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New Students At Immigration Institute & Language Services 1138 E. Washington |
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Did You Give Permission to Tony to Buy All Those Properties with Your Money?
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Tony The Terrible |
Now, we understand why Martinez has failed to deliver what he said would be a "priority" of his administration; a new ethics code for the City of Brownsville. Martinez has no understanding of ethics, having allowed his own law partner, Horacio Barrera, to "negotiate" on behalf of Abraham Galonsky, the purchase price the city would pay for the Casa del Nylon building. Knowledgeable citizens are flabbergasted at the $2,300,000 tax dollars Brownsville is paying for the building, but that's what happens when two law partners make a secret deal with a friend.
Adding insult to injury, the arrogant Martinez has given no indication why the city needs the building or what use is planned for it. Although Martinez claims not to read the blogs, it is extremely doubtful that he is unaware of the intense criticism he has faced for his heavy-handed, undemocratic handling of these speculative real estate purchases. Like his role model, Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi, Martinez does not have to answer to the people. His attitude toward Brownsville citizens is: "Deal with it. I'm mayor. You're not!"
Here is an excerpt from the Mean Mister Brownsville article of December 11, 2012, detailing these purchases:
"While Tony has yet kept us in the dark as to his overall plan if he has one, we do have his wish list below, most of which Santa has filled. One of the properties, the building at 615 E. 11th is already generating revenue. The tenant, the G&A Restaurant pays the city $450 per month to operate in the space. This move into speculative real estate may be unprecedented in one of the most impoverished cities in the United States, especially when there are so many other needs, but at least Tony's affluent friends who own property downtown will have a good Christmas."
Mother of Perpetual Help Home 519 E. Madison St. Purchase price: $195,101 |
Brick Building & Warehouse 1700 Ringold St. Purchase price: $100,000 |
611 & 615 E. 11th St. Purchase price: $41,000, $42,000 |
1355 E. Madison Leased by City at $30,000 per year for 3 years Total lease: $90,000 |
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Old National Guard Armory 344 Porter Drive Purchase price: $431,200 |
La Casa del Nylon, 1304 E. Adams St. Horacio Barrera "negotiated" price: $2,300,000 |
San Fernando Building 1100 E. Adams St. Purchase price: $315,000 |
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Great Texas Gas Service Ripoff! Gas Is Just 31% of the Bill!
Natural gas has been sold to us as a cost-effective form of energy, less expensive than electricity. The sermon was that gas dryers, gas hot water heating, gas ranges and gas home heating while perhaps more expensive in the initial purchase would save us money in the long run.
Texas Gas Service, something close to a monopoly in dispensing natural gas to consumers in Texas, has artificially padded the bill for natural gas to residential consumers that makes natural gas perhaps the most expensive option.
Below is a residential bill just received for a modest home in Brownsville, Texas. The home uses gas for hot water, cooking and clothes drying only. The home is heated by an electric heat pump with a backup 5KW heat strip for the coldest days. Please notice that the cost of natural gas for the month is only $28.67, but other add-on charges inflate the actual bill to $92.37, this for only 71 cubic feet of natural gas used during the month.
Please notice that the bill is over 3 times the actual cost of natural gas, which is only $28.67. Let's examine the additional charges inflating the Texas Gas Service bill.
Customer Charge: $11.25. This fee helps Texas Gas Service cover their costs of providing gas, billing, meter reading, etc. This charge seems extraordinarily high, especially with a company that can spread these charges over several million customers.
Delivery Charge: $29.51. This charge is for "delivering" the gas to the home by existing pipelines. Maintaining those pipelines is included. Notice this charge exceeds the cost of gas used. That would be like buying a sofa that costs more to deliver than the sofa itself. This is totally ludicrous, bordering on criminal!
Weather Normalization: $14.85. Probably the most sinister of all charges. You and other customers are, in effect being penalized for using less gas than normal. If the weather is warmer and customers do not need to use as much gas, they are charged for it anyway. Please remember, this specific customer does not even use gas for heating, yet is penalized because other customers are not buying enough gas for heating because of warm temperatures.
City Franchise Fee, Reimbursement for Gross Receipts Tax, City Tax: $4.53, $1.81, $1.81. This is simply a case of passing costs of doing business on to the customer.
With a virtual monopoly on gas service and the ear of politicians and regulatory agencies willing to transfer every cost and possible loss of sales back to the residential customer, it's win-win for the utility and gross injustice for the consumer.
Texas Gas Service, something close to a monopoly in dispensing natural gas to consumers in Texas, has artificially padded the bill for natural gas to residential consumers that makes natural gas perhaps the most expensive option.
Below is a residential bill just received for a modest home in Brownsville, Texas. The home uses gas for hot water, cooking and clothes drying only. The home is heated by an electric heat pump with a backup 5KW heat strip for the coldest days. Please notice that the cost of natural gas for the month is only $28.67, but other add-on charges inflate the actual bill to $92.37, this for only 71 cubic feet of natural gas used during the month.
