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Dr. Lorenzo Pelly M.D., Lic. No. G2453, Brownsville On August 20, 2021. The Board and Lorenzo Pelly, M.D., 2012 Valley Baptist Physician ...
From the editor: Two years ago, when Ana and I were in Iowa as she fulfilled a travel nursing assignment, I received an email from a woman ...
photos courtesy of Jerry Danache Driving toward Mexico Boulevard at about 12:50 PM on New Years Day , it occurred to me that the Eddie Garci...
You scoff at the little bit of grace some dare to exhibit in your hometown? Show some class, Barton. Your lack of it is showing. Again.
ReplyDeleteObviously, you don't live in Brownsville and are uninformed as to how the woman being so extravagantly honored has dishonored our city and squandered public funds. Try getting up to speed on her near criminal attempt to transfer $200,000,000 worth of public assets to one of the richest university systems in the world, then lecture on "class" and "grace."
Delete"A little bit of grace", una poca de gracia, from La Bamba, no less. Please see definitions of "gracia" below. The only one remotely related to this function is number seven.
(Del lat. gratĭa).
1. f. Cualidad o conjunto de cualidades que hacen agradable a la persona o cosa que las tiene. U. t. en sent. fig.
2. f. Atractivo independiente de la hermosura de las facciones, que se advierte en la fisonomía de algunas personas.
3. f. Don o favor que se hace sin merecimiento particular; concesión gratuita.
4. f. Afabilidad y buen modo en el trato con las personas.
5. f. Habilidad y soltura en la ejecución de algo. Baila con mucha gracia
6. f. Benevolencia y amistad de alguien.
7. f. Capacidad de alguien o de algo para hacer reír. Es una anécdota con mucha gracia
8. f. Dicho o hecho divertido o sorprendente.
9. f. irón. Cosa que molesta e irrita.
10. f. Perdón o indulto de pena que concede el poder competente.
11. f. nombre de pila.
12. f. coloq. Acción o dicho de un niño que le sirve de lucimiento. Referido a personas adultas, u. t. en sent. irón.
13. f. Rel. En el cristianismo, favor sobrenatural y gratuito que Dios concede al hombre para ponerlo en el camino de la salvación.
14. f. Col. Proeza, hazaña, mérito. La gracia de Lindbergh fue cruzar el Atlántico sin copiloto
Only if a public flogging is the centerpiece attraction.
ReplyDeleteLook lets call it the way it is,do not know her personally but she probably started out with the right intentions higher education, Hispanic woman,ambition ,dreams,then power and money got in the way .
DeleteWant to make Brownsville a better place? Politically target ANYONE on the guest list.
ReplyDelete"Honoring Leadership and Vision"? I guess this is correct if you define leadership as being a top flight political hack and vision as looking out for your own aggrandizement. Here is a woman who ended up with a salary over $300,000 and untold other benefits at the poorest university in the United States that has only about 6,000 FTE students.
ReplyDeleteThe area’s (Corpus Christi) premier institution of higher learning enrolls more than 10,000 students and is part of The Texas A&M University System. Presidential salary: $265,000
Read and weep:
Wow, what a function for the poorest city in Texas. I wouldn't pay 25 cents to attend. Obviously this price prevents almost anyone in Brownsville from attending or participating. We can expect Juliet's local friends to attend (Rusteburg from the money laundering IBC bank, Carlos Marin, Tony Martinez).....but what will be interesting will be the number of local taxing entities that use tax dollars to buy a table at this event. Will Eduardo Campriano use our tax dollars to buy a table for the Port. Will P.U.B. use our tax dollars to buy a table. Even a table for UTB would be using tax dollars. Will the Kardenas Klan use their ill-gotten wealth to buy a table....probably. This function is likely where the video we have been hearing about on the life of Juliet will be presented. The connection of Cigarroa and Garcia for such an event seems to support the possibility that some see Juliet as the next Chancellor of UT. Perhaps this connection is the cause of Dr. Nelson resigning from UT-PA to go back to teaching. The political powers are exerting their powers and playing their games of corruption and favoritism.
ReplyDeleteFunny you should mention Dr. Nelson. He WAS making less than "La Cacique". Try a comparison between the two former institutions.... I can imagine that stuck in his craw among a lot of other things. You make a good point about the profile of the well wishers. It is just too bad Brownsville dose not have Palace of Versailles for the function. "La Cacique" has about as much chance of being the next Chancellor of UT as Ernie Hernandez does being the next mayor of Brownsville.
DeleteKnowing Brownsville politics the way we do and knowing that voters don't just accept corruption.....they demand corruption; Ernie Hernandez could be the next mayor and Julieta is surely using "other people's money" and the Kardenas Klan to influence her next position on the public tit.
ReplyDeleteLook at this fabulous choice offered the tenured faculty of BOTH universities in today's Herald:
ReplyDelete"In a(sic) e-mail to UTPA faculty, President Robert Nelsen writes “The “Voluntary Separation Incentive Program” will offer “current full-time, benefits-eligible, tenured faculty who meet certain criteria” one-half of their nine-month salary in exchange for voluntarily leaving their positions on May 31, 2015.
The program could appeal to faculty members who’d like to avoid going through the hiring process for UT-RGV."
In other words, take the chump change or risk the likelihood that you will not make it through the "hiring process". What might be the criteria for the new hiring process? Take a wild guess....
And, "The buyouts are a way to maintain costs and streamline budget and personnel expenditures, according to information supplied to UTB faculty members." Translation, not many of you will be hired so you better take the money or gamble against a stacked deck.
Just another booby prize left by "La Cacique".
Oh my gosh.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't anyone at UT have any idea how this looks? It would be an embarrassment to be seen there.
To telepathize with the greatest UT regent of all time, Frank C. Erwin: Forget about "Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free", the real deal is "Money Talks".
DeleteEducate yourself on the UT System and how it works:
OK sport's fans here it is straight from the horse's mouth: "Artibise said by getting the tenured faculty to voluntarily retire, the university opens the institution to hire at lower salaries so there’s real revenue and cost benefit. Artibise said the VSIP will also give the new university the flexibility to build programs by hiring new faculty."
DeleteBy the way this is from a "new" article today in the Herald. The previous one I quoted has "disappeared". But, this is even better. Lower salaries, yes, better faculty, what do you think? Stupid me, I thought people were paid higher salaries because they are more productive and experienced. It looks like from the quote above that money is what talks. Better to have new inexperienced faculty that are cheap and get rid of the "old" expensive ones. If this is effective, why hire a PhD at all and just hire people with a Masters at a much lower salary. Or, why would you want a Nobel Prize winner on your faculty when you can get some 28 year old with a Master's to do the job. Makes sense to me. It's the bottom line, stupid.
I will not attend, Go fuck yourselves.
ReplyDeleteHey Jim, have you ever found out who attended this pricey event. We know Julieta and Cigarroa, but who else. We can expect the list to include the Kardenas Klan, the Garcia Klan, probably Julieta loyalists like David Oliviera, Dr. Bobby Robles, Michael Putegnant......Irv Downing, Letty Fernandez.....but who else paid the price for this ticket. And, did the UT System Board of Regents really sponsor/sanction this even as stated on the invitation....or is this just Julieta taking liberties, as usual. There is no doubt in our minds that she thinks she is more important than the Regents.....