"Instead, focus on the new $75,000,000 high school designed for 2,200 students; Veterans Memorial. The full service high school, complete with athletic facilities, vocational training classrooms and other amenities had its focus abruptly short-circuited by declaring it a STAMP facility. Hundreds of students within the school's geographic territory, but not in the STAMP program, had to be reassigned to other Brownsville high schools. The outcry of taxpayers went unheeded as the corrupt BISD board simply 'knows better."
Placed in charge of the STAMP program is former Hanna administrator Michelle Seney. By most accounts a shy wallflower, Seney has turned egomaniac with the appointment, expressing dissatisfaction with the size of the office afforded her and other like administrators.
As reported in an earlier article, Seney requested the wall separating two classrooms be torn down to build a personal office sufficient to accommodate her swelling cranium. This remodel to placate Seney's ego displaced two teachers from their classrooms, forcing them to "float" to utilize other temporarily vacant rooms and lug their teaching materials with them.
As reported in an earlier article, Seney requested the wall separating two classrooms be torn down to build a personal office sufficient to accommodate her swelling cranium. This remodel to placate Seney's ego displaced two teachers from their classrooms, forcing them to "float" to utilize other temporarily vacant rooms and lug their teaching materials with them.
One commenter, while expressing appreciation for that report, indicated Sweney's ego had done even more damage to Veterans than first expected:
"I'm impressed! I thought I was the only one aware of the disaster at Veterans. You need to update that number of floaters to Six! Also, you yanked out all the two (2) year old desks for students and teachers and replaced them with new ones. All the two year old computers for the students piled up in some room and new ones for the STAMP program. What a waste of money! Also, another lost classroom for her secretary and another lost classroom for her counselor. Teachers are leaving as we speak in total disgust and it's only going to get worse. They told you about this awesome program between the community, the school, and the medical field. Mrs. Seney hosted a luncheon for all the medical community, doctors, hospital administrators, etc. etc. One doctor showed up, about 4 from the medical community, and your school administrators. About 25 total. They invited 250, does this look like the medical community is serious about this poorly planned attempt to keep our children from going to Mercedes to get a real education in medical fields. What a joke!"
"I'm impressed! I thought I was the only one aware of the disaster at Veterans. You need to update that number of floaters to Six! Also, you yanked out all the two (2) year old desks for students and teachers and replaced them with new ones. All the two year old computers for the students piled up in some room and new ones for the STAMP program. What a waste of money! Also, another lost classroom for her secretary and another lost classroom for her counselor. Teachers are leaving as we speak in total disgust and it's only going to get worse. They told you about this awesome program between the community, the school, and the medical field. Mrs. Seney hosted a luncheon for all the medical community, doctors, hospital administrators, etc. etc. One doctor showed up, about 4 from the medical community, and your school administrators. About 25 total. They invited 250, does this look like the medical community is serious about this poorly planned attempt to keep our children from going to Mercedes to get a real education in medical fields. What a joke!"
Now, we've received another tip illustrating the gross neglect of VMHS students NOT in the STAMP program:
"3 weeks into the school year, VMHS is missing an English 2 teacher, so students are doing nothing. To top it off, end of courses and benchmarks will come soon. They also are lacking an algebra 2 teachers so students are without teachers. However, STAMP students (the more highly regarded students) have teachers for everything and their core area teachers are not allowed to teach regular students that lack teachers. Theres even one STAMP teacher with 3 classes all day and that person has the rest of the day off? STAMP student to teacher ratio= 15:1 "Regular" student to teacher ratio= 25-30:1!
Fair? I don't think so!"
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Superintendent Montoya |
Fair? I don't think so!"
We must be getting conflicting information! I have been told that three (3) English I classes without teachers, but with subs, and yes, only one Alg. II class. However, the math is wrong on the ratios. There are classes with children sitting on the floors and 50 children in the classes. Yes, EOC testing will be in November and all these classes with subs are not going to pass. What a mess!
ReplyDeleteyou must be making some kind of impact, after your article, seney was moved out of her "office" and into a small office. an english teacher that had been teaching her classes in the library was moved into seney's old "office". thanks for keeping up on this, we really appreciate you bringing to the public what "we" cannot talk about. while mrs. solis is doing an excellent job with her hands tied behind her back, the district is still running things. hopefully this election coming up can make things right again. "we" are still being told that within three years, it will be all stamp students at Vets and all zoned students will be rezoned to hanna and pace.
DeleteIf Veterans Memorial High School athletic facilities have their own football stadium, why is the varsity football team playing their home games at Sam Stadium? If so, it was a waste of money for the district to build the stadium at Veterans Memorial High School.