Please notice that the bill is over 3 times the actual cost of natural gas, which is only $28.67. Let's examine the additional charges inflating the Texas Gas Service bill.
Customer Charge: $11.25. This fee helps Texas Gas Service cover their costs of providing gas, billing, meter reading, etc. This charge seems extraordinarily high, especially with a company that can spread these charges over several million customers.
Delivery Charge: $29.51. This charge is for "delivering" the gas to the home by existing pipelines. Maintaining those pipelines is included. Notice this charge exceeds the cost of gas used. That would be like buying a sofa that costs more to deliver than the sofa itself. This is totally ludicrous, bordering on criminal!
Weather Normalization: $14.85. Probably the most sinister of all charges. You and other customers are, in effect being penalized for using less gas than normal. If the weather is warmer and customers do not need to use as much gas, they are charged for it anyway. Please remember, this specific customer does not even use gas for heating, yet is penalized because other customers are not buying enough gas for heating because of warm temperatures.
City Franchise Fee, Reimbursement for Gross Receipts Tax, City Tax: $4.53, $1.81, $1.81. This is simply a case of passing costs of doing business on to the customer.
With a virtual monopoly on gas service and the ear of politicians and regulatory agencies willing to transfer every cost and possible loss of sales back to the residential customer, it's win-win for the utility and gross injustice for the consumer.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Application to Replace Leonel Alejandro As 357th District Judge
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Top 7 Dumbest Responses After the Sandy Hook Elementary School Mass Shooting in Newtown, CT
By Brad Friedman
1) "20 school children stabbed in China on the same day proves nothing can be done to stop crazy people!"
Nope. Though it does prove that, even without access to guns, crazy people may still try to kill people. But, unlike all of the 20 school children in Newton, CT, who were shot several times each in a matter of minutes with a legally purchased and registered semi-automatic rifle equipped with high capacity magazines, none of the 20 kids stabbed in the China incident actually died. No wonder the NRA stooges stopped referring to that story within about 24 hours of the Newtown shootings, but it was "fun" while it lasted (and before the wingnuts bothered to read beyond the China story's headline.)
2) "More guns would have stopped it!"
Nope. Despite NRA Con-Man-in-Chief Wayne LaPierre's embarassing argument that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun", armed guards didn't stop the Columbine mass shooting or the Virginia Tech mass shooting (the worse in the nation's shameful history of mass shootings) or even the assassination attempt on President Reagan. But, more to the point, this 2009 ABC News video just destroys the absurd notion that "more guns would have stopped it!"
3) "You just want to take away my guns!"
Nope. But we do, at the very least, agree with the vast majority of NRA members (if not their terrorist-enabling, con-men leadership) who strongly support new gun safety regulations, such as mandatory background checks for all gun purchases, bans on concealed carry permits for violent misdemeanants and domestic abusers, gun safety training requirements for gun owners, and barring those on the "Terror Watch List" from purchasing weapons, just to name a few. Why does the NRA oppose all of those things despite the overwhelming support of them by their own members? Because they don't care about their members, the 2nd Amendment or gun safety, they care only about their real bosses: the U.S. arms industry. Period.
4) "More people die in automobiles, so you must want to ban them too!"
Nope (and we don't want to "ban" all guns, either.) But we'd have no problem with severe safety regulations and oversight on the manufacture, purchase and use of guns, just as we have in effect for the manufacture, purchase and use of automobiles. Seat belt requirements don't prevent everyone from dying in cars, but we still require they are built into every car and used by every driver. The result: the prevention of thousands of deaths and injuries each year. We also have serious licensing requirements for the use of cars, including proficiency tests before anybody is allowed to legally operate one on their own. We have universal speed limit laws, stop lights, and laws that bar drunk driving (which can be enforced before someone gets killed.) We also require that everyone purchase insurance before operating a motor vehicle. Yet few, if any (and certainly not the industry's top promoter, the AAA), cry "Liberty! Freedom!" in response to all of those sensible safety regulations. And, it should be noted, all of those safety regulations are in place for a "tool" that is designedto kill nobody, unlike semi-assault rifles and high-capacity magazines which, when used as designed, are meant to kill as many people as possible and as quickly as possible.
5) "Guns are just a 'tool'! Mental illness is the real problem!"
Nope. There are insane people everywhere, but almost no developed countries with the insanely high rates of gun violence that are found in the U.S. Nonetheless, it's clear that many people involved in violent gun crimes are mentally ill. So, what would you like to do about mental illness then? Spend more federal government money on health care? Sounds good. Require the "jack-booted thugs" of the federal government create "lunatic panels" to judge who is and isn't mentally equipped to operate a firearm before they are allowed to buy one? Would you like publicly available lists of who the Big Government believes to be insane? Or lists of which families have someone judged by the government to be mentally ill living in their households? You "ObamaCare" opponents ought to love all of the above! Doesn't sound intrusive at all!
