Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is Greg Abbott Winning the Sign War in Cameron County?


  1. Yes, but it looks like someone is losing the battle of the bulge!

  2. Is it even a "battle," Jim? Go get a real story, vato

    1. Is it even a "war," Jim? Go get a real story, Vato

  3. Mexicans, Jim, have a world-class Inferiority Complex. They buy into bigots like Abbott just t feel like they belong. They don't.

  4. Being Mexican has nothing to do with it; it's the fucking religion! And who doesn't want to belong to a segment of society whose God lets you be a corporate-loving, God-fearing consumer of both crap and bull shit.

    1. Shut up, Maria! Gimme some of that Spanish dancing

    2. I've got your Spanish dancing, just bend over, bitch.

  5. Signs are all Abbott has to offer Cameron County Voters. He does not consider Republican Voters in this county of any importance. That is why he has made such a dismal effort to campaign in this county. Claiming it is nothing but Democrats is just lazy. Same mentality that Perry had toward this region. Voting for Perry's Clone gets us more of the same....ignored by Austin.

    1. Abbott has made several trips to both Hidalgo and Cameron county and has spent considerable time in both and meeting not only the leadership but the people. Everything you posted is a lie.

    2. The

  6. As a Latina Independent Conservative I will be voting for Greg Abbott. I dated latinos and gringos, choose to marry a gringo as ALL had great respect for me. My husband values my independence, great admiration for my entrepreneurial success and he has NEVER felt treated by my achievements. Living in an area dominated by low information democrats I have been more discriminated, put down, ridicule, by my own "race." WHY would a fair minded person vote for a party who MURDERS the most innocent human beings as Wendy Davis gain national attention by not only advocated for abortion but, ABORTION ON DEMAND meaning if a woman is due tomorrow she can get an abortion TODAY if she wanted to? Why would a hard working Americans vote for a woman who LIED she was poor and pay way at Harvard for her law degree, when she MARRIED A SUGAR DADDY had a child with him who actually PAID FOR HER EDUCATION and get this left him the day after he made the last payment for her education? Wendy Davis also left behind with her SUGAR DADDY EX-HUSBAND HER TWO CHILDREN. As far as I'm concern Wendy Davis is EVIL, HATES HER OWN CHILDREN, BABIES AND DISABLE PEOPLE, and a blatant PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Her mental state is highly questionable which makes her a very dangerous person to be in a powerful position.

    1. You, my poor, poor child, are lost, in your politics and in your culture. You don't have to vote for a Democrat just because you are Hispanic, but you should know that Republicans outside the RGV have no time or need for Brown-skinned, or Brown-affiliated (by birth, yes) individual. That you arrive under the shadow of your Anglo is the telling bit from this ridiculously ignorant posting. Review your history, woman. Valley Democrats may be rats, but the Republicans you so cavalierly laud are rat-killers. Your assault on Wendy Davis is the same one mouthed by racists and bigots upstate. You re-mumbling their positions sinks you even lower on the intelligence scale. Do yourself a favor and lay low, doll...

    2. That must be Nena Barton's comment at 1058 a.m., 'cause Jim wouldn't post my answer to her barfing.

    3. Actually, Nena's been in the hospital since Friday with a stroke. The language used in the 10:58 AM post reflects a certain obvious political view not shared by Nena.

    4. So, why didn't you post m,y reply to her insanity?

    5. It's his blog. It is his perrogative. If he doesn't like your comment, he doesn't have to post it. Simple.

    6. Perrogative? Stupid, stupid Mexican!

    7. You sure are on this blog early in the morning to post that trash, asshole.

    8. Perrogative? ha ha ha ha ha Hey, what time am i posting this, Asswipe? LOL!!!

    9. Can't tell time, douchebag? You need ME to tell YOU?!

  7. Sorry to hear about Nena, I hope she is doing better, I will have positive thoughts for her recovery.

  8. Sorry to hear about Nena. Hope she is better soon.



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