Sunday, May 18th at the Brownsville Heritage Complex, located next to the Stillman House Museum.
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Dr. Lorenzo Pelly M.D., Lic. No. G2453, Brownsville On August 20, 2021. The Board and Lorenzo Pelly, M.D., 2012 Valley Baptist Physician ...
From the editor: Two years ago, when Ana and I were in Iowa as she fulfilled a travel nursing assignment, I received an email from a woman ...
photos courtesy of Jerry Danache Driving toward Mexico Boulevard at about 12:50 PM on New Years Day , it occurred to me that the Eddie Garci...
I just read my copy. it's a beautiful thought thats maybe these characters could live in Brownsville. Kudos to this Author for shining such positive light on our city!
ReplyDeleteI wish Commissioner Jessica Tetreau would do something, other than photo ops.. Such an opportunity to make a difference being squandered. Get to work!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing you have EVER been good for, is criticizing others and having an opinion that makes no sense whatsoever. Please refrain from from judging what I do in my spare time on a Sunday afternoon, because AGAIN you have made an ass out of yourself. Krystal has been my best friend since the 9th grade and I was there to support and encourage her (along with the Bartons) long awaited debut as an author.
I honestly believe you could have made a great impact within our community, but yet you take every chance you get and "squander" it by showing us you are nothing more than a clown.
xoxo, Jessica
Good for you Jessica. This man rants behind his keyboard and name drops like a hundred pound weight. Next he is going to start whining about the dogs and the shelter.
ReplyDeleteThe topic was a book signing. I actually think it was refreshing that a city commissioner would be interested in reading books much less use her weekend time to visit such an event.
ReplyDeleteSo do I. I am glad the commissioner attended Krytal's book signing. It is their personal time and I am so happy for Krytal. I look forward to reading about the escapades of Dona
Jessica, you dissappoint me. You could have done a lot and choose to do nothing, but go along. Blast me all you want, which is okay. But, the truth is you do nothing other than the photo oops. Even your promise ot help with the shelter were empty promises. Sorry, but it is what it is. Do something! Do something! Other than go along with buying $2.3 million dollar buildings.
ReplyDeleteJessica, I rather you call me a clown by your standards and have done something, than do nothing. You claim you do the photo opps in your spare time, which is good. Nothing wrong with the photo opps, but do something. And a commissioner, does not have spare time. You do not perform the duties of a commissioner from 8 to 5 pm, nor is it a hobby to do somethine when it suits you. Do something. I had the h ighest expectations, but nothing but dissappointment. Let's see, $380 of debt to build a power plant, rate increases, $2.3 million building worth $635 K, the shelter euthanaxia rate going sky high on your watch, spending money like water with no fiscal restraints and no plan. I have the right to criticize, because doing nothing and going along when it is wrong gives me that right. if you do n ot like it too bad, do something.
ReplyDeleteAgain you are misinformed and misled as usual. I work very diligently 7 days a week for my community and I support people who BELIEVE in Brownsville. I REFUSE to give you the attention that apparently you so desperately crave. You can say whatever you'd like about me and good luck finding someone to take you seriously. But what really makes me sad is that this article has nothing to do with me. It showcases a local authors debut, and her novel is beautifully written and is set in Brownsville. I truly believe this novel will someday be a staple in Brownsville's history that not even your negativity can outshine.
- Jessica
BY answering his comments, you are giving him the attention he craves....just saying,!
Ok, Commissioner. You can resort to calling me names and claim I am misinformed, but from what I see you have gone along with the irresponsible spending and have introduced no significant initiatives to improve things. You are my commissioner. You are in my district. I do have the right to expect you to do something, which I have yet seen. Perhaps, I am misinformed, so tell me what you have done. Jessica, do not worry about me or people taking me seriously. I am not in office and it does not matter. You are and it does matter. The difference is doing nothing or going along with things that you shouldn't is wrong and it is called accountability when someone points it out.
ReplyDeleteThe photo opps is fine. The book signing is great! But, do something!
ReplyDeleteSo, what would you say are your major accomplishments as a city commissioner Mrs. Tetreau?
ReplyDeleteYour constituents would like to know. Can you enumerate them? And please, no political gobbledegook. double talk, or political spin claiming accomplishments of others or previous commissioners. The ball is in your court.
Jessica, don't give the circus clown any merit or attention. For the all the good he rants, raves and claims, no one in any position of credibility, other than himself, gives him the time of day. He isn't respected in Brownsville, Austin, DC, Matamoros, Cd Victoria, Mexico City, or Mars. We can anticipate that he will respond with his usual irrational rhetoric and delusions of grandeur. If he were a woman, he could easily pass himself off as Joan of Arc. So blow him off. He's a nobody and a never will be.
ReplyDeleteHow did this post become about politics?
ReplyDeleteThis is a local author who wrote a book about Brownsville, she is a resident of the city so why is it a bad thing that the commissioner of the city went by to show her suppoert? Shouldn't we all support local artists? IMHO seeing that the commissioner cared enough to show up on a sunday night to a book event, says to me that she cares about the community. I wonder how many other commissioners or mayors (ex-mayors) showed up there.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Blow off voting to increase rates, raise parking meeter rates when she pledged not to. Blow off voting to increase PUB debt by $380 million (ugh), blow off she committed to help the shelter and the euthanasia increases dramatically. Blow off speculating in real estate and squandering taxpayers money. Yes, call me clown, call me what you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Do nothing is a good policy for those who prefer to call names and hide behind anonymous. Waiting for things to happen or in spite of ourselves, things do happen, but do not squander the opportunity to make things happen to improve our community. For a nobody, I got elected twice and introduced many initiatives you turn your nose up to. I like Commissioner Tetreau, I just do not like that our utility rates are going to go sky high and by then she will be long gone. We will be stuck with the type of complacency Anonymous favors. $380 million of debt.. This is serious stuff.. Call me clown all you want, but don't stick me with squandering our future.