Of course, this is just a new spin on the old "Gun don't kill people, people kill people" yarn which even folks on the Right don't actually believe. If they did, as Lee Fang recently pointed out, they wouldn't be so upset about the pretend "Fast and Furious" scandal.
5) "If not mental illness, it's video games and Hollywood movies that are the problem!"
Nope. If that was the case, the gun violence rates would be just as high in places like Canada, Great Britian and everywhere else in the world where they enjoy the same video games and Hollywood movies that we do here in the "land of the free and the home of the brave." But it's darling that you want to protect the bastardized version of what you believe the 2nd Amendment says and what the founders created it for, even while not seeming to give a damn about undermining the 1st in the bargain.
6) "'Gun Control' is just another excuse to take away my 'civil liberties'!"
Nope. Oh, and what "civil liberties"? Which ones? Where does the U.S. Constitution guarantee the "civil liberty" of the unlimited purchase and use of semi-automatic assault rifles, ammunition and high-capacity magazines? Even extreme rightwing Justice Antonin Scalia has no problem with the 1934 ban on machines guns. But, regarding that quaint "2nd Amendment Protects Us From Tyranny!" argument, how'd that work out in preventing the very real tyranny of the PATRIOT Act and all of the other civil liberties outrages that followed? Or, were you, like the NRA, one of the folks who didn't seem to care about that type of very real government tyranny, as it swept across our nation, with little or no complaint from folks like you, over the past decade or so?
Of course, if the founders had hoped that guns would be used by the citizenry to rebel against the federal government, one wonders why they expressly barred treasonin the Constitution. It almost seems as if the argument that the 2nd Amendment was meant to allow the people to rebel against the federal government was made up longafter the fact in order to dishonestly justify unlimited gun ownership with no regulation whatsoever. And, of course, it was.
Any other really dumb responses to Newtown that we missed?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
BISD Coaches Threatened with Action by Athletic Director Mark Guess
The following was sent in as "an email from the head of the BISD athletics to all of his head coaches":
From: Mark Guess
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:36 PM
To: David C. Cantu; Hector Garcia; Jorge R. Medrano; Michael Ramirez; Tom Chavez; William Deen; Alberto A. Alegria; Arthur D. Cantu; Charles R. Alaniz; Cornelio Landin; Gilberto Garces Jr.; Isaac Solis; Juan J. Gonzalez; Randy Medina; Richard Sosa; Robert O. Lopez; Ruben Martinez
Subject: Rank One Sports
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Mark Guess |
The same goes for game reports. Some are doing well (I get the Hanna basketball reports the night of the game), while others haven’t turned in a single report. If the coach will email it to you and me the day after the game, all is good.
Cash payments are a concern also. First of all, they are supposed to be turned in within a week of the contest. Secondly, you know that once a season is over, the head coach of that sport is responsible for clearing all cash payments with Sherry. It is stated in your coaching manual. But for some reason, some of your coaches don’t feel they need to follow the rules, yet they expect their student-athletes to do so. If you can’t take care of this, let me know, and I will find a solution. Volleyball, Football, and Cross-Country needs to be taken care of by the end of next week. Those that choose not to clear their meals by this deadline will get letters of concern.
I haven’t been here too long, but in the time I have been here, I have witnessed some of the laziest and apathetic coaches I have ever seen, which unfortunately overshadows the many great coaches we do have. If they don’t want to do what is asked of them, then they are in the wrong place and need to go elsewhere if they want to be a check collector. I am not going to tolerate it.
You need to take control of your campus athletics programs/coaches so I don’t have to step in and do it for you. You are charged with leading your athletic programs, take charge. I have been very patient about all of these things, but am now running out of it.
M. Guess
BISD Athletics Director
Pat Ahumada and Tony Martinez~Dissimilar Styles, But Equally Offensive
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Pat Ahumada |
He was not a consensus builder, but a leader who expected others to follow. Unwittingly describing his own leadership style, he referred to himself as the "quarterback" with the others on the city commission as "blocking lineman." With that approach, it's little wonder that Ahumada was unable to push many of his ideas past the City Commission with the ignominious exceptions of the plastic bag ban and the undemocratic blockage of public comment in the City Commission broadcast.
A proponent of the Weir Dam, a project designed to satisfy metropolitan Brownsville/Matamoros future water needs while providing water sports recreation for the community, Ahumada failed not only to get consensus from the city commission but never received cooperation from Mexico. A possible tipping point for the future of downtown Brownsville was an agreement he claimed to have with a business group for the purchase and renovation of the El Jardin Hotel largely using federal funds for the renovation. Of course, when, as mayor, you can't get others on board with your plan, including the public, whose fault is that? Isn't that what skilled political leaders do every day across the country?
A last minute motorcade by Ahumada down International Blvd. in a convertible with Cepellin the Clown, escorted by an American Security pretend police vehicle did not stem the tide of his political reprimand in the 2011 mayoral election. No doubt Ahumada's reputation as a bully and a grandstander contributed to his garnering a mere 9% of the vote, unheard of for an incumbent, even in a 5 candidate race.
