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Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin |
"Damn straight!" answered her Budweiser-bellied husband from across the pool. "It will make those motherfuckers think twice." I lowered my voice to exclude the buffoon while engaging the three closest in observations about the trial. None of us made any converts, but our conversation was, at least, respectful. Racism in America.
Later that night, I flipped on the TV to catch Craig Ferguson of CBS's The Late, Late Show. Ferguson, a naturalized American originally from Scotland, is capable of near genius, scattershot monologues, going in complete circle back to an obvious theme, but usually ending with: "It's a great day for America!" This night, he simply said his catchphrase didn't fit. It was not a great day for America, an obvious reference to the Florida verdict.
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York, the Black Slave on the Lewis & Clark Expedition |
While 30 of the 31 brave travelers received a hero's welcome from the president, land AND money, York received nothing. He was a slave of Lieutenant Clark. Although he asked for his freedom on his return, that was denied. He got nothing but a beating for insolence. Racism in early America.
While Clark later claims he had freed York, historians disagree, theorizing that he escaped. Zenas Leonard in Narratives of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard(1839) writes about York:
"In this village we found a negro man, who informed us that he first came to this country with Lewis & Clark — with whom he also returned to the State of Missouri, and in a few years returned again with a Mr. Mackinney, a trader on the Missouri river, and has remained here ever since - which is about ten or twelve years. He has acquired a correct knowledge of their manner of living, and speaks their language fluently. He has rose to be quite a considerable character, or chief, in their village; at least he assumes all the dignities of a chief, for he has four wives, with whom he lives alternately."
Not only did I not know that a black man accompanied Lewis & Clark, I had no idea that a black man played for Seattle University. I would hook up my crystal set to the kitchen faucet as a ground. I could get KIRO, KOMO and KJR. One of those stations broadcast the SU games. "Baylor scores!" the announcer would say. I had no earthly idea what Elgin Baylor looked like. I just knew that he scored almost every time down the floor.
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Bill Russell |
What kind of bullshit is a "Stand Your Ground" law? If I want to attack an enemy, let him get the best of me, then shoot him in the heart, do I get off? "Stand Your Ground" in Texas would certainly mean that Mexican Nationals trespassing on your property could be shot on sight. You know all they want is to rape, rob and pillage and you are soooo scared!
Nena and I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas for over 30 years. When we still went to church, we intentionally chose a large black church in the ghetto. Most of the time, we were the only non-blacks in the congregation. For ten years we socialized, conversed and picked the brains of 400 or so folks who had escaped slavery. Bill Perkins, as articulate as Obama, who drove beer truck, taught me to not dumb myself down for the audience. Keith Wine, a former Black Panther, turned us on to Hugh Masekela, Miriam Makeba and other African artists. But, still there were stories, many stories. Racism in America.
Excellent article. However, racism was not a part of the Zimmerman situation until the country's Chief Racebaiters (namely: Obama, Holden, Jackson & Sharpe) took a hand. If one looks hard enough and twists enough words & facts, racism (or indeed, anything) can be found.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't care who is trying to illegally enter my house - white, black, hispanic, green, blue or yellow - I will shoot at you! This is my property and I will defend it, my family and myself. I hate nobody for their looks or skin pigment, but there are many individuals of many hues for whom I have very little respect. If a person acts respectfully and respectably, he will be treated with respect and respectability.
Thank you.
Oh, boy. Come and try again when you take your head out of the sand, lady. Racism lives in the USA, and there clearly was racism involved in this case. A black kid was followed by a non-Black and shot to death. Why did the kid get followed? Right.
The national media made that trial a "novella" and forced the nation to watch it, even if we didn't want to. That "novella" became more important than anything else in the world...Egypt, Syria, Snowden in Russia, Mexico, etc. Because of the media we see the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus (and other groups which exist only as long as there is a perception of racism). made the "novella" the centerpiece of their organizations. Obviously this trial and its undeserved media attention is no more a symbol of racism than anything else in America. Why don't those groups stand up against Black on Black killing in our major cities, or the economic disasters in cities like Detroit which has been subject of Black leadership and corruption for years. Why don't Black leaders try to fix problems in their own communities.....Does their lack of action to stop Black on Black problems mean that they are like the US Congress....can't fix anything but the insignificant. Same as Rick Perry, can't fix anything meaningful but can dictate how a woman seeks health services. If I could have CNN deleted from my TV and XM radio, I would....along with other "so called news" media. "Rolling Stone" magazine makes a hero out of the Boston Bomber on their cover and Bloomberg's magazine has given the market a sexual perspected on their cover.
