Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pat Lehmann Proposal Fails to Pass BISD Board But Will Be Reconsidered

Pat Lehmann

Pat Lehmann, a close associate of convicted RICO felon Carlos Quintanilla, continues to show a keen interest in the Brownsville Independent School District.  In 2010, Lehmann, along with Quintanilla, Art Rendon, Ben Neece and Juan Montoya collaborated to form a political action committee, named the DefeatZayasCortezPowers P.A.C.   Cleverly, none of the above wished to serve as officers of the P.A.C., but instead they recruited Mary S. Rey and Argelia Miller to serve as figurehead President and Treasurer respectively.

As reported in this blog in previous articles, the purpose of the P.A.C. was to elect trustees who would eventually dismiss the $14,300,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart for overcharges.  Carlos Quintanilla, had been commissioned by Ted Parker, the former majority owner of Healthsmart, to a accomplish this task, both at BISD and in the City of Lubbock who had also sued Healthsmart for overcharges.  Earlier this year, the trustees elected and supported by Quintanilla; Cata Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria, Christina Saavedra and Enrique Escobedo, did Quintanilla's bidding by dismissing the suit.

Valley Scooters of Texas
The huge $500,000,000 annual budget for BISD is simply irresistible for valley and non-valley businessmen wanting to make money and Pat Lehmann wants to make money.  Lehmann runs at least two businesses from the same address at 1748 Central Blvd.; VSoT or Valley Scooters of Texas, a small showroom displaying cheaply made Chinese motorcycles and scooters Lehmann sells for about twice the price they can be purchased for online, and LCA Consulting Solutions, a company that analyzes your solid waste pickup and charges for finding ways to save money on the utility.  While Lehmann has not yet proposed the district buy his Chinese motor scooters, he did propose at the October 2, 2012 BISD board meeting that his trash analyzing firm be retained by the district for a fee to be named later.  Below is exactly how the item appeared on the BISD agenda:

E. Recommend approval of the following Bids/Proposals/Purchases:

21. Recommend awarding RFP #13-035 Consultant Services for Analysis of Solid Waste
Services (Re-Bid) to LCA Management Consulting Solutions, Brownsville, Texas to
provide services and to authorize administration to negotiate a fee. 

The fancy language on the web site describes what the company does for the client in this way:
"We are supported with the necessary tools and information to keep current on all waste related issues and the latest technology and methods to reduce your waste and recycling expenses."

A Mean Mister Brownsville reader explained it in a different way:
"Pat Lehmann was voted down before the board to receive a consulting contract with the district. . . . . . . . . . He wanted a 50/50 split with the district for every dollar he would save for the district in their trash collection fee's. The way this works, is that he would go around and eliminate one dumpster at each high school and a few at the middle schools and he would get half of the savings. At $1,000 dollars for each dumpster about ten dumpsters, that is a 10,000 savings for the district per month, 5,000 for pat! The district pays 1.3 million a year for trash collection. The maintenance dept is responsible for the trash collection contract with the city and they have no idea what is going on with the dumpsters. That same department has the biggest budget in the entire district and they are totally inept!"

I'm not certain about all of the details above, but BISD does spend $1,200,000 annually on solid waste pickup.  There is certainly money to be made here.  Lehmann's proposal failed, receiving a 3-3 vote with Christina Saavedra absent from the meeting.  Minerva Pena objected to the language in the agenda item as it seemed to leave the fee to be earned by LCA Consulting Services not fixed, but open to negotiation.  One of BISD's legal team, asked for a legal opinion, said the wording was acceptable.

After the item went down to defeat, "Doctor" Escobedo indicated the item would be brought up again at the next board meeting.


  1. Are you Kidding Jim??? Escobedo, Presas-Garcia, Longoria and Saavedra want to give Lehmann a contract with the Distict? It is bad enough that Lehmann goes around town telling people that he help get Luci and Christina elected to the School Board and that they owe him. Now he wants them to pay-up with a contract with the District? WOW!!! These people are just giving away BISD money without any regard for the Teachers and students! SAD!

