Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Craig Grove Responds to Comments on this Blog

Jim, couldn't you have used my other profile picture? I hate that one. Anyhow, I am not sure how my comment was so personal. Yes, I did ask you a few personal questions but it certainly wasn't out of line. You seemed to take it far more personal then it was intended.

Aside from that my post above was a response to your post of the of the Environment Texas Press Release and it wasn't anymore childish then these anonymous comments stooping to name calling and the Ad Hominem approach. One of the anons asked what's in it for me? Nothing directly. But yes, real estate is tough and yes I would like to see the situation for our entire community improve. And if that helps sell some houses, that's fantastic. But no if the EIS comes back showing irreparable damage, I would not support the launch pad in this location. I just prefer to let the due diligence be done before I make a final judgement.

As for now, I am in total support of the project at this phase. We will see if that changes at the conclusion of the study and response from SpaceX. As for the person that claims I delete posts. I do not. The only posts I have ever deleted on any of my pages is when someone flat out attacks another person. I NEVER DELETE disagreements. Sometimes people delete their own comments after they rethink them but I do not delete them. If you don't believe me, you don't know me and it really doesn't matter as you have made your judgement anyhow. As for me trying to be relevant, I could see how someone who doesn't know me would think that and it certainly helps raise my visibility. However, I don't do things for that reason. I do things because I am passionate about them. If that raises my visibility for better or worse, it is what it is. I will continue to do what I believe in regardless if it garners me visibility or not. There are certainly many other issues I could get involved in that I choose not to which would produce much more visibility on a consistent basis.

 As to the anon that said I am too good for the beach... where did they get that? I just stated in my comment how I go there and swim, kayak, fish and use the beach. I am not the most avid user of Boca Chica Beach but I have done all of these activities there. I do not think myself too good for that beach at all but I also don't find it to be the cleanest beach I have visited, not even close. Which brings me to my second post. Unlike all the other Social Media pages in town I have actually promoted many beach clean ups, dune restorations, Adopt A Beach events and Surfrider Foundation events. Ask Mary Helen who sits on the other side of this issue if I have ever promoted her events. Ask Rob Nixon who heads the Surfrider Foundation if I have ever promoted his events.

Again, you guys have made up your mind about me from before I opened my mouth. You have personalized this not me. You are the ones that are immature by saying ugly things about me and hiding behind anonymous posts, not me. Anyhow, I have spent way much time on this already so I will be logging off but I will chose to look at this interaction as people being involved and ultimately that is a positive. If you don't agree with me or don't like me, at least you care enough to be involved in the community. Too bad you hide behind anonymous comments, but I guess it is what it is.

 Warm Regards, Craig Grove - BL


  1. Trust me. I made up my mind after I let you speak, which you never stop doing. You have effectively sidestepped the issue, which was a bitchy response about the cleanliness of the beach, nada que ver con the issue. So what if you put yourself out there to get the word out on cleanups?'s all shameless self promotion in the end.

    This indignant facade of yours is so annoying. You have to go to extreme lengths to get your point across. You are concerned with anonymous posts, but you don't say why. I can tell you why. There's a mean and conniving bone in your body and one way or another people eventually see it. Is it any surprise then, to avoid direct contact with the pied piper of Brownsville?
    Will you look back upon your followers with eyes peeled wide, lamenting the tragedy of Brownsville, pointing fingers, effectively cock blocking other rising stars? I've heard your threats, so I, like many others here, make a concerted effort to stay out of your radar.
    Go on ahead, act innocent. You do it so well. You aren't fooling anyone here. Now go cry about it and waste your time, because obviously you dont care, right?

    Now then, the important issue here being overlooked because your feelings are always invariably hurt: the beach!

    Worst case scenarios mean move that shit elsewhere. No I dont give a shit about what the EIS says. I know enough about bullshitting in statistics to know that there is no amount of money and resources to prove or disprove anything without any margin of error. Wishful thinking is what got the Japanese a lifetime of mutations we have yet to witness. It's bad enough we have fracking down here, unusable lakes of poison and that awful sewage scent. Leave Boca Chica alone!

  2. Craig is a whiny little bitch.

    1. ...with balls that are apparently STILL bigger than yours, right or wrong. Anonymous comments like yours may count, but they count less than vouchered ones.

      So suck on that for a little while.

  3. Chris Davis exhibits the personality traits of a bum. Always at the ready to throw punches in the mob, but never willing to trade mano-a-mano. Grove is an opportunist, nothing more and nothing less. Like Tad Hasse, he is on familiar terms with the weird. None of these guys is the answer to anything to do with Brownsville. Indeed, they are the problem. Davis lives to videotape the city commission meetings and call it a life. Really? Hasse is forever planning angles to his doomed political races and Grove ponders condos on Boca Chica Beach. They would be dreamers elsewhere. In Browntown, they are peons.


