The con artist likely has a different approach than the common thief, dealing in deception, illusion, creating a believable scenario to work the con. A disinformational sleight of hand could even create a diversion, redirecting your gaze away from the real plan. For example, in the last BISD school board election, Carlos Quintanilla organized and utilized a DefeatCortezZayasPowers PAC, but some allege his real purpose was to put in place trustees who who vote to drop the $14,300,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart for overcharges. Yes, Zayas, Cortez and Powers had to go to accomplish the primary goal, but it was not REALLY about them.
The plan reached fruition in the past year with Escobedo, Presas-Garcia, Saavedra and Longoria voting to dismiss the lawsuit against Healthsmart much to the delight of BISD puppetmaster Quintanilla and his benefactor, Ted Parker, the former majority owner of Healthsmart. As reported here and in the BROWNSVILLE VOICE, Quintanilla had worked a similar plan in Lubbock, TX, with the City of Lubbock agreeing to a $4,000,000 compromise settlement in their lawsuit for overcharges against Healthsmart.
Ted Parker still can't sleep peacefully though, facing the potential nightmare of BISD reinstituting the lawsuit if the "right" trustees are not in place. That explains why Carlos Quintanilla is, once again, fielding a slate of trustee candidates to do his bidding, including his lieutenant Presas-Garcia, Linda Gill, Sharon Bowman and Argelia Miller.(Linda Gill has informed me that I have this wrong. She wants to sit down with us and explain her situation sometime this week.)
Unlike 2010, Carlos Quintanilla has not been able to operate in a vacuum this time around. Bobby Wightman-Cervantes has shadowed the con man for two years, giving up his address at 421 S. Dwight Ave., Dallas, TX as the headquarters of record for the infamous Fly Frontera "Airline", detailing his pending home foreclosure and other legal scruffs. With BWC on his tail, Carlos can't even stiff the paper boy without being called out.
Mary S. Rey, once the figurehead "President" of the Quintanilla P.A.C., submitted to a court deposition that not only revealed the blatant manipulation of the BISD board by Quintanilla, but proved him to be a consummate and occasionally unnecessary liar.
Quintanilla, the Dumb Criminal
Both Wightman-Cervantes and Mary S. Rey each became the object of Quintanilla's wrath, although in con artist tradition, most of his charges were well off the mark. There is actually something profoundly humorous about a convicted con artist calling others dishonest or disingenuous. Inarticulate commentary, ludicrous assertions and guilt by association were the tools used daily by Quintanilla in an obscure blog he writes, but almost no one reads. The "comments" to his articles are exclusively his, with several comments written a minute or so apart with typical Quintanilla syntax, grammar and spelling all praising the glorious civil rights leader for his selfless community service. Of course, the blog is merely part of the con.
![]() |
Dumb criminals |
The publisher of Mean Mister Brownsville has also become a frequent target of con man Q, who seems to have a fixation on the name Barton, not an altogether uncommon anglo-saxon name. Actually, there are literally thousands of Bartons in the U.S., some professors, some criminals, some scientists, some bureaucrats, some drug addicts. Here is a clue for Carlos: There are only 8 Bartons in the United States related to me. This hasn't stopped Carlos from trying to connect me to every Barton in the country with a perceived or actual negative reputation. One of Quintanilla's dumbest moves is to repeatedly link me with Texas Congressman Joe Barton, a connection obviously based on our identical last names:
And this article:
Thursday, November 24, 2011Tim Fleet plus XTO Energy plus Joe Barton plus his cuzin Jim Barton Too Close for Comfort.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We will see What happens on December 6th. NTEX Realty A Congressman Joe Barton Supporter and the cuz of Jim Barton LOST IN COURT. There will be no action on DECEMBER 6. Merry Christmas and Carlos Quintanilla for Congress Against Jim Barton's Cuzin and Anti Hispanic.Quintanilla labels this congressman, Joe Barton of Fort Worth, as anti-hispanic and a member of the tea party. Illogically, since the congressman and I share the same last name, according to Quintanilla, we have the same political views and are both racists. We get a wonderful glimpse into the mind of a con artist.
