Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sylvia Garza-Perez, Roger Ortiz Stifle Election Commission Efforts to Curb Voter Fraud

Tony Yzaguirre
Tax Assessor Tony Yzaguirre is flirting with an accomplishment that could vault the perception of his quarter century of public service  from nondescript to historic, should he act to correct what he well knows to be a county plagued, crippled and haunted by flagrant voter fraud.

Long-tenured County Clerk Joe Rivera could do something to actually earn having his name inscribed on a county building, where his expensive portrait hangs, if he has the courage to take a stand against this threat to destroy representative democracy in the county he professes to love.

County Judge Carlos Cascos, before departing to whatever job beckons on the state level, could secure his legacy as that ONE public official who  not only talked the talk of clean elections, but walked the walk by spearheading the cleanup of Cameron County elections.

Frank Morris, the Republican Party Chairman, could establish himself as a patriot who reached across party lines to eradicate the politiquera problem, the abuse of mail-in ballots and the selfish manipulation of our elderly, disabled and mentally-challenged, rather than using the problems largely associated with the Democratic Party for partisan benefit.(We hold our description of the roles of Election Commission members Sylvia Garza-Perez and Roger Ortiz for the climactic closing paragraphs of this article.)

The special meeting of the Election Commission held this morning(10/4/2012) at the Dancy Building to discuss voter fraud may have simply been an opportunity to vent for citizens who took advantage of public comment, a vehicle for the Election Commission to collectively say:   "We tried.  You asked for us to look into this.  We did, but our hands are tied."    Unlike the August 17 meeting in Cascos office, no bloggers were invited.  That is not surprising since following the July 31 election fiasco with massive voter fraud, the bloggers have collectively torn the Election Commission a new one, with Mean Mister Brownsville suggesting that all five should be fitted for orange jumpsuits for their complicity in permitting voter fraud.

Make no mistake.  Five individuals with skills COULD create the necessary momentum to eliminate the threats to democracy in our county.  As distasteful as it sounds, an Election Commission of Juan Montoya, Jerry Mchale, Jim Barton, Nena Barton and Mary Helen Flores would not be floundering in apprehension, reticence, fear and cowardice in facing these challenges.  They would investigate, learn the options, find the creative solutions and get it done, but none of the above are electable or even inclined to seek office.  We are stuck with what we have and so appeal to their professed love for our county and its people.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that all of the elected officials on the commission are indebted to a system that includes the use of politiqueras and voter fraud for their own election.  To now stop voter fraud, they must, in effect, bite the hand that has fed them.  As we've seen recently with recent indictments in our judicial system, a corrupted system seldom involves just one person.  Why would any elected official call for an investigation that could eventually involve his own campaigns?

Observer Juan Quixote Ciudadano, an observer at the special Election Commission meeting, gives us a window into the proceedings.  We rely on his sense of the mood, substance and direction of the commission.  Below is a portion of our conversation:

Mean Mister Brownsville:  Juan.  Thanks for calling.  How did the special meeting go?  Did Mary Helen finally get her eighteen questions answered?

Sylvia Garza-Perez
Juan Q.:  "Jim, I can tell you what I observed as I had to leave around 11:00 AM.  I don't know if Mary Helen got her questions answered as Cascos and Ortiz promised.  You will have to ask her.  What I did see was that Sylvia Garza-Perez, the new Democratic chair challenged everything relative to mail-in ballots and the use of politiqueras.  She responded to every scenario by saying it was a "gray area."  This lady seems to have the Secretary of State's office on speed dial.  Unlike her aunt, Herminia Becerra, this is a politiquera with a high school education.  She thinks like a criminal, which is scary. I think the next few years are going to be pretty rough for the Democrats in Cameron County."

Mean Mister Brownsville:  I hear ya, Juan.  I've met the lady.  She threatened to sue me when I referred to her aunt as the "Queen of the Politiqueras".  When I made her threat public, two lawyers offered to represent me pro bono.  I mean, that would be a great case with Norma Hernandez and Herminia finally forced to testify instead of cowardly going into hiding as they did in the Pena-Hernandez voter fraud trial of 2010.  Juan, what about Roger Ortiz.  Was he put on the hot seat?

Roger Ortiz
Juan Q.:  "The commissioners did have some suggestions for Roger, like for example, mobile units that would monitor the early election polling places.  Roger's answer always was he doesn't have enough manpower or funding.  Then, when Cascos said, let the county commissioners put it on the agenda and worry about the funding, he said unless his administration was involved it might not be done according to the election code. So, he had an answer for everything.  You know, Roger is not as dumb as people think."

