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Tony Martinez |
The report in the El Rrun Rrun blog that Tony Martinez along with Commissioner Estela Chavez-Vasquez utilized either City of Brownsville or P.U.B. funds to attend the inauguration of Barack Obama, if true, demonstrates an obscene betrayal of public trust.
What the hell Tony? What kind of arrogant opportunist are you? Man up, son! You have the personal funds to pay for such a trip. What in God's name gives you the right to a free ride courtesy of this hardworking community? You should be protecting the widows and orphans, not stealing from them!
Tony is part of the Brownsville "Elite" and doesn't understand the plight of local citizens. His connection is with "Old Brownsville" families and the people he grew up with and has done business with (Juliet Garcia, Freddy Rusteburg, the Garza's, Garcia's, etc...the old families). Tony doesn't understand the new population of Brownsville. Tony would have us take his hand and place it on our forehead and call him Don Tony. His autocratic style of management and "leadership" comes from that elite, "patron" image he has of himself....or that is a part of the culture of "Elite Brownsville". Tony made a mistake running for public office and the voters made a mistake by electing him. The city continues to swirl down the toilet....no positive change.
ReplyDeleteAnon of January 24, 2013 at 8:50 AM said:
Delete"... Don Tony. His autocratic style of management and "leadership" comes from that elite, "patron" image he has of himself....or that is a part of the culture of "Elite Brownsville"...
Son you're partly right. Don Tony is your normal average MOMON democRATA!!!!!!!!!
There is NOT ONE democRAT WHO SUCK AT THE TIT OF THE GOVERNMENT. Be it government entity worker, ie. city, county, state, federal, teacher, or welfare mamon recipient, many people on disability mamones, or BIG BUSINESS MAMONES LIKE THE RUSTEBURG'S MARIN'S, CARDENAN'S, GE, GMAC, ...GET MY POINT!!!!!!!
Ah, the life of the Little People. There are no elites in a bordertown, people. Tony is just another Mexican. you're all lumped into the same shithole.
ReplyDeleteWhy whip on "widowes" and "orphans," as if they are less important than, say, your ass. Cheap shot when a more realistic target (everyfuckinbody in town) was needed. Grade: a "lazy" F
ReplyDeleteThe way one treats widows and orphans is sort of a Biblical measuring stick for spirituality. To mistreat widows and orphans makes one the ultimate lowlife. Sorry, this went over your head a bit.
[Sorry, this went over your head a bit.]
ReplyDeleteThere is no comma needed after "Sorry," although perhaps you were stoned.
"Sorry" is a contracted form of "I'm sorry, but. . . "
DeleteRey was correcting the sentence as you wrote it, Jim. Agree that he is right on this one. Own up to it, man.
Deleteah get a life barton you and ur wife are insane no wonder no one stands you no wonder brownsville cheezmeh dropped you as well as all the people u associate with! your senile.. your blogs are not what they use to be goodriddance
ReplyDeleteYour syntax and grammar are distinctively "Hernandez."
Jim, I doubt they waste time reading your blog. The rest of us do it for senseless entertainment.
Delete"Jim, I doubt they waste time reading your blog. The rest of us do it for senseless entertainment."
DeleteActually, the blogs are all that the Hernandez DO read. Erin is easily identified as the only commenter who includes my wife in the insult and makes some sort of Cheezmeh reference. She has become died-in-the-wool cheezmyte as they are her only friends.
Funy, i though the same! This is Erin's writing!,
ReplyDeleteYou are so predictable Barton. Anytime anyone even critiques or criticizes you, it's an Hernandez. Lol. Let me tell you something, all that was said was that you shouldn't pinpoint orphans or widows and you blew your top. Another thing, I know Ernie, and he isn't half the ass tony is. Ernie does projects for his entire precinct. To y doesn't do shit for anyone but himself. And Estela, well she does WHATEVER tony tells her to do. He owns her,
DeleteQuestion Jim did you vote for Martinez? Be honest.
ReplyDeleteNo. I did not. I voted for Mike Garza.
WOW! Me too. In my opinion since Martinez loves Italy he has a FACIST/COMMUNIST air about him. He is a BIG PROPONENT for UN AGENDA 21. PLEASE I URGE EVERYONE TO GET INFORM GO TO democratsagainstunagenda21.com
DeleteJim, thank you for all you do for us. We know for a fact what these perros want...
ReplyDeleteQueer Alert!!!!
DeleteJim Barton is an excelent husband, father, grandfather, and above all, a great friend!!
ReplyDeleteWha happened to "Pendejo Alert," Jim? U censoring now? sad