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Frank Morris |
"My letter that went to the party secretary addressed only the term ending June 15, " Morris told Valley Morning Star Staff Writer Emma Perez-Trevino in an article published July 19.
Cameron County Precinct 102 Chair Tad Hasse has filed a lawsuit insisting Morris be true to his word, honoring the resignation letter he sent in May. Judge for yourself if Morris is resigning temporarily or permanently by the words and tone of his resignation letter, reprinted from a Mean Mister Brownsville article dated June 10:
Notice that Morris is "closing out all vendor accounts that are in his name," taking his name off the checking account, giving the "new chairman" 30 days to pick up the materials.
He encourages Party Secretary Ida Stacy to "contact the state chairman for further guidance."
Finally, he states: "It's been a great ride. I'm free at last."
Precinct Chairman Hasse, disturbed that Morris, despite resigning May 14, was continuing to act as a de facto County Chair, filed suit in 445th District Court seeking a Declaratory Judgement that Frank J. Morris has vacated his position in accord with Section 201.001 of the Texas Election Code-Resigning or Declining Office.
While filed in the 445th District Court, the matter will be heard by Senior Judge Menton Murray, Jr. in the 107th District Court at 974 E. Harrison St. on July 31 at 9:00 AM.
In private conversations, Hasse has expressed concern that the local Republican Party has become a "cult of personality," with gullible locals more attached to a long-entrenched leader than the principles of the party.
Hasse fears that Morris has carefully restricted inclusion into the party to those who support Morris' views and leadership style while stifling those with alternate viewpoints.
"If you just explained to people in Cameron County that the Republican Party is about keeping more of the money that you make, enjoying personal liberties with less government intrusion, people would embrace that. We just haven't gotten that message out," Hasse stated.
(more to come)
I read the resignation to mean his term that was ending on June 15. If the hearing in Fort Worth were to go against him, which it did not, he would have rolled that resignation in to include dates after June 16. The third sentence states he will resign after June 16th if it was necessary. All of the rest of the letter was formality regarding accounts signatures, etc.
ReplyDeleteYour second sentence is a conclusion based on drinking the koolaid. A reasonable person would just read the resignation letter on its own and not listen to the BS you heard at Winifred's house 2 days after he resigned. Ask yourself why he went to all the trouble of giving up everything for 30 days but want it all back a few days later. He is only interested in saving his own neck and not thinking about what is good for the party.
DeleteShe wasn't at Winifred's house 2 days later. Nice try.
DeleteInteresting that I am supposed to be a Frankinite. Roman Perez was the one who brought me on board and nominated me as an assistant secretary in the Republican Club of Brownsville. He also told me of his hatred for Frank and what and evil man he was. I told him I didn't find Frank's personality one that made him endearing to me or anyone else. He also made it known he was going to to everything he could to get him out. Roman also schooled me on the Tea Party meetings and who to vote/lean towards in local clubs. I have only been to Winifred's house on one occasion and it was at Roman's urging to meet Larry Smith. I like Roman and I am grateful for Roman's assistance in introducing myself and my husband to key players in our party. He is smart and intelligent on many issues but I am beholden to NO ONE. I vote my conscious, instinct, and hopefully well informed issues/decisions. I voted no confidence in Roman at our executive meeting because we as a party cannot survive with bickering and backstabbing. Don't do things behind peoples backs...take issue with them at the appropriate venue and time. Legitimate issue versus personal attacks. Offer a viable and real solution that the majority can get behind. Frank won't be here forever, do we have someone that is able to convey our party message and get along with the various personalities? Someone that knows procedure and has the time to dedicate to babysit and referee all of our chairs.
DeleteAlso regarding the comment at the end of Frank's previous term resignation I think it was written in a snarky manner and is irrelevant.
Ellen: Well reasoned. Well spoken.
DeleteThis is my swing set. This is my sandbox. I'm not allowed to go in the deep end.
DeleteThat's exactly the spin Frank gives now. But, why would someone say "It's been a great ride," if he intended to resume that ride 30 days later?
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Frank's spin zone.
