Last March, the local Republicans held a candidate seminar at one of the rundown, ancillary conference rooms of the V.I.C.C. Alex Torres was stumbling through questions written in Tea Party speak by Norma Tovar with Tovar correcting his phrasing on nearly every question. County Judge Carlos Cascos, the only local Republican rock star, allowed himself to be seen and then quickly left.
Jessica Puente Bradshaw |
Tovar's prepared questions for congressional candidates Adela Garza, Jessica Puente Bradshaw and Paul Haring all had a Tea Party slant; abolishing the United Nations, the dreaded Agenda 21, prayer in schools and abortion. While Adela Garza didn't have all the snappy Tea Party answers, Haring turned every answer against abortion, it was Puente Bradshaw who breezed through to the challenge round without a miss. The pretty, young Hispanic woman espoused viewpoints I hadn't heard since the heyday of the John Birch Society.
One of Tovar's questions was "Which constitutional amendment is most important?" Adela stumbled out of the gate with: "I find them all important. . . . " But Puente Bradshaw hit the Tea Party home run with: "Oh that's easy! The Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms." Haring quickly agreed.
Charlton Heston,
Former NRA Spokesman
Sometimes the Constitution including its amendments and the Bill of Rights is viewed as sacred, as if it came down on stone tablets from Mount Sinai, not a good document that may need to be tweaked from time to time. Afterall, most of the flawed men who composed the document were slaveholders, so, if still alive today, would need a severe attitude adjustment. National Rifle Association spokespersons and the gun lobby oppose ANY limitations on gun ownership including the kind of automatic weapons that can obliterate a room of six year olds in just a minute or two.
As Barack Obama spoke in Newtown, Connecticut today, he enunciated the first name of each of the twenty children mowed down. He spoke as a parent primarily, a president secondarily. Sandy Hook, he said, was the fourth mass killing at a school since he took office. He said this had to stop.
A commenter to this blog supplied these figures on gun deaths:
Murders with firearms in one year:
Great Britain 14
Australia 59
Canada 144
USA 9,369
I got it! It's Americans who are dangerous, not guns!
Six of the Twenty Killed At Sandy Hook |
We get it Jim you hate Norma and Jessica. They must not have gone grocery shopping with you.
ReplyDeleteI'll humor your sorry excuse for a post with facts. The United KINGDOM had almost 1.2 million violent crimes at a rate of over 2,000 per 100,000 residents. On the other hand, the US has a violent crime rate per 100,000 of just 470 which puts us below every single single country in you stupid list - all of which have far more restrictive gun laws than the US.
Norway pretty much kicks our ass when it comes to banning guns, yet there is a douchebag mass murderer serving a life sentence behind bars. Yeah it's the tea party's fault he found a gun in Norway and used it to kill people.
You do realize that in Mexico they ban guns and there is a shit load of murders that happen over there, right? So yeah, Jim, it's the tea party's fault the drug cartel has guns in Mexico while the regular Joses do not. It's because the Tea Party and not Barack Obama sent those Fast and Furious guns into the hands of evil people in Mexico. Fucking Teabaggers.
Stop dancing your gun control tango because these poor children were murdered a crazed psycho.
Nice tea party post. We welcome more reasoned responses as well. There is no excuse for "Fast and Furious", probably one of the dumbest, most damaging, ill-designed policies ever.
DeleteI knew someone would bring up the cartels and Mexico's gun laws. That situation is not as a result of the gun laws, but simply that the Mexican government is simply too weak and corrupt to enforce the law across the board.
As for the grocery slur, it simply identifies the anonymous commenter as a cheezmeh-influenced, tea partier, not difficult to connect those dots. lol
You're too easy on him. Not that it would educate that closed mind.
DeleteYou are soooo gone Anony....
