Brief Historical Background; The Ambitious Plan; A Chronology of Hernandez-Garcia vs. Begum in the JP Race
The father-daughter couple at the left may not be your personal acquaintances, but, if you're in the habit of reading the local blogs, you've read about them. The now defunct BROWNSVILLE VOICE along with Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun blog have detailed numerous unethical episodes of current County Commissioner Ernie Hernandez and the burgeoning indiscretions of daughter Erin. Jerry Mchale's Brownsville Blues does the same, using adjectives meant for mature audiences. Mean Mister Brownsville adds harmony to the chorus.
Ernie's Continual Conflict of Interest
Read almost any ethics code for a governmental entity and notice the preoccupation with conflicts of interest. Cities, counties, states and school boards award contracts into the millions of dollars for services, products and construction. Ethics codes are written to prevent the very officials awarding these contracts from personally benefiting in any way. To prevent subterfuge or sleight of hand, usually family members or relatives are included in the prohibition. In Ernie's two decade political career, working for the city and county, he has run roughshod over this basic ethical principle, servicing the governmental entities with wrecker service, printing, uniforms and vending. His daughter Erin is part of the current shell game of switching the ownership of their vending company from one family member to another.Stealing Elections
Ernie's corruption also includes the stealing of the 2010 County Commissioner Precinct 2 election against Ruben Pena. While Pena won the run-off election by 162 votes, Ernie clobbered him with the mail-in votes, 240-30. There was a trial with even more corrupt, political hanky-panky. All of this was documented, among other places, in a series of articles in Mean Mister Brownsville:
Doing Favors for Two Infamous Brothers-in-law
Ernie orchestrated some shenanigans for two of his brothers-in-law recently, both incidents screaming political corruption and heavy-handedness. Here is a brief quote from the October 29, 2011 article from Mean Mister Brownsville about the Robert Cadriel incident:
In another obvious breach of duty, County Commissioner Ernie allegedly used thousands of dollars of county caliche to cover a road leading up another brother-in-law's shooting range. The range belongs to Ariol Cadriel, another Erie relative, now charged with first degree murder. Here is a quote from Jerry Mchale's Brownsville Blues blog relative to the incident:
"While we were visiting the Aroldo Cadriel tragedy, we got a few calls from former county workers who said Ernie lied when he said he had nothing to do with using thousands of dollars of caliche and the labor of county employees and machinery (and federal colonia monies) to extend the caliche top on Nogal Road more than a mile all the way to the end of the road where Cadriel had his firing range business."
"While we were visiting the Aroldo Cadriel tragedy, we got a few calls from former county workers who said Ernie lied when he said he had nothing to do with using thousands of dollars of caliche and the labor of county employees and machinery (and federal colonia monies) to extend the caliche top on Nogal Road more than a mile all the way to the end of the road where Cadriel had his firing range business."
The Hernandez' Plan for Daughter Erin
By all accounts, Ms. Hernandez' goal is to eventually enjoy a high-paying job with the county as a district judge. The justice of the peace position she currently seeks is a mere stepping stone to that end. Normally, a productive, effective attorney would not be seeking a JP position, but Erin H. Garcia's law practice can be described as limited at best. I can find no record of her arguing a case as a trial lawyer in Cameron County, with the exception of the one day she substituted for David Hockema in her dad's election-stealing trial against Ruben Pena. She says she has qualified for ad litem appointments, something Abe Limas recently described as "easy money." She is sometimes described as a municipal judge in Primera, TX, but a call to that court revealed that Arturo R. Salas is the municipal judge with Erin as an "alternate." I asked the secretary if Erin H. Garcia EVER held court in Primera. She said: "No, not at all."
At the Erin H. Garcia Meet and Greet in the lobby of the Amigoland Event Center, a new alliance was formed. Linda Castro of Brownsville Cheezmeh initiated conversations with the Hernandez, eventually leading to Erin H. Garcia sponsoring a Brownsville Cheezmeh bowling tournament. Later the two joined forces at the Ice House Cantina for a Raffle Night. Some speculated that Linda might even get a job in the JP office after the election or get some referrals for the Notary Public work she does. The two have seemed almost tied at the hip this election season.
The picture below was selected by Erasmo to depict Yolanda Begum. I recognize the writing, by it's grammar and syntax as Erasmo's. He always describes himself as humble, although he is anything but. . . . . Erin's monetary support of Cheezmeh began to pay off:
Yolanda Begum. . According to Erasmo Castro
On Taste…and we are not talkin about the free food at the Mattingly Meet and Greet
4 February 2012 By cheezmeh
And now is the time for soirΓ¨es and “Meet and Greets” , where there is a man (or a woman) of the hour who is surrounded by his/her supporters, critics, and the gadflies who are there for the free food.