ReplyDeletePayaso Ahumada turned it into a political rant.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with supporting the local author, which I support too. Nothing wrong, but do something. We need sidewalks on the south side of Price Road for students to walk on when going to and from Hanna. We need to expand the zoo and the shelter to reduce the euthanasia rate. We need lower utility rates. These and many other issues have solutions, but it takes inititiatives to be introduced to address them. Spending extravagantly in real estate speculation at the expense of capital improvements for our city or strapping our future with debt and high utility rates is a very legitimate concern. Calling me a clown for raising these concerns does not address the issues or tell us what inititiatives she has introduced these past 3 years. $380 million! $380 million! Wow! For 25% of the pie.. TANASKA benefits a great deal by partnering up with a municipal utility company. And, awhole lot.. Getting permits is easier, their initial investment is n ot as huge, because a government entity can sell bonds that are guaranteed by the taxpayers to do the project. This will also hog tie future commissions to rate increases and will hog tie the City of Brownsville to the covenants in the bonds restricting the city's ability to do anything with PUB. Maybe, this project is the best thing since slice bread, but it is a major concern.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, or should I say Ros; or former chief's camote..You are smart, went to St. Joe and can call me a clown, laugh at all I say, but making note of the commissioner photo opps is fair game. The opps are good, but many people question if this all there is to being a commissioner. Perhaps the photo opps is all that should be expected. Nothing wrong with the photo opps, I personally went to a lot of them, but in my opinion many of us want more from our elected officials. Do you trust this commissioner who voted and went along with real estate purchases that the city does not need and even paying exhorbant prices? If she and the others are so gullible to pay $2.3 million for a property that is worth $635K is of major concern when they are committing our city to $385 million in debt. Do you think they are in over their heads? Or, perhaps the $2.3 million purchase for a building we do not have any use for is a good deal to you Anonymous..and so is the $385 million deal..
ReplyDeleteOh yes! This is most appropriate forum he could find to vent. smh.
ReplyDeletetold you...there he goes....
ReplyDeleteRosendo, I just made the comment for Commissioner Jessica Tetreau to do something and I got blasted for pointing out the obvious. I see her a the photo opps that I too attended, but I also worked for my constituents. I have yet to see her introduce initiatives to better our community, which I think is important for person that asked ot be elected to do something. Something, besides the photo opps and it bothers you. You call me payaso, you laugh at my posts, you attack me, but atleast use your name. You defended Chief Garcia tooth and nail, which is good. You are his friend, but do not ashamed to use your name. It is okay to hate me. It is okay to laugh at me and it is okay to say I am worthless, but use your name. Don't be cowardly about it. You are more educaated than I am. You are a St. Joe product and probably take communion on Sundays, which I am sure the Bishop is proud of you being a better catholic than me, but do not be ashamed to use your name.Stand up for what you blieve. You blieve and support people who run for office and do nothing, which is your choice. You believe the taxpayers money being squandered by purchasing buildings that are not worth $2.3 million at the expense of sacrificing capital improvements that we need, that is your perrogative. You believe in raising utlity rates, trusting Commissioner Tetreau and the rest of the commission to strap us with $380 million in debt that is tied to rate increase, that is your choice, but you should not get mad when someone like me voices what many are thinking and disagrees with your form of elite government that knows how to spend extravagantly. You also believe what forme Chief Carlos Garcia did to me is okay, that is your perrogative. After all birds of a feather, flock together. Now, laugh all you want. Blast me all you want. Just do something and use your name.
ReplyDeleteAll these haters, trolls and assorted attention seeking mongrels need to chill, drink some of Doña Carlotta's time travel potion and just disappear already. Damn, give it a rest. This
ReplyDeleteis about Krystal ok, nothing else.
To the town clown - if all you say is totally accurate, one would think that you would take a public position, not in a blog, but more along the lines as a letter to the editor, public comment, taking legal action as an interested tax payer or even standing in Washington Park with a microphone. Provide our population, both rich and poor, educated and uneducated, with your Jeffersonian commentary. You have suggested to having a lawyer on stand by, well, use their talents. Pontificating on a blog with no affirmative action is no different that just standing on a sideline and complaining. So if all you say is true, go forth and speak up. Show the literate bravery that you bestow upon your village and while you're at it, to give you even more clout, wear the jacket with the Mexican flag.
