Friday, December 20, 2013

BISD Teacher Sarah Prock Responds to Dagoberto's Charges That the Poor Are Not Hungry~Simply Obese and Lazy!

From the editor:  

Local orator Dagoberto Barrera, admired by some locals because of his spunk, but merely tolerated by the thoughtful, has another rant published in the December 12th Brownsville Herald under "OTHER VIEWS."  After describing "170,000 veterans" as "on the dole," Barrera turns his attention to the school lunch program:  "The welfare rolls are increasing because these so-called 'poor'--many from Mexico(Matamoros)--reside here.  These children who were receiving school lunches; where are there parents?  Probably still asleep, figuring the rest of us hard-working Americans will foot the lunch programs.

The so-called 'poor' are not to blame; it's the lazy parents who are still asleep after a night out with their compadres and friends, drinking while the Barreras, frugal citizens, will foot the bill for these 'abandoned' schoolchildren."

BISD Teacher Sarah Prock responds to Barrera's claims in a letter posted in "YOUR VOICES" in the Brownsville Herald:


As a longtime educator, I was taken aback by the sanctimonious tone of Mr. Dagoberto Barrera with regard to children who receive school lunches. His inquiry as to where the parents are and then his own quick response, castigating these parents as lazy and unproductive, left me speechless.

What makes our country the best, what makes Americans stand apart, is how we constantly strive to imrove the educational opportunities of our children.  

I am a taxpayer myself, living here in one of the poorest counties in the United States, but, unlike Mr. Barrera, I am proud of what those taxes are doing.  

Ensuring that our children have a warm and nutritious breakfast and lunch every day affords them the stamina they need to achieve their best in school.  

These nutritional assistance programs are well run and efficient.  When I come to school every morning at Oliveira Middle School to teach my eighth-graders the wonders of reading, it is encouraging to see that these young faces, smiling and chatting with friends, are enjoying a balanced meal that will help them face the academic challenges of the day.  

The money paid to help our youth have a better chance to prepare for a successful future is not just yur earnings, Mr. Barrera, but those of other people who have a kinder and more gentle outlook on life.  Perhaps, in this season of giving, it is time for you to rethink your priorities.  A little less of the Bah humbug Mr. Scrooge attitude, perhaps.

Sarah Prock



  1. Well said, Dag is a big show-off, I went to A & I with him, he was an a++s hole then, and still so..

  2. Sorry Sarah. Obviously, you are a good person with a big heart. Even though I would love to help all those who are in need, the world does not work that way. Nowadays parents appear to have abdicated all their responsibilities and seem to expect everyone else pick up the slack. As a senior citizen I have had my share of hard times ( still experiencing that), and I know we cannot help everyone. Many of these parents are too darn lazy to "do" for their children. I am going through some very hard times myself right now (I am a senior citizen), so I do understand hard times. Unfortunately, children and old folks seem to get the bad end of the deal. . Parents need to step up to the plate and stop relying on the government and the generosity of the public.

    1. Dittos well said. These government programs were sold to us for helping our senior citizen not the lazy able bodies and especially not for ILLEGALS. What is happening our elderly and our military service people are suffering because the lazy pariahs leeches that are here in our country. I've had it with these bleeding heart LIBTARDS IF YOU PEOPLE WANT TO BE "GENEROUS," DO IT WITH YOUR OWN MONEY!

    2. What programs do "illegals" qualify for? Name some.

    3. "Anonymous"! I see why you remain in the shadows here. Most of your bigoted ilk who are racist xenophobes like you and are against us Brown people will NEVER have the guts to tell another Brown person exactly how you feel about NOSOTROS, huh?!! ...And YOU will NEVER do so, because you are right in our midst, probably next door to one who looks like me too..., BROWN! When YOU have time, try to get an education and read MANIFEST DESTINY. I'm sorry Bubba, but at Hee Haw U. where you "attended", they only taught you Moonshine Brewing 101 and Trailer Park Turnip Farming. By the way "Anonymous", if you feel so "brave" in your bigoted self, then why don't you come out of your sewer or closet and reveal yourself, hmmmm....?! Nawwww, I didn't think so! You're too much of a COWARD to that!
      Thank you.

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Face Book: e.f. mohammed martinez

  3. Barrera is just a renegade of his Totonaca Indian roots, clearly obvious just by looking at his
    physiognomy of an ancestral Tolteca idol, an hypocrite white man wanna be,

    1. Totally wrong, pale face, the Totnac are from the East Coast of Mexico, El Tajin. The Tolteca are the precursors of your Aztecs in the Valley of Mexico. Barrera is neither. He has the looks and personality of the fearless Karankawa cannibals from Padre Island.

    2. WRONG, his facial features betray his roots of the Nopalero tribe, an indigenous semi-nomadic peoples who inhabited the north of modern-day Tamaulipas. Just feed him some Nopalitos, and prepare yourself to witness how he reverts back to his indigenous pata-rajada, bajado a tamborasos de la sierra roots.

  4. Dago's philosophy is the reason the Republican Party will never see another Presidential win anytime soon.

    1. While IDIOTS like you keep spending money we don't have on stupid chichi programs.

  5. If we continue to "strive" for the best education possible in this nation, why are our kids doing so poorly when compared to those in other developed nations. When we "strive" and are going backwards....what is the solution. Are the negative scores a reflection on the quality of teachers; of administration, etc. We are quick to say it is due to lack of funds.....that is a political answer...."throw money at the problem".
    "Striving" without progress means there is a the case of US public education there are multiple problems. Perhaps this teacher should explain why so many kids graduate here but are illiterate in two languages? TSC and UTB must spend lots more tax dollars for remedial programs....which reflect the failure in public elementary and secondary school. Educators are not "striving" hard enough.

