Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Cameron County Republican's Feeble Attempt at Humor

Possible Future Cameron County Chair Alex
Torres, Former President Gerald Ford

A friend of mine, who fashions himself as a history buff, sent me this photo, accompanied by the following letter.  While, many will disagree with his comparisons, at least the writer is temporarily off the street:


It's strange sometimes that, not only does history repeat itself, but, within that repetition are smaller incidents that mirror those considered history worthy.

I've been struck by a strange parallel between the events leading up to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974 and the resignation of Cameron County Chair Frank Morris forty years later.

Much of Nixon's difficulty can be traced to 18 minutes of recorded conversation missing from the presidential archives.  

While not mentioned in his resignation letter, Frank Morris' recording and replaying of an extensive conversation with State Republican Chairman Steve Munisteri, did not set well with state party officials.

Back in '74, Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency following Nixon's resignation.  Many cynics suspected a brokered deal when Ford later pardoned Nixon.

Here locally, forty years later, Alex Torres is positioning himself to replace Frank Morris as Cameron County Party Chairman.  Is there a deal in place to pardon Morris?


The Historian


  1. Replies
    1. It's ok, Jim. We all know it's him. I guess he's still mad they laughed him out of Fort Worth.

    2. But they did laugh him out of Ft. Worth. I saw it. (I am not the person who posted the last two things.)

      Also, Alex Torres does not want to be county chair.

    3. Wrong! He has been trying to back his way into that place for some time. He is just too afraid to stick his head up until it is in the bag.

  2. Torres is just a wannabe, if they say frog he would jump!!!!

  3. Replies
    1. I write my name on what I post. That was not me, lol.

    2. And I sure as hell would not be up at the crack of dawn on this page.

    3. Someone sure hits refresh enough. ^^^^^^

    4. Someone sure has a lot of concern for how other people's browsers are being used. ^^^^^^

    5. You did not sign your name Morgan.

    6. On each statement I made, I did. As for Adrian, I rarely think of him so crediting him with any post or comment does not occur to me.

    7. We believe you Morgan! We know you're trustworthy unlike some malcontents.

    8. Oh really, exercising our right of free speech makes us malcontents? You RINOs are as bad as King Obama!

    9. Roman, considering how much time you are spending online you could get a job and work out of the home. It is not like you are involved in the political realm. Word is certain personnel for statewide candidates want to avoid you now that they know more about you and how much of a destructive oerson you are.

    10. Exercise your freedom of speech like a real man/woman instead of a little coward. VICC. Noon. This wednesday. Be there and say it to me.

  4. There is nothing to pardon. Nobody did anything wrong. It is just a bunch of malicious complainers that Mr. Morris runs a very solid strong party and they are whining that they don't get their way. Mr. Morris has the full backing of the State Chairman.

    1. He's still "retired". Why doesn't Frank come back and ensure the Republican party is dominated by rich, white, octagenarian Harlingenites. I think the RPT took Roman's complaint very seriously and they allowed him to resign to avoid him embarassment.

    2. Now you people are just making stuff up.

    3. Ok Morgan, tell us then why Frank isn't seeking his old position? If you think we buy what Frank made up, then no amount of hair dye will fix your level of stupid.

    4. Okay, for those of you who haven't caught on by now I sign my name to my comments. As for Frank Morris, he resigned what was his current term. He did not resign the term he was reelected to serve. If the Republican Party of Texas isn't enough to convince you, then. I would have to say you are too far gone down the road of wishful thinking. Seriously.

    5. I read that resignation as well. I should have said "too" because you obviously didn't read it well.

    6. Remember the washing machine. When you run it, the last act of the machine is the spin cycle.

    7. Great people skills Morgan. Tell us, does the state party have a class in condescension or are you just that good with people? Your a great spokeswoman for the party! I know your story hits home with working class Hispanics. Jim posted your side and the opposition's side and now you're changing your tune. Is Morris telling you what to say?

    8. Apparently people did not catch on to the fact that I sign my name to my posts. I had to point it out since people keep addressing "anonymous" as me. If making that disctinction clear is condescending to you, it might benefit you to stop crediting statements to people not making them. Amd no, Frank Morris does not tell me what to say. I am simply stating fact, which is a stubborn thing. But I am going to move on, and we will see who is right in a month. At least I sign my name to my statements which if anything should be an indicator as to my confidence in their accuracy. Try it sometime.

    9. So, Frank thinks that he is still chair, was always chair, will always be chair, world without end, amen? Pfftttt! He is once again the pretender to the throne, just like in Ft. Worth when he wouldn't give up a position he wrongly was declared the winner due to a miscount until it was ripped from him by a committee. The word "coward" played a center stage roll in that.

