Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation Postpones Meeting to Hear Oscar Garcia's Sales Pitch

Nena actually saved us a trip to the ITEC Center on Mexico Blvd for a noon meeting of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

"You ought to call down there before we go. You know they're always cancelling their meetings," she said.

Sure enough.  A young woman answering the phone at the BEDC said that today's noon meeting had indeed been cancelled.(For clarification, the GBIC meets in the BEDC board room and calls to the GBIC are answered by BEDC staff.)

"Has it been rescheduled?" I asked.

"Let me put you on hold for a second, OK?. . . . . . . . . . Hello, sir.  I do not have that information.  You can call back later."

The agenda of this particular meeting was to feature yet another
Oscar Garcia, Jr., Jacobs Engineering Pitchman
pitch by Oscar Garcia, Jr. a local politico's offspring hired by Jacobs Engineering as a "Project Engineer," a role that will likely be fulfilled if Junior can sell the GBIC on Phase II and Phase III of a $750,000 plan to implement a $454,000 plan for the Port of Brownsville and industrial corridor infrastructure. Normally, the Brownsville Economic Development Council pre-approves projects before they go before the GBIC for rubberstamping, but, in this case, the BEDC has already failed to see the need to fund yet another "study" of the industrial corridor.

Carnival Barker
Young Garcia has already performed a "workshop" at the City Commission to ask for the money.  If this lad is an engineer, than so is the snaggletoothed barker at the carnival, tempting you to try your luck at knocking over three wooden milk bottles with a wobbly ball.  Carnival Engineer?  That has a good ring.

Mean Mister Brownsville with Robin McCaffrey, Originator of the $454,000 Port of Brownsville and Industrial Corridor Infrastructure Plan


  1. Oscar Garcia is incompetent and relies on his "mama's" influence because he can't make it on his own. He is un-electable and relies on his "mama's" friends for a job. The Garcia Klan and the Kardenas Klan survive by sucking the community dry.
