The following was sent in as "an email from the head of the BISD athletics to all of his head coaches":
From: Mark Guess
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:36 PM
To: David C. Cantu; Hector Garcia; Jorge R. Medrano; Michael Ramirez; Tom Chavez; William Deen; Alberto A. Alegria; Arthur D. Cantu; Charles R. Alaniz; Cornelio Landin; Gilberto Garces Jr.; Isaac Solis; Juan J. Gonzalez; Randy Medina; Richard Sosa; Robert O. Lopez; Ruben Martinez
Subject: Rank One Sports
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Mark Guess |
The same goes for game reports. Some are doing well (I get the Hanna basketball reports the night of the game), while others haven’t turned in a single report. If the coach will email it to you and me the day after the game, all is good.
Cash payments are a concern also. First of all, they are supposed to be turned in within a week of the contest. Secondly, you know that once a season is over, the head coach of that sport is responsible for clearing all cash payments with Sherry. It is stated in your coaching manual. But for some reason, some of your coaches don’t feel they need to follow the rules, yet they expect their student-athletes to do so. If you can’t take care of this, let me know, and I will find a solution. Volleyball, Football, and Cross-Country needs to be taken care of by the end of next week. Those that choose not to clear their meals by this deadline will get letters of concern.
I haven’t been here too long, but in the time I have been here, I have witnessed some of the laziest and apathetic coaches I have ever seen, which unfortunately overshadows the many great coaches we do have. If they don’t want to do what is asked of them, then they are in the wrong place and need to go elsewhere if they want to be a check collector. I am not going to tolerate it.
You need to take control of your campus athletics programs/coaches so I don’t have to step in and do it for you. You are charged with leading your athletic programs, take charge. I have been very patient about all of these things, but am now running out of it.
M. Guess
BISD Athletics Director
It's about time someone stands up to these lazy "check collectors". More power to you, Mr. Guess.
ReplyDeleteAnony 12-26-12 - Slap on a pair of coaching shoes and give it try big mouth. See how you like working 7 days a week 10-12 hrs a day during the season and taking crap from people like you who don't have a clue how difficult it is to coach in Brown-town where kids with talent can't play cuz' they can't pass or have to work to feed the family. As for Mr. Guess, I hear his "lazy ass" was out fishing instead of being at Sams Stadium for every football game this fall. So, pot, watch it when you call the kettle black.
DeleteAnony 12-27-12- If you don't like being a coach, then Mickey D's, Woppie Burgers, and Dannies is hiring. If you can't motivate the Brownsville talent maybe CUZ' the kids see you are not coach material.
Delete9:46 - you obviously have splinters in your butt from sitting on the bench. Might loosen up on that jock strap buddy.
DeleteWhy wasn't Mark Guess at all the football games? Why is he following certain high schools up the valley during football season, instead of being present at Sam's Stadium during all the football games held there?
DeleteBecause he can. No where does it say he has to be at Sam's....
DeleteActually he was at most football games...I know because I was at most football games, and yes for all highschools
DeleteYes! Coach Guess is finally doing what has needed to be done for the past 30 years! Many BISD coaches do not call their games into the media like they should. Get rid of the lazy ones that hide behind politics and losing seasons. BISD Athletics is the joke of the Valley, but with Coach Guess at the helm we can soon expect some brighter days. Take athletics from High School principals, put the power into the AD hands and get some experienced coaches from outside of Brownsville because they are not good old boys. Our kids deserve better. Unfortunately, the BISD political system will eventually drive him from his post.
ReplyDeleteWatcha how Otis is bringing his relatives (son, brothers) to be coaches.
DeleteThat is Brownsville Politics!!!
Otis brother is a tennis coach and math teacher already
DeleteUnfortunately, Mr. Guess will not last long with all the compadrismo in BISD. The powers that be want to retain power and do not want anyone making waves. It's comparable to Mexican politics.....Truly unfortunate.
DeleteSounds to me that the Athletic Director is trying to motivate his those programs and coaches to get the paperwork done. If the coaches are lazy, which many probably are, then this is what needs to be done. If they don't follow the rules and policies, then this kind of note is needed. This note is a way of recording his guidance, and is useful in evaluations of the coaches and their staff. One of the biggest problems in management is not recording facts, especially negative facts regarding employees. A written directive and criticism is the proper way to record employee document poor performance. The Athletic Director should be applauded. Whoever brought this to your attendion Jim, must be a cry-baby and one of those that doesn't comply with policy.
ReplyDeleteThe Athletic Director should be applauded. Whoever brought this to your attendion Jim, must be a cry-baby and one of those that doesn't comply with policy.
DeleteTotally Agree, all the employees get this reminders in the beginning of the year, to start sorting the good from the bad apples.