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Tony Martinez |
Expecting perhaps a kinder, gentler administration than that of the tumultuous Ahumada, what Brownsville got instead was a quieter, more secretive, less inclusive one. Martinez seemed almost annoyed at the give-and-take of a city commission meeting, hellbent on getting them over with in record time.
In his opening commission meeting Martinez snatched the board appointments right out from under two neophyte commissioners, sending them instead to his cronies running United Brownsville for review. Betraying his severe lack of understanding of gender equality, he referred disparagingly to the females on the commission as "girls" and used made-up Robert's Rules of Order constraints to block Ricardo Longoria from dissenting comments or questions. Martinez quickly used up the political capital of his landslide victory by seeing no need to tweak a poorly-thought-out plastic bag ban and by not restoring the broadcast of public comment. In fact, when Commissioner Zamora put the broadcast of public comment back on the agenda, Martinez engaged the City Attorney Mark Sossi to interupt the discussion with a ludicrous pie chart commentary in opposition to the agenda point.
What Martinez lacked in charisma and communication skills, he overcame with planning. Well before he declared his intentions for the mayorship, Martinez financed and ran the successful at-large candidacy of Rose Gowen, at least partially financed that of Estela Chavez-Vasquez, both while renting a house to Melissa Zamora. If this didn't give a 100% cooperative voting block, it did give him a leg up in pushing his agenda.
This flying wedge on the city commission enabled the mayor to push through for the purchase a number of downtown city properties without so much as a hint to the taxpaying public as to the purpose of these speculative real estate purchases. These purchases include: The San Fernando Building at $315,000, The Mother of Perpetual Hope Home for $195,000, a downtown restaurant and its next door space for $41,000 and $42,000 respectively, the Old Nat'l Guard Armory for $431,200 and the Casa del Nylon building for $2,300,000.
The mayor initiated the purchase of these properties with such disdain for the taxpaying public, not a smidgen of voter support or understanding was even solicited. Tony's disrespect for the taxpayers, the city commission and democracy itself actually exceeds that of his predecessor. Yes, he is quieter, less publicly combative, but no less of an autocrat.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
2012 Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award~Norma Hernandez
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Norma Hernandez |
With the politiquera group Brownsville Cheezmeh basking in the glow of one fraudulent victory among ten 2011 candidates backed in some way by the Cheezmites, someone else coordinated the delivery of vans of elderly, disabled and mentally-challenged to the polling places to overcome a 500 vote lead by Yolanda Begum in the primary and giving Erin H. Garcia a fraudulent "victory" in the race for Justice of the Peace, Place 2-2.
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Herminia Becerra |
Those receiving dishonorable mention include outgoing Election Administrator Roger Ortiz, who resigned for "family reasons," but then was said to be job hunting in San Antonio during the BISD vote canvas. Also mentioned for the award were Ernie Hernandez, Jr., Erin H. Hernandez and Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez.
The performance by Norma Hernandez may be difficult to duplicate in upcoming elections. Soon-to-be-installed Election Administrator Chris Davis has a reputation as a straightforward numbers guy. Also, during the bloggers conclave about voter fraud, one word peaked County Judge Carlos Cascos' interest; liability. The possibility that the non-sanctioned transport of the elderly, infirm and mentally challenged by home health care workers who, may or may not be properly insured, presents a liability issue for the county got the judge's attention. So, the climate in Cameron County may be experiencing subtle changes. Norma's influence in recent elections may be difficult to duplicate in coming years.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Revisiting the 2011 Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award
From the editor: As we prepare to reveal the winner of the 2012 Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award, let's revisit the extremely unworthy 2011 recipient, Armando Villalobos. Below is a reprint of the December 15, 2011 award notification:
There is on no one big bad wolf in Brownsville. Corruption is a cooperative effort. Abe Limas, Conrado Cantu, Jason Hilts and Jim Solis do not operate in a vacuum. They need collaborators, enablers, co-conspirators. Nor is corruption the only hindrance to progress. Mayor Tony Martinez, nominated for this award, has no whispers of corruption, but simply has no ideas to improve our city. He believes in Brownsville "as is", occupying a ceremonial position not unlike Queen Elizabeth of England, the consumate ribbon-cutter with no plan for the city. Tony has no sleepless nights agonizing about Brownsville's multitudinous challenges. He sleeps well, thank you very much, likely between silk sheets. Yet, he is not our awardee.
Much nominated Ernie Hernandez, Jr. is a titilllating potential award winner to be sure. Once elected to office, by fair means or foul, Ernie becomes the city's or county's ultimate vendor. Do you need printing? Ernie provides. Wrecker service? Ernie provides. A vending machine with Coca-Cola and Frito-Lay? Ernie provides. Ernie does whatever Ernie does because Ernie wants to without respect for the ignorant electorate. Ernie's ultimate "fuck you" to the community was his orchestration of the employment of his convicted brother-in-law Robert Cadriel.