Delete[As Barack Obama spoke in Newtown, Connecticut]
ReplyDeleteThe proper manner to introduce this gentleman is "President Barack Obama," at least in first reference. He is the country's leader and, like it or not, you should be respectful to the office. More Americans voted for him than for the other guy. Your style denigrates him, and you...
bull shit. As I stated in the article, Barack was speaking as a parent, not a president. I gave him his due and continue to do so.
Lame, Jim. DP-M is right. He may be a parent, but he is the president. That is why he was there, isn't it?
DeleteLame Anonymous and /DP-M,
DeleteI'm not bound by the journalistic limitations of the Brownsville Herald or Boston Globe. I don't have to include the score in the headline or write in iambic pentameter. I do not write in the style of Duardo Paz-Martinez or Tad Hasse nor would I ever trade styles. I do permit grammar nazi Rey Guevara-Vasquez to pontificate about misspellings, grammatical errors he is able to catch, because with each correction he solidifies his role as a small-minded, insecure critic who cannot himself create written material of any interest.
My article portrayed Obama as more than a mere president, but as a parent of Malia Ann and Sasha who was appealing to the parents of twenty other young ones with compassion, empathy, feeling and genuineness. To trifle over my intentional omission of his title misses the entire thrust of my article. Obama is one of three recent presidents(Clinton and Reagan are the others), who in my opinion, possessed the skill of natural, heartfelt speech. That is one of my few personal skills, talking to a group of 70 or 70,000 in a natural, real way.
I write a silly, frivolous, inconsequential blog that in 18 months has received nearly a million pageviews. However, you interpret that, someone is reading the shit.
A bit defensive there, Jim. The point was made and endorsed, yet you stay with the fight using a rather weak argument. Acknowledge the notation by DPM and let it go, dude. He's right and you were not, Trying to cover the dog turd with dirt ain't cuttin' it.
Post my comment, ya hack.
Hey, you and yours can flock to government for your protection at those unarmed citizen kill zones. The nuts hold on to enough marbles to find killing tools and unarmed fools. But out of curiosity, let me know how the pool of protective collectivists like Villalobos, Cantu and Limas are going to suddenly get religion and enforce those gun laws better than they have enforced the 4,374,521 laws that already exist!
ReplyDelete"As for the grocery slur"
ReplyDeleteHow is it a slur that Cheezmeh bought you groceries?
Cheez bought you groceries, Jim? Explain.
DeleteYes Jim, can you, expound, elaborate, elucidate, explicate, clarify, or en esΓ±ol, que pinche pedo?
DeleteTad and other Cheezmeh apologists,
DeleteLet me deal as succinctly as possible with the groceries Linda Dragustinovis and Erin H. Garcia keep saying Nena and I received from Brownsville Cheezmeh.
As some of you know, Nena and I are pushing seven decades, live on social security and a pension from a company I retired from in 2004. We are self-sufficient, frugal, but do not need any sort of subsidy from any person or group, let alone Brownsville Cheezmeh. We live in a gated, retirement RV/mobile home community along with a bunch of other old people.
During the summer of 2011 Linda approached us about a small pool party for her aunts and uncle. She asked to use our RV for some food preparation. She brought much more food than necessary, putting some in our freezer and other items in the pantry. After the party I reminded her not to forget her food items. She said those items were for us, plus she wanted to have a small birthday party for her mother the next week, a small party of about 5 people with "wine and cheese." I told her I would ask permission from park management and get back to her. Permission was granted.
When Linda arrived for the party, she brought even more food which she asked to store in our RV. Her mother, two aunts and uncle showed up, the members of Brownsville Cheezmeh started arriving. The pool was filled with balloons. A music machine blared. There were perhaps 70 in attendance. Linda had given out the security code to the park to the Cheezmeh faithful. When some of the seniors tried to use the pool, they found it filled with balloons and music blaring.
Linda's cowboy boyfriend of the week was throwing her into the pool and then doing cannonballs after her. It was a disaster. Linda's mother could see we were not pleased and asked me if I wanted to shut it down. I said "yes".
