Saturday, December 10, 2016

Former Mayor Pat Ahumada Responds to Criticism from the McHale Report

From the editor:  I just noticed this comment in my email, sent this morning at 3:58 AM.  It is a response, in part, to something written about Ahumada in the McHale Report.  We publish it in the interest of getting both sides of a matter out in the open.

Jerry McHale has made it a malicious career to
make up stuff, slandering people and bullying people to get readers to his blog. 

The most recent post is that I am running against Debbie Portillo for District-3 and that I cannot work with people, which are lies and he never interviewed me before posting these lies. 

I ran for mayor for the right reasons and never compromised on my principals of integrity or ethics, but if you believe Jerry writings, I am the worst mayor that has ever served our city, but does that mean he thinks Eddie Trevino and Tony Martinez were better mayors or who is he comparing me to and based on what accomplishments. 

I have always worked well with city staff, been respectful to those who wanted to work with me, which is how I got many things accomplished and even worked well under difficult circumstances with Charlie Cabler, Pete Gonzalez, and Chief Carlos Garcia, who were out to frame me to get me to resign. 

Cabler authorized the criminal complaint and they sought the FBI’s help, but they refused to go along with their malicious prosecution, because there was no theft. It was all political to ruin and remove me from office, with the first plea bargain offered was my freedom if I resigned, which I refused and went through two trials very costly trials. 

The jury saw through the politics with a not guilty verdict, but still Jerry maliciously professes and promotes I am thief and does not even question Pete Gonzalez department that shredded the log that proved I never set foot in his office or took the check and the many other discrepancies in the complaint. To quote police Chief Carlos Garcia, “we do not like him”, which was their motive and I knew it, but I still worked well with them while I was mayor and they cannot say any different, but Karma will bring justice. 

Since I was first elected in 1990, the public record is consistent on how Jerry McHale and others have done all they could to discredit me and have never stopped trying to do so, because I am grassroots and will never compromise on the principals for good government. 

There even was a $5000 bounty offered to bring me down, which is in the police files. I have stood up against the very worst, including Robert Kahn with the Herald who was unmerciful and a bully like Jerry. I stood up to special interest like Juliet Garcia, Tony Garza, Cardenas, Imagine Brownsville, and others, which has cost me dearly.

I have never been afraid to stand up for what is right for Brownsville and I am feared by some who do not uphold a good government standard. Jerry promotes hate to create false perceptions and some weak minded people believe his crap, but my record is solid and speaks louder than his blogs or the attacks by others. 

In spite of what Jerry prints, the bottom line is that there has been no conviction since I was elected mayor for DWI, theft, not even the gaming, which was a very weak case. Jerry lives in a glass house, yet he throws stones. Jerry claims I could not put a majority together to get anything done, which obviously indicates he is ignorant and delusional, because if this were true, how did I get the many initiatives passed? 

My initiatives that overcame a $2.0 million budget deficit during a bad recession in 1991 was made possible by working with others and we sold bonds to do capital improvements to build the library, pave streets, and reduce the tax rate. I introduced the initiative to bring Continental airlines when Brownsville had no passenger service and was even ordered by the President of Texas Commerce Bank, Bobby Duffey to focus on Brownsville as a freight airport because Harlingen was the metro-plex airport for the region, but I stood firm for Brownsville. 

Back then, the city was very dirty and we had no street sweepers, resulting in my initiative to fund a fleet of street sweepers, fund beautification programs that led to planting 10,000 palm trees, introduce a recycling program, which is better than what we have now, we cut waste, increased revenues, got out of costly and controversial contracts, we held people accountable, lowered utility rates, and passed the bag ordinance by working with people to get these initiatives passed. 

I introduced the initiative to build the Southmost police substation when the police union opposed my proposal, but it got done by working with people. We got millions of dollars in Obama stimulus money for PUB/City who was not even applying because management believed we did not qualify due to a misinterpretation, but I called Washington to get clarity on the dead line day and immediately ordered PUB John Bruciak and Ben Medina to submit projects before the 5 pm and we got millions of dollars, last I heard $100 million.