Frequently nominated were the "Majority 4" at BISD: Catalina Presas-Garcia, Enrique Escobedo, Luci Longoria and Christina Saavedra. Obvious greed and self-service have moved this unsavory foursome to betray our city's children. But to quote Bob Dylan, "they are only pawns in the game". Carlos Quintanilla, the convicted R.I.C.O. felon, the con artist lingering, manipulating, orchestrating behind BISD scenes is the real culprit. Yes, the "4" succumbed, but he was the tempter or temptor, Satan in the garden. The "4" referred to Carlos as their "brother", but he was really their mentor, leading them unto calabaza. But, wicked as Carlos is, he is not our award winner.
Corruption needs a favorable climate. Just as quarterbacks used to avoid Deion Sanders side of the field, corrupt politicians gingerly step around an enforcer. Brownsville has none such. We have a District Attorney merely occupying an office, but not doing his job. Armando Villalobos has sidestepped every opportunity to prosecute corruption in Brownsville and Cameron County. Why? Because he wants higher office and is afraid of angering any segment of the electorate. He could easily have brought Carlos Quintanilla up on perjury charges. But he chose not to. He looked the other way when Ernie Hernandez broke many rules in orchestrating he brother-in-law's hiring. He stepped aside on Pat Ahumada. Armando has not done the job he was elected to do, creating, fostering a climate of corruption. Armando Villalobos is the 2011. Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award winner. Congratulations Armando. Or not.
by Jim Barton on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 11:04pm
There is on no one big bad wolf in Brownsville. Corruption is a cooperative effort. Abe Limas, Conrado Cantu, Jason Hilts and Jim Solis do not operate in a vacuum. They need collaborators, enablers, co-conspirators. Nor is corruption the only hindrance to progress. Mayor Tony Martinez, nominated for this award, has no whispers of corruption, but simply has no ideas to improve our city. He believes in Brownsville "as is", occupying a ceremonial position not unlike Queen Elizabeth of England, the consumate ribbon-cutter with no plan for the city. Tony has no sleepless nights agonizing about Brownsville's multitudinous challenges. He sleeps well, thank you very much, likely between silk sheets. Yet, he is not our awardee.
Much nominated Ernie Hernandez, Jr. is a titilllating potential award winner to be sure. Once elected to office, by fair means or foul, Ernie becomes the city's or county's ultimate vendor. Do you need printing? Ernie provides. Wrecker service? Ernie provides. A vending machine with Coca-Cola and Frito-Lay? Ernie provides. Ernie does whatever Ernie does because Ernie wants to without respect for the ignorant electorate. Ernie's ultimate "fuck you" to the community was his orchestration of the employment of his convicted brother-in-law Robert Cadriel.
Frequently nominated were the "Majority 4" at BISD: Catalina Presas-Garcia, Enrique Escobedo, Luci Longoria and Christina Saavedra. Obvious greed and self-service have moved this unsavory foursome to betray our city's children. But to quote Bob Dylan, "they are only pawns in the game". Carlos Quintanilla, the convicted R.I.C.O. felon, the con artist lingering, manipulating, orchestrating behind BISD scenes is the real culprit. Yes, the "4" succumbed, but he was the tempter or temptor, Satan in the garden. The "4" referred to Carlos as their "brother", but he was really their mentor, leading them unto calabaza. But, wicked as Carlos is, he is not our award winner.
Corruption needs a favorable climate. Just as quarterbacks used to avoid Deion Sanders side of the field, corrupt politicians gingerly step around an enforcer. Brownsville has none such. We have a District Attorney merely occupying an office, but not doing his job. Armando Villalobos has sidestepped every opportunity to prosecute corruption in Brownsville and Cameron County. Why? Because he wants higher office and is afraid of angering any segment of the electorate. He could easily have brought Carlos Quintanilla up on perjury charges. But he chose not to. He looked the other way when Ernie Hernandez broke many rules in orchestrating he brother-in-law's hiring. He stepped aside on Pat Ahumada. Armando has not done the job he was elected to do, creating, fostering a climate of corruption. Armando Villalobos is the 2011. Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award winner. Congratulations Armando. Or not.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Candidates Lining Up to Challenge Rose Gowen
Rose Gowen |
While we can't name names until someone officially kicks off their campaign, the motivation is clear; stop the ineffectual rubber-stamping of Tony Martinez. No one is more loyal, more obligated to echo Mayor Martinez than Rose Gowen. Tony paid for her campaign and Rose has reciprocated by echoing every stutter, every guffaw, every boneheaded idea, every speculative real estate purchase proposed by the shaggy-headed mayor who inaccurately views himself as smarter than the average Brownsville citizen.
Rose Gowen is an empty City Commission chair, an airhead, simply out of touch with a city of 200,000 with needs not comprehensible by politically correct Austinites or their phony Brownsville sympathizers.
