For Parker and his con man associate Quintanilla the danger is somehow losing a puppet majority on the board and having to face a reinstitution of the lawsuit.(Think about the obscenity of dismissing a lawsuit for overcharges at a time when students do not have enough art supplies, paper, hand sanitizer, etc.) Quintanilla has done his preliminary legwork in locating new puppets to promote for trustee: Linda Gill, Argelia Miller and Shirley Bowman. The painfully slow Joe Colunga and the tired Rolando Aguilar are not seeking re-election.
Withdrawing with Students, Teachers and the Community in Mind. . . . . . . by Mary S. Rey
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Mary S. Rey |
It is with a heavy heart that I withdraw from the BISD race, so as NOT to split the vote between Mr Otis Powers and I, as I fully support him, and wholeheartedly ask you to do the same.
In the past two years our BISD board has become completely dysfunctional at worst, and at best, functioning perpetually in crisis mode due to many poor decisions made by the current board majority. Our children and our tax dollars deserve much higher standards of performance and professionalism from its board members and everyone involved in their education. The track record of the current board majority shows lawsuit after lawsuit, extracting millions of dollars at the expense of our children. This is unacceptable. Your children and my grandchildren deserve the best education and resources our tax dollars can obtain. Funding from tax dollars is being depleted rapidly under this current board with too much time, energy and resources being gobbled up unnecessarily or used for personal gain. This constant manipulation creates a negative impact on the community at large.
Though our schools individually have done great things and celebrated many accomplishments, just think what they could have achieved if the board majority functioned as it should instead of operating under perpetual turbulence and in crisis mode. In the interim they have wasted $20,000,000 by being manipulated to dismiss lawsuits of substance. Unfortunately, our children will never see a dime of those potential settlements.
Our students and teachers are the most valuable assets we have. Let's not destroy them. Let's help them by giving them the necessary tools, technology and a good working environment for teachers. Teachers do not need micro-management from the board, but need to be allowed to do their job! They do not need the board inside their classrooms. Salaries must be comparable to the rest of the country.
Nepotism and cronyism must be eradicated! Within the last two years, many certified teachers were denied employment, while positions were being created for friends and relatives without the necessary qualifications. It's sad that our beloved school district has become a laughingstock because of its board majority.
Sitting on a school board is not meant to provide trustees wealth or power or to sustain their lifestyle. Sitting on the board should mean you care about your community's children. Citizens who seek to serve should do so unyielding to outside interlopers and insiders looking for a payday at the expense of our children and our community's future.
Two years ago, because of my vulnerability at that moment, I became entangled in a web of deception involving a group of people I had met only three months earlier. Once I learned their intentions I detached myself permanently. I have learned the valuable lesson of choosing my acquaintances very, very carefully. In November of 2011, my friend Argelia Miller had a similar opportunity to come clean after my deposition, but chose not to do so, corroboration that she is easily manipulated. We need a strong candidate like Otis Powers on the board.
I fully support Otis Powers for BISD, Place 3 and humbly ask you to do the same.
Mary S. Rey
So sad Mrs Rey is no longer on the race....she was the best to beat the Miller woman
ReplyDeleteNot only Arg Miller is planted, Linda Gill and Shirley Bowman are too.
ReplyDeleteThe best choice we have is Chirinos, Barbosa, Pena, Otiz Powers.
Political Advertisement paid for Otis Powers
ReplyDeleteIf this is what Mary Rey wants, so be it. She has my support and I will respect her wishes and cast my vote for Otis Powers. Argelia Miller is a throwback to more of the same which is exactly what we are trying to vote out.
ReplyDeleteOn November 6, remember , Otis Powers, BISD Board of Trustee, Place 3.
Fuck all this shit let's write in Ted Hasse!
DeleteTed Hasse has LOST every election he entered. He is our town's version of a loser, a guy with the Midas Touch in reverse. everything he touches turns to shit! Wasn'r he known as The Avocado? ha ha ha ja ja ja
She writes like a Mojada. If her style and grammar is on exhibit, then she absolutely did the right thing to withdraw. Communication is not her strength. That is obvious in her abuse of the language in this note. She repeats herself, as if she, herself, must understand her incoherent reasoning. Next!!!
Troll much?
Not as much as you.
DeleteW...only reason she "repeats herself" is so that Cata and Luci are able to understand.
DeleteNo, it reads as if a true & accurate representation of her linguistic abilities, which are, apparently, few. Browntown needs to face up to its failings, and it is a town forever at war with the English language. That's a fact, Jack!
DeleteWrites like a mojada? Yeah right....LOL. Idiots!
DeleteThe current Board members are supposed to be the brightest and smartest educators and degreed professionals, yet all they have managed to do is lose twenty-million of our tax dollars in law suits through their poor judgment and extreme mismanagement of our District. It goes to show that just because you have a higher education level does not make you smart or that you have ethics or integrity.
Mary Rey may not have a college degree, but she sure has integrity, ethics and absolutely knows right from wrong, can identify sinister behavior and actions aimed to screw over our community by outsiders looking for a payday at tax payers expense. All without a degree, while those with degrees can't see their nose inspite of their face...because they are willing to be blind.
Who is letting the Mr. Q's of the world screw our community's children? You are, if you vote for the same people backed by Mr. Q.