More Quintanilla Guilt by Last Name
In today's edition of the Quintanilla blog, he ties me in with child pornography by mentioning a pedophile with the my last name from my home town on Kent, WA. It matters not to Quintanilla that the man is not related or that I left Kent 47 years ago. Facts are irrelevant to a con artist, only deception and falsehood. Here's another example of Carlos being Carlos:
Saturday, September 8, 2012
3 WA adults charged in online porn ring; 72 arrested nationwide
William Barton of Kent, Washington arrested for Child pornography at the same time that this guy was arrested in Brownsville for the same thing.
Our Jim Barton is from Kent, Washington.
Pedophiles used child porn site for advice on how to lure victims
William Barton from Kent Washington, Jim, your hometown.
Jim Barton is he related to you?
la Comadres de Brownsville want to know
Pedophiles used child porn site for advice on how to lure victims
Jim Barton is he related to you?
la Comadres de Brownsville want to know
Pedophiles used child porn site for advice on how to lure victims
Before I actually saw this, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes emailed me with a possible legal solution. It is part of the story, so I include it:
Quintanilla-defamation per se and shutting down carebrownsville
"Under this theory (see below) Mike Cowen for example can get an emergency order from a local judge declaring Quintanilla's allegations concerning child porn are false. With this order google will shut down carerbrownsville - ted Parker is desperate - also because it all relates back to Fly Frontera Jim gallagher is a deep pocket later on.
I am not going to get into all of the legal issues - but if Mike Cowen wants to do it I will help him prepare all of the documents - it is a simple lawsuit in its initial form - a local judge after reading his current bizarre comments and those related to Congressman Joe barton will have no problem signing an emergency order declaring the statements false - the judge cannot order the web page shut down - but google's lawyer told me they will shut down his web page if a judge simply signs a emergency order declaring the statements false.
See article
have any lawyer contact me and I will take them through the process"
Of course, that information was much appreciated and passed on to Mike Cowen who just finished pro bono work for Yolanda Begum and has not indicated an interest in this. As for me, Quintanilla lawsuit threats do not concern me.
Someday, Quintanilla will no longer taint Brownsville and BISD. He may be in prison or public awareness may eventually limit his effectiveness. In any event, he has educated us, giving us insight into the mind of a con artist.
Good work folks. Keep it up. We the citizens of Brownsville recoginize the slime Mr. Q and his manipulation of our BISD board for his own gain will no longer be tolerated, overlooked, etc. It is time for the removal of ALL incumbents as those who stood by silent and watched while doing nothing to stop the hemoraging of BISD funds meant for our students, not Ted Parker's Healthsmart, Inc. or his sinister henchman Mr. Q.
ReplyDeleteLinda Gill is being backed up by Erasmos from Brownsville Cheezmeh and it is obvious anyone they back up is going to be crooked, only in it for themselves and not the citizens and much less the children. It is rumored they have a hidden agenda with Ernie to shift the contracts to the people that are helping finance Donald and Linda campaign. Anything she tells you will be written and memorized by a script written by both Quintanilla and Brownsville Cheezmeh.
ReplyDeleteThe City of Brownsville is in a bad situation becaus(my opinion) no one running for the BISD board this year plus the existing board are sinceree and are self serving. We will never get ahead when we have people running for positions that have no jobs and just either want to get rich. Some of the people running are retired and it seems they want a bigger retirement package because they want revenge for how they got screwed and they have no clue how to run a buisness or solve an issue. They have noting to offer but to tell people how bad the current board has done things (which is true) but they have no idea how to fix it. How sad we have no good people running for elected positions and I blame Brownsville Cheezmeh as one of the local bloggers that is easily bought to have control of the people thru lies and deceipt.