  4. The question of due diligence seems moot to the "cheerleaders" who already came out in favor of SpaceX, don't you think.
    There's nothing wrong with anon posts as long as they are thoughtful and truthful.

  5. Bla bla bla... I am "anonymous" here me complain and criticize everyone else but not have the cajones to put myself out there. You guys talk so tough. You are so unrelenting. Wow! I don't always agree with Jim Barton, Tad Hasse or Chris but unlike you guys they have a backbone. You who can't even post with your own name and yet you sling arrows at the people who stand up in the open for what they believe in. You are nothing more then a troll. Go back under your bridge troll and let the big kids have a discussion. - Craig - BL

    1. It's "cojones," Grove. You insist on coming across like some totally ignorant dolt. Cajones are to be found in your chest of drawers, i.e. furniture. Big Kids? Well, you got the second word absolutely correct. And, really, "Big" is sort of a pretentious word for Brownsville, wouldn't you say. More like Little Pond, playground of Little Boys. Grove, you are fast-becoming the only WhiteBoy Politiquera in town. Congratulations! You've reached he level of your own incompetence, that Peter Principle.


  6. Anons are NOT in the public eye as you are . You put yourself out there to be ridiculed. You get your chones in a bunch when people are mean to you just like the bully running home to mommy. Just take the criticism and act like the man you hope to be some day. I am going back to my bridge troll. Thanks for the suggestion. Bla bla bla...

    1. Anons have an answer for everything... okay the man I hope to some day be. I stand up for what I believe and "put my self out there to be ridiculed" and you hide behind an anonymous postings and sling insults... who is the child and who can't get on the porch with the big dogs? Who makes things personal? You claim I am a bully but you defend people who make personal accusations and insults behind the cloak of anonymity. Okey dokey. Thanks for popping up from under your bridge troll.

      When you develop a back bone, contact me in public or in private and speak your mind as you... call me anytime (956)832-4458. Oh and yes, anons are in the public when they post on a public thread and go after a public figure. They are just doing so behind a shield because they can't handle someone directly responding to them or they are too afraid of what ancillary effects standing behind their statements could have. But that's okay this is America and you have a right to speak your mind and I support that. Aside from that, if you truly do care about this issue one way or another, I commend you. I just think you have kind of a childish way of entering the fray. Take Care, Craig - BL

    2. "big dogs" is right if it comes down to your social climbing MO. Here's something else dogs like you do, they lick balls of anyone who can afford the peanut butter for luring a crony. Kiss-ass sycophants like you don't actually care about the anonymous posts, just the damage control regarding your methods. Eres una vibora! Yo lo se! You promote as if you were Craigey Antoinette and say "let them eat cake," as an afterthought, just like Brownsville Cheezmeh, in between the catty comebacks and self promotional "buy from me" static known as BL. What's really fucked up is you are guilty of anonymous posts too! Just earlier in this blog, we know you said that Brownsville smelled of urine! It doesn't take a forensic analyst of writing to be familiar with your style of hot air. You dont sign your name when you go dirty, which is your true nature. You go after anyone who stands in your way. You are indeed, a sociopath.

    3. @ Craig 'Big dogs" as in important? Hahahahaha! "Big dogs" in Browntown?
      Who, where,when,how? I want to be one, I want to be one!!!!!!!!!!
      Why can't I be one? Are they the elite of this city? How can I be one? Pray tell. Mommy, I want to play with the "big dogs". Bahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Cajones?? Really?!June 6, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    I'm a troll, you are borderline sociopath.

  8. As usual in Brownsville and Cameron County, people are impatient and unwilling to wait for programs to develop and unwilling to do any research to support their positions....we take the "palanka" mentality and jump to conclusions. In a project like SpaceX, the negotiations will evolve and if we don't jump the gun we can advocate for enviornmental protection while we learn about how this new project will benefit our region and develop new skills for our workers.



  10. Aye este wuerko!!!!! Boorish freshman drama. Has anyone ever told you that you look like John Edwards? Not meant as a compliment.

  11. Let me tell you why I post anonymously. I was born in Brownsville and I grew up in Brownsville and I still live in Brownsville. I have testified at public hearings and I expect I will again. Without exception my testimony was opposssed to what the powers that be wanted. And not because I am a contrarian because I'm not. I guess if I was in agreement I would not have felt the need to offer a different point of view. For the most part, and there are exceptions, I don't trust the influential people in this city and county, particularly the politicians,not to retaliate against me. I think many are petty and vindictive and if they can hurt me they will or, even worse, they may hurt organizations I may be associated with. They may choose not to fund a project or they may reduce funding if they can not find a more direct way to get to me if I post against their interest. I don't have any political influence, I am not rich and I am not powerfull and I don't have a blog. I am an easy target for people who do have those things. According to Chris Davis I am a coward and he has big balls. Well, maybe so but it seems to me that it's easy to be brave when you are running with the crowd. It's not so easy when the crowds running at you.
    Mescalero, coward of the county.

