Friday, June 1, 2012

How Did This Happen? Strange Statistical Anomaly with Mail-In Votes

                      Cameron County Democratic Primary~5/29/12

Name                                   Total Votes                %                           Mail-in Votes

                                                         COUNTY ATTORNEY

Carlos R. Masso                     8,072                        35.86                      192
Luis V. Saenz                          7,766                        34.50                        47
Maria Urbina De Ford             6,672                        29.64                        33


Joe Cisneros                            6,107                        26.02                        55
Terry Vinson                            3,268                        13.92                        25
Omar Lucio                           14,096                         60.06                      191

                                                    CONSTABLE, PRECINCT 2

Juan S. Torres                         2,348                         27.45                        13
Roel Arreola                               893                            8.54                        7
Pete Avila, Jr.                          3,952                         37.78                        27
Abelardo "Abel" Gomez, Jr.     3,267                         31.23                      191

Does anyone else find it a bit curious that three candidates in different races got an almost identical number of mail-in votes despite very different vote totals?  Did one "helper" work for three candidates or is this simply a statistical anomaly, an extraordinary coincidence?    Jim


  1. This is no anomaly. I happen to work closely with local polling, and a refrain that some of my poll takers kept hearing was 'I don't know who I'm voting for, the lady comes and tells us who to vote for', exclusively from older voters, many of them mentioning adult day care centers. Until the campaigns utilizing this sort of vote purchasing are held responsible and the politiqueras are indicted for promoting fraud, there will continue to be a lively trade stealing votes for the slimy, unethical and malfeasant toads all milling around the political troughs in Cameron County.

  2. This info will never get to the public from the Herald. Obviously the same politiqueras worked for all three candidates and there is likely a Cameron County Democratic Party Gilberto Hinojosa. Corruption is not just accepted in Cameron County, it is demanded by the Dumbokratic Party.

  3. That's just a torre-ble coincidence, Jim. Really, Raully Torre-ble.

  4. Bobby WC interviewed Omar Lucio 4 years ago in 2008. In 2012, Lucio again gets an absurd number of mail-in's. Here was the Sheriff's explanation; The politiqueras knowingly break the law by participating in election fraud for the Sheriff and judicial candidates for FREE, BECAUSE they anticipate at some future date, that they will break the law AGAIN by speeding in a school zone, or driving drunk, or getting pulled over.... and their mail in ballot fraud on behalf of these law enforcement and judicial candidates will pay off by getting them a free pass in court.... instead of paying the fines, or a criminal conviction, or serving time in jail. (!!)

    Four years ago I documented a conversation I had with Sheriff Omar Lucio at Coyote Canyon (back when the food was eatable). I asked him about the politiqueras and he told me there is no need to pay them. He told me they work his race, the DA's race and the JP races for favors. It is about tickets.

    I will bet the farm that if someone were to pull a list of the number of tickets dismissed or reduced in Linda Salazar's court it would shock people. The key is to see which ones were done without a hearing and simply dismissed sua sponte by Linda Salazar. According to Omar Lucio the politiqueras bring him the tickets and he has them dismissed. The same for the JP courts and the DA. The accused wrongdoers then pay the politiqueras for getting the ticket dismissed or criminal charges dropped or reduced.

    I documented this four years ago.

    1. Eatable? You mean "edible," do you not? Crazy English like this only makes the Valley look stupid.


    2. How does one request the list of cases dismissed in these courts? It would be a simple matter to compare that to the names of the assistants filling in the ballots, copies of which can be requested from the Elections office.

      Also, what does a Constable do and why would the politiqueras be interested in getting favors from him/ what type of favors can a Constable offer? not familiar with law enforcement

  5. This is no "anamaly", this is business (politics) as usual in Cameron County and Brownsville. As has been said before, "we don't just accept corruption, we demand it". And, in general, our elected officials come through for us and deliver corruption, and deceit. It puts money in their pockets but brings no "bacon" home to the community.

  6. Little Eddie Munster when will you learn English - I charge $250 an hour to teach etymology.

    eat·a·ble (t-bl)
    Fit to be eaten; edible: an eatable meal.
    1. Something fit to be eaten.
    2. eatables Food.

    While I am teaching the great Eddie Munster English - how about the history of the "-" words and uses change - abbreviations do not carry "-" - the "-" is dropped all of the time - words and abbreviations change - language is living - hence to-morrow, or to-night - no longer carry the "-"

    Hey Eddie you owe me $250

    1. Not Eddie, but here's more: Edible means something fit to eat, like a plant or a shellfish in season. Eatable means 'ready to eat', like an eatable meal. For instance, popcorn is edible but it's not eatable until it's popped and you sprinkle on a little salt.

      Re-read your sentence "back when food was eatable," obviously the wrong use. You're saying the food at the restaurant was "not ready to be eaten?" Really? ha ha ha

      BTW they are NOT the same word spelled differently. They are different words that mean something very similar.


    2. (2Empinate)

      Would you know how to spell this word? MAMAMELA


  7. If a candidate uses illigal unethical tactics to get elected, we can't expect them to be honest ethical public officials, it is a pity that this politiqueras brag about the power the have, and how they can get anybody out of jail and how even the most important official leaves everything when they call for a favor, and of course they sell those favors, it is a win win situation for this politiqueras with ties in high places.

  8. Gomez paid them $350 a week.

  9. This is a bona fide racket. If this trading of fraudulent ballots to judges, the DA, etc for courtroom favors is happening, it is much bigger issue than just a few old ladies selling blank ballots snatched from old people, to desperate candidates. This affects the core of judicial integrity. Is this how Aroldo Cadriel avoided being convicted two or three times in the 90's and 80's? Because of his family and their mail-in ballots? The man who then went on to rape a boy and murder a lady when he should have been behind bars?

  10. Those are illegal votes any way you look at it. Those votes were purchased..........

  11. IIt's the democRATA WAY! BOLA DE BANDIDOS

  12. Why are you people acting so surprised? This is the way things are done in politics by both parties. Don't give me that Democrat crap when billionaire Republicans are doing the same thing for Mitt. No direct payment, just favors later on.

    1. Um no. It's the democrats. Just look at the numbers idiot

    2. An idiot is one that can't see beyond local politics.

    3. Riiiight.... Did we not just elect the relative of Herminia Becerra the self-proclaime "Queen of Politiqueras" to be our new Democratic Party Chairman!!?? the Cameron County Democrats will never admit much less take action to stop it, though their inept corruption is driving people to the Republican's

      How does the saying go, Hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the splinter from your brother's eye

    4. You missed my point. They are all politicians who depend on misguided idiots to make their side look better that the other.

    5. re: misguided idiots. The Cameron Republican party is notable for how remarkably normal and non-wacko their leadership is. Rusty Faulk, Frank Morris, Carlos Cascos, these people are law-abiding to the point of boredom. Vs the Democrats who elect their misguided idiots to lead them. Demcorats like Gilbert, Ernie Hernandez, Abel Limas, Sylvia and her relative Herminia Becerra make the party look so bad the Republicans will continue winning elections by default. exmple Blake Farenhold.

  13. We in Cameron County are a mess of corruption, it is about time we put a stop to it, thank you CAVA for making people awere of what is going on even though nobody is going to do anything about it, they should know that we will be watching

  14. I'll tell you how it happens. It happens when you get Herminia on your side.



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