Yes, someone will challenge Rose. Just be prepared for a sea of possibly blue "Believe in Brownsville" signs to block that challenge.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Zamora to Be Named Cameron County Parks Police Chief? by Rob Nixon
Cameron County Parks Police are to be reinstated but it may not be the solution we were looking for...
This past Thursday, the Cameron County Commissioners Court had on their agenda an item to bring back the Cameron County Parks Rangers/Police which the Surfrider Foundation has been an advocate for since their disbanding back in 2009. We have believed that since the handing over of the Parks Police duties to the Cameron County Precinct 1 Constable Department, Cameron County Beach Parks conditions have deteriorated, especially in the litter department. The lack of enforcement presence has led to a much larger litter problem on the County Beaches except on Beach Accesses #5 and #6 where the Cash for Trash Program had been implemented. A lot of this had been do to the current Precinct 1 Constable Horacio Zamora's lack of will in embracing procedures to enforce litter laws and write tickets. The item passed and the Parks Police are to be reinstated.
This past November, we were encouraged to see a new Constable elected in Pedro "Pete" Delgadillo who had personally sought out beach stakeholders and informed them of his desire to curb the tide in littering in Isla Blanca Park and other County Beach Parks. Delgadillo won a very tight race that he initially lost by a few votes and then won by a very narrow margin of 7 votes in a recount that he had requested. Incumbent Constable Zamora did not request a second recount. Why?
It turns out that he knew he may still have a job if the Commissioners Court reinstated the Parks Police. According to Judge Carlos Cascos, whom I talked to on Friday and voted against the item, there is a "let's get this done right now" mentality in regard to getting the Parks Police back by Commissioner Sofia Benavides who's district includes the beaches of Cameron County. This should have been a good development and I would normally support this but why not wait until after Pete Delgadillo, who supports litter enforcement in the parks, takes office on January 1, 2013?
Apparently it may have to do with the fact that, according to Judge Cascos, someone has promised the now ex-Constable Zamora that he would be named the new Cameron County Parks Police Chief. So the individual that beach goers and users had lost confidence in in keeping their beaches clean will now be the man in charge of the beaches and law enforcement on them? This can not stand.
I find it odd that Commissioner Benavides did not contact any of the stakeholders that she knew cared about this issue, including the Surfrider Foundation, Friends of Isla Blanca or the Respete Tu Playa Group.
I personally want the Parks Police back in the Cameron County Beach Parks as I believe the consistent presence they could provide is better that the sporadic presence than the Constables provided, but the way this is shaping up, it will make it harder for the community to support now. The Commissioners Court and more specifically, Commissioner Benavides needs to wait until Constable-elect Delgadillo takes office and then include him and the beach stakeholders in the development of the Parks Police reinstatement or this is doomed to fail before it even gets started.
Please contact Commissioner Benavides and ask her to reconsider the decision to place Horacio Zamora as the Nee Cameron County Parks Police Chief at sofia.benavides@co.cameron.tx.us or at 956-574-8167
Friday, December 21, 2012
NRA Spokesman Blames Video Games, Movies, Music Videos for Violent Shootings
Wayne Lapierre, NRA spokesperson, blamed violent video games, movies and music videos for the rash of mega-killings. Two protesters felt differently as they pulled anti-NRA banners out of their coats to hoist before being ushered off by the Secret Service.
Lapierre, who is bankrolled by the gun manufacturers, lambasted the media for confusing semi-automatic rifles with machine guns, then unveiled the NRA's surefire solution to school violence with teams of volunteer sharpshooters in every school in the U.S. before school resumes after the holidays.
Commissioner Zamora Can Leave A Lasting Legacy to the City of Brownsville
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Melissa Zamora |
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Charlie Cabler with David McCarthy |
No, we're not talking about "Bannergate", the ill-conceived, phony plan inked by Mayor Martinez in the euphoria of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, when David McCarthy, the CEO of Community Showcase Banners hoodwinked the naive mayor into thinking that Brownsville had been "selected" as one of only 15 cities in the country to be awarded a "Community Showcase," which would allow McCarthy to sell banner plans ranging from $600 to $4,000 to Brownsville businessmen willing to "support Brownsville" with their purchase.
What Ms. Zamora can stop is the much more insidious, grossly expensive in taxpayer dollars and lost democratic representation, boondoggle called United Brownsville, now beginning its annual trek to the local entities who have annually committed a stipend of $25,000 each to this scam. Just this past April, when Mike Gonzalez approached the City Commission for the annual funding for this shadowy, behind-the-scenes, yet wholly unaccountable, clandestine club, Commissioner Zamora requested more information from Gonzalez detailing the exact bang received for the substantial taxpayer buck the city was routinely releasing to United Brownsville.