DeleteObviously he thought it was a possibility that he would have to decline the office later, Jim. But you are cherry picking the parts of the letter that are the juiciest. He is not the de facto chair. He IS the chair. He did not decline and he has not resigned the (now) current term he was reelected to. It really is nit that difficult to grasp, just inconvenient for some.
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DeleteJim, tad sold you his snake oil.
ReplyDeleteYou can't resign a term that has not started.
Think about any other company, club, organization, office or position where a resignation is not a resignation. Morris did not take a leave of absence, a vacation, a hiatus, a holiday. He resigned.
DeleteThis is not a social club. There are rules to resigning a future office you have not assumed. You don't resign a future term, you decline the seat. It is in the letter, Jim.
DeleteJim, the story is that Tad is pulling another stunt. That is the story. You can pick apart the letter, and runs blog posts all you want but the fact is this: he is the county chair and Tad is pissed and getting nowhere.
ReplyDeleteTad may get nowhere. I think you will walk out of Judge Murray's court, saying: "Mr. Morris, we will fight this. You ARE the chair and will always be the chair."
DeleteThat is because, Jim, you are only aware of the aspects of the law Tad fed you.
DeleteYou are a tool for one man to exert his will over a majority who have nothing to do with his agenda. What a shame.
Ellen Tyma is the only Frank supporter so far with the courage to sign his or her name. All of the Frankites so far have commented anonymously, none having the courage of their convictions.
DeleteThis whole thing is so cult like.
Your personal hatred .. and willingness to accept what a fool tells you, makes your motive so obvious. Why would any of the party leadership wish to involve themselves in the rantings on here? So they might be the next person attacked? I think the members of the party are out doing their jobs .. getting ready for an election in the fall. Yes, the work starts early due to timelines in the law. Replying to your rantings and those of your followers is not high on their list of tasks.
DeleteLet's look at the facts, shall we? Frank resigned, realized that his hand picked successor didn't have the precinct chairs to be appointed as chair. Frank then rallied his people to fill as many vacant precincts as possible so these unelected Frankites can outvote the elected chairs. Then as if part of a greater scheme, Frank decides in a few months that he will step down and with his voting block of unelected chairs his candidate is a shoo-in. In the event of a vacancy the precinct chairs vote to appoint a new chair. Appointing chairs when he needs votes is classic Frank, he's done it many times in past to snuff out opposition to his cult.
DeleteHe does not want to be the chair indefinitely. The point is to have somebody with experience to mentor a viable replacement. You people want drama and chaos and to humiliate somebody. People like Tad do not have any good ideas, they just try to destroy everybody else's.
Delete8:01 - ditto!!!!
DeleteReally? All of his critics did the same and you did not call them out. They have been doing it for weeks. In fact, when somebody did sign her name, her family was dragged into the fray.
ReplyDeleteBecause "The Historian" and all the Anonymous posts reaffirming your beliefs are so courageous, aren't they? No mention of people being asked to conspire to file false charges against the chair and three other individuals either.
ReplyDeleteIt is not about supporting Frank. It is about executing the will of the 85% that voted for him. Tad does not get to crush the will of the people.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you will understand this, but I will give it at lease one try.
DeleteIf Morris, many, many years entrenched as chair, is able to control those who get into the party, those who become precinct chairs, he should get 85% of the vote even if a few independent thinkers slip past his screening. I'm just asking you to think about this as a possibility.
He received 85% of the voting Republicans county wide. He didn't get all those votes from his pct chairs. Maybe you should try to understand that fact.
DeleteJim, he was voted on im the Republican primary, and it was an open vote. It has nothing to do with who the precinct chairs are. You don't have to be a member of the party to vote in the primary either. There are some who voted for him because the alternative was as not a viable option.
DeleteYou seem to think that believing what you do makes one an independent thinker, but it sounds like your logic is spread thinly in err.
You do not have to be a member of the Republican party to vote in the Republican primary. He was voted in with 85% of those who voted in the primary, which has nothing to do with who the precinct chairs are. He also can not dictate who is "allowed" in the party. Case in point: Tad's behind was still allowed in the door though just about all hated the tai ted air he brought with him.
