Sunday, December 23, 2012

Candidates Lining Up to Challenge Rose Gowen

Rose Gowen
Even before the new year 2013 kicks off, several candidates are jockeying to run opposite At-Large Commissioner Rose Gowen. 

While we can't name names until someone officially kicks off their campaign, the motivation is clear;  stop the ineffectual rubber-stamping of Tony Martinez.  No one is more loyal, more obligated to echo Mayor Martinez than Rose Gowen.  Tony paid for her campaign and Rose has reciprocated by echoing every stutter, every guffaw,  every boneheaded idea, every speculative real estate purchase proposed by the shaggy-headed mayor who inaccurately views himself as smarter than the average Brownsville citizen. 

Rose Gowen is an empty City Commission chair, an airhead, simply out of touch with a city of 200,000 with needs not comprehensible by politically correct Austinites or their phony Brownsville sympathizers. 

Yes, someone will challenge Rose.  Just be prepared for a sea of possibly blue "Believe in Brownsville" signs to block that challenge. 


  1. The fact that Rose is bought by Tony is not a very well kept secret. Next to the entrance to the worthless Mayors office was a large box of campaign materials clearly marked Rose Gowen. Obviously bought by and delivered to the office of Tony "His Majesty" Martinez.

  2. Tony will put some money into the Gowen campaign. It won't be easy to defeat her.

  3. She must be defeated. Anybody But Zavaleta-Gowen.

  4. There's heavy dirt on Rose Gowen as to why she closed her private practice. She was investigated by the FBI & I suspect it's the reason why she closed. I tried to get info on it but nurses that worked with her were instructed to not divulged any details. I knew a friend that was leaving town and gowen was her doctor and requested for copies of her med. records to take with her, turns out Gowen destroyed her records. My friend sued her then I also heard Gowen destroyed several other patients records. My gut feeling tells me she committed medicare &/or medicaid fraud. Bottom line Rose Gowen is DIRTY.

  5. Tad Hasse not going for this one? Not much else left for this raged workhorse.

  6. She still practices and sees pts at su clinica

  7. I will vote for her opponent.

  8. I'm amazed that Tony has basically had a free hand in running Brownsville into the ground. We need real grownup commissioners who won't let the cat have their tongue when it's time to speak up.

  9. Whose running besides Roman Perez, Jessica Puente-Bradshaw, Martin Sarkis and Tony Zavaletta?

  10. Debbie Portillo is running as Tony's new girl in District 3.

  11. Martin Sarkis will run against Rose Gowen
    Ruben Odell will run against Debbie Portillo

    1. Martin Sarkis will run against Rose Gowen.

      Puras Ratas!

  12. Who is running for commisioner , At Large "B", District 3 and District 4?

  13. Sarquis will run At Large B against Gowen
    Odell will run against Portillo in 3
    Villarreal will run against Zavaleta in 4

    1. If these are the candidates, who will you be supporting?

    2. Villarreal will run against Zavaleta in 4

      Which Zavaleta?

  14. I heard Gowen is pushing to reduce E. 13th St. to one lane so that bike lanes can be added. It seems like she has never driven downtown. That is a busy street with a lot more cars than bikes. Is she performing an engineering traffic study? Probably not. This smells like another Harry McNair landscape islands on Elizabeth debacle!

    1. This all part of UN AGENDA 21. Go to "" The goal is the elimination of the use of cars and want us to use bicycles, busses, or walk as our means of transportation. PLEASE Brownsville open your eyes and get informed. This is DEADLY SERIOUS!!!




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