Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hand Sanitizer Section at H.E.B. Plus

"Boca Chica  H.E.B. is in a state of panic.  Let's go darling!" said Ana urgently.

I was on board for what I thought would simply be a photo shoot as we didn't really need anything, but once we got in the store, we quickly got caught up in the herd mentality and found ourselves fighting for water, sanitizer and disinfectant.

Boca Chica H.E.B., not our normal store, despite being the closest, was already out of sanitizer and disinfectant and almost out of water at about 7 PM last night.  Supplies of flour, masa, lard and rice were nearly depleted.

When we got to the checkout area with our water, the lines were prohibitive, so we decided to take our business to H.E.B. Plus on Paredes Line Road.  It's long been obvious that Boca Chica H.E.B. is not well managed, simply refusing to hire enough cashiers.  The plan is to force the clientele to the self-checkout area or to stand in long lines.  Corporate frequently makes these choices in poorer areas to maximize profits.

As someone very familiar with retail, it's obvious to me that H.E.B. and Walmart make obscene profit in Brownsville and their collective disregard for local customers in not hiring enough cashiers is simply greedy profiteering.


  1. Limits? Our HEB store in Harlingen does not put limits on what you can buy! Wow.

  2. Thank you for this article and for the spot-on perspective you bring to the topic. This situation is exemplary of important issues for survival of us all.

    I wrote a response to the blog about the Facebook account claiming that there are individuals with suspected covid-19 disease at Valley Regional Hospital and in that response I suggested how the government should have responded at the first report of the virulent way the Coronavirus was spreading. Anyone interested can find that response in previous editions of this blog. I took it upon myself to call the hospital to verify the truth or falsehood of that claim. Thankfully I was told it was false. In the midst of understandable panic in the community, I find it unconscionable that anyone would make such a claim.

    We are in the midst of a class war and it's global. There is an all-out assault on working people and democracy being waged by the global oligarchy. The ruling elite are feeling the pressure and are showing us that in the way they are cracking down on free speech, the free press, dissent and the voices of anyone who dares to speak the truth in the matter.

    It is a fact that the corporate oligarchy very purposefully targets poor communities in the way mentioned in this article and in other ways as well. Advertisements for sub par, in some cases, dangerous products are blasted at poorer communities across the globe. The products are offered at seemingly affordable prices, making the pressure to purchase these things almost insurmountable. Additionally, helpful, educational information is withheld from these same groups of people. This is the nature of the inhumane capitalist system we live in. What is needed is a coordinated social response based on science and fact. Government leaders across the globe must be held to account for their illegal and immoral behavior. The more poor working people are attacked in this way, the closer we come to a revolt of the working class.

  3. 50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

    Republicans are pro child abuse.

  4. People across Texas were forced to wait hours to vote on Tuesday in part because for several years, the state has systematically closed polling places in communities with large and growing Black and Latino populations. And that casts doubt on whether Democrats actually have a chance to turn the state blue in 2020, regardless of whom they nominate.

  5. Well, of course they ran out! Brownsville is the dirtiest town in Texas!

  6. The Trump administration’s strategy on the coronavirus from the outset has focused relentlessly on the stock market, treating the virus as a partisan plot by Democrats to stoke panic. Trump has, accordingly, issued a series of optimistic and sometimes delusional assessments, in the apparent belief that he can contain the panic through sheer force of propaganda.

    As the virus has spread, this position has grown increasingly untenable. At first, Trump was simply making extremely unlikely predictions about the future, claiming that he prevented the virus from infecting Americans by boldly closing the border. This message worked only until the coronavirus appeared in the U.S. Amazingly, Trump is still hewing to this false talking point.

    “This came unexpectedly, it came out of China, we closed it down, we stopped it, it was a very early shut down,” he told reporters this morning. Trump’s chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, declared on CNBC, “I would still argue to you that this thing is contained.”

    It is definitely not contained.

  7. Nothing new on this dead blog. Coronavirus got your keyboard?

  8. Trump’s new European travel restrictions have a convenient side effect: They exempt nations where three Trump-owned golf resorts are located.

    Trump is already under fire for visiting his properties in both countries as president, leading to U.S. taxpayer money being spent at his own firms. The president has been saddled with lawsuits and investigations throughout his term alleging that he’s violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by accepting taxpayer money other than his salary.

    The U.S. government proclamation initiating the ban targets 26 European countries that comprise a visa-free travel zone known as the Schengen Area.

    The United Kingdom, which is home to Trump Turnberry and Trump International Golf Links, and Ireland, which is home to another Trump-branded hotel and golf course at Doonbeg, do not participate in the Schengen Area. Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are also not part of the Schengen Area. All three of the resorts are struggling financially.
