Thursday, April 12, 2012

Norma Hernandez's Cousin Adriol Cadriel Charged With Murder, Sexual Assault of A Child

Several have written to confirm that Adriol Cadriel is a cousin of Norma Hernandez, the wife of Ernie Hernandez, County Commissioner.

While Harlingen police had Adriol Cadriel in custody for sexual assault of a child, he was charged by Combes police with the murder of Brisna Mireles, a 20 year old former student of Harlingen High School.

Here's more: (this is back from archives 1993) Aroldo Humberto Cadriel, 46, was arrested March 11, 1993 for allegedly making "offensive contact" with a 14-year-old girl on March 10, 1993 at Cummings Middle School. Cadriel said he did not know why a student would make up a story about him. He said Cummings does not have a reputation for being the home of mild-mannered students. "Anybody who's aware about Cummings knows that Cummings has some pretty aggressive students," he said. The 14-year-old student said she was shocked when Cadriel touched her. "When he grabbed me I asked him, `Why are you doing that?' He said, `I want some attention." "I'll be glad to challenge her in court," Cadriel said. Court records show that Cadriel has been charged three times with telephone harassment. A 1988 complaint charged Cadriel with making obscene phone calls to a woman. The judge ruled that the complaint was vague and overly broad and dismissed the case. The other two cases, from 1988 and 1989, also were dismissed.


  1. Please note that this guy had been given no bond and Luis Saenz granted him bond. note that Chester Gonzalez also offices with Luis Saenz

    1. This murder child rape suspect is out on bond? Are you kidding?

    2. He is still in Jail

    3. Why did Saenz give him bond if the judge said not to give bond? This creep should not be eligible to be set free. Amit Livingston II

  2. They get away with the little things and move up to the big things, like murder. Maybe if there had been some meaningful intervention earlier rather then vaguely worded complaints by cops and/or prosecutors and some follow up, like a new complaint, that young woman would still be alive.

  3. Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez is related to this person

    1. That's easy to say because Norma's maiden name is Cadriel, but what's the relationship if you really know?


    2. Who cares...if he is it would be by marriage. Everyone has a nut in their family and no one can control that.

    3. Cadriel’s arrest and the charges against him came as a shock to extended family members.

      Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez is related to Cadriel by marriage. Hernandez’s wife and Cadriel are first cousins.

      "He’s kind of a recluse," Hernandez said. "I’ve only met him a couple of times."

      "I was honestly shocked when I read the paper this morning," Hernandez said. The commissioner also noted that Cadriel had been upset with him.

      Cadriel is tied to the Cadriel Firing Range in Los Fresnos, which at one time was in Precinct 2.

      "He’d ask me for a water line and street paving for some property they had in Los Fresnos and I said no because it was too remote," Hernandez said. The road to the firing range has had caliche applied, but when asked about it, Hernandez said the county hadn’t done the work.

      "It didn’t come from us," Hernandez said, referring to the caliche road.

      Hernandez said the family was shocked by the charges against Cadriel.

      today's brownsville herald

    4. Notice Ernie said the county hadn't "done the work." He didn't say the county didn't supply the caliche.

  4. This cadriel guy is a 2nd cousin to norma. From what I've been told though this cAdriel guy has always been reclusive and estranged from the family.

  5. Damn, this man is related to Ernie Hernandez. Is he related to the guy that had someone tested for him.
    Jimmy, the city of Brownsville and Cameron County are corrupted to the Max.

  6. Norma Hernandez is related to Aroldo, the accused killer. It's her first cousin. Pobrecita Erin, will only hurt her campaign :(

    1. This guy sounds nuts but I don't think this will hurt Erin. Not like she can control his actions.

    2. Erin's cousin AROLDO just destroyed this campaign faster than dumping a dead 20 year old on the side of the highway. figuratively speaking;

  7. Ernie is surely distancing himself from the Cadriel's. Didn't he try to get one of the Cadriel's hired by the County?? Up east they call families like this "Rednecks Peckerwoods"....down here what are they called....other than pendejos and assholes.?

