Friday, August 24, 2012

Mean Mister Brownsville~Scattered Thoughts: Gems from Bobby, Tony's Horacio, Romney's Perryisms

Illogical Legal Expert
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes' blow-by-blow on the H. Garcia-Begum election fraud trial promises to elevate the chuckle level during the dog days of summer.  BWC is noted for providing nuggets of detail but stretching them beyond logic.  Common sense is not his forte.

Bobby is a brilliant researcher, a sort of super paralegal,  but brainless in implementation.  Perhaps, that's the tradeoff in consulting or reading the blog of a disbarred lawyer~brilliance and stupidity in one package.

Bobby is critical of Yolanda Begum's legal team of Michael Cowen and Ruben Pena.  Cowen gets a BWC demerit for not including the Secretary of State in his action.  Pena gets called on Bobby's carpet for taking so long to call for Judge Banales' recusal or replacement.  Yolanda gets blamed for hiring Cowen and Pena.  All of the above plays into Erin H. Garcia's hand, who Bobby claims is trying to "run out the clock."

Tony Martinez evidently could not talk his law partner Horacio Becerra into NOT representing the Hernandezes against Yolanda Begum.  Maybe Barrera needed the money or perhaps he is philisophically more aligned with the Hernandez' clan.  OMG, why didn't I see it before?  Tony, Sylvia Garza-Perez, Ernie Hernandez are all on the same team.   Why would a stable, well-heeled legal team need the stigma of being associated with Ernie Hernandez, politiqueras and election fraud?  Why do I keep wanting Tony to be smart?

Rick Perry
A friend deeply involved in politics called me in the wee hours last spring, somewhat giddy with the prospect of Rick Perry's presidential run.  I told him that he would be eaten alive, simply because he speaks before he thinks.  Mitt Romney suffers from Rick Perry disease.  While not political or party oriented,  I want a president who won't embarrass us when he opens his mouth.  Clinton, Obama and Reagan filled that bill despite having different ideologies.  I was not embarrassed when they represented our country on the world stage.  Romney has demonstrated the potential to do just that. 

My biggest Facebook fan this week
Two comments to my blog have threatened a pending lawsuit from Carlos Masso.  Interestingly, I have a Facebook application that let's you know who has been viewing your FB site.  This past week the number one viewer is Carlos Masso.  lol

Back to Bobby:  In a recent blog article Bobby reiterated his plan to take his ball home and leave the blogosphere playground.  "I cannot wait for this election contest to be over so I can shut the BV down, again. BISD can make the most rational person not want to care about anything."  That's Mr. Wightman-Cervantes at his Bobby best.  


  1. Shutting down a blog from time to time? Not a bad idea for most blogs around here.

  2. That is so inmature of Carlos Masso viewing your FB account to see what you are posting. He has taken the same mentality as Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh they have become paranoid of people exposing them for what they are CONS. Carlos Masso needs to pay back all the personal loans he got and pay back all the political favors and jobs he promised to people if elected.

    Through all the voter fraud and mail in ballots Carlos Masso did he is worried his name will be always associated with ILLEGAL Buisness and People. Did you see all the cases he has done? Every case Carlos Masso defended were 8-Liner illegal gambling cases. Imagine the corruption that would have occured while he would have been elected as district attorney?

    Carlos Masso is not loyal to anybody but to money. It is rumored as soon as he lost he went from being a Democrat to Republican. It is rumored he will support Chuck Mattingly for the DA race in November.

    I'm very glad he didn't win and Brownsville Cheezmeh candidates have ALL been linked to corruption. Anybody that is endorsed from the BISD from Brownsville Cheezmeh will have the same reputation as cheaters and only in it for themselves and not the community

  3. To say that Obama has never "misspoken" surely means you haven't been paying attention Jim. Obama...who at first refused to wear a US Flag lapel pin, used his left hand during the Pledge of Allegiance (along with wife Michelle), who claims small businesses are built by government, who thinks the US has 57 an accident that has already happened to this nation.

    1. Like most Republicans, you speak out of your asshole. Obama inherited a goddamned recession from your Boy Bush, Jr. It has been established by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that without Obama's push for a stimulus soon after he gained office this damned country would have plunged into a financial black hole. Pump-up your candidate, son. But simply dumping on the opposition gains you nothing. Parrots abound around here, and you seem to be the sort that would never gain altitude. Pity.

  4. Anonymous of August 25, 2012 4:04 PM it is you that has their head up your asshole. Go see 2016-OBAMA'S AMERICA THE MOVIE TO ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF DISCOVER WHAT A SOCIALIST/MARXIST OBAMA TRUELY IS WHO WANTS TO DESTROY AMERICA !!!!!! PENDEJO!

    1. All you have to know about that movie is who financed it and who filmed it: The Republican Far Right. Go ahead and ignore that, you goddamned infidel. Intelligence is not our town's forte.

    2. What holds Rebublicans back is the fact they never let the truth or facts enter into their lying minds. I am a old school Democrat that actually has moved toward a lot of Rep. Type thinking. However I can't align myself with a party that denies facts. Fact the planet is warming! Go outside and spend an entire enjoyable day in your backyard to see for yourself. Fact a bunch of old, angry white men should not be deciding upon a woman's right to choose. What would happen if they were in charge of our nuts? I DON'T THINK SO!
      Fact is Bush sent us down this road, partly my fault too. I voted for him the second time. Unmerited wars and bank deregulation are to blame. Fact is Obama hasn't done much to get us out either. Still believe he's the lesser of two evils. Only one in three 16-20 year olds believes in organized religion, this is another future problem for Rep.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...