ReplyDeleteThis is the blog sphere.. You attack, I have the right to respond. The Commissioner represents my district. I made the observation that I only see Commissioner Tetreau at the photo opps and never hear of her introducing anything to improve our city. I saw her in this photo opp and chose to make the comment, since I never see her anywhere else. I can take the attacks..but, I do have the right to defend myself. I congratulate the author. And, you Annonymous, are not going to tell me what and how I should protect myself or respond. You want to go to Washington Park and blast me, go ahead. You want to hire an attorney and sue me for slander, go ahead. Don't concern yourself on what I do. I provide facts,while you whine. You do not deny that she does nothing, other than go to photo opps. Or, tell me what initiatives she has introduced? Enlighten me! Tell me she did not go along with purchasing the Nylon building for $2.3 million? The Nylon Building is worth $635 K and she voted to pay $2.3 million. You want us to trust her getting our city into debt to the tune of $380 million? Do you really believe she knows how $380 million of additional debt will affect PUB and the City. I am sorry, but I do not need your permission to voice my thoughts or opinions. And, this is the blog sphere to respond as you wish, but use your name. Do not be like Rosendo Escareno and Chris Valadez who cowardly hid behind Anonymous blasting me. Dish out, be able to take it.
ReplyDeleteYou are a Pendejo, and a clown.
DeleteHey dimwit, yes you, town clown, you began the attacks. Its no surprise people respond to your rhetoric. You just can't help yourself. You're the one that mentioned you had an attorney on stand by, not I. I do have to commend you on your consistencies, perserverance of your themes and your articulate use of the english language, with the numerous misspellings and all. You are a funny dude. You have every right to defend yourself and you're so good at it. Possums defend themselves too, but in the end, they're still roadkill.
ReplyDeleteouch. The dimwit characterization is the most accurate description of this clown.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Anonymous! You still whine! Whine! Whine! You attack, but cannot take it. Brownsville is the way it is because of people like you. Cowardly at that, hiding behind Anonymous..You attack and defend doing nothing. You attack and support the clowns that spend millions of dollars in buying building that we have no use and are not worth the money used to purchase them. I think the clown is you! You have nothing to counter with except with personal attacks. LOL! Look at yourself in the mirror, you may see the same face of Escareno and Valadez, because that is all they did was attack, attack, and attack when I never bothered them. Now, dim wit, as you put it, enlighten us with the elitist thinking of good governemnt. Do nothing! I got it! Do nothing! Spend money! Pay $2.3 million for a property worth $635 K. Now, you want to issue $380 million in debt. You are real smart and the true clown or town idiot. Enjoy your evening with the rest of the town idiots who support you..
ReplyDeletedoes no one see how disrespectful it is to hijack this post from the author that is being showcased?
ReplyDeleteThat I know of, there is no posting or blogging etiquette on this site. The site manager reviews all comments and approves the posts. No one is disrespecting the author and I am quite sure all support and wish her well. The post of the author is not limited to the sole topic of the author, unless it were to be stated and the site manager would block any and all posts not on the subject matter. Therefore, to try and make it seem that the post is limited to the topic of the original post is inaccuarate, because if it were then you would not have any discussion on many other topics on this site when posts are made and limited to one subject matter. My post regarding the commissioner was based on the fact that I saw her photo opp, which is one of many that I see of her or with Brownsville Cheezme, but I have yet to hear anything positive that she has introduced and advocated for my district or the city. Therefore, when I saw her photo opp, I seized the opportunity to let her know as a constituent that I would appreciate her to do something, other than photo opps. The opportunity she has been afforded to make difference, in my opinion has been squandered in the past three years, which is of major concern when you take into account that the commissioner promised to advocate and work for change at the shelter, as the euthanasia rate is climinbing drastically due to her lack of promised advocacy. Then you take into account that she went along with the purchase of the Nylon Building sacrificing capital improvements sorely needed for our city at a cost of $2.3 million, when it is only worth $635,000. And, now my concern as a constituent is the approval of the Tenaska deal with PUB that is going to put us into debt by $380 million with anticipated high utility rate increases. These concerns and others are genuine and legitimate, which demands she be engaged on the issues to make sound decisions before strapping us with debt and high utility rates. As much extravaganza with taxpayers money, I would think expanding the shelter, which is desperately needed would have made Commissioners Tetreaus list. After all she proclaims to me an animal advocate, but to date it has been all photo opps and talk. So, seizing the opportunity to hold her accountable for the lack of action and what appears not to be a very well informed commissioner making decisions that affects us all is not being disrespectful to the author. The site manager has the choice to block the posts, start a new post, and/or make it known that this and all posts are limited to the subject matter. I think all of us would adhere to any post etiquette requested of us.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePat might be crazy, but Mayor Tony is CRAZY GENEROUS!!! With taxpayer monies.
ReplyDeleteAside from pointing out the obvious, that Pat rants, why don't people see HE IS CORRECT on his points??
ReplyDeleteUes, Pat makes some very good points. I will agree. My thing is, this post should have been
ReplyDeletededicated to celebrating Krytal's book, not about the state of affairs of our city
government. That is what bothered me.
Maybe Mr.Jim Barton could devote a post to Pat and let him voice his concerns and how he would propose to address the issues at
"The opportunity she has been afforded to make difference, in my opinion has been squandered in the past three years, which is of major concern"
ReplyDeleteYou are truly an idiot Pat Ahumada. You talk about squandering an about your tenure as mayor? You say you proposed this and proposed that, but the only thing you have to show for it is a bag ordinance that people to this day still curse you for.
You are a piss poor politician. Politics is give and take, that does not suit your style of its my way or the highway approach. You proposed a lot of things that were not supported by the other commissioners, that is not being a good politician sir. that is not being a leader sir, that is being a person that thinks about yourself, rather than the city, because you would rather put something on the agenda that you knew had no chance of passing for lack of support, but your intentions were only to make others look bad, not to actually pass something good for the community. This is your legacy, not of a leader, but as a divider, a loner. You do not have the skill set to bring cream and coffee together in the end, you have demonstrated to the whole city, that you are a piss poor leader, and politician.