But what about good manners and taste when one political firecracker attends the event of another election hopeful? We know class cannot be bought, nor can it be supplemented by campaign funds from well-meaning supporters and political groupies.
Why oh WHY would Yolanda not silence her phone during Chuck’s speech? A ringer should not be allowed to go off THAT many times during such an important point of an event. What are you like at funerals, Madam? And why – furthermore – was she “pressing flesh” with people sitting at their respective tables (whose names she did not know) to prevail upon them with flyers bearing her name and, without discussing anything she stands for, soliciting that their votes be hers?
The humble author is about to take it down a level:
Honey, it is CHUCK’s shindig. Why would you overpower his flyers and stickers with your own? And lay off the eyeliner. Maybe even lighten up the cut of your ‘do a bit – you come off as har d ad harsh and almost glaring with the way you make yourself up. Do yourself a favour. And keep the pamphlets away from the ones that belong to the person these people have come to support.
There is a “time” and a “place” to further your political interests in such an insistent and pressing manner. Such as, for example, YOUR OWN MEET AND GREET.
There were a couple of “may the best candidate win” quips to be heard after such an intrusion during what would have otherwise been a night of gladhanding and support for gentle giant Chuck.
Luckily, the White Knight man of the hour, Chuck Mattingly, was visible and prevailed with his notably palpable presence, as well as the many supporters in tow who acknowledged his accomplishments and CONVICTIONS – both legal and moral. Cheers, all.
-Concha Hemingway
The next dirty trick by Erin was to bring a former daughter-in-law of Yolanda Begum, seemingly of dubious character into her campaign. This lady had once been married to Mike Begum, Jr., the deceased son of Yolanda's husband. This "lady" had some bitter complaints about the distribution of monies from Mike Sr.'s will, but, as Yolanda tried to explain, that was out of her control. That didn't stop Erin making prominent use of this woman for a time in her campaign.
We can look at the method of operation for the two campaigns and make our choice, but I don't believe it's an exaggeration to describe Hernandez behavior as unethical in this and other campaigns. Erin is backed by the Brownsville Cheezmeh group and the Hernandez family historically gets the politiquera vote, but will she get your vote?
Erin's Ethical Violation in the Last Election
In the last city election, "alternate" Municipal Judge Erin H. Garcia was listed as the Treasurer for the campaign of John Villarreal, candidate for City Commissioner, District 4. Notice Canon 5 of the Texas Judicial Code:
"No judge or judicial candidate shall authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for public office."
Actually, Ms. Hernandez Garcia did get to finally wear her judicial robe, swearing in John Villarreal as Brownsville City Commissioner.
Chronology of the Hernandez-Garcia vs. Begum JP Race

Lightly regarded(at the time) JP candidate Yolanda Begum also began to be noticed with the size and enthusiasm of her events. With those early successes came problems. Begum signs all over town started to get vandalized or stolen. A large sign at a relative's house at the V.I.C.C. only a block from Ernie Hernandez' apartment was also stolen. Someone perused her outside trash cans two weeks in a row. This kind of vandalism is, of course, almost impossible to prove. Ernie also got to look at Begum's application and tried to get her disqualified. Later, Ernie proposed a new, smaller district for Begum in the rurals, but Begum declined.
Hernandez-Garcia was now running ads on the Brownsville Cheezmeh site. The Cheezer cultists, with Erasmo Castro fanning the flames, were unrelenting in their criticism of Begum for her Spanish accent, perceived lack of education and even for the way she wore her makeup. Here is an Erasmo Castro article(most likely written by him) running on the site for several days:
Hernandez-Garcia was now running ads on the Brownsville Cheezmeh site. The Cheezer cultists, with Erasmo Castro fanning the flames, were unrelenting in their criticism of Begum for her Spanish accent, perceived lack of education and even for the way she wore her makeup. Here is an Erasmo Castro article(most likely written by him) running on the site for several days:
The picture below was selected by Erasmo to depict Yolanda Begum. I recognize the writing, by it's grammar and syntax as Erasmo's. He always describes himself as humble, although he is anything but. . . . . Erin's monetary support of Cheezmeh began to pay off:
Yolanda Begum. . According to Erasmo Castro
4 February 2012 By cheezmeh
And now is the time for soirΓ¨es and “Meet and Greets” , where there is a man (or a woman) of the hour who is surrounded by his/her supporters, critics, and the gadflies who are there for the free food.
But what about good manners and taste when one political firecracker attends the event of another election hopeful? We know class cannot be bought, nor can it be supplemented by campaign funds from well-meaning supporters and political groupies.
