Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The BISD Show, 4-1/2 Hours of Incompetence, A Dumb Lawyer, One Bright Kid


by Jim Barton on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 1:40am

     The Brownsville Independent School District, sporting a $500,000,000 annual budget does not want leadership of any kind, thank you very much. Why else would the board eschew a nationwide or even statewide search for a permanent superintendent, leave the vacancy open for a skant day, then lock in a mediocre interim super, known more for obeying orders than issuing them? The rules call for the job to be open for 10 days, then a 21 day period before a winner could be named. Attorney Arturo Michel, the board's equivalent to Craig Ferguson's metal sidekick Geoff Peterson issued his legal one-liner after adding 10+21:  Just wait 31 days. Presto, you're legal! And you thought law school was hard.

     The board president started off the festivities by chastising facility engineering and other officials for allowing a $60,000,000 Veteran's Memorial to be turned over without the welding classrooms being wired for welding. Please tell me I didn't hear that welding students had been sitting in welding classes for two years without welders.

     The small audience outwaited the alleged executive session to hear the dramatic consideration of agenda point #43, which would effectively hand the superintendentship to Montoya. The drama of a tie vote was quickly broken with a change of heart by Joe Colunga, most likely in the interest of peace.
Peace was not the prevailing spirit as matronly realtor Presas-Garcia and annoying Minerva Pena catfought all night. At one point Presas-Garcia simply swiped the floor from Pena with "I'm gonna run the meeting." Joe Colunga questioned the handling of a forensic audit with his agonizingly slow delivery. Bypassing the board with any evidence turned auditors into prosecutors, he felt. Carlos Montoya said "no problemo." He was briefed. Much later, trustee Aguilar asked if he could be briefed.
     The lone bright spot and only coherent adult was Sergio Cavazos, a Veteran's Memorial junior who gave an impromptu presentation in the public comment portion. Sergio praised the new principal at Veteran's for his handling of a difficult situation and mildly chastised the board for not having a concrete plan for the school.


  1. You are posting a picture of my underage nephew without our families consent. If this picture and his name is not removed immediately we his family will file a complaint with the District Attorney for exploitation and breech of confidentiality. Because he is a minor you would have had to obtain parent permission to publish his photograph Mr. Barton.

  2. I heard Cata said that the deposition were "innuendos and falsifications" but yet she does not deny any of it....WHY??

  3. When Lucy tried to shut down Colunga by saying "if you want to go that route, maybe we can bring certain tapes hu" Do this means all of Mary Rey Depo is true, and they are threatening Colunga that if he tries to remove them, he will also be removed? Oh My GOD! Mary Rey needs to do the 2nd part ASAP!!!!!

  4. Congatulations to this elocuent young man.

  5. Jim, Bobby WC is now turning agains Mary Rey (or so he says?) are you turning against her too?
    I feel like this lady is very honest, furthermore, i believe that because of her statements, Catalina Presas-Garcia will remove herself.

  6. Talk about ego...this Cata lady does not want to follow the Robert Rules... do they not apply to her or what? because she blatlantly disregarded the request of Minerva Pena to have the floor....This is wrong....Minerva needs to look the Board'S handbook. Cata can and will be sanctioned.

  7. Only in Brownsville!!

  8. Vamos a ver que sigue. mi hijo me leyo esto y yo voy a seguir leyendolo. Garcias

  9. What a JOKE! this Board is.
    Thank you Jim Barton, keep up the good work!!!

  10. "Attorney Arturo Michel, the board's equivalent to Craig Ferguson's metal sidekick Geoff Peterson...."

    Much akin like Jim Barton BWC metal sidekick. Secondly, will you remove this student's photo as requested by presumably his relative? I dare you to publish this!

  11. I am the student, you can add me on facebook and I'll verify I wrote this comment and that my parents gave Mr. Barton consent to post this. Don't you dare lie and say youre related to me whoever posted that anonymous comment. you are simply a LIAR

  12. As to the only coherent adult being Sergio Cavazos, I will second that !!!!

    Young man made that Presas-Garcia plant(and fellow RATA) Ernesto De Leon look like a bumbling idiot.

  13. To the 5:47 am comment
    You are very stupid!
    Jim Barton is doing everything in his power to keep us ALL informed...inclding stupid people like you!!
    He uses his time and money not to mention he is very objective, and you threaten him??? You must be related to Quintanilla and/or the board majority.... Who knows???

  14. Hey Jim, I need to know when is this lady Ms Mary doing the rest of the deposition?

  15. She is not, Bobby and Jim were used by Mary Rey. They took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

  16. Mr. Barton, my name is Sergio A. Cavazos father of Sergio M. Cavazos. I thank you for the comments that you posted about my son. As you can see I am a very proud father and I am very happy that Sergio is concerned and involved in all school activites.
    Son thank you for being you. I thank God every day that I have a son like you. Keep up the good work and like I tell you NEVER give up and keep pushing forward. DAD

  17. Mary Rey is for real and is telling the truth. Cata you better be shaking in your shoes my dear. Oh wait, you are toooooooooo dumb to know when you are in real deep shi*!

  18. Didn't Quintanilla tell you what happens to co-conspirators?? They do go down too.

    Mary will not back down 'cause she has the truth by her side, and if she is able to present some sort of evidence....I do not want to be on your shoes guys. All of you will go down.