    1. Cowardly Bigoted "Anonymous" Said:
      "...Perhaps this teacher should explain why so many kids graduate here but are illiterate in two languages?...

      E.F. Mohammed Replies:
      The main reason why bigots of your ilk are against bi-lingual education is because YA'LL feel inept, "culturally" handicapped and insecure when NOSOTROS speak two languages to your own mono singular English lingo! I remember when I attended Skinner Elementary School during the mid 1950s, we kids were actually prohibited from speaking Espanol. "Speak English, you are not in Mexico!" or "Don't act like a Mexican!" Looking back today, these same teachers then were uwittingly perpetuating CULTURAL GEOCIDE! Then again, it was during the fascist Joesph McCarthy red scare era too! The sad part of it all, was that the teachers who prohibited us from speaking our own native Espanol language were not white teachers..., oh no! These few teachers looked just like NOSOTROS! Yet, and ironically, there was a white school teacher who allowed us kids to speak Espanol because he wanted to learn our language, but was always careful that there were no other teachers around to listen to us teaching him our language! Again..., what irony, huh? Wow! ...And how things have changed in 50-55 years later!

      Well "Anonymous", here are the benefits of speaking more than one language, regardless of the country of origin, especially within the Rio Grande Valley area or anywhere else in America for that matter, where in the RGV, Espanol is the predominate language..., it's good for business! Businesses cater to where the $$$ is. Speaking more than one language, regardless of what other native language one speaks, it educates and enhances one's cultural horizons. ...And diversity in America is what this nation has ALWAYS been composed of!

      I myself, throughout my life have made it my quest to learn as many languages as possible. As I have come in contact with many diverse races and cultures throughout my life time to this very day, I have learned several languages, some fluently, some not so fluent. Yet, because of this, when I go to different places and meet other people, different than my own culture, I attempt to say a few greeting words in their own language..., and guess what? ...I've broken the ice of communication! ...And that "Anonymous" is the benefit of speaking more than one language! By the way..., how many "languages" can YOU speak "Anonymous", hmmmmm....?!

      E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez

      ...Algun comentario mas "Anonymous"? (...Any more comments "Anynonmous"?)

  6. (Ms. Sarah Prock, I soundly SRO applaud you for your right on target response to this rightwing Tea Party RepublicsKKKumbag of a human being, Dagoberto. Not too long ago, I too responded to his insult to the poor hungry children, whether from Brownsville or Matamoros. The following is my previous responsive of the Brownville Herald public forum as follows:)

    E.f. Mohammed Martinez · Top Commenter · East Los Angeles, California
    Tsk! Tsk! DOGoberto Barrera! Apparently it seems you have never been poor or ever known hunger pains who grew up with hard working parents in dire need to help feed their children, huh boy?! Then again, rightwing RepublicsKKKumbag Tea Party tapado VENDIDOS as your ilk is what holds back our gente from going forward.
    Menso traidor de tu RAZA, please allow me to give you a true story about children in need of a meal in school! We grade school kids were given mostly Tuna or Pimento cheese sandwiches and a carton of milk or chocolate milk (when available of course!). ...And I hope there are BH readers here who are my age, 65 or older who remember those hard days of yore, especially those who lived these hunger and dire poverty experience. I and my three younger siblings grew up at "El Ramireno", an extreme poverty stricken colon...See More
    Reply · Like · Follow Post · December 14 at 6:46pm

  7. I and my three younger siblings grew up at "El Ramireno", an extreme poverty stricken colonia 50-55 years ago, no paved streets with outhouses and most homes could not afford the basic light, water and gas utilities then. Imagine living like this during the cold weather seasons in Brownsville in those days too! It's changed a whole lot since then, but hunger and poverty in other colonias still exists there as well today no doubt from what I saw a few years ago when I last visited it. In those days we went to bed hungry at times for lack of enough food. And no DOGoberto..., our parents were NOT "lazy"..., they both worked for their children, but it was NEVER enough for food after paying the house bills and such to survive on! Things were hard for all of us in those days as I am, pretty sure it still is in Brownsville hoy mismo!
    However, a shameless "brown" malcontent pedazo de basura (for lack of a better term) like YOU would NOT understand those things..., right?!
    I shined shoes, sold the BH all over the downtown streets and eventually worked myself up at the now defunct old, El Jardin Hotel and the still functioning Oyster Bar across the street from the hotel, including part time at the now defunct, Capitol Theater, passing out "Coming Soon" flyers for 25 centavos..., at age 13! I lied to my employers by telling them I was 16!
    DOGoberto..., you must be a self-hating pedazo de basura (for lack of a better term) no doubt. No RAZA would stoop themselves so low at ALL times to denigrate his own people! When YOU generalize NUESTRA GENTE like a whipped barking rabid dog, YOU make yourself look like a complete village idiot here!
    I hope you can debate me on your rightwing stupid issues here you know nothing about, ...Or are you all bark like a COWARDLY car street chasing dog with no teeth, hmmmmm....RACE TRAITOR?!

    E.F. Mohammed Martinez - Print/Radio Journalist/Writer De "El Ramireno", Brownsville, Now Residing In East L.A., Ca.(I'm proud of my academic and professional life achievements, but I ALWAYS acknowledge and mention where I came from. SI SE PUEDE! MI RAZA!)
    Reply · Like · Follow Post · December 14 at 6:46pm



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