I agree with Juan.  Sylvia Garza-Perez is perhaps the only person in Cameron County who will not be an upgrade at Democratic Chair over Gilberto Hinojosa.  She was raised in the politiquera culture, absorbing its stench like a sponge.  Barring her recall, honest Democrats will have trouble getting elected in this county in the next four years.

As for Roger Ortiz, I think Juan has him dead on.  He is not dumb.  He is reminiscent of the convicted felon who, sitting in a jail cell for a decade, becomes thoroughly convinced and convincing of his own innocence,  Roger has sat on his ass as Election Administrator for ten years, thinking every which way how to NOT do his job.


  1. I heard that none of the elected officials are giving money to the Democratic party since Syliva became Chair of the party.

    Is this true?

    1. Like her aunt the politiquera, the one who stands in front of the courthouse screaming and wearing the Ernie Hernandez hat, Sylvia is a joke. This party is a JOKE and Silvia nothing but a corrupt Gilbert Hinojosa clone, minus brains.

  2. No current politician will move against voter fraud anytime soon. Bank those words. Why should they? In the land of tomorrow, nothing gets done today. It's a culture thing, I tell you, Jimmy Boy. Cascos? Don't hold your kidneys. He's a chameleon, man. Cascos knows the ropes. He'll stray, but his route inside the cuadriletaro is well-known. Same for all the others mentioned in your post. The Mexican brain is a unique clump of cells. Little in the way of invention or innovation comes from it, but it is a world-beater in the holding of the status quo. Son, you're fishing in a soiled pond, flailing away like a flounder with no chance of surviving the long swim. Best advice: Shame them and, at the very least, perhaps that will one day clear the fog. The corrupt won't dance with you, no.

    1. Jake. (Ralph Garcia - ICE agent)October 5, 2012 at 11:28 AM

      Truest comment in the history of this and other Brownsville blogs. I congratulate this commenter. Excellent insight. And well-written!

    2. Corrupt Valley politicians are busted all the time. Hello, read a newspaper lately?? Are you the one person in Brownsville who missed CNN's special features on DA Villalobos and Limas....? what a dumbass

    3. @Jake. (Ralph Garcia - ICE agent)

      Hell must have frozen over, Jake, for you have just complimented Duardo Paz-Martinez, also known as DP-M, (por sus siglas en ingles).

      ATTE: Lad #6753

    4. Not DP-M, but his good buddy Rey Guevara-Vasquez, Rey uses the term man to refer the common blokes, whereas DP-M, who is more refined uses the term lad.

      Check out the lads at:

      Pictured are Juan Montoya, Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully, Eduardo Paz-Martinez and Rey Guevara-Vazquez getting ready to hit the bars.

  3. She's a waste of sperm. Her mom should've swallowed. It would save us all from the corruption that she will allow to continue! I'm glad Mr. Yzaguirre is taking a stand. He doesn't need them anyway.

    1. Mescalero, The Real OneOctober 5, 2012 at 12:00 PM

      With that retarded comment, you're the waste of sperm. What happened - Did the larger portion of your Dad's sperm roll down your mother's leg? Seems so.

    2. Hey, Mescalero, he's just another Mexican out to hurt a woman. PENDEJO.

    3. or a woman who don't give a shit about the people. she's a BITCH, lad. She don't care. She'll trade you a half cooked chicken plate for your unmarked ballot vote, pendejo. Open your ass wide they've got more coming for your innocent unsuspecting soul

  4. Roger Ortiz is doing his job, as defined by the culture he lives and works under. As Joe Biden would say, "Folks, this is not Peoria, Illinois." Brownsville residents know they live largely under a Mexican culture. Its politicians know this well. Bloggers, meanwhile, would like to move the city geographically to Middle America. That works fine and dandy in film and theory, but reality is something else. Think Mexico and you will be happy here. Think otherwise and you will drive yourself crazy. You're fighting something that is ingrained, and any pop psychologist will tell you that the battle is a losing one. You would need generational change and, boys, that's not coming down the pike.

    1. Guess you don't know the history of the Cameron County elections office, son. Elections administrators are swapped out regularly. As soon as one gets caught doing the Democrat's dirty work, another janitor, secretary or maintenance manager like Roger Ortiz is promoted to the spot. Ortiz has had a long run but his day's are numbered.