Keep up the good job Mr. Barton and keep posting the truth and I trust you won't be bought or coned into believing a lie from Linda Gill and Brownsville Cheezmeh through Carlos Q.
were is willy gonzalez health inspector
ReplyDeleteLost in the rural dust-up that is this fight is the answer to the question: Why do you publish? Too much angst floating around here for me to feel that anything will ever come from this. So we have a "con" at odds with you, the blogger? My question: So? So what? Are you trying to out the outed? Are you seeking a blowback on this Quintanilla fella? Well, good luck on that front. the only one readers care about is that handy refrain, "When will it end?" When will Browntown get its shit together? When will the pathetic, low-hanging street battles end. One fool calls another a walking lawsuit, while another calls another a deadbeat, a loser, a scammer, a cretin. And do it goes. On and on and on and on and on. Blogging says the blogger needs to post something often enough for the readers to feel they are getting news, or rumors, or salivating tibits from the netherworld of local politics. But nothing will come of it. Hasn't Jerry McHale been blogging for the entire existence of the Internet? Yes, he has. And he's still searching for a good reason to say it was time well-spent, an assessment that, sadly, will never come.
ReplyDeleteDear Repetitive Anonymo,
ReplyDeleteWhen Madonna cancels a concert it impacts the little people, the ticket takers, quiche vendors, motel clerks and cabbies. Google bloggers bear a similar weight as they support a veritable internet eco-system, teaming with life forms.
I could quit blogging tomorrow as you suggest, but who would be there for the poster who chuckles every time he calls the Democrats dumbocRATS, the man from idyllic Austinburg who chides dusty browntown for being dusty and brown, the Cheezmeh guru who writes in the exact same style under 30 pseudonyms, etc.?
Please, think of the little people.
You compare yourself to Madonna? Oh, boy.
Delete"You compare yourself to Madonna? Oh, boy."
DeleteThe analogy doesn't fit in totality. I was referencing the petulant, self-absorbed side of the song/dance megastar, the side that would cancel or fail to perform on a whim, not realizing the collateral damage of her actions. When you have posters, for example, with a psychological need to paint Brownsville as a nonperforming ne'er do well to compensate for their own personal deficiencies, you realize you can't just pick up your blog and run.
I our city's case, it takes a blogger village.
[psychological need to paint Brownsville as a nonperforming ne'er do well ]
DeleteYour words. Chosen quite appropriately, I might add. But if it did "perform" well, what would you have to write about? Thanks for cementing my point.
Jim it seems the Austin blogger is trying to distract you from posting and connecting Linda and Donald to Carlos Q. and to Brownsville Cheezmeh and don't leave out Barbosa. To my knowledge Barbosa helped Denise Blanchard and he is one of the 3 amigos when he was a commisssioner. Ernie was one of the 3 amigos and got rich and powerful from his term there and now he wants to do it at a bigger level. They are all in it together. What they are doing is pretty much backing everybody that is running for BISD Board of Trustees and this way the win. Brownsville Cheezmeh and Carlos Q. has made peace and will back up the same candidates this time around. To them it is better to fight together and control the local politics. Erasmos will not post anything negative about Carlos only what he posted in the past about him like his criminal record but he will let that be in the past. To them everything is fair in Money and Politics.
ReplyDeleteJim you seem to know these guys very well and what they are up to. It seems they are scared of you exposing them and writting the truth of what really is happening in and around Brownsville, TX. The more they try to bash you the more it seems you have hit a nerve.
Jim, please do not stop writing. Mary Rey and you will go down in history as HEROES for exposing the biggest fraud in the history of BISD.
DeleteWord is the Association of Brownsville Educators AOBE wii hold a forum for all candidates on Sept 26.Apparently Cata refused the invitation.....
DeleteChezzme is supporting (confirmed) linda Gill and Donald Clupper, now Erasmo has made friends with Quintanilla ( also confirmed) Be careful! Mary Rey, YOU are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI was wondering if Mary Rey can be contacted? Please let us know,
Jim and Nena, you are the greatest people on earth!
Delete@Anonymous September 9, 2012 2:32 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous September 9, 2012 6:19 PM
The name is "Erasmo" not "Erasmos".