    1. "And not because I am a contrarian because I'm not. "

      Au contraire, irony-mous commenter.

  12. I'm a troll on a stroll with a scroll on a roll with the "big dogs". Sing it at the top of your lungs and you will roll with the "big dogs". Just kidding. hope everyone chills and have a wonderful day.

  13. craig! joto!
    yes why? cos now he says that if the environmental study shows damage that he will not support the space x???
    hahahahha and blah blah blah, how fast he sidetracked right?
    and he is lying because i was one of the many he deleted comments on his page, good riddance and thank you facebook for the block button, oh and do you notice jim how we went on and on and on defending himself rather that what he is doing???
    thats why i call him joto, because he is not man enough to say " yes, i want a profit and i was wrong!"

  14. hey jim, i just loved how you wrote " our son is older that craig" on your last post that was funny, you are a truly intelligent man, thank you for showing us that with your writing you push the buttons of this lonesome realtor and he showed his true colors!!
    now that jim is a talent!

    oh yeah, people please call the realtor and fight with him please, i think my lil daughter has more sense of pride than this wannabe sailor, or surfrider?

  15. Mescalero is correct. I've personally "done the walk" of advocating, protesting, being a community watchdog and contacting officials. So much that I've been "invited" to sit with them in the courthouse, where they just cover for each other.
    Anonymous posts are not automatically deceptive, and the posters can and do contribute to the discussion.
    Just wish the blog administrators would reject vulgar, racist and homophobic comments that don't contribute.
    Long live the anonymous posters! They live to fight another day.

  16. To Chris Davis,
    Now who is judging? I just took a little trip down memory lane and remembered who you are. If disagreeing with most if not all of your comments I have seen over the years makes me a contrarian then I will happily claim it.
    Mescalero (coward of the county)

  17. I didn't change my position on SpaceX. I have always been in support of it but with the caveat that the EIS comes back and has manageable effects. And yes I would like to indirectly make money from SpaceX. I want the entire city to gain prosperity from this project. If I sell some houses because of it, I would be extremely happy. I have never denied that nor would I. I am a Realtor, I sell houses. I make my money from selling houses and I would like to sell more.

    As for deleting comments, that is a bold face lie and you know it. Go look at the threads regarding this topic or any other for that matter. There are many people on the opposing side and I didn't delete them. By the way, I couldn't surf to save my life and haven't sailed in years nor do I portray myself as such. All of you guys claim that I personalize the argument but you can't seem to do anything but go after me personally. Where is all the well-supported arguments your far superior intellect can surely put forth?

    I support SpaceX because I believe the negative environmental impact can be minimized and does not outweigh the positive economic impact. I support SpaceX because it will infuse money into our community, create jobs, generate home sales, create educational opportunities, inspire our citizens and our children, drive tourism, and it will create ancillary benefits for the environment such as bringing in money for trash clean up or building facilities. I will not overlook or be in opposition to such an opportunity just because I believe it could harm the environment. I will first see what the EIS says and how SpaceX plans to address it and then I will make a final decision to remain in support or change my mind. As of right now I am confident and hopeful that the effects will be manageable and tolerable but I can't know for sure until I see what the reports say. Until such time I will get out my Pompoms and shake them like crazy. Again, I don't agree with the personal nature or tone of this thread but I commend you all for being passionate about an issue. Hopefully some of you will reserve your final judgement until all the cards are on the table.

    Regards, Craig G. BL

    1. You thread hijacked the topic, gearing it to a cluster fuck, now you backtrack to the original issue. You now want to measure your e-brain with the fray. It's always a pissing contest with you.

      Money isn't everything (what little comes). We might get some more restaurants, a few more shopping centers and some gated communities. Property taxes will increase but the living wage for Brownsville will stay the same. No matter how you look at it, the jobs created will not benefits the locals economically. Just more of the same.

      I'm amused you believe this trickle down economics works! You're no economist. Why act like one? Dreaming the rational city requires you accept the status quo methods of economic development do nothing to uplift uneducated/blighted areas.

    2. ...dreaming the rational city requires you accept the status quo methods of economic development BUT realistically it will do nothing to uplift uneducated/blighted areas....

      Apologies for the mistakes, I'm on a mobile phone.



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