Why oh WHY would Yolanda not silence her phone during Chuck’s speech? A ringer should not be allowed to go off THAT many times during such an important point of an event. What are you like at funerals, Madam? And why – furthermore – was she “pressing flesh” with people sitting at their respective tables (whose names she did not know) to prevail upon them with flyers bearing her name and, without discussing anything she stands for, soliciting that their votes be hers?
The humble author is about to take it down a level:
Honey, it is CHUCK’s shindig. Why would you overpower his flyers and stickers with your own? And lay off the eyeliner. Maybe even lighten up the cut of your ‘do a bit – you come off as har d ad harsh and almost glaring with the way you make yourself up. Do yourself a favour. And keep the pamphlets away from the ones that belong to the person these people have come to support.
There is a “time” and a “place” to further your political interests in such an insistent and pressing manner. Such as, for example, YOUR OWN MEET AND GREET.
There were a couple of “may the best candidate win” quips to be heard after such an intrusion during what would have otherwise been a night of gladhanding and support for gentle giant Chuck.
Luckily, the White Knight man of the hour, Chuck Mattingly, was visible and prevailed with his notably palpable presence, as well as the many supporters in tow who acknowledged his accomplishments and CONVICTIONS – both legal and moral. Cheers, all.
-Concha Hemingway

We can look at the method of operation for the two campaigns and make our choice, but I don't believe it's an exaggeration to describe Hernandez behavior as unethical in this and other campaigns. Erin is backed by the Brownsville Cheezmeh group and the Hernandez family historically gets the politiquera vote, but will she get your vote?
Ernie, Norma and Erin Hernandez are the scum of the earth. It's no wonder they attract the like minded Linda and Erasmo Castro. Not an iota of decency to be found in that lot of dirty miscreants.
ReplyDeleteSo Marchan was found guilty a few hours ago. Wake up call! Time the Democrats clean up their mess and clean house! No more judges who are but 'crooked'(aka corrupt) incompetent lawyers using their position to get 'loans' and favors for their crook friends and family.
ReplyDeleteAre south texas Democrats finally ready to clean up their act?? Are we ready for a clean break from corruption of the past, or more of the same Abel Limas, Ernie Hernandez and Conrado Cantu politics...
(voting for BEGUM)
Ask Ernie about the Wage and hour commission back in the 80's when he was following in his uncle Emilio's foot steps. Askd him how he go two days rotation while everyone else had one. Ask him about the Social Security he was deducting from his former Employees Fernando Ysasi , el Flaco and several other employes. Ask him about the mechanic he had that dies inn his employee and how Ernis took his good tools and replaced them with cheap chinesse tools. The police had to retreive the tools. This is not something new it started when he was just a little two bit punk.
ReplyDeleteLinda and Erasmo would take money from Charles Manson for a few dollars. They would accept money from OJ Simpson and even promise to go and look for the real killers.
Ernie Hernandez only takes from the city and county....he never gives back. Do we see his or Erin's names contributing to local non-profit organizations..NO! Do we see Ernie of Erin hosting anything other than political pachangas....NO! Both are "takers", not "givers". They expect the taxpayers to pay their way in life. After they slide down the road, they leave a trail of slime whereever they go.
ReplyDeleteI work at he high rise and I had never seen such acts of intimidation and bullying as today, performed by Norma and Erin against Yolanda Begum in front of everybody, they looked diabolic.
ReplyDeleteImagine working for these people!!! Lord forbid Erin winning this election, she thinks her shit don't stink! She's just like her father and mother, the epitome of ill-willed individuals. Only care what is good for them. Public servants my ass!! That letter you wrote to your rotten father was pitiful. Perhaps you should've addressed it to the father of your children. Shame on you Erin!!!
Deletepompous, stupid mean and ugly is a horrible combination, poor Erin, just like her mom
ReplyDeleteI have to say I dont know this lady (Erin H. Garcia), but I have seen a lot of signs with her face around town that one time as I was shopping at the HEB on Paredes LN., I saw her rolling a shopping cart. She was alone, her cart half full. She accidentally hit my cart and I heard her soft voice say in Spanish "Oh, con permiso". She almost sounded scared to speak up. I wanted to tell her in English that I understood English and that it was ok that it could happen to anyone; but she almost ran really fast as if she was scared of something. When I got home, I mentioned it to my husband. He said to me that it was probably because I have this thing about staring at people when I see someone on tv or the newspaper then I see them in person. He was probably right, but I just thought it was funny that she spoke really soft and ran away.I am a registered voter, I do vote, but I rather vote for the person than for a political party. Most of the time, my final decision is made the moment I have the voting ballot in my hands.I hope that most voters LISTEN and OBSERVE and make their own decisions at the end.