Wednesday, July 3, 2019


New Footwear Purchased
Yesterday at J.C. Penney
A man of mature age pointed at my feet as I entered the City Commission chambers last night.

"Flip flops, really?" asked the gentleman rhetorically, shaking his head.

There was no time or opportunity to explain that I've worn flip flops every day at all kinds of events during my 15-1/2 years of retirement.

We called them thongs as kids growing up southeast of Seattle when the craze of so-called jap crap hit the coast in the late 50's.  

Back then, the 88 Cents Store sold merchandise imported from Japan, all for .88 USD or less; cameras, radios, even baseballs.

I bought one of the radios, actually a crystal set that had clips that had to be attached to the kitchen faucet for grounding.  I could get only KOMO and KJR, the two most powerful stations in Seattle, listening with headphones.

The thongs took some getting use to with that annoying strap between your toes, but what other footwear could you get for 50 cents or so?  I'm pretty sure I wore thongs or flip flops every summer after that and brought a pair with me to Brownsville in 1966.

FiancΓ©e Ana is not exactly on #teamflipflop, preferring that I wear something more protective.  I admit that Cebu City sidewalks and streets posed some danger to uncovered feet.  To appease her, at our wedding, I may wear the round toe black PropΓ©t walking shoes I've used for funerals.

For most other endeavors, I will go with flip flops.  If the Tarahumara of northern Mexico can run 50 kilometer races in sandals made from recycled tires, I'm not worried about my J.C. Penney footwear giving me fallen arches.


  1. 15-1/2 years of retirement? Don’t you mean 30 years of unemployment and 15 and a half years of retirement?

    1. No. My life, not yours.

    2. He's a ne'er-do-well, Jim, to his deceased mom's eternal shame.

  2. it's not about you and your arches, it's about stinky old man's feet. at least wrap them up in socks...