ReplyDeleteThe Prez said that when he walks outside he can hear car doors being locked. My wife says she would lock the doors from any man or group of men. The Prez needs to look at statistics, most crimes in this nation are committed by men of color. Most crimes against persons and property is committed by men. Now, while I know some crazy bitches are out there.....most are concerned about crime down here from men. And, since 95% of the population is Hispanic....guess who commits the crimes. It isn't profiling, its statistics. And these "hoodies" and other "gang" clothing...there are too many negative signals out there, that locking the doors is smart. My guess is the Prez never feared for anything. He has been on the public tit his entire life.....and obviously will be until he dies. He would be right at home down here with our local Dumbokrats....thriving off of corruption and living high on the back of tax payers.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a genuine PENDEJO. Keep your head up your ass. we'll tell you when to take it out, whitey. LOL!!!
I find it interesting that I am the only commenter who is willing to make remarks giving her own full name.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, my head is not in the sand - I suggest you check the location of yours, Dags.
Giving up your name doesn't make you right. Racebaiters? Really? If you think racism wasn't "a part of Zimmerman's situation", you do have your head buried somewhere. Zimmerman didn't like black kids walking around his neighborhood.
DeleteLaws that make it easier to shoot unarmed people you don't like are not good laws. Jeez! Isn't this regressing as a society?
Woman, get back in the kitchen! LOL!!!
Good piece, Jim. Guys like the Florida hot-tubber are the reason I carry a weapon.
ReplyDeleteTo his defenders above, Zimmerman was not defending anything; he shot someone whom he was harassing. The Florida law allowed him to get away with murder. You know, just like in Gunsmoke when the guy says, "He drew first!"
Rascism is alive and well, not just with Florida crackers like the hot-tubber, but with many here in the Valley.
Wow ghetto??? Picking the brain of 400 and so slaves!? Man you are the worst bigot hypocrite low life I have ever read....
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of bullshit.... You picked a black ghetto cos of your mexican Indian wife, and is widely known that people that feel inferior or have been abused tend to go to places where they are the minorities, or were they will deal with conflict, anger and fisty attitudes all that better describes THE REAL REASON YOU CHOOSE THE GHETTO.
What do you mean "widely known"? You wouldn't know a fact if it bit your ugly nose off. Ignorance is bad but mean and ignorant is the worst of the worst. You are the worst.
DeleteWe never LIVED in the ghetto. You have some difficulty with reading comprehension and your psychobabble is amateurish at best.
Just reading local blogs ought to answer the question. I see plenty of racist comments. Some are intentional and some appear to be so ingrained that the poster doesn't even realize they are making racist comments. Racism is alive and well and being nurtured every day.
ReplyDeleteBravo, Jim!
ReplyDeleteAny time I hear the word/name Obama, I lock the doors of my car. Playing politics with racism is dangerous.....and Obama seems too willing to play the racism card to promote his socialisitic agenda.
ReplyDelete"Playing politics with racism is dangerous." Did you bite your hypocritical tongue?
DeleteGo back to your Teabagging blogs to post this Fox-inspired crap.
i'm a lifelong brownie so I've never really been exposed to black folks, aside from a couple at Pace high school. and there was anything but racism in those cases. those guys were star athletes who most of the student body looked up to. they were good students who dressed well and participated in normal school events. now I contrast that with what I see on tv today. baggy pants, boxers exposed, etc. and many valley kids emulate that hip hop look. those guys need to help themselves. they need to dress normal and act normal. is that a racist statement? i can tell you that i would be suspect of any kid, black, white, Hispanic, or Asian who was dressed like a gangster hoodlum. race is not part of it. now on the other hand, i don't think that i would be suspect of a black kid who is wearing khakis and a button down shirt. am i a racist? i would hope not, but being from here, i don't really know.
ReplyDeleteah barton you are so dumb, i guess you are suffering from senility, maybe all that oxygen that is stuck in your balls does not let the blood run freely in your system.... you tried to write a some what " i am ashamed of racism in the usa" blog and completely blew it, really 400 folk told you their stories about slavery??
ReplyDeleteman you should retire let go already your blogs are going down everyday they do not make sense.
Look a'here, some people say we got a lot of malice
DeleteSome say it's a lotta nerve
I say we won't quit moving
Til we get what we deserve
We've been buked and we've been scourned
We've been treated bad, talked about
As just as sure as you're born
But just as sure as it take
Two eyes to make a pair, huh
Brother, we can't quit until we get our share
Say it loud,
I'm black and I'm proud
Say it loud,
I'm black and I'm proud, one more time
Say it loud,
I'm black and I'm proud, huh
racism is part of human nature. fear of the unknown. it is not inherently bad. it's what an individual does with it that can be bad. one can easily exploit that fear as hitler did against the jews.