Thursday, March 23, 2017

Coverboy on Time Magazine's "The Death of Truth"

1 comment:

  1. Trump is trying to ram rod GOP House reps just like he did contractors. He covered this in the "Art of the Deal". Nothing new under the sun. His seven bankruptcies, one for close to $1billion, point to the future under Trump. Anyone following this blind egotistical liar will end up in the same hole.

    The remarkable irony of the "negotiations" is that the so-called Freedom Caucus has been rebelling because the Ryan plan does not undermine the lives of enough American citizens for their tastes. They want many more millions to be shut out of receiving health care than even Ryan's disgusting plan.

    Putting all this into perspective, in 1996 the Russians amended their constitution to make free health care a right of all Russian citizens. So, under Putin, who just had a political vital shot in the streets of Kiev yesterday, the Russian govt voted to give all their constituents free guaranteed access to health care forever. Shows just how sick Trump and the GOP truly are in their quest to create an American oligarchy to rival that of Putin's.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...