The reason we don't get better candidates is because of people like CQ, Cata, Juan M., Jerry McHale, Bobby WS. Mescalero, and others. The will say shit about anybody that isn't true, or will generalize anybody and everybody as not worthy of their support and good people just don't want to put themselves and their families through this shit! Excuse the run-on but that is the jist of it. Like if the aforementioned people were so perfect. NO one is perfect and decent people do not deserve all the slander that these people say about them. Now if they are deserving, pile it on but the colateral damage is what keeps decent people away. This board race is going to involve some good people and the lesser of two evil people. That's what we have to work with and we have to make it happen. That's the bottom line!
ReplyDeleteGood article Jim. By the way do not, I repeat do not believe a word Linda Gil Martinez tells you. She is a Cata Presas-Garcia good buddy.Cata Presas-Garcia, through Linda Gil Martinez insistance, had Principal Tim Synder moved. Cata La Rata is good buddies with Linda Gil Martinez. It is a fact that Cata La Rata has placed a candidate in every position for the November election, in hopes of maintaining control of BISD. Be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Careful Jim with Linda Gil Martinez poorest me attitude and lies. She is NOT to be trusted. She just wants to be part of CATA LA RATA clan at BISD................. Triste!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous September 9 @7:53 PM hit the nail on the Head. How can good people run for BISD, which is a voluntary position and have they Name, Family, Friends and relatives dragged thru the MUD just for reader ratings????????? Brownsville you are doing this to yourselves. You caused the exsisting problems you are going to have to figure out a way to get yourselves out!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Yes you are right there are SOME good people running in the BISD race. Brownsville Just Make Sure You Vote For The Good People and also for the LESSER OF TWO EVIL.
ReplyDeleteBe careful Jim. Carlos Quintanilla has ties to the Mexican drug cartels.
ReplyDelete"The reason we don't get better candidates is because of people like CQ, Cata, Juan M., Jerry McHale, Bobby WS. Mescalero, and others."
ReplyDeleteHit a sore spot I see. You bet your ass I am critical and judgemental. There is plenty to be critical and judgemental about. Show me one statement I have made that is not logical and true. Just one.
Mescalero (the real one)
"judgemental" is what he wrote? Poor man. Can't even spell, yet he roars like a mouse on steroids. Siddown, Mesc!
ReplyDeleteRey Guevara
Seems like a sore spot Mescalero! Just because you believe it to be true or logical? Is there anyone in this world that an astute fellow like you couldn't find some fault in? This is exactly my point! This is why many, not all, good candidates want to avoid. Everyone has a right to express their opinion, I merely expressed mine!
ReplyDeleteIgnore Mescalero. He is nothing, a mental midget who couldn't tell you what the Van Allen Belt is. Mescalero dropped out of high school and sweated out being drafted. That's the word on this clown
DeleteI post this since Juan MOntoya protects the Andrade family criminal enterprise. They pay JUan for the Abelardo Gomez add that he still displays on his site. Gomez has no apponent in NOvember but he still advertises to celebrate hispanic heritage month,...what a moron! He is just paying JUan for hush money,....whats next,...Happy Easter Andrades and Abelardo? You should be ashamed of you JUan MOntoya, are no better than the people you expose!
ReplyDeleteJr. Andrade, the "brains" behind the corrupt family that bank rolled the Masso campaign and is compadre with Abelardo gomez is one such bonds man that guarantees court outcomes for DWI cases. Look at the people that they have bonded out and where the cases fall. How in the hell is he a bonds man? The whole family should be in prison.
Montoya is as bad as any politiquera! Vato vendido. Vale sebo ese buey! Quieres chingasos, Juan? To voy a partir la cara si te atreves a boxear, culero.
DeleteNo, I make mistakes all the time but that does not disqulify me from having an opinion. Besides, you guys are every bit as opinioned as I am. When you guys start attacking the messenger and ignoring the message I wonder why. It must just be easier to call people names or demean them on a personal level. I guess if the best you can do is remark on my spelling and call me a name I'm okay with that. I hope it makes you feel better.
Why is anon Sept 12, @11:46 a.m referring to Juan Montoya? This is Jim Barton's blog???
ReplyDeleteJim, we need Mary Rey's e- mail. Can you please ask her...please!!