Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday's Downtown Pics~Update on Tony's New Office

From the editor:  We learned last week that Mayor Tony Martinez was investing taxpayer dollars in yet another downtown property, this time for a mayoral office.  In selecting yet another property to lease, the mayor eschews the entire top floor of Market Square, available, suitable space in the City Plaza, putting to use the $3,500,000 worth of properties purchased this year without citizen involvement or transparency.  Even Casa del Nylon, purchased for $2,300,000 from Tony's friend Abraham Galonsky with an assist from Tony's law partner, Horacio Barrera, was not suitable for the mayor's new digs.  Tony opted for a building directly across from Peter Goodman's Heritage office in Market Square.  The pics below depict the intensity of work done by city employees on the project.  

Four Brownsville city trucks lined up in front

Cafe next door with delivery vehicles


  1. Your photography is your best work, Jimmy. What comes clear is this honesty in the work, in the lens, in that the picture won't lie or be framed as something it is not. Words, however, are more difficult to control. Keep aiming the camera at Brownsville. Life is best lived, yes, although photographing it also brings your environment to life, if only for the second it takes you to aim and click...


  2. What could be a pleasant view out the many large picture windows downtown is obstructed by unseemly "wrought iron" bars. A perfect metaphor for a city held prisoner by its incivility and outright lawlessness. No attempt at esthetic design, only cold, hard, lifeless practicality, such as it is.

  3. (if only for the second it takes you to aim and click...)

    Bet if you'd post pics of latrines filled/overflowing with human defecation, he'd send you wholehearted/sincere compliments, Jim.

  4. I guarantee they have not done any asbestos abatements. Those ancient buildings are chock full of asbestos.



From the editor: Found this on the rightwing propaganda machine~X(formerly Twitter) Donald J. Trump News@realTrumpNews~Dec 15 DO YOU BELIEVE...