Wednesday, May 13, 2015

There's More Than One Way to Skin A Cat~Neutering Tony Martinez

Mayor Tony Martinez, Brownsville's Worst Enemy
In brutal, indiscreet, inappropriate language: No one has fucked* the City of Brownsville and its taxpayers more than Tony Martinez.  Only the inept "reporting" of the Brownsville Herald, the apparent apathy of the registered voters, yes, the lack of education pounced upon by Tony's Austin ad agency, Message, Audience, Presentation, Inc, can possibly account for Martinez receiving 43% of the vote in the May 9 mayoral race.  In even a semi-perfect world, Tony Martinez would be jailed for his crimes against Brownsville, assessed fines for restitution in the millions of dollars.  My apologies to PAWS, but no Brownsville cat is more in need of neutering than Tony Martinez.

Every move Martinez has made as mayor has been to placate and curry favor with Juliet Garcia, the former President of the University of Texas at Brownsville, UTB.  Our lovesick mayor has giddily offered his dear Juliet City Plaza for "administrative space," Lincoln Park for her overhyped America's Institute and $3,500,000 in downtown buildings to "keep UTB downtown."  Even the proposed tripling, but eventual doubling of downtown parking fees was about creating a slush fund for UTB's successor, UT-RGV.

Yet, we face the reality of only two options to stymie, squelch and stifle the incredible recklessness of the smug, but, firmly entrenched mayor: 

1. Former Mayor Pat Ahumada, who garnered 17.83% of the vote as runnerup May 9, creates a sufficient consensus among supporters of his four non-incumbent opponents to overcome the 43-18 Martinez lead in the May 9 general election and win the runoff.

2.  At least two of the current candidates for City Commissioner emerge as "independent voices" on the commission and one current commissioner, not involved in a re-election campaign, asserts his or her independence.  That would add three independent voices to District 2 City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau, who has gradually grown into the role of speaking up for her constituents, even if it brings down the wrath of the mayor.

City Commissioner Elect Cesar de Leon
While option 1 seems like a long shot, there are distinct possibilities for option 2.  Cesar de Leon, by far the largest vote-getter in the 2015 city elections with 4,335 votes or 54% in a four man race for City Commissioner At Large "A," did receive financial support from Martinez crony Abraham Galonsky, but has shown signs of independence.  When someone approached young Cesar at a campaign event, saying, that, if elected, he should simply say "no" to anything Tony suggests, he simply laughed, not a nervous laugh, but a "I know what you mean" laugh.  Perhaps, that is why Gerardo Martinez, with ties to Martinez and United Brownsville, was a late entry to the race.  This afternoon, I observed Cesar, accompanied by a City of Brownsville administrator, being given a tour of downtown.  Many are hopeful that Cesar could be more independent than originally suspected.

District 1 City Commissioner Candidate Roman Perez
Another blogger has suggested that District 1 City Commissioner incumbent, Ricardo Longoria, Jr., is the independent voice Brownsville needs. Longoria has spoken out on a couple of issues, including the proposed sale of Lincoln Park, but, only belatedly, after public pressure from constituents.  By and large, Commissioner Longoria has gone along to get along, sometimes grandstanding with a counterpoint, but, almost always falling back into compliance with Mayor Martinez.  His opponent, Roman Perez, would easily be ten times the balancing alternative to Tony Martinez that Longoria has been.  No one currently on the commission or elected to serve knows the City Code, state and federal law, or even Robert's Rules of Order as well as Perez.  He would not be a blind opponent to Martinez on every point, but would force the mayor and others to do their research, dot their i's cross their t's and explain why something was needed, needed now and needed for that price. While I've had issues with the way Perez has shared information with me, I've no doubt he would potentially be Brownsville's most substantial protection against Tony Martinez.

*Nena did not approve the use of this word.


  1. If Roman knows the Code/Charter so well, why didn't he follow it in applying for a place on the Ballot. He obviously "fucked" it up. He lied to you about his credentials. He lied to the Herald about Michael Gonzalez supporting him, before the votes were even canvassed. He would be a bad choice. Anyway, you're a bit premature.

  2. Bobby wrote all this days ago. Barton is a joke.

    1. The obligatory Duardo comment.

    2. It doesn't mean it is any less true.

  3. Jessica Tetreau is the new Melissa Zamora.....loves the limelight and extremely self absorbed. She is an airhead......we can't depend on her to look out for the city. We can only hope that the provisional vote unseats her.

  4. Get over it Sergio, you are a loser and will always be a loser, pinche pendejo.

  5. BWC deleted my comment because it didn't go along with his viewpoint, which is if Tony wins and Lomgoria wins the city will be alright. The city isn't going to be alright with Tony Tranzas, look what he has done in 4 years at times unilaterally. Plus he'll still have influential people putting pressure on the commission for his agenda, vote pat and Rick in and we'lol benefit tremendously. Also don't complain about voter apathy then tells people to sit this one out in the same statement. Smh



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...