Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Meanness from Mean Mister Brownsville~Scattered Thoughts

BISD, F.A.F.???????

Item 37 on last Tuesday's agenda: Recommend approval not to offer new employment to (F.A.F.) terminating contract at end of term.

F.A.F., it turns out refers to Fred Anthony Fuller, the former Chief Financial Officer for BISD, who was reassigned on Carl Montoya's first day as interim superintendent, before he even knew where the coffee machine was. Whoever wrote the agenda used initials to shield the action from the tax-paying public and even some board members. So much for transparency! Here is what we wrote back in November of 2011:

" I learned all I need to know about Carl Montoya as superintendent in his first few hours on the job when he suspended the Chief Financial Officer, Tony Fuller, before drinking his first cup of coffee. A thoughtful, careful, discerning leader just assuming oversight does not make a huge personnel decision in his first hours of taking office. He owes his constituents, his staff and his peers more than that. Initially he probes, he questions, he carefully evaluates the needs of the district. He comes up with an evaluation, his evaluation, not someone elses. Even if he decides a change is needed, he still waits until he has carefully evaluated a replacement. Only then does he act.

By making two important personnel moves in the first 48 hours of his new position, Montoya proved that he was not his own man. He was simply following orders. Perhaps, that is why even before the last board meeting Presas-Garcia declared Montoya a good "fit" for the job. That's exactly what Montoya is. He fits perfectly into the plans of those who want to control the district. Do you really think that a district with a $500,000,000 annual budget does not deserve a careful nationwide or even statewide search for a superintendent. The board majority does not. They already have a "fit".'


I just happened to catch the BISD board meeting as Executive Director Mike Gonzalez had finished his pitch for the annual contribution to the shadowy, do-nothing albatross known as "United Brownsville". Luci Longoria wanted to know a little bit more about the organization before committing. Enrique Escobedo tried to articulate what the organization does, but got tongue-tied and deferred to Carl Montoya. Montoya rambled for about a minute with that weird cadence of his, saying absolutely nothing. Escobedo was on the verge of tabling to allow Gonzalez to come back with a more specific presentation catered to the needs of BISD, but someone quickly called for a vote. The agenda item passed 6-1. Perhaps next year we can learn what BISD gets for their $25,000.


An anonymous comment received on the article "How Ernie Hernandez, Jr. Stole An Election~Part III":

"Jim, I have some bad news for you. My aunt, Herminia Becerra, is consulting with an attorney as I send you this. You sir are about to get sued."

Of course, I have no way of knowing who initiated this comment. Sylvia Garza Perez has commented on blog articles before with her signature. So, this may be someone trying to present her in a certain light. BTW, Jared Hockema did inform me that Sylvia is the niece of Herminia Becerra. But, this comment may very well not be from her.

Carlos Quintanilla threatened a pending lawsuit last year, but so far that has not materialized. Suing, of course, is one thing. Collecting is quite another. Although I've not kept up with advances in botany, I'm pretty certain a turnip has not been developed with a circulatory system.


  1. What a joke of a threat. Sylvia Garza Perez will just bring more attention to her family relationship to politiquera Herminia Becerra. Even better if the Herald picked up on it and did an investigative piece on the people running for Democratic chair.

  2. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Moreover, imagine the fun it would be having this lady deposed under oath. A feat that Ruben Pena never accomplished. She ran from service of process........never showed up to Ruben Penas trial.

  3. I think you would have lawyers lining up to represent you pro bono. The discovery in the case would be too fun to miss.

    1. the foregoing post was brought to you by the Cowen Group! Trying to control Brownsville since 1996!

    2. These are actual, practicing lawyers Erin, not merely law school graduates wanting to live off the county.


    3. What the hell do you think Erin does Jim. You're a fucken moron, she has her own law practice. You should really fucking do your homework before talking so much shit to everyone.

    4. I publish the above post because it illustrates the way Erin and those who defend her express themselves. This is not a reasoned, articulate mindset, but simply the language of the street.


    5. the foregoing post was brought to you by the Cowen Group! Trying to control Brownsville since 1996!

      The Cowen family is one of the oldest families in Brownsville, they were here when Fort Brown had soldiers stationed here. So they have been around before 1996.

  4. Jim, you are grrrreeeaaattttt!!!!

  5. Was Jared's dad the guy who defended Ernie at Ruben Pena's election contest?

  6. You are absolutely right about collecting. Which would be next to near impossible from you since you are broke as a joke. Your just another scab that lives off the scraps of others. Why do you think you and nena are Mchales lackies because he gives you free booze and bar nuts. You are so easily bought.

    1. Now, that's upsetting, Erin. Jerry has never sprung for bar nuts. He did buy a round at Cobbleheads at the Chuck Mattingly Meet and Greet. The thing is, we got to talking and joking so much on the back deck, we forgot to join you in the buffet line. Also, in the interest of accuracy, it's you're, not "your" in the context you chose.


      ps: The real scabs are the politicos who use their elected position to profit from the city and/or county. The hardworking taxpayers end up supplying, not only their food, but housing, insurance, vehicles and travel expenses plus profit from businesses operating unethically.


    2. Seriously Jim you need help. Your dillusions are getting worst. I've seen several of your past coversations with your blog and you always seem to think you are talking to her. Nothing but more proof that your just like all the other low lifes that likes to write about people since you all have have had pathetic meanless lives. Erin must truly being doing something right with her campaign for you to be so obbessed with her. Your just like Jerry when it comes to talking about Ernie. Can't say much about Montoya because he is just loyal to whoever pay hims. Yolanda must really be scared. I recently found out you and nena were one of the first ones there at Erins party at the Amigoland Convention Center and you two were one of the first ones in line for beer and food.You two are so desperate swinging from limb to limb to see who feeds you all. Finally, you found your nest at the Cresent Moon. Hope you find the the help you so desperatly need. Whats most distrubing that the shit you and Jerry write is disgusting and you both work with children. Don't be surprised if you lose your job someday because of your after hours activities.

    3. The above comment is a good example of the kind of illiterate commentary coming from the Hernandez camp or Brownsville Cheezmeh. It does sound like Erin in tone but I can't believe she would misspell that many words or make that many grammatical errors.

      As far as this uneducated person getting us fired, that is unlikely since Nena and I have been retired for 8 years. The work we do at CASA is volunteer work and exposing corruption by the Hernandez's or other local politicos will not cause us to lose our volunteer position.


    4. They are vile people who make little attempt to hide it. I don't know one Democrat who is voting for Erin. the Democratic old guard, if not for Begum are supporting Tapia or Cookie Covarrubias.

  7. And "the beat goes on" in BISD....Nothing new, just a new bunch of crooks leading the process. Montoya is a joke, and just a puppet of some of the Trustees....who are also jokes. What a bunch of crooks, giving money to "United Brownsville" for political purposes, but not willing to pay a fair wage to many district employees.

  8. Forget about the not paying a fair wage to district employees, what about all of the layoffs that are taking place that no one seems to worry about. $25K to United Brownsville, FOR WHAT! This is just pathetic, supplies accounts done away with and almost all have been cut in half and these are the expenditures that go directly to the students. OMG the entire School Board needs to go, they really have no idea what they are doing.

    If you are correct and this is nothing more than a political payoff then I have no sympathy for any of the Board members when they get voted out.

    1. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours.




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