Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Has the Brownsville Mayoral Election Been Tainted, Corrupted by Election Clerk Ceci Rosas?

Election Clerk Ceci Rosas Apparently Violating Oath
The Texas Election Code, designed to protect the integrity of elections conducted in the State of Texas, provides for this oath to be administered to Election Judges and Election Clerks:

“I swear (or affirm) that I will not in any manner request or seek to persuade or induce any voter to vote for or against any candidate or measure to be voted on, and that I will faithfully perform my duty as an officer of the election and guard the purity of the election.” “I swear (or affirm) that I will not suggest, by word, sign, or gesture, how the voter should vote; I will confine my assistance to answering the voter’s questions, to stating propositions on the ballot, and to naming candidates and, if listed, their political parties; I will prepare the voter ’s ballot as the voter directs; and I am not the voter’s employer, an agent of the voter ’s employer, or an officer or agent of a labor union to which the voter belongs.”

Martinez, Mrs. Martinez, Election Clerk Rosas
The above oath was apparently violated by an Election Clerk serving during early voting at the Brownsville Public Library, Ceci Rosas, who is pictured above and to the left, holding a "Tony Martinez for Mayor" sign.

The unethical support of an election clerk working at the Brownsville Public Library could possibly explain harassment received by supporters of Pat Ahumada holding signs along Central Boulevard.  The Brownsville Police came out twice, once to investigate "loud music" emanating from Ahumada supporters and another call to respond to a complaint that Ahumada's natural voice, not enhanced by electronics, was "too loud."

Election Judge Arcellia Villolon Unethically Conferring
with Constable Candidate Abelardo Gomez and his
Compadre, Junior Andrade in 2012
Brownsville has a history of Election Judges and Clerks unethically working for campaigns, despite swearing in oaths to stay neutral.  In 2012, Election Judge Arcellia Villolan was observed conferring with candidates during voting hours at the Cameron Park polling location.  After Nena snapped the picture at the left Ms. Villolon called the Cameron County Sheriff's office and then Election Administrator Roger Ortiz. While the Sheriff's deputy never approached us, Ortiz threatened to have us arrested for "trespassing."


  1. Google Pat Ahumada and Tony Martinez. Check the pic that appear, then check out their wikipedia pages. Compare them. Obviously, the St. Joe mafia has been doing their job$.

  2. Hopefully the voters have had enough of Tony Martinez and understand that he has put the city into debt to by real estate that continues to sit vacant. Tony is NOT a leader and is a willing pawn to an unelected bunch of elitists...United Brownsville....and all seek to deny public input to city decisions. Anybody but Tony! No one "believes" in Tony.

  3. Tony "tranzas" Martinez is corrupt beyond belief!
    This is ridiculous someone notify the FBI!

    1. What is stoping you to notify the FBI.....PENDEJO?!

  4. In a town devoid of trust and honor, it is the shit that will always win.

  5. Ceci Rosas needs to be visited by the FBI, and she will start singing like a blue canary of all the the previous elections that were rigged. Follow the connections associated to Tony Martinez and it will lead to the cameron county present clerk's office.


  6. Cameron county clerks office is a rat's nest. It's an extension of the county elections office.

  7. The above oath was apparently violated.
    The unethical support... could possibly explain,

    Another reach, Jim. In a blog of fantastic reaches.

    If she wasn't supporting any candidate while serving as a poll worker, then it's a non-issue. If she's not an employee or 2nd-degree relative (or paid beneficiary) of a candidate, then it's a non-issue.

    1. Jim is just protecting himself from defamation by stating these are allegations. I agree with his use of "apparently" and "could possibly" because it tells us it's a possibility and he isn't claiming he's certain they're true. Stop your whining. If you obviously don't have a problem with the corruption, then YOU are part of the problem.

  8. This "could possibly" and "apparently" business is an attempt to avoid being sued while casting aspersions and I get it but it makes it look like you don't have the courage of your convictions. This is something Montoya does, too. I'm thinking that if you don't think you can say it outright maybe you shouldn't say it at all.

  9. I'm sure Tony-TRANZA-Martinez and his elitist cohorts can get this RATA DE DOS PATAS off the hook. Pinche vieja lambiscona pedora. What's in it for her?

  10. Tony has been corrupted by his elitist friends, such as Julieta Garcia (backed by the Kardenas Klan), United Brownsville and funded by Abraham Galonsky. Tony doesn't seem to be an independent thinker, and depends on his elitist friends and corrupted allies to run an autocratic and secretive administration. Tony doesn't want to allow public input to city policy because he thinks of us as ignorant and not worthy to participate. He showed his real Dumbokratic Party colors when he sought party political backing. He ask those who corrupt the county to support his efforts to further corrupt the city.

  11. There is no bigger gaping, blown-out asshole than Brownsville, Texas.

  12. Why does pat cry fairness now? Wht bout the public comment he banned or the check or the contracts to shady companies he fought to award Fly Frontera sports park etc? I'm not pro Tony but it sure does make me sad to know this is the best we could scrounge up for mayor of our beautiful city.

  13. Erasmo or his sister on the blogs again everyone.

  14. I'm voting a blank ballot, cause I believe we should try four years without a fuckin' mayor! And then in four years I will run promising to give everyone a free bath. heh heh heh

    Zeke Sauceda

  15. Cameron county clerk will do anything for Abel Gomez.

  16. I am curios to know Jim, was there a violation or not? It appears from the oath that it pertains to while a person is in fact on the clock and not off duty. Clarifying the issue would serve the public more than speculation. That way people could focus on real issues instead of this kind of stuff.

  17. thats not Junior
    thats Abel's younger brother

    by the way Junior is a crook Abel would not associate with him, would he????



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