Monday, February 10, 2014

Attorney John Shergold Files Complaint with City Over Alleged Code Violations with Stillman Building

As if the mere double move of the Stillman Building from the King Ranch, then to El Cueto property, and now, again, temporarily placed at Linear Park, hasn't caused the City of Brownsville enough headaches, now Attorney John Shergold has filed a formal complaint with the city, citing code violations.

At the 1/21/14 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Estela Vasquez-Chavez contended that the cost of the two part move of the old house was $39,000, exceeding the $35,000 threshold, above which expenditures by law must be brought before the commission.  Commissioner Rose Gowen disagreed:  "We did not realize we were going to have to move it twice." City Attorney Mark Sossi echoed that by saying moving the house again was "not contemplated."

As we reported at the time:
"Those statements by Gowen and Sossi directly conflict with what City Planner Ramiro Gonzalez told the Brownsville Herald as reported October 18, 2013: "When the house was first moved here, that location was always meant to be a temporary location,” he said. In other words, the city ALWAYS knew the Stillman House would be moved twice. If they did not have a final location in mind, the exact final cost of the two moves may have not been determined, but it would obviously exceed the $35,000 threshold."

John Shergold(on the right)
Now, Attorney Shergold, according to an article in the Brownsville Herald, published 2/10/14, has "filed a formal complaint with City Permitting Director Evaristo Gamez, suggesting that the building is in violation of the city's ordinance concerning unsafe, dilapidated buildings and structures."

According to the article, Shergold also questions whether a city permit was secured before the double move of the building, feels the building is unsecured and constitutes a fire hazard.


  1. Way to go John Shergold! Now let us see what this Looney Toon City Commission is going to do about violations of their own ordinances. Bola de Pendejos.

  2. Again, we have a situation where 'Da Mayor's actions have backfired on him. We must also blame the Heritage Association (Peter Goodman and Calvin Walker) for failing to provide oversight within the historic overlay and for allowing the city and their organization to have flexibilities that they don't offer citizens and property owners within that overlay. There is no evidence of a plan, no evidence of funding to rebuild the Stillman building and it is an eyesore....a pimple on the ass of the city administration. It appears 'Da Mayor wanted the city/taxpayers to fund the project....when city money is needed for real infrastructure projects. We have a bunch of idiots downtown.

  3. If the city doesn't abide by its own rules, how can they prosecute and penalize the citizens or property owners for the same actions. Fallacy in the Heritage Association is that they seem to believe that their job is to dictate to citizens....not to develop any programs to revitalize and assist citizens. Citizens who live in the downtown area often are frustrated by requirements for rebuilding properties....but then the city seems to be free to set a dilapidated....likely infested....building downtown with no rules in place. Let's hope John Shergold is successful.

  4. This is bullshit, at least half the buildings in downtown are in worse condition than the Stillman shack.

  5. Thank you John. That pile of firewood belongs in the upper valley ranch lands. Never should of been brought here. Has absolutely no historical value what so ever.

  6. Move it a third and last time to the Sports Park. Stupid, wretched assholes.( And the stupid, wretched asshole who never vote.)

    1. Better yet move it at Tonia's Mtz back yard or Rose la vaca Gowens' casa. LMAO LMAO

  7. Rush Limbaugh once again was proven right (pardon the pun)

  8. Any termites in that building?

  9. I wonder what kind of education these people have, with no common sense. I wonder sometimes, the economy of Brownsville is depressed because of our politicians, who show no interest to the citizens of Brownsville, and only line their pockets and their interest.

  10. Burn the building for Charro Day! Is the city going to be a third world city in order to get more federal funding?

  11. better have a good insurance company, hurricane season is approaching!!LOL..
