Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lack of Quorum Stifles Politicos from Desired "Me-Too" Raises

County Sheriff Omar Lucio
Omar, Sally and Abelardo will have to wait until another day to see if a citizen panel buys their arguments for substantial yearly salary increases. The Salary Grievance Committee, scheduled to meet at 9:00 AM Wednesday, did not have the required number of citizens for a quorum.  Four citizens showed up, but five were needed.   The committee will be rescheduled.

The most ambitious raise seeker is Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio, who is asking for a $25,000 raise on his current salary of $95,700, bumping him up to $120,700.  Perhaps, the 80 year old sheriff is wanting one more big payday before going off into retirement.  The mindset might be sort of a self-generated "Me-Too" for Lucio's salary to match and exceed that of Brownsville Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez, who currently commands a salary of $111,205.

Abelardo Gomez(on the right)
Precinct 2 Constable Abelardo Gomez, feeling financially deprived by his current pay of $45,848, wants an increase of $7,314, while Sally Gonzalez, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, is asking for $9,152 to be added to her current $45,848 salary.  Of course, all of the candidates knew the effective salary when they filed for the office, but, nevertheless have decided to utilize the grievance procedure to add to their income.

County Judge Carlos Cascos acts as a non-voting chairman for the panel of five citizens composing the Salary Grievance Committee.  Once the committee reconvenes, each petitioner will be given up to 30 minutes to make a case for their increase in salary.  The hearing is open to the public with public comment on the raises permitted.

Sally Gonzalez, Justice of the Peace

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