Friday, August 8, 2014

We May Have Dodged A Bullet When Tony Martinez Was Passed Over for the Ambassadorship to Mexico

Mayor Tony Martinez, not named
Ambassador to Mexico
The persistent rumor in 2011 was that Tony Martinez was running for elective office to qualify for an appointment as Ambassador to Mexico. A prerequisite for being a U.S. ambassador is having held elective office.

Another kernel of untruth floating around four years ago is that Mayor Tony gave a $1,000,000 gift to the Obama campaign to secure his ambassadorial nomination. After all, anyone who can afford to give away carne guisada plates while other candidates offer chicken, could easily spare seven figures for the Prez. Later, a politico explained to me that Martinez' contribution was only for $30,000, given to the Democratic National Committee. The thirty grand was bundled with other monies to make a million, and, what is more, a local lawyer contributed FOR Martinez.  It was not even his money! Myths get shattered!  

But, now, in retrospect, we know Tony is not cut out to be an ambassador, a diplomat.  Diplomacy calls for carefully choosing one's words so as to not unnecessarily offend, anger or humiliate another country's officials.  The past three years have demonstrated that Tony Martinez would be a bull-in-a-china closet style ambassador with possible serious international implications.

At one of Martinez first City Commission meetings as mayor, he referred to the female commissioners as "girls."  While our City Commissioners didn't fuss about it, German Chancellor Angela Merkel would likely not be pleased.

An effective diplomat not only has to deal with foreign leaders without disrespect, he has to answer to U.S. citizens with problems in the country where he represents their interests.  Among other things, a diplomat must be a good listener.  Martinez concurred with the banning of the broadcast of Public Comments for City Commission Meetings.  He would be a disaster as a diplomat as pesky American tourists abroad refuse to be ignored.
President Enrique Pena Nieto

Reports concerning this past Tuesday's Executive Session indicate Martinez disrespected a female commissioner.  Then, when a male commissioner intervened, he condescendingly referred to him as a "boy." Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is roughly the same age as Ricardo "Boy" Longoria.  Would Mexico cut off our water if Martinez called President Enrique Pena Nieto "boy?"

No, Tony Martinez is not ambassador material.  He would offend ethnicities, women, gays and likely have the country on the verge of nuclear war!  


  1. That arrogant asshole is nothing but a greedy corrupt lawyer, hypocrite covering himself behind religion

  2. This man "TONIA" (well so call "man") Martinez is a complete disgrace. This coconut with his ridiculous Tx Twang has definitely contributed to our THE POOREST CITY IN THE US status Hey dems is this the best you've got oh ya you all elected another idiot b HUSSEIN (a TERRORIST NAME) obama who has shown allegiance to narcos selling them arms to foment Mexico's narco war, traded five Taliban terrorist detainees of 911, all for a deserter traitor soldier Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Wines and dines with DICTATORS at the white house while labeling patriotic American Conservatives "domestic terrorist" and orders the IRS to attack them. And countless other mishaps, scandals, all tainted with corruption, too numerous to mention. REALLY democrats is this your best???????? Cause by American standards these two IDIOTS represent FAILURES AT BEST MEDIOCRACY!!!!!!

    1. Well, let's welcome Brownsville most ignorant slob.

  3. August 8, 2014 at 7;20 AM: Are you Sarah Palin?


  4. It matters not that he (Mayor McCheese) offends people, what matters is he offends the senses. He cannot think he the public is that stupid. This man is one of the most ineffective city leaders I have ever seen. He shows up lit a zit for every photo OP. I seriously hope there is an investigation into the downtown properties he was buying at ridiculous prices. Something is not right about those deals and it needs to be cleared up.



  From the editor: Any cognizant, informed American realizes Donald Trump is a pathological liar.  His inner compulsion is to lie every time...