Correct or not, doing nothing but staying on the sidelines and complaining via blog sites is not what one would consider a champion for a cause. If he's really that concerned, why not convey his message by writing letters to the editor, utilizing the public comment period at city commission meetings and as a reputable (haha) former mayor, call a press conference, much like he did after his "entertainment" venue bust. And as far as him blaming the Chief of Police and the DA and others for his missteps is a cop out. Had he not been intoxicated at 4 am, regardless of where he was coming from or going to, he would not have been arrested. Period. He could have taken a breathalizer right there and then and if there's nothing, he would have been released with just a traffic ticket, at most. I have yet to read any, and I mean any, personal responsibilty taken by this guy. I have yet to hear him take responsibility for the failed wier project that he single handedly screwed up. I have yet to hear him deny that he has no credibility or respect here, or any where else. The leadership in Mexico said they wanted nothing to do with him. Leadership in Austin and DC wouldn't give him the time of day. So all this community saving must have gone unnoticed. Yes he was elected twice simply because no one knew him. Once he became known, he got trounced. Even the grassroots he claimed to have mobilized saw through his arrogance and totalitarian form of government.
ReplyDeleteListen Anonymous, you can say what you would like for me to do all you want and you can judge me; you can also defend the police chief for using his position for revenge, but you are n o one to dictate how a person should proceed to get his or her message out. I am concerned citizen, I have done my part and now i expect those elected to do theirs. The opportunity presented itself here, which was an appropriate venue to raise the discussion regarding the lack of involvement and issues regarding Commissioner Jesica Tetreau. It bothers you,which is why you are whining, but it is healthy to bring out issues that particularly many are tallking about. Commissioner Tetreau going along with a $2.3 million purchase that the city did not need and sacrificing capital improvements the city does need, deserves to brought out. The issue that our City & PUB will be issuing $380 million in debt that will result in huge rate increases is a legitimate concern, but it bothers you, which says you prefer to whine than acknowledge there is something wrong. You say the leadership in Austin, Washington, and Mexico wanted nothing to do with me is ludicrous. I still have contacts and talk to some, all of which were very supportive when I needed help. Even last Saturday I had a 3 hour breakfast with one of those officials, who told me how this County Judge was blocking my efforts to build the weir for Brownsville saying that it was a bad idea, but as soon as I left office approached officials saying it was a good idea and wanted to move forward on the project. Goes to show how petty and envious some are. The problem for you is that I was doer, when you prefer representation like Commissioner Tetreau and this mayor who are not doers. You prefer people like Carlos Marin to govern you thru control of the commission. You prefer people like yourself, Rosendo Escareno, Maclovio Valadez who use thier intelligence, refined education to blast people so they can feel better about themselves, because that is who you are. What drives you mad is that I was a doer by doing what was right to improve our city, but you prefer to harp on the personal vendetta by your pal Carlos Garica to go after me. You do not even know half of the story, but it will come out and in spite of that you will support this kind of evil, because you are evil. Right or wrong does not matter to you, but ruining people, blasting them and taking revenge is what you thrive on. Then you go to Sunday mass and take communion and feel good about yourself. The good thing, is that you can fool many, but you will not fool God when your time comes. The difference between you and me, is that I am a person of faith, aware of my mortality and the accounting I will have to face when my time comes. And, I know I did my best. I was doer not a hearer like you.
ReplyDelete"You say the leadership in Austin, Washington, and Mexico wanted nothing to do with me is ludicrous."
DeleteDoes the weir ring a bell? You single handedly killed that project sir. You would lie to the citizens of Brownsville by saying that there was no violence across the border, when they were being killed daily. You can not name one state, local or federal official that respects you sir, on both sides of the border. You sir, are delusional.
"The good thing, is that you can fool many, but you will not fool God when your time comes. The difference between you and me, is that I am a person of faith, aware of my mortality and the accounting I will have to face when my time comes.
DeleteWatch out for the blood running down your lip sir. You resemble much of what you blame others for...and as for God, please do not use his name when you are on a hateful rant wishing bad on all those that you name as bringing harm to you. God is a living God, not a hateful person that is out for vengeance like you sir.
Annonymous, in response that I have nothing to show for my tenure is very wrong. The public record can attest as to my initiatives that made and saved our city millions, but people like you will never acknowledge what a grassroots mayor worked hard on for you. Obviously, you have no clue.
ReplyDeletehmmm.....reading Pat's rants, similar to Ground Hog Day. He can't help it. He has nothing but time on his hands. He will always publish the last comment. He just can't help himself. Commenter above regarding his inability to lead, you hit it right on. I know, I know, Pat will write another novell.
ReplyDeleteArriba Pat Auhmada!!!
ReplyDeleteARRIBA de UN Negro!!!