  2. It's a shame, that everyone knows these elections are rigged. Smart, funded people won't bother running. The teachers don't bother voting or participating in their union, or they never would have endorsed vomit bags like Barbosa and Powers.

    You're left arguing over the refuse heap of wannabe's, the occassional naive soul and Brownsville's most corrupt pieces of shit

  3. When Cameron County gave him business, his trash analyzing firm replaced the large dumpsters for smaller ones as a cost saving measure, now all the trash bags that do not fit, sit aside the little dumpsters waiting for dogs to tear them apart.

  4. Pat Lehmann is the biggest rat of them all.....but Escobedo and Presas-Garcia have done their best to follow his lead over the last few years.

  5. Christina and was present voted against. Mr. Aguilar was absent. Since it is coming back rest assured that it will pass; Mr. Lehmann needs to get his cut as part of the conspiracy that is the BISD board majority.

  6. He was deeply involved in school board contract rigging in the upper valley that lead to criminal charges against certain Board members and is known to be a close conspirator with a certain former Donna ISD Board member. He is dirty dirty dirty.

    1. Did the contract rigging have anything to do with the E-rate bids. Just wondering.

  7. WTF??....Pay a 'consultant' to do a basic needs analysis? Ridiculous and typical at BISD. Surely someone is competent enough within BISD to perform and generate efficiency(savings) without that clown Lehmann involved. Here is a simple start. 1. Measure the amount of dumpsters relative to a given school's population. 2. Compare/contrast to other district campuses. 3. Pick up the phone and call other school districts and compare the data derived from steps 1 and 2 above. 4. Or BISD could simply call competitors of current provider and have them do a needs analysis. They would jump at the chance to provide insight with the possibility to honestly and ethically earn the business.
    There you have your recommendation for next meeting 'Doctor' Escobedo. Presas-Garcia can second. I dare both of you.......

    1. I would really like to see the "software" that is Pat the Rat is talking about.

  8. Juan Montoya: Vendido, Borracho y Cobarde! Tus hijos se mueren de hambre, Juan!

  9. wwhat weneed the people in brownsville is the fbi,texas rangers to take action on all this criminal actions in the bisd ,city of brownsville ,.county. lets stop corruptionin all leables of governament.

  10. Pat "15%" Lehmann is surely "out to make money"....for himself. He is one or, if not the, most arrogant assholes every to take up space in this region. He is the ultimate leach. He can't do anything well except try to "charm" entities out of their money. At any table where Pat sits, you can bet he has his hand underneath for his 15%. I am amazed that this asshole hasn't been run out of town by now; but we understand that he is a rat who thrives on corruption and we have plenty of that in local government and business. Any business that Pat "15%" Lehmann is involved in is bad business.

  11. Pat is 15% and Ruben Cortez is Mr. 30%,.....Ruben is the bigger RATA....but both RATAS none the less

  12. Lehman and his Las Vegas trips with BISD classified staff as his escorts. Boy do we have stories on you!

  13. Bring out the "LAS Vegas trip stories"

  14. We can't wait to hear the stories. This is the time people

  15. As long as Carlos Quintanilla, Hector Gonzalez, and Pat Lehmam are in bed with Catalina Presas-Garcia, Christina Saavedra, Enrique Escobedo, and Luci Longoria, our students and teachers will pay the price!

    1. Everyone MUST get out and vote Catlalina out !!!!!!!!!

    2. How pathetic. An Ernie Hernandez supporter trying to propose an Ernie Hernandez puppet to replace Cata. How bout you give us all a barf bag instead? I hear they worship the Santa Muerte but WWJD let's bring some Jesus back to the BISD

  16. I hope and pray that anyone who has condensed "stories" on these leeches, would come up and bring them to Jim Barton. You will be protected, and retaliation from any Board member would be deal with, the proper way.

  17. Wooooow! Can't wait for the "Vegas stories" about this wino.

  18. Let's not forget that although not named on the PAC, Hector Gonzalez played a pivotal part on the formation of this PAC.
    Yes, the number one purpose was to dismiss the lawsuit in exchange for paid settlements, re-hires, sweet heart contracts, friends created positions, and "other" gifts as needed, but not as fast as it occurred. The fact is, it had to be accelerated due to a well detailed and very courageous deposition done by Mary Rey, which also resulted in the removal of it's chairwoman. Mary Rey is an honorable woman who did, and continues to do the right thing.

