Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Local 970 Firefighter/Paramedics Union Endorses Yolanda Begum for Justice of the Peace, 2-2

"To whom it may concern,The B.U.C. Is not endorsing in the JP Pct. 2-2 race. However under B.U.C. rule if the Unions do not come to a unanimous consensus each Union is free to choose their candidate of choice. Good Luck to all the candidates.That said,Congratulations Ms. Yolanda Begum you have The Endorsement from Brownsville Firefighters /Paramedics Local 970 for Justice of the peace Pct. 2-2"


  1. "Good luck to all the candidates".....but this blog will only make comment on the ones supported by the blogger. Why did this union support her......???? Any idea? What makes her a good candidate....has that ever been printed. Typical Brownsville politics.....

    1. Perhaps, reading comprehension is a factor here. The blog has commented on most of the candidates in some form or fashion. As to the specific attributes of Yolanda Begum, a couple of articles cover that. Begum seems atypical to many I've spoken with, such as Joseph O'Bell, who two days ago told us he found her refreshingly different.


    2. Yolanda Begum es la mejor candidata para Pct.2-2.
      Yolanda Begum is the BEST CANDIDATE for Pct. 2-2.