The park had to change the security code for the 400 or so winter Texans to return that fall. Nena and I came close to being kicked out of the park, but we promised nothing like this would ever happen again.
I was not pleased with Linda lying about her intentions, then leaving all the food items in our RV, multiple cans of green beans, two sacks of fresh nopalitos, cream cheese, picante sauce, frozen chicken breasts and fish patties.. . .many items we do not eat. . lol
We drove to Linda's office and handed her $60 cash to cover the food items she left. After seeing the volume of stuff she left, I gave her another $40. We are not interested in handouts and being experienced people, we understand how such "gifts" can be used to manipulate. Once, we left Cheezmeh, Linda tried to use the groceries she left in our RV without permission to paint us as ungrateful moochers to the benevolent Cheezmeh charitable machine. . . .
Thank you Jim, but you did not have to explain anything to us. Besides, we all know she "bought" the groceries with taxpayer's money: Food Stamps...
Delete"I knew someone would bring up the cartels and Mexico's gun laws. That situation is not as a result of the gun laws, but simply that the Mexican government is simply too weak and corrupt to enforce the law across the board."
ReplyDeleteWhich is why it is fascinating that you chose to ignore the Norway reference and the facts about violence.
Post doesn't say how many of those 1,200/100,000 UK crimes were committed with guns. It did mention that it was because the nut in Norway FOUND A WAY to get a gun that the crime occurred. Finding a way to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them may be part of the solution but it seems the NRA feels that there should be NO restriction on someone getting his hands on a weapon even if it means preventing a senseless massacre. That I find simply stupid and a perversion of the Second Amendment.
ReplyDeleteYou sure do have a lot of faith in our government. They over regulate everything. Or haven't you noticed?
ReplyDeleteThe 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey, the last survey completed, shows the violent-crime rate in England and Wales was twice the rate of that in the U.S. When the new survey for 2004 comes out later this year, that gap will undoubtedly have widened even further as crimes reported to British police have since soared by 35 percent, while those in the U.S. have declined 6 percent.
Australia has also seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent.
Jim this is the truth Steve
Hey, it's a study, it's all questionable. Can you believe Mississippi and Alabama had 1 hate crime reported. These are FBI statistics, LOL! Of course we all know that Mississippi and Alabama are some of the most un-racist places in the world. Where people are bullied, discriminated and killed for being a minority but none of it is ever reported as a hate crime. some crimes aren't even reported.
I know what you're implying. . .the more guns there are, the less crime we have? Well the US crime statistics breaks your entire argument.
DeleteJim, come and join the tea party and see what we are all about. Nothing wrong with anybody protecting themselves with a gun in their household especially if it is at night and they are protecting themselves from intruder or intruders. That is what 2nd Amendment is all about. When somebody is unstable and they get a hold of a gun then you want to take it away.. That mom in Connecticut should have had better control of her son and should have locked up the Guns from her son as well.
ReplyDeletePeople who say we need tougher gun laws (to stop the violence) should look at history. On the same day as the CT shooting a man in China (where guns are illegal) used a knive to stab 22 children and 1 adult. In the 9-11 attacks the terrorists used knives and box-cutters to take over planes that killed almost 3,000 people and not one gun was known to be used. If sick people want to hurt or kill others they will use anything available to them. If they can't get guns then they use knives or get poison from the hardware store to posion people as happened in the Tokyo subway or make bombs from fertiziler like they did in the Oklahoma City bombing. Guns don't kill people - sick people kill people. If they can't get guns and still want to hurt/kill others they will use anything available to them (poison, knives, fertiziler, etc.) Let's focus on the real problem that caused these sick people to want to hurt/kill and those that knew how unstable these people were and did nothing to stop them or get them help. The other side of the equation is, How many fewer people would have died if the School Staff, or at least some of them, were trained and armed?