    1. There is rumor of a $21,000.00 check for the month of September. 45 hours of overtime at $200.00 in addition to the monthly $12,000.00 OMG

    2. Yes, this lady Mary Rey, sure is one hell of a lady! Wish she could have stayed on the race, she's the only reason Catalina Presas-Garcia switched places....she did not want to face Mary Rey. Wow!

    3. So these bastards used these two ladies? It's great Ms Mary denounced these clandestine PAC. She has shown them what she's made of. Thanks Mary Rey, we, the community are forever indebted to you, Jim, and Bobby. GBU!

    4. The community is indebted to Jim for sure. Bobby is a certified lunatic and Mary Rey is, well, read el Rrun Run. There's always an opening for the next Brownsville idiot willing to sign their name onto a shady BISD PAC funneling illegal money to candidates under the table, at least until busted by the feds. Seems the new crop this year is Kimberly Dale and Jose Garza. Same story, new actors

    5. Say what you wish it is your right, however, if in fact you read the blog you mentined, you would be able to see this two ladies Mary and Argelia were used by thes bastards. Now, Mary Rey even under theats to he and her family, denounced and detached herself from these RATS. Argelia Miller on the other hand, stayed to the end and is now "collecting" her rewards, and that my a big difference. THANKS MARY REY!!!!

  19. We will see for how long this PAC keeps the farce. Do they feel the steps on their "azoteas", is this why they are in such a hurry to give away BISD money?

  20. This PAC collected and will continue to collect its "rewards" just look at the cars, clothes, jewelry, these women and men now have. What we do not know (yet) is how they "suddenly" got it. And good old Pat Lehman wants more. It is up to the voters to stop this madness.

  21. It certainly looks Argelia Miller is now "collecting" her part. Argelia, thanks for showing us what a perverse woman you are, using GOD in every crooked act you do.
    Voters beware!! Argelia Miller, Shirley Bowman, Linda Gill, and Caty Presas-Garcia are in to continue the criminal enterprise of this PAC. DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM

    1. You sound like a godless moron. Probably a Hernandez. Who should we vote for then, one of your godless, ethically challenged puppets?

    2. Ernie will rediscover GOD when the IRS cracks down on his $700,000 unpaid taxes. prayin on his hands and knees not to spend prison time with "Bubba"

    3. They worship Santa Muerte. like the rest of the people in prison


  22. Back to the Vegas stories. Is their wine, women, and wild parties to hear about???

  23. Yes, Gonzales received a check including $9,000 overtime. The settlement states that he receive $200 per hour for every hour worked over 80 hours within a month. Do the math. Basically he only needs to put in two 40 hour weeks. It is my understanding that he comes in every day at 9 and leaves at 4 or 5. By default if he only works 7 hours daily that is 40 hours of overtime a month. The overtime must be approved by the Superintendent. Isn't it ironic that the board majority that voted to settle with Gonzales amid much controvery is the same board majority that blames several other current and retired administrators for overtime abuse? I doubt that the superintendent approved the overtime and I doubt that there is a justification for it. What can Gonzales show as a product of the overtime? Gonzales is a consultant, not the defacto Superintendent as the board majority wishes. Unfortunately, since the real conspiracy was the board majority and the PAC, this abuse of payback, under the guise of consultant work, will continue. People, you need to wake up, two of the board majority tried to suspend the sitting Superintendent and replace him with Gonzales, but at least one of the majority got cold feet. I expect this to be tried again before the election, as Cata and Lucy, former secretaries of Gonzales will not be deterred. I implore the citizens to vote Barbosa, Chirinos, Pena, and Powers.

    1. The board could not give the teachers and classified workers a raise because of the lack of funds. The board also was highly critical of overtime to bus drivers. How can the board justified paying this man $9,000.00 of overtime in addition to his $12,000.00 per month contract salary? Fire the Superintendent and vote out the board members for approving the overtime. This is highway robbery.

