Tuesday, September 26, 2017

District Attorney Luis V. Saenz Calls for City Commissioner Cesar de Leon to Resign over Racist Remarks

District Attorney Luis V. Saenz

“Number one I was shocked and then number two is angered.

“I find his apology to be insincere. I like other members of the community believe that he should resign and leave that office and leave that to somebody else who has the proper temperament” 

District Attorney Luis V. Saenz


  1. Isn't that the CORRUPT pot calling the kettle BLACK!! Saenz should lead by example!! He is the biggest crooked in the county. Lies about trying to stop Corruption all the while working his own agenda to settle scores with political enemies!!

  2. Isn't that the CORRUPT pot calling the kettle BLACK!! Saenz should lead by example!! He is the biggest crook in the county. Lies about trying to stop Corruption all the while working his own agenda to settle scores with political enemies!!

  3. Saenz wants Cesar to go so he doesn't have to deal with the Rigo vs Carlos Show.

  4. Cesar's hateful words should be rejected by everyone . Luis Saenz , however , is the last person that should say anything. He finds Cesar's apology insincere ? Luis Saenz's existence is insincere ! He should lock himself in jail and quit making a mockery of justice . Ha Ha, charade you are.

  5. @ anonymous 8:57am I could not have said it any better! I concur wholeheartedly!! Luis is making a mockery of justice. His very existence is deceptive, and evil. There is NOT an honest bone in his body and I'm sure he sold his soul to the devil a looonnggg time ago!!