Anonymous, Brownsville suffers from the crab syndrome and you are the crab. You prefer, I roll over and let you attack, which I did for 3 years. I do n ot fit in your box and you hate it that I respond, because you want to keep your dirty little secrets out of the pubic debate. You think you are entitled to steal taxpayers money without accountability. You think doing nothing while taxpayers have to pay for your indifference and those you support like Commissioner Tetreau is good government. Tell that to the students that need side walks going to Hanna along Price Road, which is the commissioner's district. Tell that to the thousands of animals being euthanized at the shelter because our commissioner is indifferent. Tell that to the utility customer who is going to have to pay higher rates. Tell that to the taxpayer who had to foot the bill for a $2.3 million dollar purchase that is not worth what it was paid for. You being the crab loves the double standard, but we all will be held accountable. Accuse me all you want, but my heart was to do what was right for our city and did my best.
ReplyDeletewould your definition of "crab syndrome" include taking the focus off the local author who was the purpose of this blog post? You torched the original intention and turned this into the Pat Ahumada show. Not cool!
Deletebetter a crab than a skunk.
ReplyDeletechistoso. I don't hate that you respond. You're as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Everyone anticipates you responding, and sure enough, you will respond here. You can't help it. Its in your DNA to be confrontational. You did it while you were in office and continue doing it while you're out. If you're than concerned with all that's going on, air it out in a more public setting, not on a blog. If you're that concerned. The reason you don't, is that you realize, albeit, late, that no one outside of a few people reading these blogs for shear entertainment value, will listen. I'm sure you're heart is in the right place. It's your brain that is doubtful. Can't cure dumb.
ReplyDeleteHold your horses a minute, anonymous @ 1:24 PM. A moment ago you suggested Ahumada would be better off airing his views with a microphone at Washington Park. Now you suggest a "more public setting" than the "few people reading these blogs." Maybe, it's you that needs to get up to speed.
Delete2,500 to 3,000 people read this blog daily, typically the more informed of our city. The articles and videos associated with this blog have experience over 5,000,000 page views since August 2011.
Ahumada wouldn't get more exposure, as you say, with a microphone in Washington Park.
lol...I was simply a facetious comment.
ReplyDeleteSo that girl's book is about Pat Ahumada and the politics of the city? I don't understand, what exactly am I reading on these comments?
ReplyDeleteListen crab, if you do know what a blog is, let me enlighten you. The blogsphere is a medium for informaiton, discussion, and debate when needed.If it bothers you that much that I participate by responding to the discussion, debate, or attacks, then leave the blog. No one forces you to participate. To criticize me because some times I stand alone, I prefer to do what is right and stand alone than go along with the indifference or those things that are not right. When did you ever hear of friends of mine benefitting with deals? Never! When did you hear of me increasing taxes or rates on you to support grandoise extravagant spending? Never! So, if standing alone is something you criticize, then so be it, but I always was passionate about our city and tried to do what was right. Crab, know this, you are the reason the Do Nothhings exist, because they only do for themselves and throw the community a bone along the way.
ReplyDeletelol...continue your enlightment. btw, its mr. crab to you pepe l'piue....
ReplyDeleteYou prove me right Mr. Crab...You prove me right!
ReplyDeleteSo you are saying that you never did anything unethical Pat? You never ordered an appraisal on behalf of the city and never got or demanded a referral from a fellow appraiser for it?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Mr. Skunk...not a single misspelled word in your short comment. However, it is noteworthy to recognize that with the exception of the abbreviated Mr., no word exceeded one syllable. Good Job.
ReplyDeleteThank you, better than thou! Mr. Crab, how to you stand yourself? LOL! Good night!
ReplyDeleteAnonymousMay 21, 2014 at 7:45 PM
ReplyDeleteSo you are saying that you never did anything unethical Pat? You never ordered an appraisal on behalf of the city and never got or demanded a referral from a fellow appraiser for it?
So what Mr. response?
Mr. Annonymous, You make statements without using your name and allege something that you should have gone to the authorities with when they wanted to give me 30 years for a simple mistake made by many. If you have any, any proof of what you are alleging, please go to the authorities now. I have never gotten a referral from anyone. All my associates can attest that wen never asked or accepted referrerals when we sent work to others. Never! So, making those kind of statements is ludicrous. Now, any and all appraisals ordered by the city is done thru a process that I as mayor had nothing to do with. The process was through Ben Medina and now Robert Luna, they put out the RFP and they both can tell you that I never interefered with the RFP's. The only time I saw the appraisals is when they would come before the commission to be discussed. Go for it..
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous, I can also assure you that any real estate transaction handled by the city while I was mayor was done with transparency, the values were well supported and no frivilous, extravagant, or uneeded purchases were made. All of the appraisals met the standard for the aquisition or possible condemenation. Many properties were purchased in the downtown area for the construction of the multimodal facility and none got special treatment. None..
ReplyDeleteTwo Words… Sports Park.
ReplyDeleteohhhh that is a great one, since you brought it u p. I was not even in office. LOL! But, I was approached to appraise the land as if it were develloped for IRS purposes, as Ballengar was going to sell and donate land to the city. To make a very interesting and long story short, I rejected the assignment and the fee, as it required me to appraise land that was not even platted, no infrastructure, but just raw land. To have appraised it as if it were platted would and marketable with infrastructure would have made me an accessory to fraud, which is why I refused. Guess who was the one that wanted me to do this? One Guess? If you ask, I will tell you....LOL! After, I got into office, I repeatedly asked for the appraisal report on this transaction, because I opposed the cost of the sports park expenditures, which made me an outcast to some for questioning the cost over runs. This lead me back to the appraisal that I turned down. LOL! I am still laughing.... After repeated requests, I never got the appraisal and to this date, do not know who appraised it. This is why, I also laughed when their was an investigation or audit into the sports park as requested by Commissioner Gowen, because some important factors were in my opinion not looked into, which this was one of them. It is my opinion and I believe that whomever did the appraisal, unless disclosed, the land value as if it were developed was fraudulent. Ask, and I will tell you.. Sports Park! LOL! I love it. I was not even mayor when this transaction took place, but do know some skeletons... LOL! You make me laugh! I am rollling on the floor.. Wow! what a misinformed individual you are.. And you are a hearer, not a doer.. Be a doer! Don't go by what you hear and believe everything you are told. Try it, it will help our city more than being the crab that you are.. L*AO! I just love it! You made my day!