    2. This is the time that Cata should be complaining about the overtime being paid by the school district. Ooops! The more overtime for Gonzalez the more cheese for Cata la Rata.

    3. The Superintendent has a contract, are they going to have to pay him off also?

  24. October 12 2012 7:01 - Amen to your comment! This is out and out robbery of the taxpayers and Cata has the nerve to post her self-serving ads week in week out. She is a a liar and a criminal - she stole from BISD before and is doing it now.

    1. Liar and criminal? Look who's talking Butch

    2. I hate listening to liars and criminals calling out other liars and criminals.

      would both of you PUHLEEEZE drop out and get out of the way of a honest, decent, REAL BISD teacher DON CLUPPER !!?? Stop wasting our time losers! You had your grub now stop beein greedy about all the bene-fEEts!


  26. Any table Pat sits around you can be sure of one thing. He won't pick up the tab. Cheap Bastard.

  27. If you guys read one (of the many) deposition of Carlos Quintanilla, he "explains" how he was contaced and later brought in, at the request of Hector Gonzalez, Pat Lehman, Chris Valadez, and Caty Presas-Garcia.....the rest, we all know what happened. 1) the dismissal of Healthsmart. 2) the settlement of Art Rendon. 3)several under the table contracts including the contract given to Caty's friend and personal investigator in the Joe Rod case against her, and which costed the district one quarter of a million dollars, and where ONLY certain people were targeted. 4) the creation of many positions for this board majority's friends and spouses, XAMPLE; a lady who works a grand total of nine hours a week, and collects $500.00 dollars for it, Ganzo Gonzalez who gets $21,000.00 a month on "overtime" on the top of his $12,000.00 a month salary, a current majority member spouse who's been "upgraded" to oversee schedules??? Etc. etc. etc 5) The recent paid settlements to those two guys, ganzo and barracuda. 6) Pat wanting to slurp more?? When does it ends??

    1. "When does it ends?? It ends the minute they are voted out of office.
      Very simple.

    2. No wonder Chris Valadez aka Maclovio O'Malley only asked the "questions" who were approved by one his guests. So this guy as also part of this enterprise??

    3. Yes Chris was aware of "some guy" from Dallas coming over to "help Hector and Caty"

    4. See Cris the Hernandez are throwing you under the bus faster than they threw John Wood. Now it's YOUR fault Carlos Quintanilla came to town lol! UYYY

  28. Where is the money coming for Cata's campaign? Juarez, Gonzalez, Rendon, Parker, the attorneys, tax collectors, Pat Lehman??? She doesn't work, husband's a teacher,already filed bankrupcy once or twice?

    1. I wonder how this Caty woman went from a ragedy old jeep to a cadillac, and that Lucy woman went from a rented ugly apartment to a very large home swimming pool and all, the Saavedra woman to owning business here and there, and the Ecobedo guy to being a millionaire?? Wow!!
      Do you all think they wake up every morning "fresh like daisies"???

    2. Caty Got 60 grand just to start off, from her biggest benefactors...GUESS WHO??? Yup

    3. 60 grand is just loose change compared to 14.3 million

    4. Who is left to vote for? Only Clupper. We all know Barbosa's history of corruption, who has never spent a day of his life in a school teaching. Just another shady politician mercilessly bashing his opponent Caty.
      Easy decision for any teacher to vote for another teacher to make the important decisions at BISD. Neither of these two have a CLUE!

  29. Pat Lehman gave orders to upgrade the pay on a first year employee with the district several tears ago because she was one of his "escorts". She suddenly went from 0 years experience to 6 years experience as an attendance clerk! Then she proceeded to show those of us with more experience , her pay stub! When we brought it up to the principal and he called HR, he was told to drop it because Mr Lehman ordered the "raise". Then she would tell us her stories about the wonderful "trips"/ board conferences she was invited to. Pat you are a disgusting excuse of a human being, along with Cata/ Casey Anthony. Karma ladies and gentlemen...Karma.

    1. So she paid for the raise with what??

    2. "Mr Lehman ordered the raise" WOW!
      What kind of "trips" were they?