All these initiatives and accomplishments was done by standing up, fighting for Brownsville and working well with people, which Jerry does not want you to know and continuously slanders me, while h e hides behind the second amendment thinking this gives him a license to be a bully and make up stuff, which has resulted in Mike Hernandez suing Jerry and I hope he wins. 

The people Jerry refers to that I could not work with, are people like Charlie Atkinson who was toxic and pursued a personal agenda, people like Cris Valadez and people like himself who are constantly attacking me, but I have the right to defend myself and will. I opposed the Tenaska project when I was mayor. I stood alone on the commission against Imagine Brownsville and opposed the Border Wall, because I wanted to build a river walk like San Antonio. 

What Jerry does not want people to know is that he and Cris Valadez were very instrumental in getting Tony Martinez elected, which he refuses to accept responsibility for and the corruption that has resulted because of their help. This has led to real estate purchases not needed at inflated prices, the attempted Lincoln Park give away and the politically entrenchment that is now costing taxpayers millions of dollars and we are forced to swallow the elite self serving agenda, which proves how much harm Jerry has done to our community with his hate, bullying, slandering, and making up stuff that he posts, but when he gets to Hell with his hate, he will remember me, because I will have the last laugh.

Pat Ahumada



  1. Pat, you're absolutely and totally illiterate. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and give up politics and trying to explain why you're such a loser. Go back to shrimping, or anything else that will assist you in just keeping you thoughts and opinions to yourself.

    1. Anonymous, your comments are worthless if you cannot sign your name. You are the problem and just like Jerry a bully who does a lot of harm to our community. Hope you join the psychopath in Hell where cowards belong. Lol!

  2. This is not complex, Rick Longoria and Pat did not get along. The endless fighting between Pat, Charlie and Rick turned people off big time. This is a fact. Rick is the only one who survived by a thin hair because his opponent did not have money. Had his oppoenent had money Rick would have been sent packing. Jerry is friends with Rick so he must trash Pat. And this my friends is why the blogs will never be anything but a joke. Jerry protects Rene Oliviera as if he is his first born while using endless vulgarities against Juliet Garcia. It was Rene who wrote the law which allowed allowed UT to not pay rent, not Dr. Garcia. So why the pass, because money buys silence? CNN has an entire section where it clearly says the articles are bought and paid for. The problem with the blogs is the lack of transparency. If you want to be a paid advocate for someone just be honest and say you are being paid to write. But this nonsense of pay of be trashed, or answer my questions or be trashed takes all credility from th blogs. It does not even remotely approach journalism.

    Oh, I want to know how every candidate feels about petitioning the state and feds to build the weir dam for Space X use for now. Pat was always right on this project, but petty differences with other commissioners made an almost already impossible task even more difficult. We have a short window on this, and now is the time to make it happen.

    Pat is also less than honest. No Pat we did not imagine you, Charlie and Rick going at it week after week. We do agree Portillo, Villarreal, and Gowen have to go. We do agree it would be best if it were a ticket. But a ticket of what? Unless the candidate agrees to vote to dismiss the extraterritorial lawsuit, they will not get my vote. I only get to vote in the Gowen race. We need a ticket which has very clearly defined goals which moves Brownsville forward with the county as one unit. I will vote a blank ballot before i vote for anyone who does not support this simple concept. It is how cities and counties move forward.

    Finally, I agree the recycled candidates are a major problem. After you have lost twice, move on. Get the hint. I will presume you are a nice person, but you cannot win and all you are doing is helping the wrong people win.