ReplyDeleteIt was not the Sports Pat. It was the Casa Nylon you ordered the appraisal for. Is it true that you asked a fellow appraiser that you would send it his way, but you wanted half of the fee? Tell the truth now Mayor, you know God is watching you....fibber you.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you just make this blog the Ahuumada blog Jim? Cut this bozo off already. He should start his own blog with all the time and comments he posts. Oh shit, I gave the idiot an idea!
The idiot exmayor would say that there was no violence in mexicomand that it did not cross of to the US. What an idiot.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I did not order the casa Nylon appraisal and never saw the report untill now, as Robert de Luna in Purchasing or the attorney's office can tell you. Never saw it, but I did know the appraisal was ordered and never knew what value it came out at. And, the commission never received it either that I am aware of. So, again Crab, you first accuse me of having to do with the appraisal at the sports park and now the Casa Nylon, both of which you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Do your research and find where the Casa Nylon was ordered by the commission?
ReplyDeleteJim, all I am doing is responding and they get mad, very mad, but if you notice none asked for the name of the crab who was involved in the sports park appraisal... Also, why is it that I cannot make a comment on any subject without all these crabs comming at me with their hate. What is it that drives them nuts?
ReplyDeleteAnd one more point, had the purchase of the Casa Nylon come before my commission, I know we would not have purchased it at that price. If the intent was to build garage parking by demolishing the building, even less likely to pay the ridiculous price of $2.3 million. As an appraiser, I would have easily picked up on the over valued price. Easily..
ReplyDeleteCallalos al osico Pat, these chismosos are cowards
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how now Crab wants to make my fault the purchase of the Nylon Building for $2.3 million when it is not worth but $635K. Now Crab wants to turn it around on me. Amazing! Let me make something clear, I do not blame the seller, because to the seller, the value is whatever it is to the seller. I blame those who paid for something that was needed and that the value was not there. Even the Cameron Appraisal district has it at $685 K, which should have been a red flag. How do you go from $685K to $2.3 million? It is my understanding that everyone on the commission went along with what was being ramrodded, except one commissioner who voted against this purchase. None of this makes sense, why buy something you have n o use for. The appraisal was ordered by the city by the Purchasing Department who at the time was representing the interest of the Multimodal Terminal. The thinking was garage parking, but obviously the price was too high, which is speculation on m y part, because I was not privy to this, nor did I see the report, nor did I push for the purchase Mr. Crab. If you want to make up stuff to blame me, it will n ot fit your warp mentality. As usual, the elite try to justify themselves, blame someone else and then cover it up, because they think they are entitled.
ReplyDeleteOk I will ask, who was the one trying to make you an accessory to a crime at the sports park Pat? And second, if you ask why they wanted a worthless building for (casa nylon) why DIDNT you say anything when an appraisal was ordered when it went before you?
ReplyDeleteExcellent point made. If this wouldve happened under your watch theyd be all over you! If they want to talk about "RATAS" and CORRUPTION let em have it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I was not in charge of the aquisition of real estate for the multi-modal facility, the Planning Department Director Ben Medina was. A lot of buildings were purchased including the El Clavo property, which I am sure we did not pay any where close to $2.3 million. You are reaching for straws Mr. Crab. The Casa Nylon was never forwarded to us to purchase by the Planning Director, which can only mean it was discounted as not a viable purchase until I left office. Then things must have changed and not for the better, because if I had been there, this purchase would have never occured. So, nothing happened under my watch fool. You are trying to blame me for the purchase when I was n ot even there. This never even came to us when I was there.Look, why don't you start buy looking into what really transpired with this purchase. How did it come about? Who brought it to the commission? For what purpose was it purchased? Who ram rodded the purchase? Why did no one negotiate the purchase price? And lastly, file a complaint with the proper law enforcement authority. Mr. Crab, it is one of your's. Eat em! That what crabs are good for to eat their own.. So go for it!
ReplyDeleteNow, let me make it clear, the seller has no fault in wanting to sell his property for the most he can get for it. The value to the seller, is his value for whatever reason. It is the buyer who has to do his due diligence to make sure he is getting what he is paying for. That is why the refrain, "buyer beware" should be adhered to. Next, as a city official pushing for a purchase of a building that the city has no use for and at an exhorbant price, the commission as a whole has a fiduciary duty to question and get informed to make sure they are getting their money's worth, both of which was not done. The $500 expense report for travel that some made a big deal about pales, pales in comparrison to this. I also do not blame the appraiser, because the appraisal report was old when the deal was made. A new appraisal should have been ordered and a purchase at a price of $2.3 million should have required atleast two appraisals on the property or a review of the first appraisal by an independent appraiser to make sure it was done properly. I do appraisal reviews all the time and will substaniate the value or rejected, as I just did one on a property the City of Los Fresnos is trying to purchase. I rejected the appraisal under review and submitted the comparables that supports the rejection. So, we cannot blame the seller, nor the appraiser. It is up to the elected officials to protect the city, in my opinion. .
