Monday, August 20, 2012

Dumb and Dumber Running Veterans Memorial, STAMP Program

When Carl Montoya made three critical changes in administrative personnel in the first 48 hours of his superintendency before he even knew the location of the coffee machine, he fulfilled the prophecy of Cata Presas-Garcia days earlier when she declared him "a fit" for the job.  Of course anyone willing to have their puppet strings pulled by the corrupt 4 BISD trustees is a damn perfect fit.  

Carl Montoya is BISD's Roger Ortiz.  Much as Ortiz does the bidding of Ernie Hernandez and Gilberto Hinojosa, Montoya is a "hey boy" for Presas-Garcia, phony doctor Escobedo, Lucy, etc.  

Forget for a moment the 14.3 million dollar lawsuit dropped against Healthsmart because Cata, Escobedo, Saavedra and Lucy were manipulated by con artist Carlos Quintanilla.  Forget the hundreds of thousands of dollars BISD is paying former superintendents and administrators for NOT WORKING,  while teachers are having to foot the bill for hand sanitizer, paper towels and lost books.  

All of that is old news, millions of taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet of incompetency.  Instead, focus on the new $75,000,000 high school designed for 2,200 students;  Veterans Memorial.  The full service high school, complete with athletic facilities, vocational training classrooms and other amenities had its focus abruptly short-circuited by declaring it a STAMP facility.  Hundreds of students within the school's geographic territory, but not in the STAMP program, had to be reassigned to other Brownsville high schools.  The outcry of taxpayers went unheeded as the corrupt BISD board simply 'knows better."

Michelle Seney
Placed in charge of the STAMP program is former Hanna administrator Michelle Seney.  By most accounts a shy wallflower, Seney has turned egomaniac with the appointment, expressing dissatisfaction with the size of the office afforded her and other like administrators.  

As reported in an earlier article, Seney requested the wall separating two classrooms be torn down to build a personal office sufficient to accommodate her swelling cranium.   This remodel to  placate Seney's ego displaced two teachers from their classrooms, forcing them to "float" to utilize other temporarily vacant rooms and lug their teaching materials with them.  

One commenter, while expressing appreciation for that report, indicated Sweney's  ego had done even more damage to Veterans than first expected:  

"I'm impressed! I thought I was the only one aware of the disaster at Veterans. You need to update that number of floaters to Six! Also, you yanked out all the two (2) year old desks for students and teachers and replaced them with new ones. All the two year old computers for the students piled up in some room and new ones for the STAMP program. What a waste of money! Also, another lost classroom for her secretary and another lost classroom for her counselor. Teachers are leaving as we speak in total disgust and it's only going to get worse. They told you about this awesome program between the community, the school, and the medical field. Mrs. Seney hosted a luncheon for all the medical community, doctors, hospital administrators, etc. etc. One doctor showed up, about 4 from the medical community, and your school administrators. About 25 total. They invited 250, does this look like the medical community is serious about this poorly planned attempt to keep our children from going to Mercedes to get a real education in medical fields. What a joke!"

Another commenter gave us a slightly different point of view:

"I can't imagine Seney knowingly doing anything that might even be remotely controversial, she has the spine of a worm and in general seems to be busier at covering her ass than dealing with what an Assistant Principal needs to be doing on a daily basis.

Most of the people at Hanna were not sad to see her leave, she became unaffectionaly known as the "Traitor Raider". Seney was picked for the STUMP program because she is so easily manipulated, as I say, no spine at all. Seney by the way was not the only Administrator that pushing the STUMP program while still supposedly working at Hanna.

When Seney was questioned about the mess that was going on when BISD decided to up-root the two most successful pathways in the district, she would just "hem and hah" and say "well I can't really talk about it." In the mean time people's jobs were put on the line and lies were told.

It's just a mess, but I don't feel in the least bit sorry for Seney, this is her baby now and it will make her or break her."

It's worse than we at first thought


Veterans Memorial High School, originally designed for 2,200 Brownsville high school students is now home to the 565 who signed up for the STAMP program.  Sounds like there should be plenty of room even with Seney and her cohorts converting valuable classroom space into offices for the inept.

Not so quick says one commenter, claiming that since Seney and her cronies used up so many classrooms, the underpopulated, under-utilized facility now has to bring in portable classrooms at taxpayer expense:

"About the Seney fiasco.... OK taxpayers, get a load of this one! Veteran's is getting portables! Yes that's right... they've outgrown their space, or is it, STAMP has taken over the much needed classrooms so now they are bringing in portables for the rest of the non-stamp children. What a mess! And why do the new STAMP teachers get 32 inch computer monitors? Why do they get those and the rest of the regular teachers get the ones half the size? Where do I sign up for an IPAD? Oh si I forgot, I am not STAMP so therefore I get to buy my own tablet if I want to keep up with technology! Nimodo all of the regular students are getting the two year old scraps if you ask me. And they said VMHS/STAMP would be one big happy family! Nada que ver!"

From the editor:  Has there ever been a more incompetent, inept, corrupt, unqualified group of people overseeing a $500,000,000 education budget than the BISD Board of Trustees?


  1. Scribble. scribble, scribble. Nothing changes, no one cares. Scribble, scribble, scribble.

  2. Would you rather have the four amigos back? Ruben and little Ricky and colunga and aguilar? you like what they did with the insurance? The purpose of school board members is to watch over the dealings of the school and make recomendations. Stick to Ernie and his shinanigans. The voter corruption.

  3. I would rather have almost anyone replace the current four amigos.

  4. It was Cortez and Zayas who masterminded Veterans Memorial High School why are you not blaming them.

  5. Wasn't the STAMP program put in placve after they left? Wasn't the change in HR after they left? Weren't all the idiotic moves in personnel made after they left? Didn't we lose a good super and get a deer-in-the-headlights looking super after they left? Are you beginning to see a pattern yet?

  6. Since there have been some changes happening in BISD that have occurred after things have been posted on here, I am assuming that higher ups in BISD are reading this blog. I have a question for them and for the people that are running for the BISD board. The Pace High School principal told us not to worry about the low numbers at Pace because in the next couple of years we will get all of the students zoned for Veterans. The reason being is that Veterans will only be STAMP in a couple of years. I want to hear what these people running for the board feel about this. Do you all support wasting that high school and all of it's facilities on a special population of students? I fully support the STAMP program, BUT, I don't see them using a 60-70 million dollar school just to house them. I would like to know how the candidates feel about it.

  7. You got that right! The current majority four are responsible for the changes mentioned by anonymous August 21,2012 4:02 pm

  8. Guess not that many higher ups read this as I thought. I do know that at Veterans, after the news about the floaters came out on this page, they received a call from the main office telling them that there will be NO floaters this year. They are sticking people in closets and even the library so they can say that everyone has a classroom.

  9. I'am a student from veterans i've been their since they open it and i think its f@&$# that stamp gets to have ipads

  10. Do you have to be in STAMP?



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...