Monday, October 14, 2013

New Cameron County Democratic Chair Facing Challenges

Amber Medina Contemplating
The Road Ahead
When the newly installed Cameron County Democratic Chair was asked for a picture for our intitial story on her selection, she declined.  Later, when my wife Nena took this candid shot,  outgoing County Chair Sylvia Garza-Perez fumed:  "Don't take an ugly picture.  If you're gonna do that, let us pose for a picture."  Like a stern mother hen, Garza-Perez grabbed Medina's arm for the posed picture posted below.

The new chairperson, Amber Medina, 35, a McAlester, OK native, now residing in Brownsville, faces stiff challenges in coming months to organize the local party seemingly in disarray.  While the Cameron County Democratic Party website on Facebook no longer has the current list of Precinct Chair ineligibilty and vacancy, an earlier list reflected 109 total precincts with 23 ineligible to vote and 38 precincts without a chair.

While the Brownsville Herald has failed to report anything about the October 11 meeting at El Mercadito to elect officers, Jeff Duvall(Oso Ddb Polar on Facebook) reported that Carlos Masso was selected as Vice-Chair, William Skaggs as Treasurer and Teresa Saldivar as Secretary.

Tony Martinez
Mayor Tony Martinez, representing himself as the Precinct Chair for Precinct 38, was not allowed to vote at the meeting.  After the selection of Amber Medina, the mayor walked out of the meeting, reportably angry. District 4 Commissioner John Villareal was allowed to exercize his vote for Carlos Masso before departing. Notable for their absence were longtime Democratic power brokers Norma and Ernie Hernandez.

Former Vice-Chair Jared Hockema, a loser in the 2012 campaign for Democratic Chair, despite contributing $80,000 of his own money to his campaign for the unpaid position, politely declined any office in the county party, saying the "voters had spoken."

Sylvia Garza-Perez, Amber Medina in posed picture


  1. Lame. No story here, Barton

  2. So shameful that you and your wife could not respect the fact that she didnt want her picture taken. Your wife had to go snap a picture anyway....incredibly rude..

    1. Sylvia,
      My wife was unaware of your anti-picture edict. When Amber told me she didn't look good enough for a pic, I didn't take one. You are simply out of line here.


    2. No, she's right. It's not like this woman is a Holywood actress. You blew it Barton. shame on Nena

    3. Silvia and Amber pose and no one force them.

    4. she's a public get over it!

    5. Silvia and Amber posed and no one force them.
      I like Amber better.

  3. No story, but a picture is worth a thousand pounds.

    1. They say that the IPhone makes you look ten pounds heavier.

  4. Public officials, in public, should not expect any right to privacy. If that concerns her, then don't put your name up for the position.

    1. Ditto! Who in their right mind thinks they are going into politics and then complains about having a picture taken?

  5. Just wondering, are all the women in Brownsville over-weight? It sure seems like almost everyone in public office or running for public office needs to get on the treadmill and off the buffet line. Not trying to be mean, but that's the way it looks. Sorry for an offense taken, but I simply had to state it.

    1. Pinche male chuvanist, have you seen Masso's pic?

    2. Corpulence among males in the Latin culture, so as it is, represents wealth and authority. Within the female herd; laziness, slovenliness, and bad sex.

    3. funny.....but so wrong



                                                                       submitted by Rene Torres