We want to out this behind us and get to business, but this circus is a time waster and another Ted Hasse manufactured drama. Pathetic.
That's correct. I wasn't thinking.
Delete“Dude, dolphins are intelligent and friendly!” — Wendy “Intelligent and friendly on rye bread, with some mayonaise.” — Cartman
DeletePol Pot always got 100%. Frank is slipping.
ReplyDeleteSo here's the deal, General Tso, Mr. President: when the Chinese make the sequels, I get to play the part of Luke Skywalker's son. Frank Skywalker.
DeleteThat was not the deal! We will not be bullied by you!
DeleteThen I guess we're about to play a game of chicken, General Tso!
Delete“ENOUGH!! Oh, Haa-ha. Anyway, if you’ll come with me in my car, I’ll take you up to my condo where I’ll kill you – I I mean-uh, uh give you – moneyy – for the triangle.” — Barbra Streisand “Sweet! I’m gonna be rich. Bet you wish you hadn’t given me that triangle back now, huh, Kyle? Dumb@ss! [heads for the car]” — Cartman “Wait. Isn’t there some rule about not getting into cars with strangers?” — Kyle “No, not when money is involved, stupid! [The kids climb into her car and Barbra revs it up]”
DeleteYou learn from your mistakes, you will learn a lot today.
ReplyDeleteNone of this would be happening if Norma Tovar were still alive. She was the only adult in the room.
ReplyDeleteThe cat keeps stepping on the F5 key.
ReplyDeleteI decided to name the cat Morgan.
I do feel sorry for KKKarlos KKKascos. His story about Joe is floundering on the blogs. The real media is talking about Morris and his resignation. Well played Guera.
ReplyDeleteNice try, Tad. The moment the story came out you were squawking your head off and upset that you were not the center of attention and did not do the work. Barton took the time and did the work himself. You worked to distract everybody from it and attack the person you thought was the source. Don't even attempt another pathetic bid at trying to manufacture a failure onsomebody else's part: you are trying to discredit Morgan amd embarass her so that she can not be active in supporting Republican candidates. You are so egomaniacal that you would sabotage something that benefits Cascos, whom you claim to support, just to harm her. You want to talk about Frank being unwelcoming? You have attacked young republicans and think yourself the arbiter of who can support candidates and participate in the process. You are a sad sack of puss.
DeleteTad, pretending to be Eustacio? Really? You ate really desperate to discredit Morgan. Sad, really.
DeleteTad's ego trip is crashing and burning, and he's throwing a little bitch fit because he's not getting his way. Crybaby Chad is using you, Jim, to spread his filth and his lies. Frank is a lousy chair but he WAS elected and IS the chair. By the way, Jim, Frank does not control who gets into the party. He never has. Anyone who chooses to vote in the Republican primary, ANYONE, can vote in favor or against Frank. I voted against him, but that doesn't change the fact that Frank is the duly elected and rightful chair. The party needs to get younger and more Hispanic. That is, unless they're content to continue as perpetual losers. That, and we need to lose Roman and Thad. They bring nothing to the table but strife, anguish, betrayal, hatred, ego, and rottenness to their cores
ReplyDeleteSadly there is no vaccine for being a hassehole, case in point: Tad is still here.
DeleteYou and your dad supported Frank's opponent, but now pretend to be Frank's biggest supporters. No, Frank did not create any leaders during his tenure, just followers. So, that's where we're at.
DeleteOh, BTW, Carlos says you can wear his campaign pin again.
Hey hassehole, it isn't Morgan. Lol.
DeleteBill and Morgan voted for Frank. Ask Roman. He vowed for him too. Stop being dumb.
DeleteMorgan Eben told Jessica and Ronan she voted for Frank. Next line of bull#! $....
DeleteThese clowns act like they speak for the county judge.
Delete” … I don’t want to shoot the bunny.” — Stan “No nephew of mine is going to be a tree hugger.” —Jimbo “Yeah hippie, go back to Woodstock if you don’t want to shoot anything.” — Cartman
Delete“Stan, what did I tell you about watching the Osbournes? It’s going to make you retarded!” — Stan’s Mom
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ReplyDeleteThe election code is what will dictate the proceedings, right? And I looked it up thanks to Jim pointing it out. It says without a doubt you can resign without waiting for term to start. He resigned without having to wait for June 16th. The letter says he will resign again if he had to. He doesn't because he already did. The Election Code permits it.
