Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mean Mister Brownsville~Scattered Thoughts on Cascos, Ortiz, Seney of VHS, Crazy Bobby and Prosecuting Ernie

Carlos Cascos
A few more observations from the Cascos/Bloggers summit:
Great question by Jerry Mchale to Cascos and Ortiz:  "On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate the politiquera problem in Brownsville, Cameron County?"   As we reported Cascos anwered "7" and Ortiz answered "5".  

Since the illegal activities of politiqueras actually determined the election, there is no other knowledgeable answer than "10".   

The CheezMasso Team
Without illegal vote harvesting Erin H. Garcia doesn't come close to winning.(Her poll levels were in the 30's)  Nor does her cheating compadre Abelardo Gomez.  The fact that Gomez may soon be indicted on non-election related charges is no consolation.(Carlos Masso is another story, a sad, sad one.  Reportedly, with the Hernandez team broke, Carlos footed the bill for the politiqueras, van drivers and other sordid expenses during early voting and election day.  He even gave big bucks to the inept Brownsville Cheezmeh dufus.  Carlos faltered  only because his was  a county wide election.  In Brownsville, the politiqueras deliver.  In Port Isabel, South Padre Island, La Feria, Harlingen, it's a level playing field.  Thus Saenz won.)  The fact that Cascos and Ortiz rate politiquera involvement as significantly high, but perhaps not game-changing shows they have not been in the trenches as many of us.  Well, in Ortiz' case, he is seemingly oblivious to the fraud so obvious around him.  He is either totally corrupt or one of the least competent department heads in Cameron County history.  I suspect the former.

Roger Ortiz
Mary Helen Flores pressed Cascos for a forensic audit of the election department.  Cascos was unsure that was realistic, but was willing to pass on the request once submitted in writing.  My personal take is that the statistical anomalies evident in the mail-in votes are enough to prompt the Secretary of State's office to look further into how votes are processed.  I'm told whole precincts have similar statistical anomalies with the breakdown of votes being equal for Erin Garcia, Abelardo Gomez and Carlos Masso in Brownsville.(Cascos didn't like the phrase statistical anomalies.  He sees the obvious politiquera involvement, thus no anomaly.  To outsiders, it will appear an obvious anomaly.)  Brownsville's voting totals look like a total joke.  If the Secretary of State so much as peeks at Brownsville voting, he will see the obvious.  
Michelle Seney

We reported recently on the arrogance of Michelle Seney, administor the STAMPS  program at Veteran's High School.  We reported that she absconded two classrooms for her personal office, forcing two teachers to "float" without classrooms.  That was bad enough.  Now, a commenter to this blog says there is more to the story:

"I'm impressed! I thought I was the only one aware of the disaster at Veterans. You need to update that number of floaters to Six! Also, you yanked out all the two (2) year old desks for students and teachers and replaced them with new ones. All the two year old computers for the students piled up in some room and new ones for the STAMP program. What a waste of money! Also, another lost classroom for her secretary and another lost classroom for her counselor. Teachers are leaving as we speak in total disgust and it's only going to get worse. They told you about this awesome program between the community, the school, and the medical field. Mrs. Seney hosted a luncheon for all the medical community, doctors, hospital administrators, etc. etc. One doctor showed up, about 4 from the medical community, and your school administrators. About 25 total. They invited 250, does this look like the medical community is serious about this poorly planned attempt to keep our children from going to Mercedes to get a real education in medical fields. What a joke!"

Crazy Failed Lawyer

Our own crazy, disbarred, failed lawyer, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes has resurfaced in the blogosphere, much to the chagrin of the clear thinking.  Bobby worships the God of Irrationality in the Temple of the Insane at the Altar of the Bizarre.  

Bobby's massive ego pushes him to weigh in and credit himself with voter reform in Cameron County, when and if it comes.  Like many of us, he claims a "private' meeting with Election Administrator Roger Ortiz where he claims to have articulated ideas many of us have been promoting for months.  That's fine.  If voter fraud is stifled in Cameron County, the credit will rightfully be spread around.  

In the blog he petulantly shuts down at the first sign of reader apathy, he continues to make wild assertions that defy sanity.  He declares Yolanda Begum "pure evil."  LOL!  Bobby is light years closer to evil than Yolanda Begum.  Bobby gives the actual lawyers of our region unsolicited advice in negotiating a legal system he could not negotiate as a disbarred, former lawyer.  Bobby failed at what they make a living doing!  