      And please EXPLAIN WHY he resigned in the first place. Strategic retreat? No. How about duck and cover?

      And now he is going to play the pretender to the throne one more time.
      There cannot be a single county chair that has any respect for him anymore.

      I am asking for your own sake to stop shilling for Frank Morris.

    10. Okay, for those of you who haven't caught on by now I sign my name to my comments. As for Frank Morris, he resigned what was his current term. He did not resign the term he was reelected to serve. If the Republican Party of Texas isn't enough to convince you, then. I would have to say you are too far gone down the road of wishful thinking. Seriously.

      PROVE IT

    11. Morgan is probably the secret weapon to get people to stop talking about Cris for once.

    12. As I said, VICC on Wednesday at noon. See you there unless you are afraid of a 125 lb woman on her own with nothing but the truth to defend herself. I dare you, say it to my face.

  5. Does he even speak Spanish? Sounds to me that they're fielding their token Mexican.

  6. Amazing to have this much criticism about the Republican Party while the Democratic Party is the main player in Cameron County corruption over the years. Why no criticism of the Democrats....many of whom are now in jail....but this focus on a party that really hasn't been a pEvelayer in Cameron County politics for years. Even the Republicans here in office (few) are disgruntled Democrats who switched parties to avoid Democratic corruption.

    1. The whining is coming from Republicans who suck at being Republican.

    2. Will anybody light the Pat signal? Pat Ahumada......where are juuuuuuuu?

    3. Why? Is there something here that is in dire need of a distraction from the topic at hand?

    4. Wednesday. Noon. VICC. Be there and say what you want to say. Grow a pair, anonymous.

    5. Damn with all of Guera's invites they're will be more than the five RepubliKKKLan members at one of their meetings. Guera, you giving out free food and drinks to all who show up or only to your fellow RepubliKKKLan members? I have fifty that can show up in Joe Rivera t-shirts. Tengo una verga grande! ¿Quieres ver?

    6. No republicans don't give handouts so they will not be seeing any of you people there.

    7. Hey, idiot writing at 2:05 a.m., nobody wants to see what you've got! Telescopes haven't been invented yet with enough zoom power to focus in on your micro junk! Plus, we'd all be laughing so hard we'd have sore ribs! You know that, though, because it's what you went through in high school! That is, before you dropped out

    8. The 2:05 moron came out to speak, huh? What a mental midget. The night boys hanging around the downtown street corners know he's a midget too, but it's not about his mental acuity with them, right 2:05? No one wants to see your midget's midget either. No one has a magnifying glass that powerful! Pinche pendejo!

    9. Morgan <3 ^^^^^^

  7. I would really turn Republican if: they have the meanings, money and lawyers, start and investigation and probe all the under the table deals, all the stealing going on in the actual City administration, put Tony Martinez and his minions in jail and we Brownsville's tax payers will be in eternal gratitude and vote for you

    1. Your sentiment is unfortunately shared by many and it is the fault of the excursionist Frank people that keep the democrat wheel of graft in business.

  8. The people perpetuating the rumours are the ones who were not there, did not speak with the committees after the hearings, and were obviously not privy to the committee establishing that he only resigned his current term. So, that pretty much narrows down which Republicans are spreading the rumours.....

    1. This is 'merica! And in 'merica there is only one "u" in "rumors."

      Someone sure likes the smell of their own farts.

    2. "were obviously not privy to the committee establishing that he only resigned his current term"

      Was this one of those "it was a workshop, not a meeting", meetings?
      The word "privy" itself is telling. The entomology of the word is self apparent. Did they have a secret knock at the locked door and a pass phase challenge as well?

    3. I meant it in the legal sense, as in having a part in the matter being discussed, an interest. Had they been there, they would not have any doubts. But as I said, just give it time and see who is sworn in as chair. If it is Frank, then I guess that settles the matter pretty concretely, don't you think?

    4. From what was presented, Roman wasn't able to talk to the committee members, yet you get to have a closed door meeting with them. Also, you seem to be implying that no matter what the law and party guidelines are Frank will be spirited back to glory on the arms of his loving sycophants. Was a fix in place before Roman presented his piece? Frank's merry menagerie of morons are getting sloppy. Also, you "Meant it in the legal sense"? WTF! Did Frank promote you as the party's legal council or are you reading Joe's law book to feel smart again? It doesn't have many pictures. Morgan, if you want to feel smart maybe you should go back to wearing thick glasses. You can pop out the frames. Try reading a book, maybe something with many colorful pictures like Dr. Seuss. Laters.

