Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jared Hockema Comments at Meet and Greet

Jared Hockema seems already to be the de facto Cameron County Democratic Chair. In effect, of course, he is, with the current incumbent Gilberto Hinojosa pursuing the state job.

His challenge, should he win the job, will be to distance himself from the strongly-perceived image of Democratic officeholders using their position for personal enrichment, intimidation and shenanigans at the polls and the use of politiqueras.

He definitely touched on some of those themes in the video of his statement above.

Visiting with the candidate's father, David Hockema, during the buffet, I learned one of Jared Hockema's few flaws~chronic tardiness. A father knows his son. Jared came in about 20 minutes late.


  1. Why is Jared using the same slogan, Moving Forward, as the Toyota Prius?

    1. because it's the sincerest form of flattery?

    2. There is a fine line between ripping off and imitation especially when it comes to Cameron County Hooter-crats.

  2. Fortunately, or unfortunately the Cameron County Democratic Party, in its current form, is the same as the PRI in Mexico. Do nothing for the people, enrich themselves, and when it's election time, give out tshirts, have a pachanga, and pave a street or two. then, rig the election, and do it all over again.
