Sunday, September 30, 2012

Brownsville Cheezmeh Supports Election Fraud With Chicken Plates!

Erasmo & Erin
Erasmo Castro, the rotund guru of the Brownsville Cheezmeh cult, is soliciting contributions with a chicken plate fundraiser for the Erin Hernandez Garcia JP campaign.  This comes on the heels of dozens of documented incidents of voter fraud by the campaign, including the mishandling of mail-in ballots, harvesting of votes of the elderly, challenged and infirm, collusion by election officials to manipulate the vote.  We will not forget that Judge J. Bonner Dorsey did not even take the opportunity to rule on the merits of the election fraud case, instead agreeing with Election Administrator Roger Ortiz that should Erin Hernandez Garcia lose the case, the likely appeal would crowd the timeline needed to print ballots for the November election.
By asking for money for a candidate with an entourage of politiqueras, the high priest of the Cheezmacostals puts his tiny band of black shirts squarely in the corner of political corruption in Cameron County.  While Erasmo asks you not to cook tomorrow, all right thinking citizens are asking you not to support political cheats.  


  1. Erasmo stick the chicken plate up his kazoo ...

    1. Stick a candle up his arse and Erasmo would make a hell of a Jack O' Lantern for my front lawn. Erin will do as an ugly ass werewolf.....

      -Hank E.

    2. Gonna need more than ONE Coke Zero there buddy

      -Hank E. Williams

  2. I hear there is no one buying chicken plates. They can't even give them away and the reason is no one wants to be seen associating with the Hernandez or Brownsville Cheezmeh. Anyone seen with them will have a tatoo on their forehead says "CROOK in Training" and another on their Ass that says " I sold this for Nachos and a Bucket of Beer".

    Que onda Maclovio. Your butt still infected?????????

  3. Jessica T is still supporting both....
    Im not

    Dr.Oscar Cantu III

  4. Erin doesn't look so fat next to a fatter fuck, Erasmo is so full of homself, hes getting fatter.

  5. Next will Erin pretend she is selling plates for "cancer" like Cheezmeh??

  6. fat ass can eat all left over chicken

  7. You know i am no cheerleader for the Hernandez camp BUT i am have nothing against her trying to raise legitimate funds for the campaign. With the chicken plates, at least you get something in return. Jim, i know you were a huge Yolanda Begum supporter and that's fine, but she really is not an intelligent individual at all. What was the final nail in her coffin was the ugly campaigning she did against Mrs. Garcia. People don't appreciate that kind of propaganda. As for Mr. Lopez, I know him well from my church and well lets just say he has a "scorched past" himself and is really not very qualified for the position.

    1. That's ironic the Hernandez camp would complain about any campaigning done by Begum, when they were the ones who attacked her son with a defamatory ad
      At least the Hernandez admit that they are universally disliked and would not have been able to "win" without massive fraud.

    2. The 6:44 am anonymous comment is a little scary. If a Brownsville voter actually thinks this is actually a partisan issue, they totally have their head in the sand. Trying to expose voter fraud has nothing to do with supporting Begum or any other candidate.

      Erin H. Garcia used voter fraud to win. That is clearly unacceptable.


  8. Whether or not the chicken plate is fair value is immaterial. Why would anyone support a campaign or a group clearly identified with voter fraud?


    1. why would someone support a bitter jealous ridden piece of shit like you?

  9. Erin, according to you, u Yolanda is not intelligent and Raul is not qualified, only you. Well, you went to the worst law school with minimum entrance requirements, as an attorney you have not distinguish yourself with a decent practice, the business that you claim you own are the infamous bending machines that your father own, even as a mother you have not proven yourself, your children are still little, it takes allot to raise good decent human beings with good values, that you must have in order to teach your children. Raul Lopez in the other hand is a man that learned his lessons in life, he was a policement, and a bondsman. He has always honestly supported his family, a religious man with good Intentions, he raised his beautyful children with good values. And look at Yolanda, successful in business, accomplished artist, cultured, great mother, she raised 2 very successful, very intelligent, good human beings. You don't fair very good when you compare yourself with them. Your greatest accomplishment is your graduation to the school of dirty politics and corruption.

  10. Did you read El Rrun Run Jim? Hidalgo DA' is investigating vote fraud, just a few miles south to Cameron County all the evidence freshly collected on Norma Hernandez!!

  11. Will the Hernandez sell more chicken plates for Ernie and Norma's legal defense??!! LOL Erin H Garcia as a candidate, what a JOKE just like her parents.

  12. Nope......they won't....Ernie will scam the county into paying for it or he will find some way to STEAL the money. This family has screwed the City of Brownsville and Cameron County for years and years....they have no sense of shame.

    1. Does anyone know, or ever seen, the Hernandez's go to church. From what has been listed about them, and seen their actions in broad daylight, it would seem they should start cleansing themselves, and not just around election time for a good look because the Lord does not play that, and knows who plays him a fool...strick punishment. They need to start showing a better example in life for we are only here temporaly. You all know what I mean if you read the bible.

  13. Like the corrupts in mexico they worship "la santa muerte" and Herminia Becerra is their priestess



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