    5. VICC at noon this Wednesday. Be there. Say it to my face and I will explain what happened, very slowly, so you can understand it next time. But be there, or it will be obvious that you are a snivelling little coward in real life and not just on a blog.

    6. Btw, 8:30 anonymous, the term is "etymology" not "entomology" which is the study of insects. If you want to use higher vocabulary, use it correctly. And 1:53, who is probably the same charlatan, you don't "pop out the frames". You pop out the "lenses." I know you were accusing me of being dumb, but in the process you committed crimes against the English language. You are a charlatan. Good night.

    7. There is no "I" in "team," however there are a couple of "U"s in "rumours." Stop it with the sock puppeting, Missy!

    8. O chit! Guera encontrado un diccionario y está atacando los mexicanos con lecciones inglesas.

  9. This is proof Republicans suck at humor.

    1. Captain Obvious to the rescue!

  10. Jim posted the resignation letter. I may be one of his four readers but I got he resigned more than just his current term. He resigned. Move on. Alex is okay but I think a Latina would be better.

  11. The problem with the Republican Party in Cameron County, is that it's more concerned about it's inner power structure than it is about building the outer/public structure.

  12. Morgan is this you trying to bring in Pat to be a distraction?

    AnonymousJune 26, 2014 at 11:03 PM
    Will anybody light the Pat signal? Pat Ahumada......where are juuuuuuuu?

  13. Let's get this straight.....

    Morgan Graham June 26, 2014 at 9:13 PM

    I write my name on what I post. That was not me, lol.

    Then there is this one minute earlier....

    Anonymous June 26, 2014 at 9:12 PM

    But they did laugh him out of Ft. Worth. I saw it. (I am not the person who posted the last two things.)

    Also, Alex Torres does not want to be county chair.

    That 9:12 PM anony was not Morgan "Vote for Cascos" Graham at all.

  14. to shed light on yourself? Or will you keep accusing me of doing what you are doing blatantly? There were a lot of people in Ft. Worth, and Roman does have a lot of people who make that kind of statement.

  15. It was just a big coincidence.

  16. I do know of other people who were reading the story at the same time, but frankly it is their choice to publish their names or not. They are not accountable to some anonymous poster demanding that other people do what they themselves will not. Perhaps you are the same person who posted minutes earlier than your last post tying me to another story.

  17. Sorry... WRONG! I know Roman and he has more important things do to than fight with shills and trolls on the internet. Jeez, get a life!

  18. We all know Roman... And he is known for his ongoing online fights whether is is Facebook or Twitter or a blog. The guy does not work and has nothing but time. This is even more so true since nobody wants him as an active part of their group. And by the way, Roman likes to say "get a life" all the time. You are not making it hard to figure out it is you, Roman. Your Twitter post and Facebook post ending with "jeez, get a life" gives you away.

    1. No Morgan, Roman doesn't have the time for this nonsense. He has a life, unlike you.

    2. We all know he can always make it on Wednesdays to VICC, at noon. See you there too, unless you are like him and will hide in the parking lot again.

    3. We support you Morgan! Don't put up with their crap!

  19. Anonymous June 28, 2014 at 5:59 AM

    Oh Morgan, I know it is hard for you to grasp, but this isn't Roman. You sure are up in his business checking his Twitter account. For all the times you keep saying it is Roman, what you are saying here is the posts here are just you and Roman? You guys never sleep? Go away. You are embarrassing yourself and Carlos. Are you wearing your Property of Carlos Cascos button your shirt? Or did you get a tattoo?

    1. Don't forget Facebook.

    2. Oh, dear anonymous, whoever posted this, it is so hard to grasp many things for you other than your own dwindling relevance.

    3. Oh, dear left sock, or to whichever sock this may apply, greetings! You should be asleep at 1 o'clock in the morning, maybe be a good homemaker and put your hands to better use for your husband instead of living on the Internets.

    4. He didn't mention Facebook because he, Roman, knows I removed and blocked him and can not see his posts. Therefore, the person citing his Facebook post is NOT me. It is probably somebody on his own friends list. It does not take a genius to figure it out, so Roman might be able to if he gets one of his five friends to help him. And remember: VICC, Wednesday at noon. See you then, if you have a backbone. Which I doubt.

  20. Let's return this feeble post thread to what it was apparently about and before it was taken over by all of Alex's people with their distractions to keep his takeover on the down low.

    Who the hell is Alex Torres?

    Thank you.

    1. He ran against Lucio III two years ago and got 10% of the vote. He's a nobody.

  21. ^^^^^^^ weak!!!



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