Yeah yeah yeah!! Blah blah blah
DeleteMore of this is needed in BISD...even letters to underpreforming teachers and administrators. It is not only the coaches who just "collect checks" in BISD.
ReplyDeleteSpecially administrators
DeleteBISD is too top heavy! All the "special" family members are in high ranking-high paying jobs...
DeleteAgree the taxpayer should start with these outdated pay scales ( they relatives/employees/close friends/ movida/ movida relatives/ sanchos and sanchas (different c a tegories) and COMPARE who make more mula/dinero.
Deleteof course there is a prevalence of lazy and incompetent coaches in the system. it's a government system.
ReplyDeleteOf course, if you are polically conneceted this doesn't apply to you.
ReplyDeleteOf course, if you are polically conneceted this doesn't apply to you.
DeleteNo, I am not politically connected, and I know how to spell.
Charlie this your drunk ass attempting to comment?
DeleteMedrano is a excellent coach but he has some dead weight from the past with his staff. Start with Boomer
DeleteMedrano is not excellent! He is just someone also collecting a pay check.
DeleteOK Charlie we know you want his job . You will have big issues when the kids leave like the adults did when you became the president of the Hanna booster club. Thank god your son was a good kid and not shitty person or receiver you were at Hanna.
DeleteWow! I don't think it was my mispelling that hit a nerve. You know the old saying, "the guilty dog barks first"? It seems to kind of apply here.
Not as Lazy as you pinto!!
DeleteMaclovio O'Malley.....Brownsville's very own trash talking pinto bean. Gotta love him!
DeleteIn all BISD you find a handful of dedicated people that are really for the children, and you find a lot of check collector. I applaud Mark for trying to get rid of the bad apples.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mark for your dedication to BISD,
Jim, This is no "threat" if some of the coaches have their heads up their butts and are just lazy. The administration of the sports programs are just as important at the games. If the coaches can get their shit together on the administrative side, them that's probably indication of why they lose so many games....they don't have their shit together and are lazy all around. Coaches in BISD seem to be living up to the model of "stupid jocks". Coaches back in the day were role models for kids....surely not true today and obviously not true in BISD.
ReplyDeleteHah! Charlie Atkinson a role model????!!!!???
DeleteI agree with a previous writer, some "cry baby" coach probably gave this to you Jim. Just a whining bunch of "check collectors".
ReplyDeleteAnd Guess is not a check collector??
DeleteBig time one too!!!
And, if this were a female principal, you guys would be calling her a devious, vindictive bitch who needs to be fired.
ReplyDeleteInteresting berry, berry in-ter-es-ting!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't we start with you Mr Guess??
ReplyDeleteHe is doing the right thing ,unfortunately the lazy coaches will go running to the board and get Mr. Guess in trouble. There are some really bad teachers and administrators that should get called on. Too many check collectors----to bad for our kids. Some even brag about all the free time they have on their hands ----spending time on FB. You know who you are.
ReplyDeleteThen Guess should make sure that his wife doesn't post on her FB page all the pictures that she took of them out to dinner as a family during football season. Coach Joe & Chavez at least were at all the games. Guess forgets that most coaches are teachers & still have to worry about lesson plans, grades, EOCs, STAAR, and then worry about their coaching responsibilities. And that check?'s pennies to the hour after you calculate how much time they spend coaching. If he really wants it done, why isn't each athletic program given a person ehose only job is doing the paperwork...or how about Guess? He leaves at five everyday despite the fact that it's after 5 that athletic events occur. I've never seen him at any games...he wasn't even at the championship game at the BISD Basketball Tournament. Oh...that's right, he was hand picked by Dr. Atkinson because her brother, Charlie played football with Guess's brother-in-law, Danny Martinez. That's where the politics comes into play people.
DeleteAnd Guess talks real rough and tough just like his good friend, Catita!
DeleteNice try. Ms. Atkinson was'nt even involved in the interviews. This was all Montoya and Jimmy Haynes.
Deleteyep that's the answer, hire more coaches, or hire secretaries to do the coaches work.
DeleteLook,,,,, it is well know that the AC the OC and DC do not teach any classes most of the other coaches are Core teachers and get a conference period and a planning period, lunch and an athletic period so they have only 5 classes to teach. If they cannot find time to get their paperwork turned in then they need to have their ass chewed out.
actually, I teach six classes. but i get what you are saying. we should have our stuff done and in a timely basis....
DeleteDr Atkinson didn't have to be in the interview...she was in CHARGE OF HUMAN RESOURCES! Hello...don't you remember the Charlie FIASCO?
DeleteThere is no problem wanting coaches to get their paperwork in time. But remember that most coaches are teachers also. Plus, why should Guess get away with all that he does? He only went to Veterans games, doesn't support athletics overall.