ReplyDeleteIt is all a wash! Frank Morris will stay as chairman and the party will continue to be what it is, a cult with Frank Morris as their leader who tells them when and what to do or think.
ReplyDeleteHere is a comment by Pat Ahumada he asked be reposted to this article:
ReplyDeleteLooks like the whole world now knows Tad is a republican! I tell Tad the party will never change locally under Frank Morris who has always sought to maintain control and has killed any efforts to allow the party to grow. It is the caste system in the party, based on Frank Morris. Back when I was in the Republican Party, which I no longer am and have not been since 2004-I brought in Chris Valadez, Eddie Padron, Enrique Escobedo, and many others, but the party under Frank rejected the creation of the Republican National HIspanic Assembly that we created and did everything to undermine it. The result being, the party is only for the select few allowed based on what they perceive to be republican. Oscar Garcia is a good example, when I ran for county judge, Frank Morris and his bunch went out of their way to get me an opponent-Oscar Garcia and made him an instant Republican. Looking back it is laughable, because Oscar was anointed Republican and all the precinct chairs with the County Chairman aligned themselves to beat me, but they really undermined themselves. The laughable part is that Oscar stated in his press release as the anointed one based on his friendship to Tony Garza and boldly said, "I have never voted in my life, because I have been busy with school and family". Imagine, never bothered to vote, because he was too busy, but he was good enough to anoint as a Republican. Now, the other laughable part is that he was anointed again, appointed to District Judge and signed up as a democrat, but when he saw who he had to compete against, quickly abandoned his principals and switched parties out of convenience. Now, this anointed republican, anti-corruption crusader, without principals is Mr. Republican wanting our vote. I would not trust his ethics, integrity, nor principals, as he has proven those ideals are only to be used out of convenience when it suits him. His anti-corruption campaign does not wash and voting democrat is my objection to what the GOP stands for and that is the caste system within the party. Minorities are welcomed, but mostly to meet their quota and to brainwash against the minorities.
Pat Ahumada
Pat, Tad has had a blast making fun of you on this blog. On top of it, you are not exactly an asset to any party.
ReplyDeleteThe only one who everyone knows that is a leader and a Republican is Adela. She is the best choice.
ReplyDeleteAdela is smart, proven she can get elected and get others elected. The Republicans would be wise to seek her out instead of defending that Morris guy.
DeleteAlex Torres went up against the Lucio machine and almost won. He is the best choice who can unite the party.
DeleteWhat makes you idiots think that it is mutually exclusive? Morris was reelected, we are looking for a viable successor who has the time, the money, and the skills to do the job well. It is NOT a part time job and certainly not a hobby to be a county chair, thise who support afrank tend to support Adela.
DeleteHopefully the likes of Roman and Jessica and Tad have not turned Adela off forever from considering it. The malice and vile nature of their assaults on that woman and her family make Tad's current wave of viciousness look like a high school mean girls act.
DeleteAdela is definitely a better choice than Alex. He hasn't paid his dues like Adela has. It's Adela's turn to be county chair. Cameron County would benefit from Adela's charisma, intelligence and leadership ability. Most important, female voters will identify with a strong Latina. It's time for Frank Morris to retire and for a new dawn to come to our party.
DeleteI agree, Alex is the only logical choice. He's an upstanding, dependable, devoted and affable individual. Adela's got too many enemies and Tad is a loose cannon. Alex is the right choice.
DeleteIf you haven't noticed Frank Morris is still our chair! It is shameful that someone would use this bogus lawsuit to advance her own political agenda. We need to rally behind our duly elected chair, not scheme behind his back. All of you that are involved should be ashamed.
DeleteNo we all can read. Frank resigned. He is gone. Good riddance. Time for Alex to take over. Adela couldn't even beat Jessica in this county in a primary runoff. Alex went toe to toe with the Lucios. Even they respect him. Adela is too old anyway. Now if you throw in Patty then maybe she is a better choice than Alex.