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John Villarreal |
Of course, with the City of Brownsville unilaterally deciding not to fund the clandestine, anti-democratic entity, that will not be binding on BISD, TSC, the Port of Brownsville, BEDC, GIBC or P.U.B., but it may give the members of those boards the moral fortitude or guts to do the right thing. The momentum for ending this annual fleecing of the taxpayers has to start somewhere. If it starts on the City Commission with Commissioner Zamora and others playing pivotal roles, what a legacy that would be.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Pulling the City Away from the Tentacles of United Brownsville
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Dr. Carl Montoya |
When Commissioner Melissa Zamora asked United Brownsville Executive Director Mike Gonzalez for more specifics on exactly what the entity does do to earn the city's annual contribution, Gonzalez gave her a "We'll get back to you on that," but, of course, never did. No one can explain what United Brownsville does to earn its annual support from the COB, BISD, the Port of Brownsville, P.U.B., UTB/TSC, GBIC, BEDC, because it doesn't do anything except raise money from those entities.
Commissioner Ricardo Longoria fills us in on the history of United Brownsville, suggesting that it should no longer be funded:
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Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, Jr. |
We revisited the idea of a Master Plan after a lobbying trip to Washington D.C. in 2006 when then Congressman Jim Oberstar of Minnesota told us that he had money for our Downtown Revitalization, but we needed a plan in print that identified our projected plans and a sort of needs assessment for our community. That was when we came back and went out for proposals and through a fair process Ambiotec Engineering was awarded a contract to begin this plan so we could return to Washington and Congressman Oberstar and secure funding. The plan was created, Congressman Oberstar as well as Congressman Ortiz was unsuccessful in being re-elected, so we had to come back and begin anew. In my personal opinion: the plan has been created, the projected targets and needs have been identified. Thank you for your service ladies and gentlemen of our community.
By now, members of the different boards and commissions should have convened and identified the projects that we as a community want to take on and persue at a state and federal level for funding and create interlocal agreements that would identify specifically 1. What each entity would contribute to achieve the goal and 2. a time frame of completion to the specific project. Boards, directors, and elected officials have met, talks about and discussions have occurred, but nothing identified and presented to the different boards for approval or review. Let’s get one thing straight the City Commission, BISD Board, Navigation District, Cameron County Commission and UTB/TSC Board will be the ones to vote and move ahead with these projects. The members of these boards that sit on the United Brownsville Board are there to listen and report back to their respective boards and commissions any plans or strategies that are being discussed. Until now ideas are being pushed around, but no concrete plans have been put into action. I say this because there are projects that are going on right now that want to be tagged on to United Brownsville to make it look like it is being accomplished through it, but they are not.
As I stated in the beginning United Brownsville was created so that a plan could be in print to secure funding, what is going on right now is not what this plan was created for. I sincerely appreciate the countless hours that all volunteers, directors, employees and elected officials have put into this very much needed plan and know for a fact that no one is monetarily benefitting from this concept, but we must stop with the smoke screens already and go as was intended in a unified front to Austin and Washington D.C. to seek major funding for our community and make the visions that are on paper into a reality.
Do we need to continue with the United Brownsville concept as is; in my opinion “no,” but then again I am only one vote. Thanks for your time.
Ricardo Longoria, Jr."
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United Brownsville |
While Mayor Tony Martinez seems hell-bent on transferring real control of the city to this shadowy, non-elected entity, even orchestrating office space in the city-leased Andres Cueto grounds, Mean Mister Brownsville has a dramatically different plan that will unburden the taxpayers from the weight of this boondoggle.
Mean Mister Brownsville United Brownsville Reorganization Plan
1. Move the United Brownsville office staff(Mike Gonzalez and Debbie Portillo) to the second floor of the IBC Bank building on Ruben Torres Blvd. Even the casual visitor to this grandiose banking facility easily notices that the marble-floored, granite-countered facility is underutilized(Beautiful young clerks sit at multiple desks polishing their fingernails). The tiny trickle of Brownsville residents who file in to cash their weekly checks does not justify such an edifice. IBC obviously has other ways of generating revenue than providing local banking needs.
2. Set up a new financial support arrangement that unburdens the taxpayers from this albatross. The suggested annual contributions are as follows.
Carlos Marin. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Fred Rusteberg. . . . . . . . . $25,000
Tony Martinez. . . . . . . . . . .$25,000
Juliet Garcia. . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Bill Hudson. . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Irv Downing. . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Eddie Trevino. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Horacio Barrera. . . . . . . . . .$25,000
3. Release City Attorney Mark Sossi from any contractual obligation to provide legal services for the entity at a mere pittance of $5,000 per month. This will free Mark to do some of the actual work he is paid handsomely to do for the city, such as work on the new ethics code.
Irv Downing. . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Eddie Trevino. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Horacio Barrera. . . . . . . . . .$25,000
3. Release City Attorney Mark Sossi from any contractual obligation to provide legal services for the entity at a mere pittance of $5,000 per month. This will free Mark to do some of the actual work he is paid handsomely to do for the city, such as work on the new ethics code.
Duardo Paz-Martinez: It's "President Barack Obama. . Your Style Denigrates Him and You. . ."