    1. It's not that Ernie is distancing himself, they have NEVER been close to the cadriels. I know the family, and what they are saying about Aroldo is true, he's always been a little on the nutty side. Just look at his Facebook page, the guy is wayyyyy out there.

    2. Former county Human Services Director Robert Lopez and Roberto Cadriel resigned from county employment in July and August amid allegations that a county employee took a civil service examination for Cadriel who had failed the test twice before. Roberto Cadriel is Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez Jr.’s brother-in-law.

      Passage of the civil service examination is a requirement for county employment.

      At the time, Hernandez has said that he didn’t know anything and that neither he nor his assistant or acquaintances had pressed anyone into taking the exam for Cadriel.

      Cadriel, 54 and a convicted felon, had been hired by the county as a noncommissioned security guard to maintain vigilance over the pedestrian gate and toll facilities at the international bridges.

      In his application for employment, he disclosed that he was on probation and that he had been dismissed from the city of Brownsville due to misconduct.

      Brownsville herald

  8. Compadrismo is alive in Cameron County! This is a perfect example! What business did Saenz have in setting a bond on this guy when the judge had already set a no bond. WTF!!!

    1. Saenz has 19 years experience. He can do what the F he wants to do.

    2. ^^^ Saenz campaign FAIL

  9. there has got to be some kind of connection. this guy has gotten break after break from our local judicial system. could it be that politiquera influence has done the trick? the power to swing elections is a big deal. just sayin'

  10. Mr. Cadriel has had almost no contact with the Hernandez family for many years. In fact, the family is totally shocked at these charges. Almost every family has someone like this who does terrible things. It should not affect the way one views the family as a whole or how they vote in an election.

    1. so then he's just gotten lucky, every time that charges have been levied against one has ever helped him out for his connections.. that is some coincidence...

    2. Well, dumbass. Character does affect my vote. I'm more than tired of the crooked Hernandez pendejos.

  11. This is Cameron County people!!! Please DO NOT VOTE for Luis Saenz.

  12. No more Hernandez. No mas!!!! No mas Ernie! No Erin!

  13. This are the Cadriel family values, felons, murderers, bullys, corrupt, even Ernie is an angel compared to his wife and that is saying much. Norma probably offered Luis Saenz to get him all the ilegal votes he wanted in exchange for her cousin s freedom. Brownsville deserves better

  14. Ernie is trying to distance himself from this Cadriel the same way he tried to distance himself from the other Cadriel, but no matter how close or distanced they were, the DNA in this family is evident, Norma is evil, and her brother a mentally challenged moron, and this a murderous pedophile. Just remember that the fruit does not fall far from the tree, beware of Erin

    1. These people are a family of royal fuck ups. Every single one. They want us to vote for them? yeah pfffft

  15. Come on Rio Grande Valley Citizens, Que Pasa?.. what happened to innocent until proven guilty.

  16. Pls re-post
    AnonymousApr 13, 2012 01:56 PM
    Cadriel’s arrest and the charges against him came as a shock to extended family members.

    Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez is related to Cadriel by marriage. Hernandez’s wife and Cadriel are first cousins.

    "He’s kind of a recluse," Hernandez said. "I’ve only met him a couple of times."

    "I was honestly shocked when I read the paper this morning," Hernandez said. The commissioner also noted that Cadriel had been upset with him.

    Cadriel is tied to the Cadriel Firing Range in Los Fresnos, which at one time was in Precinct 2.

    "He’d ask me for a water line and street paving for some property they had in Los Fresnos and I said no because it was too remote," Hernandez said. The road to the firing range has had caliche applied, but when asked about it, Hernandez said the county hadn’t done the work.

    "It didn’t come from us," Hernandez said, referring to the caliche road.

    Hernandez said the family was shocked by the charges against Cadriel."

    today's brownsville herald

  17. Oh Erin you are obviously posting and reposting your dad's distancing from your uncle, and no murderous pedophiles and convicted felons and corrupt officials thank God, don't come in every family



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