Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hasse Files Motion for Rehearing~Are Young Republicans Still Under Gag Order?

Republican Precinct Chair Tad Hasse
Judge Menton Murray, Jr. may preside over yet a third hearing in the Hasse vs. Morris resignation case as a motion for rehearing has been filed by Precinct Chair Tad Hasse through his lawyer, Cesar De Leon.

The first two hearings did not produce a ruling with finality.  After the initial July 31 hearing, Judge Murray requested a supplemental brief from each side.  

Judge Menton Murray, Jr.
When the case was heard yet a second time August 26, Murray found the two resignation emails sent by Morris to party officials and County Secretary Ida Stacey to have been "unsigned," not meeting the standard of the Texas Election Code. Murray added a disclaimer "unless I can be shown otherwise."

Hasse maintains that the emails, "acknowledged and authenticated in court, meet statuatory requirements." His stance may also be supported by yet another state party memo, acknowledging the Morris' resignation, calling for a "New election."

Frank Morris
The 80 year old Frank Morris started this whole ruckus, when admittedly "saddened" by a credentials challenge, fired off a May 14 email resigning as county chair and the State Republican Executive Committee representing SR 27.  Morris took his name off the party checkbook and utilities, calling for the "new chairman" to pick up the materials "within 30 days."  Channeling the spirit of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Morris said he felt "free at last." 

Adding to the confusion, Morris, having second thoughts, sent another email 11 hours later, limiting his resignation to his then current term.

James Ross,
Youth Outreach Director
As a sidenote:  In our initial articles featuring the Hasse vs. Morris debacle, local young Republicans filled the blogosphere with hundreds of vociferous emails, several witty.   More recent blog articles have seen that participation dwindle to a mere trickle.  Is their a gag order or simply a self-imposed moratorium?


  1. It is Cesar De Leon (Hasse's Attorney)

  2. There is that Youth Outreach Minister picture again.

  3. That's pudgy Youth Outreach Minister, missy.

  4. No gag order....they finally realized how stupid this whole shit is and people are sick of all the sock puppet crap! Morris drop dead and Republicans go away please!

  5. It's not a gag order, Jim. They are busy getting local people elected. LOL My bad. I couldn't say that without laughing.

  6. I wonder if the local Repub candidates believe Frank Morris resigned. Carlos Cascos, Oscar X. Garcia, and Larry Smith.....what say you?

    1. Yeah. If we are supposed the vote for Oscar because he knows the law better than Magallanes who lent Limas money or something, what do you say Oscar?

    2. Even his favorite blogger thinks Frank resigned. C'mon Oscarito tell the voters what you think.

  7. Their, their, their, Mr. Barton. Somebody just probably posted a sign that says "don't feed the Hasseholes."

    1. Their,there. To,two,too. Homonyms.
      You chose the wrong one.
      Morris,email,resigned. Synonyms.
      I chose the right one.
      See the difference that well chosen grammar can make?

    2. I do, actually. I was being subtle about Mr. Barton's misuse of the possessive pronoun "their" in the last sentence of the article. But thanks for really driving the point home.

      See the difference that well developed inferences can make?

    3. Subtle? Inferences? Sure you are, pudgy.

  8. Where does Oscar stand on all of this?

  9. Did Frank resign, Oscar? Do you agree an e-mail is not a signature? Step up to the plate big guy. I am sure the legal community would like to know if you agree with Murray or not.

    1. Yeah Oscar. Step up. Stand by your man.

    2. Maybe he is quiet because he's thinking up a plan to switch parties??? Just askin'.

  10. I liked Oscar the first time he was a Republican. Now that he is a Republican again, I cannot in good conscience vote for him.

    I don't a politician like Oscar to take a stand.

    1. I am voting for Juan. He is the best candidate for the bench. And he doesn't switch parties back and forth. I want a judge. Not a politician.

    2. Good reason. Vote for Juan.

  11. Will all the Frankites resign if Murray rules Frank resigned all along? I know I wouldn't vote for Repubs if they allowed him to hold a party spot he resigned all along from according to the election code.

    1. OMG Roman and then maybe you can pretend to be somebody and finally get some sort of party position besides "ankle grabber" or "piss boy"!!!!! Seriously....

    2. Barking up the wrong tree, son. Woof. Woof.

  12. All hail, Chairman Pudgy.

  13. The best hope for the Repubs is for Murray to rule against Frank so that Alex Torres can finally take over.

  14. When your chairman's gone, resigned in shame, who you gonna call....The Pudgester.
    When you have a pool, and you need a pool, who you gonna call....The Pudgester.
    I ain't afraid of no spook.

    Ray Parker III

  15. Alex Torres, our best hope? Damn, we are in trouble!

  16. Because I'm pudgy
    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
    Because I'm pudgy
    Clap along if you feel like pudginess is the truth
    Because I'm pudgy
    Clap along if you know what pudginess is to you
    Because I'm pudgy
    Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

  17. We need Adela Garza!

  18. I agree- Adela Garza would be great. Sadly, we would find that the same people acting the fool today would do the same to her. And Alex. And anybody, really. But Adela Garza would be GREAT!

  19. Did Morgan ever get off her ass and file the ethics complaint against Joe Rivera? I haven't seen one. There has been nothing in the papers. Pretty damn worthless. Oh! I forgot! The tender, moist young Republicans really know how to get things done!

    1. Oh that is right. I forgot about that. Clock is ticking.

    2. ...and the fixation on the blonde by at least two of the five Republicans in the county continues. Jugs are magical that way....

    3. Time will tell...don't choke on your words...

    4. Blonde? Did The Morg take to the peroxide bottle again? Resistance is futile or something.

    5. Nah...still a redhead now.

    6. Posting at almost 3am is pretty obsessive. It's a work week.

    7. It's juggs, not jugs. Lowbrow fool.

    8. Ol' Taddy boy still jealous aren't we?

      "And I would have gotten away with it, if it were not for you pesky kids!!!"

    9. Aren't you cute posting at almost 2AM? On a work night no less.

  20. I heard Morgana wrapped it up for somebody else. No balls, these kids.

  21. You geniuses do know the TEC will not rule on violations during an active campaign and election, right?

  22. The only "active campaign and election" time time frame referenced in the code is as follows:
    Sec. 571.142. LIABILITY FOR RESPONDENT'S COSTS. (a) This section applies only to a sworn complaint if:

    (1) the complaint was filed after the 30th day before the date of an election;

    (2) the respondent is a candidate in the election; and

    (3) the complaint alleges a violation other than a technical or clerical violation.

    (b) If, in disposing of a sworn complaint to which this section applies, the commission determines that a violation within the commission's jurisdiction has not occurred, the complainant is liable for the respondent's reasonable and necessary attorney's fees and other costs incurred in defending against the complaint.

    (c) This section does not apply to a sworn complaint regarding a reporting omission required by law.

    Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 604 (H.B. 677), Sec. 3, eff. September 1, 2009.

    Other than that, holding a bag of shit is weightier than your argument.

  23. You had me at bag of shit....that was funny.



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