Ernie (Corruption) Hernandez, Jr.
When I asked Roger Ortiz why he had not turned over the 40 or so fraudulent acts committed by the Ernie Hernandez, Jr. camp during the 2010 Pena-Hernandez election, he did say "they can still be turned over."  With a new district attorney to be elected in November(Villalobos did not care one wit about prosecuting political corruption.  He was part of the problem.), Hernandez can still be pursued.  Add to the election fraud, the illegal manipulation of the Cameron County Human Resources office in the illegal hiring of his convicted felon brother-in-law Robert Cadriel and the subsequent coverup, the new DA can bring Ernie to justice.   


  1. Well, maybe MR. Saenz will look into the matter, to bad the Soprano's, will be prosecuted. Did I say, the Sopranos, I meant the henrnandez.

  2. Yee Haw!! We may just get Ernie Hernandez and company indicted after all!

  3. Enjoy your commentary. Agree that Sweeney must have dilusions of greatness, considering she has not established herself as anything better than mediocre at this point in her career. But she does have the backing of total idiots, this might make her somewhat better. Your use of the word abscounded is not correct under any definition, commandeered is what I believe you meant. Either way I believe most uderstood what you were trying to convey. Tune in to the BISD board meeting Tuesday as the corrupt four will give away at least $800,000 of local funds and rehire two useless administrators who were able to weave a tale of conspiracy. BISD is lost.

  4. Wow! what happened to the opinion about the problems at Veterans Memorial? I thought you bloggers were not taking sides and expressing open opinions. This action leads me to belive that some of the opinions expressed in blogs about blog administrators could be VERY TRUE.

    1. You're implying that your post on this article was deleted. That is incorrect, although that is my prerogative.


    2. GUILTY!!! No credibility here. Removing comments is the mark of a partisan. The community is not helped. Give both sides of an issue full access. That's the ticket.

    3. If you have something to say, just say it if you're able.


    4. Defensive, huh? you wouldn't have to be if you did what's right. Give people their say, whatever it is. Otherwise you're just another soiled discussion board! Able, I am. As you can see, unless you simply won't.

    5. You've had several opportunities to "have your say." You've simply been unable to express a coherent thought when given the floor, other than the redundant, childish "you won't let me talk" rant. What's so pressing in your life that you can't put a sentence together? Do we have to wait until you finish school?


    6. Brownsville Cheezmeh administrator tells people FU and blocks them and if you don’t like what he says he tells you to FU take it or leave it. Not only does he block you but he deletes your post and tells people to bash you. Jim deletes or gets one post deleted and he sucks. Seems to me this sounds like somebody who wants to whine but is on the wrong page. You need to go to Brownsville Cheezmeh and whine and bitch and get nothing accomplished.

  5. I have a few questions. Since Carlos Cascos only invited the Bloggers to his meeting does he really think that the bloggers are the peoples voice and represent the people of Cameron County? Why didn't he invite the people that also were affected from the corruption of the election or that witnessed the corruption? Not every blogger got involved to prevent the fraud. I know Jim did and so did Mary Helen from CAVA get involved but the others just fed off what people of from what they reported. NOBODY Got Invoved but Jim and Mary Helen. All the other bloggers including Brownsville Cheezmeh are bunch of people who tell half truth.

  6. About the Seney fiasco.... OK taxpayers, get a load of this one! Veteran's is getting portables! Yes that's right... they've outgrown their space, or is it, STAMP has taken over the much needed classrooms so now they are bringing in portables for the rest of the non-stamp children. What a mess! And why do the new STAMP teachers get 32 inch computer monitors? Why do they get those and the rest of the regular teachers get the ones half the size? Where do I sign up for an IPAD? Oh si I forgot, I am not STAMP so therefore I get to buy my own tablet if I want to keep up with technology! Nimodo all of the regular students are getting the two year old scraps if you ask me. And they said VMHS/STAMP would be one big happy family! Nada que ver!

  7. They are just going to use the excuse that they are already outgrowing the school to push out the regular students and just make it an all magnet school, like they wanted to do in the first place. The sooner you get that through your head, the sooner you will accept the fact that they will get what they want. They wanted to do that this year, but with all the opposition they got, they decided to wait and do it to the public "slowly"!!



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...