    3. YES!!!!!! Vote for Don Clupper, a REAL TEACHER who won't tolerate this political bullshit!!!

    4. And the same young lady was at Lehmans parties at the so called "gentlemans club" at his buddy ramon hinojosas house behind the pizza hut on central sleeze and scum!!! Oh, and pat the rat believed trips to Vegas were a cover up of his kickbacks cuz he could claim gambling ....doh! Guess it workers cuz the FBI ain't done SHIT to that mo fo...

  30. Why do you think hector Gonzalez wants to go on all the trips? OVERTIME.....

    1. Ok, "OVERTIME" with who? All of these ladies are way too old, not to mention ugly!!But then again so is Hector....yikes!!

  31. Why do you think hector Gonzalez wants to go on all the trips? OVERTIME.....

  32. And don't forget HG takes his "secretaries" with him to New York, so they could work on him, I mean overtime....

    1. Yikes! Yowza! Hey, we are SICK OF IT!!!
      We teachers work every fucking day with no trips including free staff blowjobs on our salary.
      Fuck you leeches!!! Voting for clupper!!

    2. Aren't you people ASHAMED to talk about BISD board member's PENIS-es that way??

      Time for new BLOOD, to clean up BISD and our education system!
      Time to elect NEW PEOPLE, in it for the CHIlDREN, not some dumbass whore lapdance and free hunting TRIPS!!

  33. Why does the district have to hire a waste management consultant when the district has just recently hired the most efficient brilliant consultant in H. Gonzalez? Let H. Gonzalez earn his overtime in the garbage afterall he has experience in dealing with dirty politicians and corrupted individuals.

    1. Gonzalez has lots of experience, give him the responsibility of solving the waste management problem. He needs to earn his overtime. The district needs clean dumpsters so that the voters can dump Cata on election day.


  34. Why would Cata be smiling and nodding in agreement while Clupper bashed the BISD bonds people? Why, because he is a split the vote plant! You don't smile and nod your head in total agreement when the guy running against you is slamming somebody. Clupper is there to split the vote and if the teachers fall for this, he will be doing Cata's work for her! We cannot take that chance!

    1. This is a story about a math teacher at a local high school. A few years ago, when the high school administration needed to improve the math department of the school with instructional personnel that could relate and challenge the student to achieve, the math teacher was moved to the department of special education. In this specialized area of teaching, the students needed a teacher with a high level of understanding and recognition of specific skills needed by the students to be able to achieve which the math teacher did not comprehend. The students were frustrated and the department co-workers complained of the math teacher’s lack of knowledge in the specialized area of special education. The general feeling of the department was that the administration had dump this individual on them without consideration of the needs of the students. After a few years of endless frustration on the part of the students and co-workers, new administration took over the school and decided to move the math teacher back to the math department. The move was generated not because of the need to improve the math department but to find a place where the math teacher could do less harm. New methodologies and techniques were introduced district wide in order for the students to meet the high standards required by the states in student achievement; therefore, such claims of improvement of student achievement scores cannot be attributed to the return of the individual to the department of math.

  35. Hes just an old coot. Nobody is voting for him or Cata. Less than a month...and at least one evil person will be off the board.

  36. Yes, Clupper and Cata were seen together at a local restaurant on International Blvd. BEWARE PEOPLE!!! THAT CLUPPER PLANT IS T SPLIT THE VOTE, AND IN THE END HE WILL SELL HIMSELF TO THE CURRENT CORRUPT $$$$4

  37. Do not take any chances with this Clupper guy
    Do not take any chances with Linda "where am I at?" Gill
    Do not take any chances with Argelia "now is my time" Miller
    Do not take any chances with Shirley "I'm the boss" Bowman

  38. No money for teachers or anyone else raises, but enough for Hector Gonzalez overtime????? It's sooo obvious these corrupt board majority are getting kick-backs under the table. S C U M


  40. Chris Valadez "Maclovio" and Rodrigo Moreno knew what was happening with Quintanilla, Gonzalez, Lehman, and Catalina Presas-Garcia. Now they pretend to curse TOOO late Rodrigo and Chris, everyone knows what's up !!!

  41. To the Oct 13, @10:11AM
    And certainly do not take any, any chances with Cata la Rata



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...