Friday, December 30, 2016

Mike Hernandez III Starts New Blog; "The Blogspot of Mike Hernandez III"

From the editor:  Doing a Google search for references to Mike Hernandez III, part owner of D&M Leasing of Grand Prairie, TX, I found The Blogspot of Mike Hernandez III.  Evidently, Mike, unhappy with the publicity he was receiving from Brownsville's current blogs, started his own.  

Under the blog owner's name, Mike Hernandez III, appears the note:  "Blogger Since September 2016.  So, Mike has been in the blogosphere for four months and no one knew it.  Perhaps, it's because he has yet to write his first article.  

Take your time, Mike.  Make it a good one!

No posts.


  1. I have been reading the stupid back and forth from Juan Montoya and the pest Eduardo Paz Martinez for days now, and quite frankly, I have been laughing my ass off with these so called journalists. One says Montoya is being paid by Mike Hernandez to the tune of 400 dollars....the other denies it.....but truth be told, journalists are like cops, they couldn't get to the bottom of anything if it were not for snitches. Well here it is idiots, and I am referring to you Eduardo. There is truth in what both bloggers are saying. Juan says that he has never received a penny from Mike Hernandez. Dumbass Paz Martinez says Mike Hernandez says he is paying him through his cousin. Where is the investigative reporting Paz brags about, huh? Yes Mike Hernandez does have several cousins in Brownsville, but the one with the biggest mouth and dumbest to be quite frank, is mon other than George Gavito....yes folks, he is still alive and running his stupid mouth! George Gavito has been overheard telling anyone that listens to him, that he is paying Juan Montoya on behalf of his cousin, but that he only pays him half of what Mike gives him, ....hey, a guy needs to make a little money no? There you have it, the cat is out of the bag. Mike Hernandez is right, he is ge
    Sending money Montoya's way through his cousin George, who happens to own a watering hole downtown that Montoya frequents. So Montoya is telling the truth also.....Mike has never paid him a dime as far as he knows, it's Gavito. Gavito brags to his few friends that he pays him and instructs Montoya to lay off his cousin. There Eduardo Paz Martinez.....go ahead and take credit for the true story......again!

  2. LMMFAO! You are right dude, without snitches, cops and reporters wouldn't have anything. At least you told it like it is, snitch. LOL

  3. Eduardo Paz Martinez will write a story about George Gavito paying Montoya on behalf of his cousin Mike. He will call George Gavito and ask him personally, because he is a professional Jim, and that is what real journalists do....forget the fact that he read it on your blog....LOL! Paz Martinez, Geaorge Gavito....Puranas puz. LOL George Gavito strikes again....he can't help opening his mouth and trying to make himself out to be Mr. big shot.

  4. This is true anony 6:10. George Gavito always brags that el Run Run does as he says. He was showing people the story Run rrun ousted on the mosquito repellent he was distributing. He was all proud that it was his idea and how his cousin paid for the cans. He does have a big mouth.

  5. 100 bucks the imp call Geaorge Gavito to confirm or deny claim that he is paying Montoya for his Cousin Mike Hernandez. Montoya will be pissed when he finds out that Gavito is telling everyone he owns him. I bet u.

  6. They are both liars. Paz never went to Colorado. All of his pictures are on the internet for anyone to use. He never posts pictures of himself on his trips. He only posts the same old pictures over and over again.

    1. Good point. He got the pics and restaurant reviews online. Fake trip, fake story, fake journalist. No wonder he got back to McAllen so quickly while the Denver airport was cancelling flights and the roads were nearly impassible. Lol!

    2. and the Russians hacked his blog! ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    3. Wrong again, boys! /DPM has photos of his scenic Colorado trip. They need to be edited to preserve the anonymity of a beautiful young acquaintance on his arm, but that won't take long. Get ready to eat crow, losers!


  7. You have to edit out the inflatable beautiful partners on your arm?!

    1. He needs to edit down the size of her fat, ugly ass, no doubt. Is she insisting on the anonymity? Prolly cuz she doesn't want anyone to know she's with this Bogus Travel Blogger Looser (BTBL), if he even went. Ha!

  8. Hey Anonymous-HIM-/DPM (January 2, 2017 at 9:56 AM)........

    Since you like to post as anonymous.....When are you going to allow anonymous comments on your latest faux blog?

    You aren't afraid of anonymous comments, are you?


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                                                              Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Presidente Municipal de Matamoros, Beto Granados...