Are you Serious? Catita is Guess Friend? I think NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI have a friend who has been a physical education teacher in high school and is retiring this yr. I remember him telling me years ago that the athletic coordinator in his school would spend three fourths of his day doing NOTHING. These people end up moving from school to school within the system. Most, not all, are old men out of shape with beer gutts who dont want to give up a position they got in their youth years. Their salary, many times is higher than the one of an English or a Math teacher. Many of them coach groups of 25 to 50 kids but not all day while in many of the middle schools and high schools classroom teachers work with 35 to 45 kids in more than one class in closed up areas designed for 20 to 25 kids. BISD is a district in STAGE 3 with TEA. I am thinking that's one of the reasons Mr. Guess wants everyone in his department (including himself) to get to work.
ReplyDeleteBISD is not on Stage 3 as a district, there may be a few schools that are on stage 3 but not the entire district. Your facts do not pan out and are anecdotal at best.
DeleteBISD is not on Stage 3 as a district, there may be a few schools that are on stage 3 but not the entire district. Your facts do not pan out and are anecdotal at best.
DeleteInteresting reading material!!
DeleteJust get the list of the coaches, their relatives, and compare how much the coaches milk the BISD COW.
Change does need to change with the athletic coordinators, offensive & defensive coordinators. They just have an athletic class & that's it. They have no responsibilities such as lesson plans, grades, or state testing & yet they are paid better than the average teacher/coach.
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight, some of you think it is a bad thing for the AD to expect his couches to do their jobs? Is this report something that was kept secret from them when they applied for the position or was it part of the job? I was taught that the jobs not done until the paperwork is finished. It seems like an appropriate standard to me.
ReplyDeleteThe "couches" job is usually entails staying put and doing nothing.......waiting for someone to sit on you...
Deletejob usually entails
DeleteSo now guess who's coming to dinner
ReplyDeleteGuess is one of the biggest check collectors, and then some!!
ReplyDeleteTo the poster that pointed out that coaches are teachers also! Yes they are! And they get paid a whole hell of a lot more than the teachers!
ReplyDeleteReally? Do you really think that they are paid a HELL of A LOT MORE? Let's do the math. The stipend to coach in high school is $3000 for the year. That is deivided into 12 months, so that equals $291.00 a month. Let's breakdown it down further, that would be $72.75 a WEEK. Let's break it down more...that equals out $10.40 a day.
DeleteHow many of you would be willing to work as a teacher for 8 hours a day, do lesson plans, grade papers, prepare your students for a new state test. Then at the end of the day, have to go to practice for 2 hours, them wash uniforms. If you are a football coach, you're game day stretches until 10:30 if you play in town. If its out of town, its a long bus ride to and from the game and then you have to wash the uniforms.They have to work on Sundays breaking down film and preparing for the next game. If you are a basketball coach, you have games on Tuesday and Fridays. Basketball coaches work through Thanksgiving in baasketball tournaments and during the Christmas holidays in practice and district games. They have to go home and break down film, send in stats to the newspapers and to the stadium, many times that means going to bed late at night.
Then all coaches have to deal with those coaches in the stands who criticize because they "CAN DO A BETTER JOB." Of course these coaches use the foulest language and the don't care if the families of the coaches are in the stands and can hear what is being said about their husbands or fathers. Really? Then they have to deal with parents because their Troy Aikmans, Emmitt Smiths,and Lebron James aren't getting enough playing time.
Really? They get paid more?No, teachers get paid more than coaches because they can work tutorial at $30 an hour. Usually tutorial is 1.5 to 2 hours, two to three day a week. So that is $90 to $180 a week, $360 to $720 EXTRA a month. Tutorial last from September to April, so that means that teachers can earn an EXTRA $2,880 to $5760 for an extra 2 hours a day.
Not all coaches are slackers. They are dedicated individuals who are often more than coaches, but father figures to many of these athletes. So don't put down coaches unless you are WILLING to take on the job that pays $10 a day.
If you don't want the job for what it pays... ..move over rover!
DeleteGreat stats Myrta or another coaches wife? The AD position is one of the most political, but Guess is 1,000,000 times better than previous AD's. There is no way an AD can be at every game. I can assure you that his lack of presence at the BISD Championship was for a reason. He would support Larry Gibson. Maybe more money for coaches? Something is wrong when a great, successful coach gets paid the same as the sloths that are bad examples. It would be interesting to know what coaches in other districts get paid, especially winning coaches.
ReplyDeleteWho is Myrta?
DeleteSo don't put down coaches unless you are WILLING to take on the job that pays $10 a day.
ReplyDeleteMove over, I hear there are about 700 applicants waiting to get a job with BISD.
Wow! Thanks for the props....but it wasn't me! Just got a call telling me that my name was mentioned on this page...but keep me out it please! Thanks, Myrta Garza
ReplyDeleteWho is Myrta?
DeleteSome fluzzy