Monday, December 17, 2012

South Padre Island Embarrasses Brownsville With New Ethics Code~ Martinez and Sossi Can't Seem to Get It Done

From the Editor:  

Back on April 19, 2011 at the UTB/TSC Mayor Candidates Forum, Tony Martinez clearly identified the drafting of a new ethics code as the "top priority" of a Martinez administration. Since Tony said so little of substance during the campaign, I jotted that down. Assuming a strong work ethic coupled with a desire to get our city functioning efficiently and ethically, some of us fully expected Tony to be a man of his word. Literally dozens of model city ethics codes exist on the internet and from other sources that could be tweaked to fit our city. Certainly other Texas cities have codes that could be tailored for Brownsville. We reported in August: "City Attorney Mark Sossi was handpicked by Mayor Martinez to initiate the process. Sossi reported to the commission 7/19/11 concerning the research, thought process and focus so far which amounted essentially to having read the San Antonio and Dallas codes, a 20 minute effort at best. Later in that meeting Mayor Martinez expressed his desire to be included in the committee to draft the code. My recollection is that City Manager Charlie Cabler would be included in that committee along with a commissioner or two."
Since Sossi's report on July 19, 2011, another additional 17 months have passed. Remember once a final draft of an ethics code is submitted and approved, language in the City Charter has to also be changed to allow for penalties for violations of the code. Brownsville's last ethics code expired in 2006.
With Mayor Martinez recently ramming speculative real estate deals purchased with taxpayer dollars from cronies at above market rates through the City Commission, using his law partner as negotiator, it's little wonder Tony has lost interest in an ethics code. He and slacker City Attorney Sossi both had connections to "Bannergate", a scam to dun local businessment into purchasing packages of city banners costing up to $4,000 to "support Brownsville."
City government is in dire need of an ethics code and ethics.


  1. Oh Jim, why post that picture of yourself with the Santa Hat? With that face it seems like something climbed up your chimney and died.

    1. And you are so stupid Anon....

    2. Merry Freakin' Christmas 838......In case you don't know, it's his site and he can post anything he wants.......maybe one of your mother in a Santa hat and chones would be better????

    3. Not agreeing with OP, but Jim you could have at least cracked a smile. It's Christmas, a time to rejoice!

  2. About the right to bear arms in America: The government cannot ban handguns, but it can ban other weapons — like, say, an assault rifle — or so it appears. The full meaning of the Supreme Court’s Heller opinion is still up for grabs. But it is clear that the scope of the Second Amendment will be determined as much by politics as by the law. The courts will respond to public pressure — as they did by moving to the right on gun control in the last thirty years. And if legislators, responding to their constituents, sense a mandate for new restrictions on guns, the courts will find a way to uphold them. The battle over gun control is not just one of individual votes in Congress, but of a continuing clash of ideas, backed by political power. In other words, the law of the Second Amendment is not settled; no law, not even the Constitution, ever is.

  3. Code of Ethics???? Which Code of Ethics.....This mayor and commissioners are BY FAR the worse ever in the history of Brownsville!!1

  4. Ethics code, "We don't need no stinking ethics code" in Brownsville. An ethics code would interfer with the nefarious goings on by elected and non-elected officials. An ethics code,if enforced, would interrupt the "mordida" process throughout the city. We have laws and ordinances that are regularly ignored by city officials, including the police. If a State Rep has an accident in his uninsured vehicle, he gets a "get away free" card from the police and a city commissioner. Since the city doesn't enforce the little laws and ordinances, it gives people the encouragement to break bigger laws and ordinances. If you don't pay the "mordida" to city officials, you can't get anything done. Without the "mordida" Brownsville public servants become a mad wife....closing her legs until she gets what she wants.

  5. The "code of ethics" are made by Tony, Rose, Ricardo, John, Jessica, and Estela

  6. Tony "I rule the world" Martinez wipes his ass with the code of ethics.....he doesn't care about any one or anything other than himself!



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