established figure who can look back on your legacy. Stop meddling and embarrassing yourself. You are always so angry! Find a way to enjoy life! You are a former mayor for fucks sake!
ReplyDeleteAll of you made my point! Now, if Ahumada is so terrible at everything, then all of you prefer what you have. Then why should anyone run for office to make it better? And if you are not happy with what you have on the commission, then who would you like to see elected? And, the if you do not have someone that can do better than Ahumada or who is on the commission now, why don't you run?
ReplyDeleteMr Ahumada , I'm sure you've realized by now most if not all those comments blasting you are by the Internet pest, Cris Valadez . Of course he'll criticize you, he is part of the unethical crowd that runs the town. You shouldn't have helped his worthless ass when he was stealing from P.U.B, should have let him be arrested . Mr.Ahumada you have good insight and your postings are appreciated by many.Ignore Valadez , eventually karma will take care of him .
ReplyDeleteChris valadez is a trouble maker. Fuck that puto
ReplyDeleteWhy do you allow "low life losers" to comment? Maybe to display the clowns that are running the city. Give them a Mexican red hot dog and tell them to take a hike. This is my opinion
ReplyDeleteAgree. Make them ID themselves. Anonymous bullshit has to end, Jim.
DeleteAnonymous at 5:47. Why allow racist comments like yours? How do you know they're mexican? Ignorance has no skin color.
DeleteIt is good to see that not all agree with these negative posts that are promoted by people who really do not care about our community and obviously have an agenda. This is why good people are not running for office and the standards are being lowered which is getting people to think anyone can run for office. We are seeing today candidates with no credibility and they do not believe in themselves, much less in the true spirit of public service. You see a lot of candidates that run just to run and do not invest any money. They run hoping a Hail Mary will get them into office. Thank you for the positive posts. To the negative people who post attacking me, try getting someone who will run who is better than what we had and have, including me. Get someone who is an independent thinker, someone who does not run in packs because he is too weak to stand on his own and get someone who is not afraid to speak out or stand up to special interest. Get someone who will give you a voice or run yourself instead of blasting Ahumada. Thanks!
ReplyDeletepat ahumada should pay his taxes like everyone else. before you complain... how about being a productive citizen like everyone else that pays their taxes without complaints... that's where being part of a civilized society begins...
Account # Owner Name Mailing Address Legal Description
2016 TAX YEAR TAXES DUE - AS OF 04/14/2017
Tax Year Base Due Penalty / Interest Attorney Fees / Other Fees Total
2016 $1,600.22 $176.01 $0.00 $1,776.23
Tax Year Base Due Penalty / Interest Attorney Fees / Other Fees Total
Details $1,312.00 $354.23 $249.93 $1,916.16
Instead of trashing Pat, why doesn't 04-13 at 10:41 pm respond to the issues Pat is addressing. These are real concerns for the Brownsville taxpayers.
DeleteAnonymous 10:41 PM, you are in my prayers every night. The Lord says he protects me from my enemies and to leave the vengeance to him, which I do and pray every night that he deals with those like you that are full of hate and seek me harm. When you look at yourself in the mirror, be proud of yourself to be the scum and the biggest coward that supports the worst corrupt city Administration known to many of us. You elect people like the mayor, because it serves your purpose, but be assured the road to Perdition is paved with people like you.
ReplyDeleteYou can attack me personally all you want, but you cannot intimidate me to keep quiet on matters that affect our city. I am not running for office and it is not crime to owe property taxes, after all the collateral supports the debt and more. And, I do not have to defend, justify, explain to you my personal situation, therefore, attack me all you want. However, this does not change the facts on the Casa Nylon and the fraud perpetrated by those you support on the citizens of Brownsville.
You are in my prayers every night asking the Lord that he befall you tenfold what you wish on me, so please remember me when Karam visits you.
Pat do not let them get to you, it is Cris and his group of haters. As the saying goes birds of a feather flock together, so we know the haters to be Cris, Atkinson, Longoria, the mayor and all those who do not want you to speak out, because they look bad. You stood up to them and they do not like it.
ReplyDeleteMost of these comments are from Duardo Paz-Martinez, a fake journalist, occasionally visiting relatives in Donna.
DeleteDoes anybody else find it hilarious yet pathetic that Pat Ahumada refers to himself in the third person? What a megalomaniac.....
ReplyDelete"Thus sayeth the Ahumada," bold Ahumada said,"wtf was that curb doing there when I was texting and driving even though I made a huge deal about banning driving while texting?!?!"
Well....unlike a broken clock La Ahumada is right only once a political season. I guess this might sort of be his one. Barely.