Wednesday, February 12, 2014

An Open Letter(in Spanish) to the Court from Hermila Garcia, Mother of Murder Victim Let Free by Villalobos for $500,000

published at

Hermila Garcia with picture of murdered daughter
Gracias SeΓ±or Juez Hanen por darme la oportunidad de expresar como me ha impactado la
conducta del SeΓ±or Armando Villalobos.

Han sido tiempos muy difΓ­ciles tratando de asimilar que mi hija ya no estΓ‘ y que el asesino no ha
cumplido su sentencia por culpa de SeΓ±or Villalobos.

Ha sido una lucha constante demandando justicia para mi hija.

Al principio, tuvimos consuelo cuando Villalobos nos dijo que Γ©l como fiscal nos harΓ­a justicia
que Γ©l era el estado, la ley, y el defensor de mi hija asesinada.

Y su proceder con sus hechos fue la contrario.

Hizo lo que todo sabemos, hizo lo que hace un ladrΓ³n. Nos robΓ³ justicia para vender la libertad al
asesino convicto y confeso.

Y cuando fuimos a manifestarle nuestra inconformidad pos su mala acciΓ³n y pedirle una
explicaciΓ³n por sus hechos, con arrogancia y prepotencia nos corriΓ³ de su oficina diciΓ©ndonos,
"Se salgan de mi oficina por donde entraron."

Nos salimos llorando, humillados, desaminados, impotentes y desorientados. Nos
preguntΓ‘ndonos, "¿Que hicimos mal?"

Ya no habrΓ­a justicia para mi hija no. No fuimos nosotros. La ambiciΓ³n desmedida al dinero de
Villalobos anulΓ³ la ley y el asesino anda libre.

Y esto nos ha causado que no concluyamos ni tengamos paz.

No es justo que personas sin escrΓΊpulos ni vergΓΌenza estΓ©n al frente de la constituciΓ³n
invalidando las leyes a los que todos los ciudadanos de Estados

Unidos tenemos derecho.

No solo se burlΓ³ de nosotros sino tambiΓ©n de la cciudadanΓ­a que votΓ³ por Γ©l. 

SeΓ±or Juez Hanen, le rogamos por favor que al hacer la decisiΓ³n de la sentencia, tome en cuenta 
que la posiciΓ³n de Γ©l como fiscal era de defender a vΓ­ctimas. 

No sacarle provecho al asesino engrandeciendo de su bolsillo. 

Nuestra familia y amistades estamos afectados tenemos dolor y tristeza y tambiΓ©n sentimos 

Gracias al gobierno federal por tomar este caso en sus manos. 


  1. If this were a just world, Villalobos would be made to serve the murder's sentence.

  2. In the Valley, most everything is forgiven or, worse, forgotten.

  3. english vrs.

    "Thank you Judge Hanen, for allowing me to express how the conduct of Mr. Armando Villalobos has impacted me.

    These have been very difficult times, trying to accept, and come to grips with the realization that my daughter is gone - while the murderer has yet served none of his sentence, all because of Mr. Villalobos.

    It has been an incessant struggle, demanding justice for my daughter.

    At first, we were comforted when when Villalobos ensured us he would prosecute and deliver justice, because he was the state, the law, and the defender of my murdered daughter .

    But proceeded through his conduct and his deeds to do the exact opposite.

    By now, we all know about what he did, he acted like a thief. He stole justice from us, to sell freedom to a
    confessed and convicted murderer.

    And when we went to him to express our discontent after his wrongdoing, and ask for an explanation of his actions, he was arrogant and presumptuous, and threw us out of his office saying, "Go out the same door you came in."

    We left crying, humiliated, defeated, helpless and lost. Asking, "What did we do wrong? "

    There would be no justice for my daughter. Not for us. In Villalobos' blind ambition for money he trampled over the law, so a murderer could walk free.

    And this left us without any peace or resolution.

    It is not fair that shameless people without any scruples can administer the Constitution at their whim,
    invalidating the laws to which all citizens of the United States have a right.

    He not only made a laughingstock of our family, but also those who voted for him .

    Judge Hanen, please take into account when deciding his sentence, that Villalobos's responsibility as a prosecutor was to defend victims.

    Not to do favors for murderers only too happy to take advantage of his greed.

    Our family and friends have been horribly affected by this, enduring unending pain and sadness, and also

    Thank you to the federal government for taking this case in your hands."