DeleteA pox! Frank needs us now more than ever. If you rally supported him in the past, if you call yourself a Republican, you must support him. Don't abandon him. Seriously.....
Delete@anon 11:23 PM: Really? Alex almost beat Lucio? Lucio won with 70% of the vote! Alex barely beat Mishou! Adela is the only choice!
DeleteGuys, leave Adela and Alex out of this, focus on the current order of business. Tad is trying to get all of you to start fighting over sceaps so he can push his pick, Jessica, in he is trying the same thing with the city commission. Stop fighting amingst yourselves and be unified. He and Roman want the diviseness so that they can weaken the majority as we fight a multifront war. Learn from history.
DeleteThe current order of business is Frank resigned and you want us unprepared for the inevitable. Are you even a Republican? I still haven't decided who should takeover. I am leaning towards Adela because her daughter can help her avoid the type of mess we are in now thanks to Frank.
Delete10:04 AM is SREC Sharon Batterson. Sharon can't accept that Frank's time is over. She'd be great on Team Adela but she needs to let go of the past and embrace the future.dela is the future of our Party.
DeleteThe Dems have a lawyer as chair. The Reps should do the same. That is why Patty needs to step up to the plate.
DeleteNope. 10:04 is not Sharon. Keep guessing, scrubs.
DeleteHow about Roy De Los Santos? Hey Roy, isn't it time for you to put a log in your cabin and fuck off?
DeleteKeep it classy, Tad.
DeleteGuess Tad was right about Roy sockpuppeting.
DeleteRoy would be a great choice. Maybe the YRs can make it happen.
Delete9:11, can Tad pull his hand out of your butt for a while or do you like it that much? Called and yelled at any other poor old ladies for "asking too many questions"?
DeleteThe only one here who's got a hand up their butt is Roy. It's Morgan's, btw ;) <3
DeleteGo get em Tad!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how Adela's name took this long to come up. She is a logical choice to replace Morris. Let's hope she will take the job and tell Morris to go away.
ReplyDeleteHi Patty! How's mommy dearest?
DeleteGo Adela!
DeleteAdela you have our support!!!!
DeleteHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously?!?!?
DeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No you're serious? HAHAHAHAHA!
I can't breathe. BWAHAHAHA!!
I'm espeechless.
Team Alex for the win!
Alex voted for Sharon for SREC. Where was Adela?
DeleteAlex voted for Frank for SREC. Where was Adela?
Alex stood up for Frank at the convention to keep him as SREC. Where was Adela?
Alex is the real Republican who can get the support of the grassroots.
Don't worry Alex. We got your back.
Adela is a great choice, but Patty is the best choice. Alex who?
DeleteGetting desperate, huh Patty?
DeleteI had the honor to meet Alex a couple of months ago. Well spoken, friendly, funny. I think he's more than capable of being county chair. Go get 'em Alex!
Delete^^^ This has been Sockpuppet Theater with your host Alex Torres
DeletePatty is beautiful, smart, a real lawyer, a real Latina, and a real conservative. Republicans could not do better.
DeleteI can, I'd choose Roman over Patty any day! No one knows Robert's Rules better.
Delete"I can, I'd choose Roman over Patty any day! No one knows Robert's Rules better." Said Roman the cry baby.
DeleteHi Patty!
DeleteCartman: Yeah, Hanukkah sucks. Kyle: Don't you oppress me, fat boy! Cartman: Don't call me fat, buttfucker! Kyle: Then don't belittle my people, you fuckin fat ass! Cartman: Goddammit, don't call me fat, you buttfucking son of a bitch!
ReplyDeleteRoman.....shut UP,
ReplyDeleteEach year, the Rainforest is responsible for over three thousand deaths from accidents, attacks or illnesses. There are over seven hundred things in the Rainforest that cause cancer. Join the fight now and help stop the Rainforest before it’s too late.”
ReplyDeleteKenny’s family is so poor that yesterday, they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage
ReplyDeleteAnyway Kenny, Yellow MegaMan is only $8.95, so maybe your mom can put it on layaway and make payments for a year or two.