Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Problems in the Cameron County Sheriff's Department?

Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes of the BROWNSVILLE VOICE blog hinted this morning of cheating on civil service exams within the Cameron County Sheriff's Department.

While Mr. Wightman raised the possibility of as many as 25 suspensions, I learned from a reliable source of 5 possible suspensions.  

Two were indicated as Mexican Nationals without U.S. citizenship, one allegedly a former Nuevo Laredo police commander, said to have killed a cartel leader before fleeing to the U.S.  

I've been told that a law enforcement background check,  TCLEOSE, on both men indicates no U.S. citizenship.  

Until verification, this is simply a report of an unverified rumor, albeit from someone I consider to be a reliable source.


  1. Oh, boy. Barton you're chasing wightman now? He's always hinting!!!!

  2. That's nothing. A captain Carlos Garza was bragging that he had been caught having sex on the side of the road (Roberta Road). In the county unit and DPS did nothing. It wasn't even his wife...real smart cheap asses!!! Stop opening your mouth pendejos.

  3. Reading the BV today...from all appearances, Booby WC is having trouble getting his facts straight! Typical bullshit. Not sure Booby WC has ANY credibility left, if he ever had any.

  4. Looks like Sheriff Lucio has lost control of his force. Lucio is incompetent and the cheating by his officers seem to support that. Cheating on Civil Service exams has become worse than cheating at UTB....or perhaps that's where the new officers learned that cheating was the "easiest route".

  5. They have already commenced terminations of several deputies. The true disgraceful reality of this entire ordeal is that the civil service exam was not properly proctored and the exam is old and not updated. It makes you wonder how many deputies over the years have actually cheated. It's obviously unfortunate that a handful of deputies were actually caught this time. Some deputies didn't actually cheat but because they were involved they were terminated indefinitely. These are good honorable deputies in which the sheriff's invested time and money and have now terminated. What's even more disturbing is that these deputies were not read their garrity warnings, hence, violating their 5th Amendment rights. How many more deputies will Sheriff Lucio terminate?

    1. There were two administrative positions open as well. Capt Carlos Garza who was recently promoted as a reward for being caught by DPS on the side of Roberta road having sex with someone other than his wife. Lt. Al Guerra an ex police commander with Nuevo Laredo Mexico who is limited in English..both of these clowns should also be looked at and shipped back to Mexico.

    2. Lucio is aware as nd should be held accountable. He just promoted a capt and a lieutenant that have no idea.

    3. The rumor is Carlos Garza wants the Chief spot at BISD we dont need more corruption other than Minerva Pena.

  6. Lucio is another Lupe Trevino he needs to step down also. Gus Reyna drinking and driving and coking up, Javier Reyna slapping women and no charges filed. Omar Trevino huh?

  7. Gus Reyna, oh boy...that guy I know enjoys a little bit of manly love from a couple of the boys at the Texas road house after hours. Im sure Martha Reyna wants to know about this...



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