ReplyDeleteMr. Crab Elite, you can appraise property under the hypothetical condition, providing you clearly disclose. When I was asked to appraise the sports-park raw land as if it were subdivided with infrastructure, when it was raw land, I turned down the fee and the assignment. I understood the appraisal would be used for Internal Revenue purposes and the city would get the land with the purchase of other acreage. I do not know who did do the appraisal, if the hypothetical condition was invoked or not and I do not any of the details or scope of work appliable at the time the appraisal was done. I did request the report, but never got it and I told Ben why I wanted the report. Having said, the person who requested the appraisal from me was Chris Valadez and Carlos Marin. RAW land is worth much less than developed subdivided land with all the infrastructure. If the appraisal was as if developed under the hypothetical condition and the value used as market value to do a transaction without having completed the subdividing and infrastructure, then it is fraud. If the appraisal was done "as is" without a hypothetical or extra ordinary assumption, then it is legit. I was not privy, nor do I know how it was done. Why would anyone pay for land as if it were developed, when it is being gifted raw? But, before you jump to conclusions get the facts. All I am saying is when I was approached the proposal was not something I was comfortable with and rejected the assignment.
ReplyDeleteMr. Crab Elite, you can appraise property under the hypothetical condition, providing you clearly disclose. When asked to appraise the sports-park raw land, as if it were subdivided with infrastructure, I turned down the fee with the assignment. I understood the appraisal would be used for Internal Revenue purposes and the city would get the land with the purchase of other acreage from the seller. I do not know who did the appraisal that I had been asked to do. If, the hypothetical condition was invoked or not. I did request the report on the sports park from Ben Medina, but never got it. The request for me to appraise the sports park land, as if it were subdivided was Chris Valadez and Carlos Marin. RAW land is worth much less than developed. If, the appraisal was performed as if the land were developed, under the hypothetical condition and the market value was relied upon to do a transaction without having completed the subdividing and infrastructure, then it is fraud. If the appraisal was done "as is" without a hypothetical or extra ordinary assumption, then it is legit. I was not privy, nor do I know how it was done. My question is, why would anyone give credit to the seller for undeveloped land, when it is being gifted raw? But, before you jump to conclusions, get the facts. All I am saying is when I was approached the proposal was not something I was comfortable with and rejected the assignment.
ReplyDeletePat AhumadaMay 22, 2014 at 10:12 PM
ReplyDeleteNow, let me make it clear, the seller has no fault in wanting to sell his property for the most he can get for it."
Protecting your buddy Galonsky now Mayor? What a sap you are! Do you not see any criminal acts here moron? You say that it is not the sellers fault...the seller was being represented by Mayor Martinez's law partner, but you see nothing illegal with that. You also say that the appraiser did nothing wrong, well over appraising something has landed people in jail, but someone that has many brushes with the law as you have, I can see why you would not see anything wrong with it. Do us all a favor and go away, you are part of the problem Ahumada.
I am not mad Pat, actually the comments here have been quite informative, my beef is that this post was supposed to be about "Krystal" and it turned into some long winded political debate. I am interested in what you have to
ReplyDeletesay but I also am Krystal's friend, just as Jessica is. We were there to support our
friend. You
make some very valid points, you should write evrything down, make it as short and concise
and to the point as you can and submit it to MMB. You could make it in chapters. We'll read
it, but just stick to topic and let us support our friend without all this
back and forth comments about Brownsville and the sorry state of affairs of city continues to endure. We know that already. This was supposed to be a happy post for and about "Krystal".
Regardless of what we think about one another, we have one common denominator, we all care about Brownsville and want to see it progress to benefit all of her residents.
Can we agree on that?
Back in 1991, the UTB/TSC group wanted the city's 80 plus acres known as the R.E. Smith property, which I opposed. I opposed it because the Los Tomates Bridge was going to be built, making the land value even more. I also opposed it, because back then I inherited a porjected $2.0 million defecit with $54,000 reserves. We had no ability to sell bonds, requiring us to cut expenses, increase revenues and maximize our assets. Unfortunately, my opposition to this was overcome and the land was acquired for a low ball value of $700,000, but the city had to relocated the IBWC Levee that went through the land. The cost to relocated the Levee interesting enough was $700,000, giving the city a net zero for our land. Then we have the Jacob Brown Auditorium with a parking revenue of $200K annually, which was purchased again by the UTB/TSC group at a price of approximately $2.0 million. The appraiser depreciated the building at 70%, making it appear it was not a safe structure. Then ofcourse you have the Cueto deal in which again this group gets what they want for practically nothing, all in the name of education and they would have taken the City Plaza property, had they not been stopped. My point is that our city has been in dire straits financially, has sacrificed many quality of life improvements, because we give away our assets. It is up to the elected officials to protect our assets. No one is against education, but our elected officials are their to represent the city's best interest, not the county or the college, but the city's best interest. It cost us millions in loss revenue by giving away the 80 acres, to sell the Jacob Brown for $2.0 million and then replace it with a similar size event center at a cost to the taxpayer in the m illions. This is why the city is held back and our tax rates are high. Ofcourse, I am a divider because I do not go along with these obvious ventures that takes away from us the ability to address our needs. .
