Sunday, November 14, 2021


Gerrymandering, manipulating the boundaries of a political district to favor one party over the other, is one of the uglier aspects of politics.

Texas, according to the Associated Press, is the most gerrymandered state in the union.

Take a gander at the map above.  Those odd, irregularly shaped districts are not the result of natural boundaries like rivers, mountain ranges or even county lines, but pure political skulduggery.

While the lines we see are currently shaped by the controlling Republicans, both parties do this kind of shit when they get the chance.

Locally, the District 34 race, has obviously been effected, with Representative Vicente Gonzalez, a Democrat, switching districts after Governor Abbott and Texas Republicans gerrymandered his district into a more Republican one.

Gonzalez now wants to run for re-election in District 34, one one that gerrymandering left predominantly Democrat.

We encountered a Vicente Gonzalez campaign sign with a generic "for U.S. Congress" phrasing with Gonzalez in a quizzical, squinting "what should I do now?" expression.

Gerrymandering reared its ugly head and seemingly has made Gonzalez' decision for him.  

He's running for District 34 as his former District 15 has become more of a challenge.


  1. The Rio Grande Valley is overwhelmingly Hispanic and the GOP's attempt to whiten and dilute Hispanic voters is disgusting. They are taking away representation by merging solid Hispanic districts and elongating them in these bizarre sperm tail districts with a bunch of whites up in counties to the north. Jim Crow 2021

    1. They made the district more Hispanic with the revisions in CD15 where Vicente used to be. So your logic is based on lies. Look at the numbers pendejo. Que citing Jim Crow but hasn’t looked at the facts. Pendejo.

  2. Dumbass Abbott gleefully signed the bill with the new Republican "tweaks" in the districts. Our country and state have never been so dishonestly partisan. Texas is in the forefront of this slime.

    1. The fake Christian right is largely to blame.
