Thursday, September 20, 2012

George Romney, born on polygamist colony, touted as immigrant success | The Salt Lake Tribune

George Romney, born on polygamist colony, touted as immigrant success | The Salt Lake Tribune:

'via Blog this'


  1. Old news. This was out earlier this year. Romney's grandad moved to Mexico after going at odds with the church and its polygamy. Mitt's father, George, was born in Mexico (commune somewhere near Chihuahua). George's mother has said (on video) that they were on welfare during their early days back home. Chew on that.

    1. Mescalero, The Real OneSeptember 21, 2012 at 10:07 AM

      Romney's going nowhere. Elitist. Hypocrite. Sheltered A-hole. Would do for himself first. LOSER!!!


  2. Speaking of losers. What can you say about someone who has to steal a screen name?
    The Former Mescalero

    1. Hey, Mescalero. The impostor is way better than you, dude! Writes complete sentences and his thoughts are coherent. You're better suited for a blog in Spanish, LOL!!!


  3. That is the beauty of our country! Where can a liberal left wing commie fuck, expresss his or her political views without fear or worry about getting shot or disappearing into the night? Only here in these United States, but wait, enjoy it while you can. Four more years of this dumb racist commie we have as a president and you're going to wish you voted for Romney. If your in business, you're going to go broke, if you're on a pension, that shit is out the door, and if your lucky to be working right now, you may not be for long. What are you going to do when you have to pay $10 dollar gasoline? What are you going to do when a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread will cost you $20 bucks? Wake up dumb ass, the shit is going to hit the fan and you are incapable of comprehending how bad things will get when our dollar is worth 10 cents! What you enjoy today is possible because of capitalism. This guy is totally against capitalism! The rich are gonna go live on the Riviera; the middle class is going to carry the weight of all this mess and that is you, me, our kids,and our grand kids! Get your head out of your ass!

    1. Gobbledygook written by an idiot. Likely a high school dropout fearful of most everything. And his crap is posted here simply because the president is Black. These dickless slugs don't know when they have it good. If they think rich pretty boy Romney cares about them, well, they are fooling themselves. The rich are different and they don't give a damn about the poor. So long as President Obama takes his paycheck, banks and invests his money here in the USA he is a capitalist. Ask the Republican Party's candidate where he banks. Swiss banks accounts, dummy companies in the Cayman Islands, secret accounts in Europe, etc., etc. Romney has more tax lawyers himself than the Dept. of Justice! But, really, you can't educate the willing ignorant. As for the poster above, he exhibits the personality of a sack of diseased bones - a skin & seven holes...

    2. 6:29 Poster is not a high school dropout, just a local teabagger, maybe a cross-bred Mexican.

  4. Classic! Truly Classic! The peanut gallery at its best. Where do I start? Uh... I voted for Obama, never dropped out of school, Vietnam Vet., college educated, had many black friends in the military, have created over 500 jobs in my life time. Difference between you and me is that I have the wisdom to accept the fact that our president has unamerican ideas and that it is time to vote for my country and not my party! It's pointless to have an intelligent discussion with a left wing bourgeois liberal. The next time you see a poor man begging on the corner of Madison and 14th, ask him for a job! The rich get richer by creating jobs so that the middle class can exist. You sound like a retired govt. employee drawing a pension higher than what you were making behind a computer watching porn! I do apologize for the rough language: my frustrations are getting the best of me.

  5. Equally pointless to discuss anything with a handicapped Right Winger. Your arguments are right out of a million other websites, which tells me your last original thought was to go masturbate, although who knows - I may be addressing a crippled invalid unable to control his urges. Know this, lad: Any non-millionaire who votes for Romney is only abdicating his position as a Human Being. The Romneys care as much about you as I do, which is not much. Try again. Go soak your brain in new Kool-Aid and then bring back an argument I've not seen or heard before. Until then, you remain a dickless and pathetic excuse for an American. President Obama is the patriot; it is Willard Romney who has opted to bank abroad, to abuse our tax system, to hit-up El Salvadorans for start-up money (see Bain Capital, the beginning), to treat you like some defenseless retard. But I tire of trying to educate you. You are no doubt, as I said earlier, just a skin & seven holes, a mental midget who likely was born from a diseased womb. No cure for you, in other words. Not a govt. employee nor a porn addict (it's always the porn addicts who throw that at others, isn't it?) And no, your language is not rough. It is merely stupid. Stay frustrated, you ignorant oaf!

  6. I don't mind the personal attacks on my changing political views, but when you make reference to the health of my mothers womb, you've crossed the line! Unless you request to meet me somewhere to settle this like real men; I will end this exhange without questioning the health of the male rectum you were born from!

    1. All I need to know is this: Are you impaired?



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