ReplyDeleteLook, I am not protecting anyone and Mr. Galonsky does not need protection. He is the seller and the seller sells at whatever price they want. This was not an emininent domain purchase, where the seller is obligated to accept the price established through the process. So, crab, you are out of your tree. You cannot even blame the appraiser, because that report was done back in 2010, which means those who used the appraisal to purchase the property had the fiduciary duty to get a current appraisal on the property. Mistakes are made, but there is a prudent process to prevent critical mistakes that adversely affect the buyer, which in my opinion were ignored. The elected officials who voted on this and will vote on issuing $380 million in debt to build a power plant have a fiduciary duty to get well informed to protect our city and the rate payers who will benefit or be adversely impacted for a long time. Why do you fault me and accuse me? I give my opinion, express my thoughts and you try to turn it around. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I did not know the mayor's partner represented the selleer untill you mentioned. I knew he was involved, but did not know in what capacity. Your allegation is for someone else to determine the legality or non legality on the representation. There are legal and ethical ways within the standards of professional conduct, which is not for me to establish. You can allege all you want and speculate. You certainly also entitled to your opinion, as I am, but I am not going to make an allegation I cannot substantiate. I can support the value arrived at by my analyses on the building. I can also state we had no use for it at that price. I can also express my opinion that there was a failure to protect our city from this extravagant expenditure and issuing debt. I know what it is to accused and later proven innocent, but I went through the process, which you refuse to accept. I believe the ficuciary duty to protect our city was circumvented, but that is my belief. .
ReplyDeletePat is a liar. Look at the date the appraisal for the Casa Nylon was first ordered. You were there idiot, do not lie to the people.
ReplyDeleteI never said I was not. I said it was ordered in 2010, most likely by those involved with the multi-modal facility, but I never saw the report and did not push the purchase. The appraisal ordered was reviewed by whomever ordered and obivously did not proceed with it. So, let your hate come out and vicious anger. Wow! You seething is obvious.
ReplyDeleteIn response to MMR dated May 23, at 7:59 AM, I am sorry to have missed your comment and did not respond. I do not know what MMR stands for or if it is a website. As far as your friend Krystal, I congratulate and wish her all the best, as I am sure all do. Responding to Commissioner Tetreau's comments and others, is not with the intent of being disrespectful. The webmaster of this site has not block or moved the discussion to another post, which means the post is not limited to one topic. From my observation, all the other posts on this website face the same criteria that allows unlimited discussion on any topic. Perhaps the thinking is that others come to the post and get exposed to the author's book. If we are not suppose to post, then the webmaster should block the posts. Or, your concern should be addressed by the webmaster. I cannot control the bloggers who keep wanting a response or merit a response. If, I may suggest to the webmaster to remove none author related blogs to another post to increase the authors sole exposure of her book.
ReplyDeleteKrystal this is his way of retaliating against you for not supporting him during his EPIC FAIL Re-election bid. Both you and Jessica participated in exposing Fly Frontera and this is just his way of thanking you. Don't be offended.
ReplyDeleteyes, two more words… FLY FRONTERA
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, this is my last post in deference to MMR who made sense. Now you are accusing me of taking some kind of kick backs from Fly Frontera, boy you must be out of your tree. People like you that make allegations are the crabs of this city and create a perception that is corrupt with ludicrous allegations. Nowhere will you find that I had any kind of financial interest with Fly Frontera, nor a personal relationship with the people involved. I believe to empower our community passenger service to what was proposed that would connect Brownsville to Tampico, Veracruz, Yucatan and to Montherey, then to Mexico City was the best shot we had and missed the boat. McAllen thrives on the Mexican market, while we shoot ourselves in the foot. What did you all accomplish in killing this proposal and listening to a pedophile, nothing. Zero! Of course, you will never admit to blowing it, but the base business decisions based on personal likes or dislikes is fundamentally wrong. I apologize to Krystal if I offended her in any way, regardless of her support for someone else. My intent was to get our Commissioner Tetreau to do something, other than photo opps. I am passionate about the shelter and the pets that are euthanized needlessly. Commissioner Tetreau prefers the social circuit than doing something to help as promised, which I find dissappointing when pets are being killed needlessly. The euthanasia rate is escalating and she does not even bother to attend the committee meetings to get informed and do something. She voted to spend $2.3 million on a building we have no use for, but will not do anything to expand and staff the shelter to reduce the euthanasia rate. Again, my apologies and this is my last post on this blog in defference to MMR's suggestion.
ReplyDeleteEse Pat!
ReplyDeleteOk! Nobody said anything about FLY FRONTERA kickbacks!!!! Where did that come from???? Who accused you and where???? Perhaps we just thought you were stupid for supporting the idea.
ReplyDeletePat, you are a man who does not value what the people think. All you did was care about the dogs and you never cared about the people. I heard the other day that people who become obsessed with animals and saving animals are people who have been hurt and do not trust humans. When I heard thiS, I immediately thought of you and how you ruined this blog post for this woman! Yes, you even admit that this was not your intention. but yes, you the dumbass that you are continue to rant your political bullshit and show no RESPECT for this author. I HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR TONRONTO'S MAYOR FORD WHO SHOOTS DRUGS AND DRINKS UNTIL HE IS UNCONSCIOUS, THAN I HAVE FOR YOU.
ReplyDeleteomg...release the Kraeken ... he will be back...