    I have no idea who is lying and who is telling the truth. But many sources stated that Pat angered many people in how he worked with Bocanegra on his campaign for BISD. He never had a chance so it really did not matter. But the fact Pat Bocanegra who has supported one bad elected official after another gives me great pause in voting for anyone back by Pat. Pat has denied the allegations he hurt Bocanegra's campaign. Since I was not there I do not who is telling the truth. But a team ticket can only win if it is lead by people who do not anger people. The team must have clearly stated goals. If not we are voting blindly and that helps no one. Also, I will not vote against someone. You either stand for Brownsville and Cameron county as one, or I vote a blank ballot.

    Bobby WC

    1. I call BS on your comment. Rigo Bocanegra did not lose because of Pat, he lost because the butch Sylvia and her band of DIRTY WENCHES Sylvia Garza Perez, Jessica Tetreau, Cesar DeLeon, Carlos Elizondo "El Fester" and his weird shaped wife with the huge rack chicken legs flat ass and smelly breath decided to team up and help Charlie "Cuckoo" Atkinson's butch sister. Not to mention Laura "La Wheela" Reyes teamed up with Team Omar Lucio and Atkinson. Nobody gave a flying fudge about Pat helping or not helping. Don't be ignorant Bobby. Why didn't you help if you cared so much? You chose to not help anyone. Bocanegra may have helped people he didn't know were shitty people until it was too late but we have all trusted the wrong people at one point or another. That doesn't make him a bad person. Bocanegra is a good man who has literally helped many people not running for office. He's helped the poor and homeless as well as many elected officials. What have you done Bobby besides complain and NOT VOTE?

    2. The coward who will not put his name to his post my post calls my post all BS. The VA put out a list of the worse VA facilities. On a scale of 1-5, the year before last VA Harlingen got a 1, this past year they got a 2. I have spent 12 years fighting our VA system. In fact I am working on an IG demand concerning falsification of medical records by many of the quacks who work at the VA. And guess what? Top officials at the VA Harlingen are working with me, because their bosses refuse to help with the incredible incompetence of so many of the specialist. There is at least one specialist who has put out a note to doctors to stop sending their patients to outside specialists. The veterans refuse to see the specialist who works for the VA. He a horrible horrible doctor.

      I have lost count on how many parents I have helped wage war against BISD for denyiing their special needs children accomodations. We have won every battle. I help veterans get disability ratings. I help with appeals when the VA ignores their own rules. They actually have a special form for veterans who contracted TB while in the military and later develop kidney cancer. They responded there is no evidence TB can lead to kidney cancer. Why the hell then have the special form for the application an be expedited? We won the appeal. I help veterans who became alcoholics or drug addicts because of combat duty upgrade their discharge from less than honorable to honorable so the VA will be able to help them with rehab. Do I need to go on? You know how I know you are a coward because you are a small man who attacked a woman with vulgarities and then attacked me without knowing who I am. And if you read the BV you knew everything I do and just chose lying instead.

      Bobby WC - notice a name, how non cowards sign their posts

  3. Good to see this blog take on McHale. About time.

  4. Bobby, enjoyed your post and we can agree to disagree. I don't know where you got your info on my involvement with Bocanegra's campaign and how I hurt his campaign, but let me say that I was merely a supporter who encouraged my network to vote for him and I gave him a small donation, which was the extent of my involvement. How this hurt his campaign? I also supported Phillip Cowen with my network. I am not running for office and am hoping good candidates step up to the plate. I am not looking for perfection in a candidate and I accepted differences, but what I am looking for to support is candidates that are running for the right reasons and is committed to the principal's for good governance. Merry Christmas

  5. Before anyone gets there feathers ruffled, I meant to say First Amendment. My apologies for the error, I know better. I was very into the Trump election impact on the second amendment and it his election means. When I was writing the post, I was thinking First and instead wrote second. Thank you for publishing the post and your understanding, we all make mistakes.

    1. And in your case, MONUMENTAL mistakes over, and over, and over again.

      There isn't enough Raid in the world to stop you from crawling up the drain and getting your greaseball residue all over the damn kitchen counter you roach.