ReplyDeletehave you read the post on Cheezmeh? written by a VMHS student, he/she is complaining because they are a junior and have had a sub in their math class for the last three weeks because there is no teacher assigned to the class. i feel bad, because that junior needs to take exit level taks this year in order to graduate next year. why won't they let the STAMP teachers help out with the regular ed? so they can PROVE to the public that the high school is overcrowded with magnet kids. that they were right and that there are too many magnet kids, therefore, the whole school should be STAMP and the heck with the regular ed kids.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't read that site. I've been blocked for over a year by the site administrator, a con artist from Austin who is anti-free speech. He blocks anyone who disagrees with him.
To the Post about Sams Stadium, to not allow Veterans Memorial to play their games at Sams Stadium would be wrong. Players start playing football at a very young age with the intend to play at Sams Stadium. Their fathers played there and now they get a chance to play where their DAD's played. The Stadium at Veterans H.S. in not the Main Football Stadium for BISD football Teams, it is Sams Stadium. Honestly Sams Stadium is built much better than the stadium at Veterans H.S. Besides Sams Stadium is Historic.
ReplyDeleteAll students should participate with all other district's student in playing football at Sam Stadium. However, the question was why build a stadium for it not to be use by their varsity team which is a waste of money by the district. The other schools do not have the luxury of having such a stadium for their students. Yes, "Sam Stadium is Historic" and no other stadium in the Valley can compare to it.
DeleteThe stupid site chezzmeh has about 5 people total. Ha ha ha ha !!
ReplyDeleteFYI- The STAMP enrollment was at 250 and Seney and counselors convinced students on a different pathway to change over to STAMP. There are over 1500 regular students at Veterans and only 500 STAMP. All STAMP classrooms have teachers and the kids across the tracks are being baby sat by subs. Instead of the board helping the students at Veterans, they made Sylvia Atkinson their Area Administrator so that she could use her gifted tongue to quash any resistance against her friend Mrs. Seney!
ReplyDeleteAll a ploy from atkinson and Saavedra!! Don't you people know solis is Mary tolmans best friend...the intention is for veterans people to get fed up and leave, so stamp will take over. Seney is no wallflower..was a heck of a coach at Rivera, but she's in the same league as spa as far as their choice of lovers...aka. females. It's all a set up...open your eyes...
ReplyDeleteThe word around BISD is to not get in the way of the STAMP or you will find yourself either out of a job or teaching in a closest somewhere. All of the other high schools Career Technology and Vocational Budgets have been slashed to the bare bones leaving the teachers to pick up the slack to purchase supplies for the students. The teachers know that the State of Texas has had to tighten up on spending, although to find out that the STAMP is getting the fruits of the other high schools pain is hard to fathom; past supply accounts in some cases have been cut in half or more and the remainder of the funds funneled to the STAMP. How it that fair to the students at the other non STAMP schools? Students that are going to STAMP are being bused out there and back, while all of the other Magnet Program students have to find their own way to the respective campuses if the students are not zoned for that particular school.
ReplyDeleteThere is no rhyme or reason to the way that money is being thrown away at the STAMP, suffice to say that all of the other schools are suffering.
It is just taking too much money, time, personnel, pain and plain old lying, cheating and bullshit to keep the shine on BISD’s diamond bright enough for this group of idiots.
That is exactly what Jim and Mary R. have been telling the public. Wake up people, this is by far the worse self serving Board majority we have ever had, and the teachers and students are paying the price!!!
DeleteAll Saavedras idea. SPA is just her puppet...Saavedra is living out her dream of being a bisd principal through her board position..
ReplyDeleteAnd, who voted Hector back? Saavedra as a favor to Lucy...payback time..
And why is cata shacking up with spa at her islands condo??? Bunch of self serving bitter crooks!
Why is everyone concentrating on VMHS? What about PACE? PACE has teachers in non core areas that have two conference periods because they dont have enough students while three other High Schools (Hanna, Rivera, Porter) have students with conflicting schedules or no class or classes they dont need or teachers with 40 or 50 students in classes they dont need, counselors walking out of their jobs and everyone is so worried about Veterans Memorial because that is where the latest or the "dream" deal is. How do you think the teachers at these others schools feel? Many experienced teachers with Master's (some with PhD's) are waiting to complete their time this year so they can leave BISD for good. Why hasn't the media (Channel 4,5, 23, Univision) gotten a hold of what is really happening?
ReplyDeleteThey have probably been lied to as wel,l and tell them everything is hunky dory at BISD.
Delete"The next day, Campos was transferred to Lopez High School and stripped of his coaching duties. Meanwhile, the lawsuit says, Campos “uncovered a scheme from a plan hatched by some members of (BISD’s) administration that scholarships to Texas A&M University would be given to students who would agree to a voluntary transfer” to Veterans Memorial High School and participate in the district’s STAMP college preparatory magnet program."
ReplyDeleteso what they are saying is there was no large amount of students that wanted to be in STAMP? they had to bribe students to get into the STAMP program? i thought STAMP was created because of the large number of students waiting to get into it. Another lie by BISD.
Yes, the students as well as the teachers were misinformed about the benefits of transferring to Vets. Much of the angst over the move of the Hanna and Porter Magnet Programs could have been avoided had BISD a real plan in place on the move before they tried just "order" teachers, administrators and most importantly the students that they were going to be moved.