  5. But, this is not Mexico and we are not happy. Sounds like Tony Zavaleta's view that "Mexican culture is corrupt and we should accept it." This is not Mexico and we don't have to "accept" corrupt Mexican culture. And as long as elected officials sit on their hands and fail to take action to correct this corruption, it will continue. We would hope that Cascos, Rivera and others would have the huevos to take action, but obviously no one wants to rock the corruption boat and maybe get their hands dirty. The Republican Party Chair, Frank Morris, has done little for the Republican Party and seems to just be happy going with the flow. We can't expect Frank to fight against all the Dumbokrats....he would not serve himself well. Roger Ortiz surely likes the corruption that he facilitates and will not take any action as long as he has the Dumbokratic Party support....which he seems to have. Dan Sanchez, who has an eye on the County Judge office, will definitely continue to support corruption...that is the only way he will get his stupid fat ass elected.

    1. Of course, it's Mexico. Everything to do with life in Brownsville reeks of Mexico! Its music, food, social culture is Mexico. Politics toes the same line. Why do you think corruption perpetuates itself? Why do you think it cannot be eradicated? Why do you think nothing ever comes out of those fights against politiqueras and wrongdoing? Why do you think it goes on and on and on and on? Do you even remember a time when things were different? My guess is that you do not. Mexico runs through Brownsville's veins. Its spine is a Mexican spine and its bones are Mexican bones and its brain is a slowed Mexican brain. To want to see things differently is an exercise in beating yourself to sleep. You may not think you're happy, but you certaionly are not pissed-off enough. Not yet, son. Not yet.

    2. This is not a Hispanic "thing" as the same type of machine corruption happened in Chicago and other places, it is an issue of enforcement and rooting out the entire network.

      Not every candidate running in Brownsville is corrupt. But the escalating corruption in the elections office and the voter fraud system, has reached the point where it is nearly impossible for a clean candidate to win. Intelligent, highly qualified candidates rarely bother throwing their hat in the ring. We are stuck with a choice between the blatantly corrupt, the guy running so he gets some free hunting trips from the insurance carriers or the ego-tripper who just wants to see their own face on TV. Worse, the corruption allows the Armando Vilalloboses, Ernie Hernandezes and Abel Limases to get where they are.

  6. Me thinks the "anonymous" who believes corruption is ingrained and would like to move to "middle America" has never traveled north of the Valley and is probably a recent traveler across the Rio Grande....bringing his "ingrained" culture with him or her. We have ingrained ignorance....should we give up the fight for improved education. Nothing is so ingrained that change can't take place. Obviously, the writer is not a Democrat, because Obama professes the need for change...and this writer has given up, but probably still votes for handouts to citizens who won't work. The writer surely never served in the military, and is not a patriot....but is a whiner and one who gives up easily. Wouldn't want him on my flank in combat.

    1. Rey Guevara-VasquezOctober 5, 2012 at 4:07 PM

      To Anon @ 12:58: That guy did not come across the river. His English is superior, better than yours, and his comment coherent and understandable. And, BTW, it's "Methinks," one word, not two.


  7. From a military family I will tell you it is revolting, these fat pieces of shit using taxpayers like thier own personal ATM and disgracing the sacrifices of those who died defending democracy in this nation. I applaud those who seek to end this corruption and put in prison those who engage in IT.=

  8. To believe that the corruption flowing through Brownsville/Cameron County is a Mexican thing and just allow it because it originates from the country of Mexico is just simply wrong. You see what is going on across the river by those mexican people who know nothing better but to corrupt everything because it is so easy and not much thought into it. Well as Americans on this side of the river we have morals, loyalty, integrity, and honor in what we do, and by doing so the moral way. Our Judicial system, BISD, Commissoner's, County, etc., all Mexican with heavy roots from across the river do believe in the Mexican way because they are lazy and only know one way, corruption. This is sad for this city has it will never evolve to a striving city like McAllen, Harlingen, Mission area, etc., Those people in place up north have integrity and morals and it shows in their work ethic. Not in Browntown too many stupid, ignorant, and very lazy people, OH, but that's the Mexican/Mexico ingrained way of life.

    1. Whether Mexican corruption or italian mafia corruption, it's the same. Elected officials, judges and cops taking payoffs and corrupting the vote to ensure honest people do not get elected. Sylvia G Perez, her face reminiscent of a pile of vomit. Another Gilberto Hinojosa, another indictment axe waiting to fall like Villalobos/ Limas / Hernandez. Crooks



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...