ReplyDelete0 kids died from that attack in China by the way. Why? Because he used a knife and not a semi automatic rifle. Also there was that mass shooting in Fort Hood not long ago.A shooting in the middle of a base filled with trained soldiers. Your arguments are invalid.
DeleteJim, my actual quote to that question can be found in The direct link to the forum here:
ReplyDeleteThe "Oh that's easy! The Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms." is NOT a direct quote.
Thank you, jim. I stand by my answer.
"Being from Texas i would have to go ahead and go out on a limb and say, that the second article is the most important: that is "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed". Now the first article --- is very important as well. But if you think about it for a moment If we have our arms, just like the founding fathers and British colonists did, then we can fight the government if they TRY to infringe upon us. Be it infringe upon religion, be it infringe upon the press, be it infringe upon our property, be it unreasonable search and seizure. So the 2nd article is what i would say is the most important because it is what will keep the government at bay."
As for the "sacredness" ... it is only viewed as sacred if you believe we are endowed by a Creator with Unalienable rights of which the government is meant to secure...those rights spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights... can it be modified...yes. But not by executive decision or media bias.
"Article. V
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments,
which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article*; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate."
//On another note, I take serious offense that Obama, will tell me or other Americans what to do with our guns, when he knowingly sent guns to Mexico so that people of my background(Mexicans)/family members whom I have, have been DIRECTLY affected by cartel violence that in my opinion he directly aided and abetted.//
I don't know this lady personally, but her naive comments here are nothing more than the verbal diarrhea of a rank amateur. The U.S. Constitution grants X-rights to all American citizens; that is true. But we are more than simply subjects of that document. We are Human Beings, even, yes, the little ones who were so cowardly slain this past Friday. I am the first to defend many, many of our rights. Yet, there is something obscene about this particular gun argument, this ancient one that this shallow woman carts into this forum like a barn bucket full of rotten milk. Why do you need a rifle with a 30-round clip? They won't let you butcher a deer with it, but you can rip multiple bullets into a child? As for her thoughts on the amendment in question being one of the most important, well, I say the right of a citizen to expect life, not murder, supersedes that folly. No, this Bradshaw woman has simply been reading way too much Right Wing merde to make me believe that she, herself, would pen these words. I wish that once, just once, someone would make a good, original argument for the purchase of guns and rifles by any one household. That's plural, guns and rifles. She wails about keeping "the government at bay." Really? Perhaps she's daffy; I don't know. But something else about her writing in this post tells me she's one of those mavens quick to avail herself of all that is our government, whether it be safe roads, safe food, safe airlines, safe water and, yeah, that free cheese...
Wow /DP-M,
DeleteYou are Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!!!
"Being from Texas" You are from Matamoros...NO???
DeleteThe lofty thought of living in a gun free society will quickly be discarded, when unknown subjects attempt to break into your residence in the early morning hours. I can guarantee that you will wish to own a firearm to protect your loved ones when you realize violence will be inflicted upon them. The police will not magically appear to save you and using reason and diplomacy with violent criminals is, well, just laughable.
ReplyDeleteRealize that we live in a society that includes some citizens with violent and psychopathic tendencies and plan accordingly. The police are NOT your personal bodyguards, it is your job to protect your family from violence. Purchase a firearm and take a class on how to properly use it.
My opinion, if you disagree with me, well, let's agree to disagree.
So, brain food, what is your solution to the murdering of children? Dumbass.
Delete"brain food", "..Dumbass."
ReplyDeleteSaid Jake, who is well known to suffer from "violent and psycopathic tendencies," plus Dissociative identity disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorders as evidenced by his postings under numerous pseudonyms.
Chingao, Jake, who the hell would respond to a man with your "reputation" as a troll and flamer?