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Duardo Paz-Martinez |
If you get the impression that this article is a refutation of a criticism, please reread it. This blog receives valid and invalid criticism, none more appreciated than the occasional chastisements from Duardo Paz-Martinez, former writer for the Brownsville Herald, the Boston Globe and a published author.
Personally, I'm not a true believer in credentials. Either you can write or you cannot, speak with effectiveness or you cannot, communicate ideas clearly or you cannot. I picked up this philosophy in 30 seconds when I was 14, trying to make a point with an older person. I tried to enhance an argument by quoting a Harvard professor. "And you think I'm impressed because a Harvard professor supposedly said that?" asked the older, more experienced debater. I never again used credentials, mine or anyone else's to enhance or add weight to an argument.
/D P-M took a bit of righteous umbrage to my simple phrasing in this paragraph of a story submitted December 16:
Please notice that I did not refer to the president as President Barack Obama, simply as Barack Obama. I said that he spoke as "a parent." Mr. Paz-Martinez found this disrespectful to the office, if not the man. He seemed also to profile me as one who did not vote for Barack Obama, thus hinting that some sort of partisanship rooted my disrespect.(Actually, I've voted for him twice, although that's irrelevant.)
Here is /DP-M's exact comment to the blog article:
[As Barack Obama spoke in Newtown, Connecticut]
The proper manner to introduce this gentleman is "President Barack Obama," at least in first reference. He is the country's leader and, like it or not, you should be respectful to the office. More Americans voted for him than for the other guy. Your style denigrates him, and you...
[As Barack Obama spoke in Newtown, Connecticut]
The proper manner to introduce this gentleman is "President Barack Obama," at least in first reference. He is the country's leader and, like it or not, you should be respectful to the office. More Americans voted for him than for the other guy. Your style denigrates him, and you...
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Mean Mister Brownsville |
Disagreeing that my omission of the title "President" was disrespectful, I responded quickly, then a bit more thoughtfully:
"Jim BartonDecember 17, 2012 6:25 AM
bull shit. As I stated in the article, Barack was speaking as a parent, not a president. I gave him his due and continue to do so.
Lame Anonymous and /DP-M,
I'm not bound by the journalistic limitations of the Brownsville Herald or Boston Globe. I don't have to include the score in the headline or write in iambic pentameter. I do not write in the style of Duardo Paz-Martinez or Tad Hasse nor would I ever trade styles. I do permit grammar nazi Rey Guevara-Vasquez to pontificate about misspellings, grammatical errors he is able to catch, because with each correction he solidifies his role as a small-minded, insecure critic who cannot himself create written material of any interest.
My article portrayed Obama as more than a mere president, but as a parent of Malia Ann and Sasha who was appealing to the parents of twenty other young ones with compassion, empathy, feeling and genuineness. To trifle over my intentional omission of his title misses the entire thrust of my article. Obama is one of three recent presidents(Clinton and Reagan are the others), who in my opinion, possessed the skill of natural, heartfelt speech. That is one of my few personal skills, talking to a group of 70 or 70,000 in a natural, real way.
I write a silly, frivolous, inconsequential blog that in 18 months has received nearly a million pageviews. However, you interpret that, someone is reading the shit.
Then, this evening, listening to Anderson Cooper's interview of Chris and Lynn McConnell, parents of Grace McConnell, 7, who was buried today in Newtown, CT., I realized my impression of Obama was not unique. Here is an excerpt from a transcript of the CNN story:I'm not bound by the journalistic limitations of the Brownsville Herald or Boston Globe. I don't have to include the score in the headline or write in iambic pentameter. I do not write in the style of Duardo Paz-Martinez or Tad Hasse nor would I ever trade styles. I do permit grammar nazi Rey Guevara-Vasquez to pontificate about misspellings, grammatical errors he is able to catch, because with each correction he solidifies his role as a small-minded, insecure critic who cannot himself create written material of any interest.
My article portrayed Obama as more than a mere president, but as a parent of Malia Ann and Sasha who was appealing to the parents of twenty other young ones with compassion, empathy, feeling and genuineness. To trifle over my intentional omission of his title misses the entire thrust of my article. Obama is one of three recent presidents(Clinton and Reagan are the others), who in my opinion, possessed the skill of natural, heartfelt speech. That is one of my few personal skills, talking to a group of 70 or 70,000 in a natural, real way.
I write a silly, frivolous, inconsequential blog that in 18 months has received nearly a million pageviews. However, you interpret that, someone is reading the shit.
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Chris and Lynn McConnell On Hearing Their Daughter Grace Had Been Slain |
The couple spoke with the President briefly, and told him of their daughter's artistic talent. They also gave him one of Grace’s favorite pictures – a cerulean and lime-green painted owl. They said that the President told them that he’d treasure the painting forever."
That was my gut feeling too. When writing the original story, I started to type "President", but stopped myself, because it didn't feel right. It actually diminished Barack's role to one of obligation, part of his job description, fulfilling the oath of office, not some compassionate, human gesture with REAL feelings motivating him. The McConnells picked up on that too.
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