DeleteIt is just a mess, and it all could have been avoided.
Why is it that everyone who is fired from BISD, sues the district. Seems like working for BISD is like buying a lottery ticket. Who keeps firing these people and why does BISD keep paying off these people who sue?
ReplyDeleteExactly!! This continous enrichment at the expense of the taxpayers NEEDS TO STOP! The current board majority is destroying our district!!!! Art Rendon, Hector Gonzalez, and Antonio Juarez settlements are latest travesties from the "fake doctor" the two "GED women" and the "ph degree" woman??? My Lord!! how much more are you going to bleed the district???
DeleteWhy doesnt Mr. Campos sue the person who fired him? The DISTRICT is made up of a TAX paying entity, which means he is actualy suing the citizens of Brownsville that pay school district taxes. That shows how much he cares about the children. He cares more about himself; exactly the same as the people he should sue individually. Are these stories about bribes or scholarships true? If they are, they will have to be proven in court, if they are not, it is another story of a story, like the many going around in the piggy bank that these so called coaches have found BISD to be.
ReplyDeleteA question to ALL BISD coaches: How many times in the last 3 years, yes 3 years have they taken ANY team to state? I can think of only Lopez and Porter winning state in soccer, yet the american football coaches are the ones "discovering" hidden agendas, and wanting money for just about everything they can figure out while the rest of the "herd" in ALL high schools has to put up with old portables, old student seats and students ratios of 50 to 1 in a classroom where no more than 25 or 30 students seats fit.
First you should PROVE YOURSELF as a coach, then you can come and ask for money or even a job. As a Brownsville Tax payer, as someone who pays taxes to BISD as a tax entity, I AM TIRED of people like the Rodriguez, Chavez, Campos, Gonzalez or whoever else decides that they want the money the working citizens of Brownsville pay in taxes. GET A JOB.
Why are people suing the district? Because when you go through the grievance process, you don't get any justice based on the facts. You are being judged by the very same people that are behind all these unjustified reassignments. These dumb idiots think that just because you can fire people in Texas "At Will", thet don't realize they still need to justify the termination! And they can't and they are suing. They can't blame the victims, blame the idiots doing the bad deeds.
ReplyDeleteTo the 12:27 poster. You need to be employed to pay taxes, get a job CATA!
ReplyDeleteTo the 12:27 poster. You need to be employed to pay taxes, get a job CATA!
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show you how IGNORANT people can be. I work in the health profession, I dont have ANYTHING to DO with the school district, I will be retiring in 2013, and I HAVE THE RIGHT to protest because these people are paying off their law suits with the taxes I PAY WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY to a district that REALLY NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT by TEA in more ways than one.
Instead of taking political sides (which I could care less because politics is NOT my interest), take a look at how much money the regular citizen (including those taking sides in this blog) will end up "dishing out" in property taxes in one of the poorest areas in the nation. That is too much to ask. It is easier to point fingers, take political sides and end up at square one.
You have no political interest! Then you have no right to complain about your tax dollars being spent by CATA and friends. It is because of people like you that scum bags like the ones sitting on this school board are doing what they are doing. You're lack of political interst is the reason things are the way they are. Get off your medically inclined ass and vote these idiots out of office and get some decent blood in there!
ReplyDeleteget some decent blood in there!
DeleteAre there any people in Brownsville without the MONEY and "connections" to meet the "decent blood" requirement? Please name 3. Please let it not be the same public/political names always in the bogs.
Thank you.
12:27 You gave yourself away Cata! Pretty obvious when you drop the name "Rodriguez" into your comment. The entire world knows you've got a "hard on" for him. Bothers you doesn't it that he sued your buddies over the forensically false audit? How much of that $250,000 ended up in your pocket?
ReplyDeletePorter is so screwed up, they had teachers with no students for 3 weeks, teachers are scheduled 2-3 classes at the same time, inclusion classes almost over the limit of 51% of sp Ed with no inclusion teachers. Unfair for the students and teachers. Who are they going to blame if the students fail? Teachers Document, Document, Document!!! You're going to need it when the state comes down wanting answers.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the SPED and LEP students being sent back to Pace
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you are still monitoring this, but even STAMP teachers are wondering how some of these students got into the STAMP program. It's supposed to be for the best of the best students, but in order to fill up the program and make it seem like there was a lot of interest, they let in just about everyone who applied. The STAMP math teachers are finding out that a large number of these STAMP students didn't even pass the Math EOC exam last year in 8th grade. But these are supposedly the best students in the district. I wonder if we could check the students scores, how many of them would actually have passed the requirements to enter this program. Another attempt by the district to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your statement. I was recently told that my child was "not good enough" for the program STAMP yet met all requirements/criteria. After speaking the Ms. Seney I was not given a valid reason for him not be accepted expect for he was not good enough. I guess it is about who you know in BISD.