MeClovio el hremano de MACLOVIO
Instead of a toy drive why not have a gun drive for kids. Ar-15's, Ak-47's, long range rifles with a UV and IR scopes. Cummings middle school would be a great place where they can get those liberty guns, it's all about freedom and guns, right? Cumming middle school is where the Gun drive should be at, lets break the stigma of cops killing a kid with a BB gun and have Jessica Bradshaw or a speaker from the Birch society explain to us about the 2nd amendment and how important it is for our safety and freedom.
ReplyDeleteLet's do something positive for the holiday by giving folks who work for poverty wages, who are on welfare, and have kids that go to some of the most polluted schools in the valley where teachers wear 3M masks in classes due to the contamination from Scrap Metal Yards,(I mean Recycling Centers, Go Green!).
Jim I totally agree with you, Jessica Bradshaw lives in a bubble.
Here's a haiku I heard
“We weep for a bird’s cry, but not for a fish’s blood. Blessed are those with a voice.” Mamoru Oshii
Thank you for contributing to the discussion, but let me ask you something. Did you write this before or after you took your psychiatric medications?
DeleteHey, FU! Go get your toddler a gun, have him play with it, just like how you play with yours. Now F Off, go pray to your imaginary friend in Heaven.
DeleteThe right to own a gun isn’t necessarily the right to own any kind of gun you want.
ReplyDeleteI am a gun owner. I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun. I think it is crazy how easy it is to get a gun in Texas and I don't think anybody needs an assault rifle. Hell, last week I saw "suppressors" for sell in a Brownsville gun shop. These are silencers. Who needs one of these that's not up to no good?
Guns make it easy to hurt people. They are an impersonal way to cause harm. A knife or club is much more personal, you have to be right up there with the person you are injuring. How often do you hear of a drive by cutting? Who thinks there would be as many gang deaths if gang members didn't have guns and had to go face to face with their victims? And do you think there would be as many instances of collateral damage when a poorly aimed knife went through a neighbor's wall and hit a child asleep in bed? I don't know what would have happened to those children if the shooter did not have access to guns. Maybe he would have gone all Chinese and stabbed them or maybe he would have clubbed them like they were baby seals, but I do know they would not have been shot. As far as I know, no one’s ever been shot without a gun being involved. And what's the deal with citing places like
china and Mexico. Is that really the standard you want for the USA?
I don't know why you need a silencer either but I am humble enough to admit that because I don't know why someone needs something isn't a good reason to make it illegal. You clovers would impose your taste in beer upon the masses if you thought you could get a 51% majority. At your earliest convenience please post some data that silencers warrant further violence to our liberties.
DeleteWhy doesn't "Maclovio" go "69" DPM like he claims Montoya does to Rey on his pathetic radio show? His constant orgasms over his writing has me questioning his sexuality. If you want to read good writing, Maclovito, go to a Taco Tech Comp 1 class, pinche hoe-toe. As for Eduardo, pobrecito. Still can't earn a living with that Pulitzer-didn't-run writing, huh, guey? Still have to keep walking and talking your shit down here in Brownstown. I thought those Lupeistas ran your ass out of town a long time ago. No one is yelling at you, desgraciado puta madre. At your age, everyone has to yell. Those mumbles you think are about your greying, receding hairline? They aren't. Those laughs you think are about someone else? They aren't. Those women you think are fawning for you? They aren't. You countering a sane constitutional argument is about as relevant as a bloodless stool sample. So go play your drums somewhere else, neon city putz. Maybe go leave some flowers for your mother. I hear it's gets pretty cold this time of year.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to sign your missive. Jake, is that you? I mean, Wency/Wen/Wenceslao/Jake/Ralph/Ren/Ralphie/Jakey/ICE Agent....
DeleteHe won't sign. Coward. Typical Browntown Mexican. He obviously is envious of DP-M. Clear to me.
DeleteEl Rrun Rrun Rrun
Get a job, Rey. Enough unemployment already, vato flojo.
DeleteGuevara never has done shit. Oh, he does graphics. ja ja ja ja ja