Give me a some help here Otis Powers is the reason that BISD just got reamed with the 2 million dollar lawsuit. His big mouth is on tape calling for Juarez to testify against Gonzales and replace the insurance carrier with a company of their choosing.
ReplyDeleteCareful Ladies! Post August 29, 2012 10:01 AM is obviously one of the 3 amigas on BISD board of trustees. So now they are blaming Otis Powers for the lawsuit settlement. They believe Otis Powers is responsible for the lawsuit? I think not!! The ones responsible are the ones who voted to award the big payday to Juarez and Gonzalez. Leave it to those 3 ladies to blame anyone but themselves.
ReplyDelete@ W, say what you want, but thanks to this "mojada" for opening the eyes of our community, and hats off to her, for exposing the corruption of the current board majority. What have you done?
ReplyDeleteTo the 10:01 post, do you really want to go there? Great! Let's get the tapes out. Chicharito, get ready
ReplyDeleteWhat does August 20, 2012 10:01 AM know about a tape in reference to the Lawsuit? Has that person heard the tape? Is the person on the tape blogging here? If so, how low can you people go? You take the student's money, the insurance money and a salary on top of that and you now brag...............Triste!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Obama, his wife, and Biden blaming Bush for everything when they have been signing the checks for the last three years! I thought her command of the english language was fair, much better than most!
ReplyDeleteWen, (short and loving for Wenceslao) do you aspire to be at least one fourth of how brave Ms Mary is ?
ReplyDeleteIn the end, this brave lady Mrs Rey, is doing what most of us should do, but that none of us dare. I hope she reconsiders. We need you Mary!
ReplyDeleteWe don't care if she does not have a perfect command of English! Who does? What we need is just a few like her to turn BISD and our community around. Wenceslao is an A.......
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. Please feel free to use the name "Mescalero" whenever you like. Your post are so different from mine in content that everybody can tell them apart.
ReplyDeleteThe real Mescalero
Don't worry, some of us loyal readers recognize Jake's fake postings. He knows he's got zip credibility, thus his highjacking of your nick.
DeleteThe "ha ha ha ja ja ja" was very telling.
Is not Wency/Wen/Wenceslao/Jake/Ralph/Ren/Ralphie/Jakey/ICE Agent the same person that likes to write comments and respond to himself using others peoples nicknames?
ReplyDeleteDiego Yo
Those names you listed are the Estupido Jake. He is unemployed and always asking guys to "do" his wife so that he can film the sex. Barton should ban his ass. PENDEJO!!!
DeleteMr. Wen/Jake is the same poster that got banned by DPM's Brownsville Tribune blog. Ever since then he has been hounding DPM by posting profane comments as DPM. He seems to have an unhealthy fixation with DPM, as evidenced by his comments in various blogs trying to bait DPM to respond by accusing him of being gay.
ReplyDeleteHe is a waste of time, if he were at least funny like el Maclovio.
And Cata la Rata has perfect command of the English language? Think not, in addition to that, she shows complete lack of class when she throws her tantrums and tirades at the board meetings. She exemplfies unprofessionalism and is obviously unaware of how stupid she presents herself. Being on the school board is the equivalent of her making the cheerleading squad!
ReplyDeleteMary S. Rey,
ReplyDeleteWhy really did you get out of the race? You knew when you filed with two other candidates you would be splitting the vote. What is the REAL reason you are dropping out, Mary?
Mary Rey gave her reason, if it's not good enough for you, too bad. Sounds like you have a personal problem to deal with, in your own little mind.
DeleteA vote for Miller is a vote to continue the corruption!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteWe just learned Linda Gill Martinez was contacted by Carlos Quintanilla recently...need I say more? Vote for Chirinos.
ReplyDeleteLinda Gill is supported by Erasmo Cheezmeh, and Cata Presas-Garcia
ReplyDeleteI am as English proficient as anyone here and I totally understand what Mary Reyis saying . If you have difficulty comprehending her written word, then perhaps you should take some remedial English classes. It would have been great to see her on the BISD Board, but I know her well enough to respect her wishes. And Aug.29, 5:35 am, call Mary Rey a mojada to her face. You will then know the Mary Rey that I know that will chew you up and spit you out before you can say "Jack Robinson".
ReplyDeleteYou are just another lame enabler, someone who will look the other way when presented with an assessment they don't like. Mary Rey writes like a third grader, and that is as obvious as it can get. Stop making allowances!!!
DeleteSo, what is it that you want? What is your solution? How can the community best serve the children and staff if BISD?
DeleteIs it possible to convince her to run?
ReplyDeleteTo Carlos Quintanilla,
ReplyDeleteWhy are your girls/boy Cata, Chrristina, Enrique, Lucy soooo afraid of Mary Rey??????
Answer carlos. Why are your girls afraid of Mary Rey??? I think you know!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is your tales from the cript friend cata sooo afraid of running vs Mary?
ReplyDeleteThese four reimind me of the"walking dead" movie
ReplyDeleteAre you already announcing Halloween?
ReplyDeleteMary Rey may not be a writer, but she sure has some board members with diarrhea..
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that Mary Rey brings out the worse from these corrupt board majority and Carlos Quintanilla? Have you guys thought about it. One board majority member was making trips every 15 minutes to the CFO office on Monday August 20th,waiting for Mary Rey to show up, and the moment Mary walks in, they all disappeared....WOW!!!